Use SQL for iOS app and Webpage at once - ios

I 've been thinking about a project for a Website and an iOS app. I have some domains (Webserver) with SQl. It should become sth. like a News-Blog about a special topic.
So I want to ask, if it would be possible to upload an article into SQl and load it to my app and website.
The problem is, that i've never worked with Sql before and have absolutely no knowledge about Sql. The app would be made in Swift and the Blog(Website) with Wordpress.
So, how should I proceed and where do I have to pay attention?
(Sry for my english, but i hope you understood what I want to do)
SQl = MySQL version 5.5.49

you can load data in ios app using REST API.
when you are done with you SQL integration with Wordpress you can use wordpress Web Services plugin for iOS app.
In iOS app you can use Alamofire Web API Framework to handle Web API request.

I don't know if I clearly understood your question but I think that your main concern is to know whether it is possible or not to use a single database to store the data from BOTH your mobile app AND your website.
The answer is yes. The database will be the same, the data is simply displayed in two different views (website or mobile app).
Note that SQL will only be used to get or to add some data in the database.
Wordpress uses SQL to store data, and you can use SQL while you develop your mobile app to store or to get data from the database created by Wordpress.
SQL is the language and MySQL is the DBMS (DataBase Management System), these are two different things, as I think that you are confused about this.


iOS Swift and external SQL databases

I need to Query an online SQL database from an iPhone app. I have been researching and have not been able to find a way to use SQL to directly query my non-local online database from my iOS app.
Is there any way to do this?
Or do you need a web service, restful api using json?
If so, can you lead me in the right direction on creating a web service (or resources that handle that for you)?
I have be trying the same thing and I endet up doing it via a MySQL DataBase on a 1&1 web domain, to Query the DataBase I made a PHP program, using (like you said) JSON to be read by the app. I dont know if that is what you meant if not maybe specifie pls. XD

Apple swift - How can an app connect to existing heroku/S3 database

Im new to iOS and new to SWIFT with no previous experience with Obj-C. But, Im not new to Ruby. I have a web based app on heroku and am beginning to learn SWIFT so I can build an iOS counterpart. I need to wrap my head around the bigger picture before I can get started and I can not figure out how these apps connect to databases.
Can an iOS app connect to an S3 database...and share that database with a website? Is there documentation on this process that I have over looked.
Connecting an iOS app to a public database would really be a bad idea - all server logic should be implemented on the client, and you would also need to hardcode database user name and password in your app.
A better way is to create a server app exposing a set of REST APIs and being responsible of dealing with the database. This way you can better control at server side what the app client is able to do on the database.
If you have an order entry app, for instance, you can create APIs to:
create an order
modify an order
add a contact
delete a contact
Some of the advantages are that:
in case you need to update the logic (but not the API interface), you just need to update the server, whereas in your scenario you'd need to release a new version of the mobile app
you control and limit how client apps access to the data (preventing for instance a user to access another user's orders)
if you want to develop the same app in another platform (android, ...), you reuse the same APIs
To get started, I'd suggest you to read the AFNetworking tutorial on, focused on a ios networking library, but talking about JSON, REST, remote APIs etc.
Next you have to choose a server side technology - the most popular nowadays is node.js - to get started you can read other tutorials on the same website:
if you don't want to use node.js and/or mongodb... the same architecture applies, just languages and technologies differ. Just transpose what you learn from there.
If you want to read about other languages to use at server side, just google for it - if you want to use ruby, try with ios rest api server ruby.
Note: I made no mention of swift because your question looks more like an architectural problem than a language specific problem. The tutorials I mentioned here use objective-c, once you've designed an architecture and chosen the language at server side, you can start looking into how to call REST API from swift.

How to update iOS SQLite database from website form?

I have been working on iOS application for sometime, and I am using Core Data to manage the SQLite database for the application. The users of the application can update the data associated with their account using the application, but I would like to create a simple web form where users could update certain information asosciated with their account. Basically I would like a user to be able to access a web adress from their personal smartphone or computer, login, then update information asociated with the account stored on the iOS device. What are the possible solutions I could use to accomplish this?
Breaking down your question:
Currently you have an iOS app which uses a local SQLite DB to store data
You want to let users update information in this DB remotely (i.e, via a web site)
Unfortunately to do this you're going to need to make some significant changes to how your app works. This is because it's impractical - if not nearly impossible - to do this kind of thing and keep the database local to your device.
The standard way of achieving this would be to store your database remotely on a web server, and then have both your app and your web form interact with this server to retrieve and update data.
There are lots of different ways to do this. Fundamentally, you'll need a server running a database, and a web service to access it. You could implement this yourself, using something like MySQL or PostgreSQL, along with a language of your choosing (Ruby, PHP, Node, etc). Another option is to use one of several 'backend as a service' providers. These are companies that provide 'out of the box' backend functionality for mobile apps. Two popular providers are Parse (owned by Facebook) and Stackmob.
Whether you choose to do it yourself or use a backend provider will depend on how confident you are. It's not an especially hard or tricky thing to put together on your own, but there are several common pitfalls you're likely to encounter.

the reason not to access directly from xcode to mssql?

I am planning to build an iOS app with using DB(Ms-Sql).
However, people recommends not to access DB from Xcode.
They recommend me to use php or asp for accessing db through a webpage.
I want to know the reason.
Also I am going to use DB only for (view) select line (not insert, update nor delete).
so is it possible to access directly to db for viewing purpose only?
thank you
It's generally bad for an application (mobile, web, any client) to directly have access to any database for security issues. Clients really should not be accessing the database, which is often holding very private/secure data. It opens up vulnerabilities (i.e., sql injection attack).
A set of web services written in php or java or some back-end technology is a more secure, scalable system. These web services can connect to the database and retrieve data. Your iOS application can call the web services and receive the data..for example in the form of XML or JSON.

Accessing an external SQL database in iOS

I am writing an iOS application that needs to access data from an external SQL Server 2005 database. I already have a website that accesses the same data.
I usually access the SQL server database using .NET along with stored procedures for security reasons.
I need to populate an array that will itself populate another TableViewController.
As I'm fairly new to the whole iOS thing, kindly let me know how I can do this. If it's possible, please suggest the syntax or Google keywords for this.
I'd recommend making a simple WCF .NET REST Service that queries your database and returns what you need.
I'm pretty sure your iOS app will not be able to connect to it directly.
Check out the following;
The code project tutorial is very easy to follow. And you can download the project code.
It sounds like you will want to make an API to access your database and you can access it through web requests. Essentially you will be performing web requests and respond from your site in json or xml where within your iOS client side code you can parse that and do what you need with it.
