Back-reference neo4j - neo4j

Can I use some back-reference sort of mechanism in neo4j? I'm not interested in what matches the query, just that it is the same thing in many places. Something like:
MATCH (a:Event {diagnosis1:11})
MATCH (b:Event {diagnosis1:15})
MATCH (c:Event {diagnosis1:5})
MATCH (a)-[rel:Next {PatientID:*}]->(b)
MATCH (b)-[rel1:Next {PatientID:\{1}]->(c)
The idea is that I just require the attribute IDs from both edges to be the same, without specifying it. The whole purpose of it would be not generating all possible matchings, to then filter them, but only hop in the specific places.
I've asked something similar in a more specific way here.
Edit: I know WHERE clauses can be used for that, but they filter the query AFTER matching the edges and nodes. I want to do that DURING the matching!

Use a WHERE clause with simple references, there's no need for back references:
MATCH (a)-[rel:Next]->(b)
MATCH (b)-[rel1:Next]->(c)
WHERE rel.PatientID = rel1.PatientID
First of all, Cypher is a declarative query language: you express what you want, the runtime takes care of executing and optimizing it any way it can, so it's not that obvious that it would do it the way you think it will, or that using "back references" would magically solve the problem; it's just another way of writing the same thing.
So, your problem is that the match creates all the relationship pairs before filtering them. How about splitting the match in 2 phases using WITH?
MATCH (a:Event {diagnosis1:11})-[rel:Next]->(b:Event {diagnosis1:15})
WITH a, b, rel
MATCH (b)-[rel1:Next]->(c:Event {diagnosis1:5})
WHERE rel1.PatientID = rel.PatientID
That should only select the second relationships that match the first, but I'm not sure if it's an O(n^2) algorithm in Cypher's runtime.
Otherwise, if you drop to the Java API (which would mean either an extension or a procedure, depending on your version of Neo4j), you can probably implement in O(n) by
scanning all the relationships between a and b, indexing them by PatientID in some multimap (see Guava, or use a Map<K, Collection<V>>); this is O(n)
then doing the same for all the relationships between b and c, still O(n)
iterate on the keys of one multimap to get the values in both and match them, still O(n)


Neo4j WHERE NOT clause for different nodes not working

I will explain briefly my query:
match (a)-[:requires]-(b),
where not b = h
return distinct a, b
My wish is to return all (a)-[:requires]-(b) patterns (where a is somehow a subclass of Host_configuration but b is not a subclass of Host.
This query however returns also nodes that actually are subclasses of Host
I don't want to retrieve all a elements connected to b elements that are not tied to Host. I want to retrieve all patterns between a and b that are not like (a)-[:requires]-(h)
Try this query:
match (a)-[:requires]-(b),
where not (b)-[:instanceOf]->(z)<-[:superclassOf*]-(:Host)
return distinct a, b
It's possible to directly update the where clause with the path you want to exclude. You can define the where clause to exclude b where it is a subclass of Host.
I believe you should care about the direction of the (a)-[:requires]-(b) pattern. If you do not specify a direction, you would not know who requires whom AND you might also get the same node pair twice (in opposite orders). In my answer, I assume you meant (a)-[:requires]->(b), but you can easily reverse the direction if need be.
For efficiency, you should perform both instanceOf/superclassOf tests using path patterns in a WHERE clause. Such a path pattern just checks for a single match before succeeding, and does not bother to expend the resources to hunt down all possible matches. (By the way, a path pattern in a WHERE clause cannot introduce new variables.)
Once the above issues are taken care of, your MATCH clause would just be MATCH (a)-[:requires]->(b), and any given a/b pair would only be found once (as long as your DB has at most one requires relationship going from a given node to another given node). So that should mean that your RETURN clause can omit the DISTINCT option, which would be more efficient.
So, this may work better for you:
MATCH (a)-[:requires]->(b)
(a)-[:instanceOf]->()<-[:superclassOf*]-(:Host_configuration) AND
NOT (b)-[:instanceOf]->()<-[:superclassOf*]-(:Host)
By the way, it would also be more efficient for the MATCH clause to specify the node labels for a and b, so that the DB does not have to scan every node in the DB. I have not done that in my answer.

Discarding the nodes we're collecting over

We find writing and maintaining Cypher queries to be a bit pain when it comes to collecting items. We often want to collect something and discard the original node. See the following as an example:
MATCH (p)-[]-(c)
WITH p, collect(c) as c
The above doesn't look too bad. The problem is the explicit naming of p, the field we want to keep. As we add more MATCH and OPTIONAL MATCH with aggregation, this becomes a maintainability nightmare. We cannot reorder MATCH/WITH pairs without also changing all the fields we reference. When we do a collect, we always want to discard the original node.
WITH has an * that can be used, but this will include the field we're collecting, and we cannot replace the value.
MATCH (p)-[]-(c)
WITH *, collect(c) as c
Is there a way to exclude something in a WITH statement without explicitly naming everything that should be included?
Something like the following?
MATCH (p)-[]-(c)
WITH *, without(c), collect(c) as cs
RETURN p, cs
I don't think there's a way to do this, and given how aggregations work in Cypher, I think it would cause far more headaches than it would cure.
Remember that aggregations only have meaning with respect to the non-aggregation columns which form a grouping key. I find the explicit inclusion of variables in WITH clauses to be invaluable, as it gives you at-a-glance understanding of what fields are in scope, which gives you the context for your aggregation columns.
Without this, you risk buggy behavior because there could be variables in scope you forgot to exclude, which will change the meaning and calculation of your aggregations.

follow all relationships but specific ones

How can I tell cypher to NOT follow a certain relationship/edge?
E.g. I have a :NODE that is connected to another :NODE via a :BUDDY relationship. Additionally every :NODE is related to :STUFF in arbitrary depth by arbitrary edges which are NOT of type :BUDDY. I now want to add a shortcut relation from each :NODE to its :STUFF. However, I do not include :STUFF of its :BUDDIES.
My current query looks like this:
MATCH (n:Node)-[*]->(s:STUFF) WHERE NOT (n)-[:BUDDY]->()-[*]->(s) CREATE (n)-[:HAS]->(s)
However I have some issues with this query:
1) If I ever add a :BUDDY relationship not directly between :NODE but children of :NODE the query will use that relationship for matching. This might not be intended as I do not want to include buddies at all.
2) Explain tells me that neo4j does the match (:NODE)-[*]->(:STUFF) and then AntiSemiApply the pattern (n)-[:BUDDY]->(). As a result it matches the whole graph to then unmatch most of the found connections. This seems ineffective and the query runs slower than I like (However subjective this might sound).
One (bad) fix is to restrict the depth of (:NODE)-[*]->(:STUFF) via (:NODE)-[*..XX]->(:STUFF). However, I cannot guarantee that depth unless I use a ridiculous high number for worst case scenarios.
I'd actually just like to tell neo4j to just not follow a certain relationship. E.g. MATCH (n:NODE)-[ALLBUT(:BUDDY)*]->(s:STUFF) CREATE (n)-[:HAS]->(s). How can I achieve this without having to enumerate all allowed connections and connect them with a | (which is really fast - but I have to manually keep track of all possible relations)?
One option for this particular schema is to explicitly traverse past the point where the BUDDY relationship is a concern, and then do all the unbounded traversing you like from there. Then you only have to apply the filter to single-step relationships:
MATCH (n:Node) -[r]-> (leaf)
WHERE NOT type(r) = 'BUDDY'
WITH n, leaf
MATCH (leaf) -[*] -> (s:Stuff)
RETURN n, [leaf IN leaves WHERE leaf:Stuff] + stuff AS stuffs
The other option is to install apoc and take a look at the path expander procedure, which allows you to 'blacklist' node labels (such as :Node) from your path query, which may work just as well depending on your graph. See here.
My final solution is generating a string from the set of
and use that for matching. As I am using an API and thus can do this generation automatically it is not as much as an inconvenience as I feared, but still an inconvenience. However, this was the only solution I was able to find since posting this question.
You could use a condition o nrelationship type:
MATCH (:Node)-[r:REL]->(:OtherNode)
WHERE NOT type(r) = 'your_unwanted_rel_type'
I have no clues about perf though

Cypher: Ordering Nodes on Same Level by Property on Relationship

I am new to Neo4j and currently playing with this tree structure:
The numbers in the yellow boxes are a property named order on the relationship CHILD_OF.
My goal was
a) to manage the sorting order of nodes at the same level through this property rather than through directed relationships (like e.g. LEFT, RIGHT or IS_NEXT_SIBLING, etc.).
b) being able to use plain integers instead of complete paths for the order property (i.e. not maintaining sth. like 0001.0001.0002).
I can't however find the right hint on how or if it is possible to recursively query the graph so that it keeps returning the nodes depth-first but for the sorting at each level consider the order property on the relationship.
I expect that if it is possible it might include matching the complete path iterating over it with the collection utilities of Cypher, but I am not even close enough to post some good starting point.
What I'd expect from answers to this question is not necessarily a solution, but a hint on whether this is a bad approach that would perform badly anyways. In terms of Cypher I am interested if there is a practical solution to this.
I have a general idea on how I would tackle it as a Neo4j server plugin with the Java traversal or core api (which doesn't mean that it would perform well, but that's another topic), so this question really targets the design and Cypher aspect.
This might work:
match path = (n:Root {id:9})-[:CHILD_OF*]->(m)
WITH path, extract(r in rels(path) | r.order) as orders
ORDER BY orders
if it complains about sorting arrays then computing a number where each digit (or two digits) are your order and order by that number
match path = (n:Root {id:9})-[:CHILD_OF*]->(m)
WITH path, reduce(a=1, r in rels(path) | a*10+r.order) as orders
ORDER BY orders

Cypher query optimisation - Utilising known properties of nodes

Neo4j and Cypher version 2.2.0.
I'm querying Neo4j as an in-memory instance in Eclipse created TestGraphDatabaseFactory().newImpermanentDatabase();.
I'm using this approach as it seems faster than the embedded version and I assume it has the same functionality.
My graph database is randomly generated programmatically with varying numbers of nodes.
I generate cypher queries automatically. These queries are used to try and identify a single 'target' node. I can limit the possible matches of the queries by using known 'node' properties. I only use a 'name' property in this case. If there is a known name for a node, I can use it to find the node id and use this in the start clause. As well as known names, I also know (for some nodes) if there are names known not to belong to a node. I specify this in the where clause.
The sorts of queries that I am running look like this...
nvari = node(5)
NOT(nvarj.Name IN ['nf']) AND NOT(nvarm.Name IN ['nb','nj'])
Another way to think about this (if it helps), is that this is an isomorphism testing problem where we have some information about how nodes in a query and target graph correspond to each other based on restrictions on labels.
With regards to optimisation:
Would it help to include relation variables in the match clause? I took them out because the node variables are sufficient to distinguish between relationships but this might slow it down?
Should I restructure the match clause to have match/where couples including the where clauses from my previous example first? My expectation is that they can limit possible bindings early on. For example...
nvari = node(5)
WHERE NOT(nvarj.Name IN ['nf'])
WHERE NOT(nvarm.Name IN ['nb','nj'])
On the side:
(Less important but still an interest) If I make each relationship in a match clause an optional match except for relationships containing the target node, would cypher essentially be finding a maximum common sub-graph between the query and the graph data base with the constraint that the MCS contains the target node?
Thanks a lot in advance! I hope I have made my requirements clear but I appreciate that this is not a typical use-case for Neo4j.
I think querying with node properties is almost always preferable to using relationship properties (if you had a choice), as that opens up the possibility that indexing can help speed up the query.
As an aside, I would avoid using the IN operator if the collection of possible values only has a single element. For example, this snippet: NOT(nvarj.Name IN ['nf']), should be (nvarj.Name <> 'nf'). The current versions of Cypher might not use an index for the IN operator.
Restructuring a query to eliminate undesirable bindings earlier is exactly what you should be doing.
First of all, you would need to keep using MATCH for at least the first relationship in your query (which binds target), or else your result would contain a lot of null rows -- not very useful.
But, thinking clearly about this, if all the other relationships were placed in separate OPTIONAl MATCH clauses, you'd be essentially saying that you want a match even if none of the optional matches succeeded. Therefore, the logical equivalent would be:
MATCH (target:C5)-[:IN_LOCATION]->(nvara:LOCATION)
I don't think this is a useful result.
