LINQ JOIN with WHERE condition -

I have a problem with the creation of LINQ query with lambda expression. I need join two tables and make some conditions. I have two tables MSR and BOMDetail.
MSR had theese columns -> MSRID, PN, Buyer,Plant EditDate.
BomDetail had theese columns -> BOMID, PN, AltQty, Plant, EditDate.
And i need to write this query into LINQ.
JOIN BomDetail bd ON MSR.PN = bd.PN AND MSR.Plant = bd.Plant
WHERE LEN(ISNULL(bd.AltQty,''))>0
I need to make 2 conditions PN must equals between tables and Plant's too.
I have for result ViewModel in MVC.
public class MSRViewModel
public string PN { get; set; }
public string Buyer { get; set; }
public string Plant { get; set; }
public DateTime EditDate { get; set; }
And here is my sample, it works fine, but i don't know where i must write the second condition for bd.Plant = MSR.Plant.
var data = DbContext.BomDetails.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.AltQty))
, bd => bd.PN,
msr => msr.PN,
(bd, msr) => new MSRViewModel
PN = msr.PN,
Buyer = msr.Buyer,
Plant = msr.Plant,
EditDate = msr.EditDate

You can do this as follows:
var data = DbContext.BomDetails.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.AltQty))
, bd => new { bd.PN, bd.Plant },
msr => new { msr.PN, msr.Plant },
(bd, msr) => new MSRViewModel
PN = msr.PN,
Buyer = msr.Buyer,
Plant = msr.Plant,
EditDate = msr.EditDate


How do I take last n elements from nested collection

I am buinding a chat for an application, so when a user logs in I need to send them all 'unseen' messages, I am using entityframework, Id like to return only the last 20 unseen messages. but my query is not working, currently I get this exception
Count must be a DbConstantExpression or a DbParameterReferenceExpression
what am I doing wrong?
List<ChatVM> unSeenChats = db.Chats.Where(chat => !chat.Seen)
.Select(chat => new ChatVM
Id = chat.Id,
IsAnnonymous = chat.IsAnnonymous,
UserName = chat.UserName,
Messages = chat.Messages
.OrderBy(x => x.DateTime)
.Skip(chat.Messages.Count - 20 > 0
? chat.Messages.Count - 20
: 0)
.Select(message => new MessageVM
Id = message.Id,
DateTime = message.DateTime,
Text = message.Text
my models are as follows:
public class Chat
public virtual ICollection<Message> Messages { get; set; }
public class Message
public int ChatId { get; set; }
public virtual Chat Chat { get; set; }
public class Entities : IdentityDbContext<ApplicationUser>
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
.HasRequired(p => p.Chat).WithMany(p => p.Messages).WillCascadeOnDelete(true);
I don't think you're allowed to use .Count from within the query (hence the error that you're seeing). In any case, I think you're looking at this from the wrong perspective. You should probably be using the OrderByDescending method, and then just grab the first 20 posts from there.
Something like this:
List<ChatVM> unSeenChats = db.Chats.Where(chat => !chat.Seen)
.Select(chat => new ChatVM
Id = chat.Id,
IsAnnonymous = chat.IsAnnonymous,
UserName = chat.UserName,
Messages = chat.Messages
.OrderByDescending(x => x.DateTime)
.Select(message => new MessageVM
Id = message.Id,
DateTime = message.DateTime,
Text = message.Text

Neo4jClient: How to deserialize a collect result to a c# class

I have a query where I want only Id and name of the collection back to reduce the network traffic. I am able to get what i want from the database with the following part of the query
ShipToCities = Return.As<IEnumerable<string>>("COLLECT( [shipTo.InternalId, shipTo.Name])")
but the issue is i get back the data like this:
[ [ "IN.KA.MANG", "Mangalore" ], [ "IN.KA.MANG", "Mangalore" ], [ "IN.KA.BANG", "Bangalore" ] ]
but how can I map it to a C# object like
public class CityFound
public string CityId { get; set; }
public string CityName { get; set; }
is there a way to use some converter to achieve this without me having to use some ugly string manipulation myself?
Actually my query is fairly complex and only way to get the data that I can think of is to handcraft the query like below to reduce the :
//selectedLoadQuery below is a complex query based on user selection...
var query = selectedLoadQuery
.With("load, transporter, shipper, user, count(DISTINCT r) as MyClients")
.With("p, load, shipFrom, shipTo, transporter, MyClients")
.Return((load, shipFrom, shipTo) => new
TotalShipments = load.CountDistinct(),
FromMyClients = Return.As<long>("MyClients"),
ShipFromCities = Return.As<IEnumerable<string>>("COLLECT( [shipFrom.InternalId, shipFrom.Name])"),
ShipToCities = Return.As<IEnumerable<string>>("COLLECT( [shipTo.InternalId, shipTo.Name])"),
You don't need to get so creative. You're only getting into this issue because you're hand crafting such a complex query that flattens out the structure of the data.
Create a class that describes what's in the node:
public class ShippingDestination
public long InternalId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
Use this to light up the following syntax in your Return statement:
var cities = graphClient
.Return(shipTo => new {
Id = shipTo.As<ShippingDestination>().InternalId,
Name = shipTo.As<ShippingDestination>().Name,

Custom grid using Telerik pluggin in nopcommerce 2.8

Iam working on nopcommerce2.8 version. I have a problem with telerik plugin implementation to create new grid.
Iam implementing a concept where for a product i want to give different price for different customer. So to assign new price for different customers, in admin panel i am creating a grid in edit productvariant page using telerik. I have created a new tab to display these details. Iam able to display customer name and price in grid, but i am not able to call update function, when i click on update button after editing a row. The same update function i called for Deleting the grid row also, so when i click on delete the same update function getting trigger. I think some setting has been missed in View. Please help me to solve this update issue.
The model, view and controller of my nopcommerce in given below.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using FluentValidation.Attributes;
using Nop.Admin.Models.Customers;
using Nop.Admin.Validators.Catalog;
using Nop.Web.Framework;
using Nop.Web.Framework.Localization;
using Nop.Web.Framework.Mvc;
using Telerik.Web.Mvc;
namespace Nop.Admin.Models.Catalog
public partial class CustomerProductPriceModel : BaseNopModel
public int Customer_Id { get; set; }
[NopResourceDisplayName("Customer Name")]
public string Customer_name { get; set; }
public decimal Price { get; set; }
public string Units { get; set; }
// view
.DataKeys(x =>
x.Add(y => y.Customer_Id);
.DataBinding(dataBinding =>
.Select("CustomerProductPriceList", "ProductVariant", new { productVariantId = Model.Id })
.Update("CustomerPriceUpdate", "ProductVariant", new { productVariantId = Model.Id })
.Delete("CustomerPriceUpdate", "ProductVariant", new { productVariantId = Model.Id });
.Columns(columns =>
columns.Bound(y => y.Customer_name).Width(200).ReadOnly();
columns.Bound(y => y.Price).Width(100);
columns.Command(commands =>
.Editable(x =>
// controller
[GridAction(EnableCustomBinding = true)]
public ActionResult CustomerPriceUpdate(GridCommand command, CustomerProductPriceModel model, int productVariantId)
if (!_permissionService.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.ManageCatalog))
return AccessDeniedView();
return CustomerProductPriceList(command, productVariantId);
[HttpPost, GridAction(EnableCustomBinding = true)]
public ActionResult CustomerProductPriceList(GridCommand command, int productVariantId)
if (!_permissionService.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.ManageCatalog))
return AccessDeniedView();
var productVariant = _productService.GetProductVariantById(productVariantId);
if (productVariant == null)
throw new ArgumentException("No product variant found with the specified id");
var CustomerPrices = PrepareCustomerProductPriceModel(productVariant.Product.Id);
var CustomerPricesa = CustomerPrices
.Select(x =>
return new CustomerProductPriceModel()
Customer_Id = x.Customer_Id,
Price = x.Price,
Units = x.Units,
Customer_name = x.Customer_name
var model = new GridModel<CustomerProductPriceModel>
Data = CustomerPricesa,
Total = CustomerPrices.Count
return new JsonResult
Data = model
Is there a reason not to use the built-in customer price levels already in place in nopCommerce, or are you wanting to display all prices at once?

selecting multiple columns and looping through the selected rows

I want to be able to select multiple columns and loop through the retrieved rows and store the selected fields in a string.
Something like select a.firstname, a.lastname from customer where = '123' and loop through the retireved rows and have them write to a string like
FirstName = John; LastName = Doe
FirstName = Steve; LastName = Smith
I have linq statement as
IList<string> strgradeandbatch = new List<string>();
strgradeandbatch = context.GradeAndBatches
.Where(T => T.RequestGuid == request.ItemGuid)
.Select(T => new{T.GradeName, T.Batch}).ToList();
Obviously this is wrong, and not sure how to do it.Thanks for your help in advance
I think you are almost correct. Just remove IList<string> strgradeandbatch = new List<string>() and use anonymous type var strgradeandbatch.
string GradeName, Batch;
var strgradeandbatch = context.GradeAndBatches
.Where(T => T.RequestGuid == request.ItemGuid)
.Select(T => new{T.GradeName, T.Batch}).ToList();
foreach(var item in strgradeandbatch)
GradeName = item.GradeName;
Batch = item.Batch;
(Note:If you use anonymous type, you can't return this value from the method)
The Select method projects the query results into a list of an anonymous type objects, so it can be used with a list for strings.
One solution is to create a new class
public class Grade
public string GradeName {get; set;}
public string Batch {get; set;}
Which is going to be used with the Select method
var strgradeandbatch = context.GradeAndBatches
.Where(T => T.RequestGuid == request.ItemGuid)
.Select(T => new Grade
GradeName = T.GradeName,
Batch = T.Batch

Mixing local list operations with linq to entities database operations

I have 2 lists. A shopping cart list, which contains a objects with the properties; Quantity and ProductId. I then get all products from the repository (IQueryable) that has ProductId in the shopping cart list. This means that for every product, there is a shopping cart object with the Quantity related to it.
When doing the select, I want to assign this Quantity also, but the only way I know to do this is to query the cart again.
For egx.
model = (from p in productService.GetAllProducts()
where cart.Entries.Select(c => c.ProductId).Contains(p.ProductId)
select new CartViewItem
Price = p.Price,
ProductId = p.ProductId,
ProductName = p.ProductName,
Quantity = cart.Entries.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ProductId == p.ProductId).Quantity
public class ShoppingCartEntry
public int ProductId { get; set; }
public int Quantity { get; set; }
cart.Entries is not coming from a repository. productService.GetAllProducts() returns an entityframework's IQueryable.
EDIT: My new code is:
model= (from p in productService.GetAllProducts()
from c in cart.Entries
where c.ProductId == p.ProductId
select new CartViewItem
Price = p.Price,
ProductId = p.ProductId,
ProductName = p.ProductName,
Quantity = c.Quantity
This throws an error:
Unable to create a constant value of type 'SampleApp.WebUI.Models.ShoppingCartEntry'. Only primitive types ('such as Int32, String, and Guid') are supported in this context.
i think this should work...
var model = (from c in cart.Entires // The small local cart collection
let cpid = cart.Entires.Select(c2 => c2.ProjectId) //
from p in productService.GetAllProducts() // Query all Products used in cart
.Where(queryp => cpid.Contains(queryp.ProjectId)).ToList()
where p.ProductId == c.ProductId
select new CartViewItem {
Discount = p.DiscountPercent * c.Quantity}).ToList();
