Umbraco Site Deployment - umbraco

I've an umbraco site which is currently on my localhost IIS..
I've see several hosting and it's have different price plan between umbraco hosting and the asp mvc site hosting..
To make my site live, are I need to choose the umbraco hosting plan, because my logic thing on local my umbraco site work normally in IIS without additional IIS plugin or setup.. So I can just choose the general asp mvc site hosting
I'm new to umbraco and this is my first time deploy an umbraco site..
Any idea guys? Thanks

Umbraco will run on any standard IIS based hosting that supports .Net and SQL Server. If you're using a SQL CE database rather than full SQL Server (or MySQL), you'll need to make sure that your host supports that too.

Also, ensure your hosting provider supports Medium trust and generally not Shared Server, although I have heard users getting this going.
If its within your budget buying a VM Server and handling the hosting provides total control over the environment.
Have you looked at Umbraco Cloud?


Uploading MVC site to server

I've built an .NET MVC4 website using C#, and now I want to upload it to the internet.
I've never uploaded any website so I don't really know what steps I need to do.
Does it matter what kind of server to use, because when I run the website through VS2012 I can see it runs with IIS express, but then I realized there are several kinds of servers, like apache. Do I need specific kind of server?
And what about domain? what is the difference between domain and server.
You will need IIS for running .NET applications. Apache is more suited for Java, PHP and other languages.
The server/hosting is the space where you upload your project files.
The domain or ip address is what in put in your browser bar to be able to access your application. (Ex: is a domain which is pointing to some server where the google site is hosted).Unless you want to access your application by typing the ip address of the server in the browser you need to buy a domain.
Take a look here for a more detailed explanation:
Many web hosting providers allow you to buy a domain when purchasing the hosting serivce but you can buy it separatly and then point it to the ip address of your server.
I dont know many about WIndows web hosting providers but you might start looking in the Microsoft website:
In your case you need to choose a hosting provider which supports MVC4.
Then you need to upload your project to the server. Take a look here:
Your server should come with an FTP account configured. You can use it to upload your files.
A domain is only a address in the internet which allows people to find certain places like an adress in a city.
So in order to make people find your stuff on the internet you have to have it a domain name.
It's the <----domain name
The other thing is the type of Server you need apache is also a server but in most cases it is used with java applications. What you need to do is to find a server which supports C# code and
type in .net hosting in google and you will find a lot hosters where you can register domain name for your C# code
step 1: Buy domain from website like Godaddy, net4 india etc
Step 2: Buy windows hosting to host MVC Application from web hosting like Godaddy, net4 india etc. Please buy latest framework hosting
Step 3: Build application using MVC(any version)
Step 4: Upload the published files to FTP.
Run the application.

Windows Azure + Asp.Net MVC + E-Commerce

I will developp and host an e-commerce website based on Asp.Net MVC4 (with several SQL Server Jobs).
I think use Azure in order to stay in Microsoft's world and avoid dedicated server management.
The package Web Site Shared with 1 site / 5Go SQL Server Database / 200Go Bandwidth is very interesting with the price based on 12 months.
But i don't know if this configuration is enough specially on the bandwidth.
What do you think of ? Did you use Azure with this type of application ?
If you want to develop E-Commerce application you will have to secure customers' sensitive data i.e. credit cards, address details etc. via secure connections (HTTPS; in many countries this is legal requirement). For that reason you will have to have SSL support.
Azure Website do not support SSL for custom domains. However, they support SSL for * DNS name. So if your E-Commerce application DNS will be, say, then it's fine. Otherwise, I would not recommend Azure Website solution yet (I am sure SSL support for custom domains on Azure Website will be implemented).
Azure Cloud Services, on the other had, have full support of SSL for custom domains.
One of the really good websites to check Azure features and development roadmap is ScottGu's Blog
Azure Web Sites do not support SSL and I really don't know of any successful e-commerce site that does not run SSL for at least part of the website. If you really want to host your e-commerce on Azure today your only real choice is to run Virtual Machines for your web front end servers and use them for your DB or use SQL Azure.
We developed platform called Virto Commerce that does just that, MVC4 website hosted on Azure. There was also a need for SQL Jobs (indexing, payment processing, cart cleanups and so on) for which we used WorkerRole (instead of WebRole). WorkerRole and WebRole can actually be combined as part of a single deployment, however it is better to use a different instance for worker roles. In our case WorkerRole acted as a scheduler for multiple jobs defined in the database.
The challenge with WorkerRoles however is to make sure they scale well when new instances are added. So the workload needs to be distributed between multiple instances. This is done through the use of queues and blob locks, where each job is now split into two, one that schedules and partitions the work and the second that actually picks up the next partition and completes it.
Hope this helps!
PS: Virto Commerce is now available as an open source project on codeplex, go to

How to run Wordpress with MVC app as virtual on Azure

I'm wondering how to run a Wordpress and virtual MVC application under the WP on Azure. I found a lot of articles about this but it is not working and Azure SDK is changing all the time, there is no actual informations.
Am I able to connect to the Azure Web Role IIS server remotely?
If you have any questions, please ask before answering.
Update by Jim O'Neil comment
Yes I mean ASP.NET MVC. "Not working" means taht WP on Azure by this and ASP.NET MVC app works separatelly but together doeasn't. When I try add ASP .NET MVC as VirtualApplication by this tutrial VM on Azure is always in Busy state.
I need have an WP deployed on my domain and ASP.NET MVC app at This should work on the Azure platform and could be reached by Virtual application feature of IIS. Then I hope that the Azure Web role is usable for this.
Do you have any idea?
If you really want to run wordpress website as and ASP.NET MVC app as then you could need to be little more creative to get it working. It is a doable task but need good understanding of Windows Azure platform, how Web Role works as well as PHP/WordPress knowledge.
I can point out some ideas on how you could do it but you would need to venture out to try and test. What you really need to create a ASP.NET Web Role with PHP support and have Wordpress configured to it. This could be done at runtime or you can put together worldpress along with the PHP itself so when you deploy your application whole wordpress is configured as package. Now in the same web role you add virtual diurectory and have MVC app running as application there.
Keep in mind that whole web role will have one single web.config so you would need to make it work with both ASP.NET PHP application and then MVC application. Tough task to handle these two and will take time to put together.
The other easier option is to have PHP running inside a ASP.NET MVC application and in the PHP folder setup your Wordpress application. This setup is easily configurable but it will change the location for wordpress and MVC app other way around.
Overall I really think you should rethink what you really want at the last because your objective just does not match with a need to have wordpress and ASP.NET MVC running together. If you just want to try for experiment, it sure is a great project and make you learn a lot.
This question is asked earlier # SO also but had same response i.e why?
I am not sure about on azure, but on IIS7 we have WP and the URL Rewriter setup as the default website and then deploy and ASP apps to virtual directories and turn off the URL Rewriter in those subdirectories. Works beautifully. Downside is that PHP runs like a dog on IIS compared to ASP/ We are switching to using WP on LAMP and then continuing to run our ASP/.net apps on IIS7. Downside is that the WP after switch over may effect our SEO a little. IIS is www and WP will be ww3.
You might check your URL Rewrite rules if any.
You can create a website in Azure using a wordpress template VM.
You can also use which has an image available in Azure, this means you can use a SQL database rather than a MYSQL database which may help.
You can have one VM being your MVC app pointing to and you could have the worpress in a separate VM with say
This would make maintenance easier I think

Windows Azure & ASP.NET MVC site deployed on it?

is it possible to deploy MVC site on windows AZURE platform? I understand we can deploy a WCF service, but what about full site? Will it work? Will it scale (i.e. load balance)?
We're having a project to develop - a donation site, which will be advertised a lot and will receive a lot of traffic. I do want to try AZURE, but is it possible for AZURE to run the full mvc site?
Yes - you just need to make sure that MVC dlls are copied to bin folder and MVC project is added as a web role.
Here's a tutorial.
Also take a look here:
PS. Remember about Azure prices.
As others mentioned, MVC2 sites are totally OK for Azure. Your second question: will it scale (auto-balance) needs more explanation:
If you have more then one compute instance (VM) allocated to your application, MVC2 site will auto-balance provided you haven't made any mistakes with keeping session-information inside the URLs.
However, if you want to automatically adjust the number of compute instances per load on the site, you will either have to write the scaling logic yourself (check this site to get started ) or use a third-party scaling engine like #

Is it possible to deploy Sharepoint.dll to a server not running MOSS 2007

I have a web service app - that I need to connect to a MOSS server.
for example:
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(this.SiteAddress ))
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
MOSS is not running on the same server as this web service app. Should this be a problem trying to use the object model. Or do I really have to go the web service route?
As far as I know you need SharePoint installed to use the object model (you may be able to fudge it, but I wouldn't fancy your chances :-)). You options are to either use the built in SharePoint webservices, expose your own "friendly" service and consume it from your other server or move your webservice to the Sharepoint box.
At the very minimum you will need to deploy Microsoft.SharePoint.dll to the machine hosting the web service. If it does require MOSS classes (the one's you've listed only require WSS) then you will also need to deploy the MOSS assembly (I believe it's Microsoft.Office.Server.dll). After that, it's going to become a deploy and pray situation in my experience :)
