Tables for orders - ruby-on-rails

I'm having a very difficult time setting up model/table relationships for a hobby project I'm working on. What I have is an order, the order will have one or many packages, each package has one or many products, each product will have one area it is assigned to. There can be multiple of the same product on the order and in the same package but each will have a different area
and a different quantity. I'm struggling to determine how the relationships are set up.
At the end of the day I need to run a report that shows me the order details listing all packages on the order and all the products and areas contained in each package. I also need a report that shows me the order and a sum of all the quantities for each product on the order (no packages on this one). I'm using Rails ActiveRecord I think believe there will be a couple polymorphic relationships, but I'm struggling to identify them as this is outside of my simple "everything has a one-to-many relationship" thinking.
How can I put these tables together in an intelligent manner? I have searched for similar schema diagrams without much success.
This is the basics of what I am thinking of for relationships, but I'm not sure what the Rails models will look like. It seems like every relationship from orders down is polymorphic; how do I nest these relationships in Rails?

I think you need some JOIN tables.
An Order can have many Products; a Product can be added to many Orders.
In that case you'd have a JOIN table that would have two columns: primary keys for Order and Product. The two together would be a composite primary key.
I don't know what Area means in your schema, but perhaps this suggestion will break the mental logjam for you.


Perform a join on two Rails models implementing single table inheritence

I have three models, let's call them Product, TemplateProduct and ReadyProduct. There is only one table for these, the products table, and both TemplateProduct and ReadyProduct inherit from the Product model. There is a has_many/belongs_to association between TemplateProduct and ReadyProduct. Templates are used to lay out general characteristics for products, Readys are used to customize the products and what are actually made available for view by the customer. Each TemplateProduct has an id and each ReadyProduct has a template_product_id which ties to it's template.
The project is built using Rails 5.
What I want to be able to do is to gather a list of TemplateProducts, then get a count of each templates associated ReadyProducts and do so in such a way that won't hammer the database. I understand ActiveRecord associations but my SQL is weak and I have only a limited understanding of joins. I can gather a list of TemplateProducts with a simple Product.where(conditions) but I don't know what to once I have this. For the sake of flexability sake I want to be able to base my ReadyProduct count off of this initial collection as sometimes I'll need the additional count and sometimes I won't. I'm sure there must be a simple way to do this but I haven't found a solution.
If you just need a mapping of TemplateProduct ids to ReadyProduct counts, then all you need is:
If you want TemplateProduct instances with a baked in ReadyProduct count, then you'll need this instead:
tps = TemplateProduct.joins(:ready_products).select('products.*, COUNT( ready_product_count').group(:id)
#=> 6
ready_products_products gets defined by Rails, it prefixes the actual table name (products) with the model name's "table form" (pluralized, snake case, lower case, ready_products), joined with an underscore.

How to handle product/subproduct in Rails 4

I am making a proof of concept for an app, using Rails 4 and Postgresql. I am thinking on the best way to handle the relation between Products and SubProducts.
A Product have a name, a description... and a SubProduct could have multiple fields too.
A Product have many SubProduct, a SubProduct belongs to one Product.
I have some Products and SubProducts with hundreds of fields. So I think it is best to not use STI to avoid thousands of null value.
Also I am working with remote designers, I would like to keep it simple for them. So when they want to display the value of a field from a sub product, they would write something like (from Product table) or #product.whatever (field from SubProduct table).
My question is how to handle this ? For the moment, I was thinking to delete the Products table and to make multiple SELECT to db, one for each SubProducts table. But maybe there is a solution to keep the Products table ? Or maybe I can take advantage of table inheritance from Postgresql ?
Thank you :-)
Are the hundreds of fields all different for each subproduct? (As you mentioned, "sparse" attributes can lead to lots of nulls.)
This brings to mind an entity-attribute-value model, as described here:
Here's a presentation with one organization's solution (key/value hstore):
This can quickly get very complicated, and makes things like search much more challenging.
And if there are many variations, this also brings to mind a semi-structured, document-oriented or "NoSQL" design.

One polymorphic association vs many through/HABTM associations

I am working on a project that currently has tons of HABTM associations. Essentially, everything is related to everything else. I am considering setting up a single intermediate table/model that has two polymorphic fields. This way, if I add another model I can easily connect it to the remaining models. Is this a good idea? If not, why not? If it is, why don't all rails projects have this kind of intermediate table?
I see two other options. I could keep adding intermediate tables or I could add a table that contains one of each type. The former option is kind of a hassle and the latter option does not allow for self joins.
While a polymorphic join table sounds like it would make things easier, I think you will end up creating more headache for yourself than it's worth. Here are a few potential challenges/problems off the top of my head:
You will not be able to use ActiveRecord's has_and_belongs_to_many association or related helpers without a ton of hacking/monkeypatching which will immediately eclipse the time it would take to setup individual pairwise link tables.
Your join table will have two id columns, let's call them a_id and b_id. For any given pair of models you will have to ensure that the ids always end up in the same column.
Example: If you have two models called User and Role, you would have to ensure for that pair that the user_id is always stored in col a_id and the role_id is always stored in col b_id, otherwise you will not be able to index the table in any kind of meaningful way (and will run the risk of defining the same relationship twice).
If you ever want to use database enforcement of FOREIGN KEY constraints it is unlikely that this polymorphic link table scheme will be supported.
The universal link table will get n times larger than n separate link tables. It shouldn't matter much with good indexing but as your application and data grow this could become a headache and limit some of your options in regards to scaling. Give your DB a break.
Most or least importantly (I can't decide) you will be bucking the norm which means a lot fewer (if any) resources out there to help you when you run into trouble. Basically the Adam Sandler "they're all gonna laugh at you" rationale.
Last thought: Can you eliminate any of the link tables by using has_many :xxx, :through => :xxx relationships?
Thinking it all through, you could actually do this, but I wouldn't. Join tables grow fast enough as it is and i like to keep model relationships simple and easy to alter.
I'm used to working on very large systems / data sets though, so if you're going going to have much in each join then ok. I'd still do it separately for joins however and i really like my polymorphics.
I think it would be cleaner and more flexible if you were to use multiple join tables as opposed to one giant multipurpose join table.

SQL Relationships

I'm using MS SQL Server 2008R2, but I believe this is database agnostic.
I'm redesigning some of my sql structure, and I'm looking for the best way to set up 1 to many relationships.
I have 3 tables, Companies, Suppliers and Utilities, any of these can have a 1 to many relationship with another table called VanInfo.
A van info record can either belong to a company, supplier or utility.
I originally had a company_id in the VanInfo table that pointed to the company table, but then when I added suppliers, they needed vaninfo records as well, so I added another column in VanInfo for supplier_id, and set a constraint that either supplier_id or company_id was set and the other was null.
Now I've added Utilities, and now they need access to the VanInfo table, and I'm realizing that this is not the optimum structure.
What would be the proper way of setting up these relationships? Or should I just continue adding foreign keys to the VanInfo table? or set up some sort of cross reference table.
The application isn't technically live yet, but I want to make sure that this is set up using the best possible practices.
Thank you for all the quick responses.
I've read all the suggestions, checked out all the links. My main criteria is something that would be easy to modify and maintain as clients requirements always tend to change without a lot of notice. After studying, research and planning, I'm thinking it is best to go with a cross reference table of sorts named Organizations, and 1 to 1 relationships between Companies/Utilities/Suppliers and the Organizations table, allowing a clean relationship to the Vaninfo table. This is going to be easy to maintain and still properly model my business objects.
With your example I would always go for 'some sort of cross reference table' - adding columns to the VanInfo table smells.
Ultimately you'll have more joins in your SP's but I think the overhead is worth it.
When you design a database you should not think about where the primary/foreign key goes because those are concepts that doesn’t belong to the design stage. I know it sound weird but you should not think about tables as well ! (you could implement your E/R model using XML/Files/Whatever
Sticking to E/R relationship design you should just indentify your entity (in your case Company/supplier/utilities/vanInfo) and then think about what kind of relationship there is between them(if there are any). For example you said the company can have one or more VanInfo but the Van Info can belong only to one Company. We are talking about a one – to- many relationship as you have already guessed. At this point when you “convert” you design model (a one-to many relationship) to a Database table you will know where to put the keys/ foreign keys. In the case of a one-to-Many relationship the foreign key should go to the “Many” side. In this case the van info will have a foreign keys to company (so the vaninfo table will contain the company id) . You have to follow this way for all the others tables
Have a look at the link below:
Consider making Com, Sup and Util PKs a GUID, this should be enough to solve the problem. However this sutiation may be a good indicator of poor database design, but to propose a different solution one should know more broad database context, i.e. that you are trying to achive. To me this seems like a VanInfo should be just a separate entity for each of the tables (yes, exact duplicate like Com_VanInfo, Sup_VanInfo etc), unless VanInfo isn't shared between this entities (then relationships should be inverted, i.e. Com, Sup and Util should contain FK for VanInfo).
Your database basically need normalization and I think you're database should be on its fifth normal form where you have two tables linked by one table. Please see this article, this will help you:
You may also want to see this, database normalization:

Single Inheritance or Polymorphic?

I'm programming a website that allows users to post classified ads with detailed fields for different types of items they are selling. However, I have a question about the best database schema.
The site features many categories (eg. Cars, Computers, Cameras) and each category of ads have their own distinct fields. For example, Cars have attributes such as number of doors, make, model, and horsepower while Computers have attributes such as CPU, RAM, Motherboard Model, etc.
Now since they are all listings, I was thinking of a polymorphic approach, creating a parent LISTINGS table and a different child table for each of the different categories (COMPUTERS, CARS, CAMERAS). Each child table will have a listing_id that will link back to the LISTINGS TABLE. So when a listing is fetched, it would fetch a row from LISTINGS joined by the linked row in the associated child table.
Now, is this schema a good design pattern or are there better ways to do this?
I considered single inheritance but quickly brushed off the thought because the table will get too large too quickly, but then another dilemma came to mind - if the user does a global search on all the listings, then that means I will have to query each child table separately. What happens if I have over 100 different categories, wouldn't it be inefficient?
I also thought of another approach where there is a master table (meta table) that defines the fields in each category and a field table that stores the field values of each listing, but would that go against database normalization?
How would sites like Kijiji do it?
Your database design is fine. No reason to change what you've got. I've seen the search done a few ways. One is to have your search stored procedure join all the tables you need to search across and index the columns to be searched. The second way I've seen it done which worked pretty well was to have a table that is only used for search which gets a copy of whatever fields that need to be searched. Then you would put triggers on those fields and update the search table.
They both have drawbacks but I preferred the first to the second.
You need the following tables.
- Id
- Description
- CategoryId
- ListingId
With this cross reference model you can join all your listings for a given category during search. Then add a little dynamic sql (because it's easier to understand) and build up your query to include the field(s) you want to search against and call execute on your query.
That's it.
This seems to be a little bigger discussion that we can fin in these comment boxes. But, anything we would discuss can be understood by reading the following post.
It is really complete and shows you more than 1 way of doing it with pro's and cons.
Good luck.
I think the design you have chosen will be good for the scenario you just described. Though I'm not sure if the sub class tables should have their own ID. Since a CAR is a Listing, it makes sense that the values are from the same "domain".
In the typical classified ads site, the data for an ad is written once and then is basically read-only. You can exploit this and store the data in a second set of tables that are more optimized for searching in just the way you want the users to search. Also, the search problem only really exists for a "general" search. Once the user picks a certain type of ad, you can switch to the sub class tables in order to do more advanced search (RAM > 4gb, cpu = overpowered).
