Why is #override annotation optional? - dart

I understand definition of an #override annotation.
But, why is the usage of the annotation optional?

From the documentation:
The intent of the #override notation is to catch situations where a superclass renames a member, and an independent subclass which used to override the member, could silently continue working using the superclass implementation.
You might want to name your method equal to the super class without explicitely overriding it. This is allowed as it does not break any constraints.
Basically you can name your methods whatever you want.
#Override only enforces, that one of your parents has to have a method with the same signature.

The annotation wasn't made part of the language because the language designers didn't want to enforce its use.
It has been added as an optional annotation for people who want the feature, but it's only recognized by the analyzer tool, it's not actually part of the language.

You can enable a linter rule to enforce it
by adding an .analysis_options file to your project besides the pubspec.yaml file with this content
- annotate_overrides

Because the name of the method is looked up in the inheritance chain: for example, let's look at this inheritance chain:
if we create an instance using class C and invoke a method test(), then the definition of test is first looked in the body of class C, then class B, then class A. Thus, the overriding effect is automatically implied.
The effect is similar to what observed in C++, and for a detailed read please check out this link:
The reason of the existence of the annotation is clearly stated above by Abaddon666.


Is it possible to require generic type arguments on a Dart class?

A common question, specifically since Dart 2, is if it is possible to require some or all generic type arguments on some or all types - for example List<int> instead of List or MyType<Foo> instead of MyType.
It's not always clear what the intention is though - i.e. is this a matter of style (you/your team likes to see the types), to prevent bugs (omitting type arguments seems to cause more bugs for you/your team), or as a matter of contract (your library expects a type argument).
For example, on dart-misc, a user writes:
Basically, if I have this:
abstract class Mixin<T> {}
I don't have to specify the type:
// Works class Cls extends Object with Mixin<int> {} // ...also works
class Cls extends Object with Mixin {}
Is there some way to make the second one not allowed?
Strictly speaking, yes, and no.
If you want to enforce that type arguments are always used in your own projects (instead of relying on type inference or defaults), you can use optional linter rules such as always_specify_types. Do note this rule violates the official Dart style guide's recommendation of AVOID redundant type arguments on generic invocations in many cases.
If you want to enforce that generic type arguments are always used when the default would be confusing - such as List implicitly meaning List<dynamic>, no such lint exists yet - though we plan on adding this as a mode of the analyzer: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/33119.
Both of the above recommendations will help yourself, but if you are creating a library for others to use, you might be asking if you can require a type argument to use your class. For example, from above:
abstract class Mixin<T> {}
abstract class Class extends Object with Mixin {}
The first thing you could do is add a default bounds to T:
// If T is omitted/not inferred, it defaults to num, not dynamic.
abstract class Mixin<T extends num> {}
If you want to allow anything but want to make it difficult to use your class/mixin when T is dynamic you could choose a different default bound, for example Object, or even better I recommend void:
In practice, I use void to mean “anything and I don’t care about the elements”
abstract class Mixin<T extends void> {
T value;
class Class extends Mixin {}
void main() {
var c = Class();
// Compile-time error: 'oops' isn't defined for the class 'void'.
(You could also use Object for this purpose)
If this is a class under your control, you could add an assertion that prevents the class from being used in a way you don't support or expect. For example:
class AlwaysSpecifyType<T> {
AlwaysSpecifyType() {
assert(T != dynamic);
Finally, you could write a custom lint or tool to disallow certain generic type arguments from being omitted, but that is likely the most amount of work, and if any of the previous approaches work for you, I'd strongly recommend those!

Swift optimisation performance clarification

After seeing the video here, i got confused about the use of final keyword.
Here below is an example image from the video
Here there are two classes Pet as parent class and Dog as child class, and we have function implementation of makeNoise(p) which takes Pet instance as parameter. But behind the scene compiler inserts few more lines to this method for checking class.
Since makeNoise(p) takes parameter as Pet instance, compiler should directly call the property "name" from the Pet class, as the method parameter is for this class.
Why would compiler be worried about the overriding the property in child class, because the parameter is a Pet instance and compiler knows it. isn't it?
My question may looks silly but if someone can explain it more clearly, i would appreciate it.
The parameter of makeNoise(p: Pet) must be a Pet, but it does not to be an immediate instance of Pet itself. Since Dog is a subclass of Pet, it is also a Pet. Therefore, in Swift it is perfectly valid for someone to pass a Dog instance into makeNoise, in which case the overridden version of noise will be called. Also, this dog may have chosen a different value for name.
Dynamic Type
This is called the 'dynamic type' of p. The compile-time type of p is Pet, but the compiler must account for the fact that the run-time type of p might be a Pet subclass that overrides something. This is called the 'dynamic type' of p. In Swift 1 and 2, which were in use at the time of WWDC 2015, use the .dynamicType syntax on an object to determine its runtime type. Swift 3 uses the type(of: object) global function. This is not something you'll need very often, but it demonstrates how the compiler allows subclasses to act as their parent and still override things.
final tells the compiler that either the class will not be subclassed, or the property or method will not be overridden. This way it won't need to check for overrides.
Changes in Swift 3
This year's WWDC 2016 session on Swift performance did not mention the final keyword once, if I remember correctly, however. While it is still available in Swift 3 and serves the same purpose, there are new ways to prevent subclassing and overriding. This is via Access Control. Swift 3 introduces the open keyword as distinct from public.
public – The object, property, method, etc. is accessible by anyone inside or outside the module
open – The class or method is not only accessible by anyone, but may also be subclassed (in the case of classes) or overridden (in the case of methods).
I am not sure if this, like final, communicates to the Swift compiler that it does not need to do its extra type checking.

What does "over ride" mean from an Objective-C Standpoint?

While hearing talk around the objective-c programming community, I hear the term "override" thrown around a lot. I'm fairly familiar with general object oriented programming terms, but from an iOS and Objective-c standpoint, the definition is a little unclear to me. According to Wikipedia:
Method overriding, in object oriented programming, is a language
feature that allows a subclass or child class to provide a specific
implementation of a method that is already provided by one of its
superclasses or parent classes.
Cool. That makes sense. But what throws me off is... isn't that the whole point of the "family relationship", where the subclass inherits all of the public methods and variables of it's superclass. The standard "hierarchy" model. That has never quite made sense to me. I hear some of the senior developers say things such as "Once he said it's okay to override a category I was done listening".
That got me to thinking, I should probably get a better grasp on what exactly overriding is. Could someone explain it in greater detail related specifically to Objective-C / Cocoa Touch?
This is very common in all OOP languages.
Often times a base class will provide a default (i.e. simple, unexciting) implementation for a method. Then, derived classes will override that default implementation and provide a specific (i.e. more interesting) implementation.
Consider an Animal base class that exposes a Speak() method. Well there is no common way that animals speak, so that default implementation would probably just do nothing.
A Dog class, which is derived from Animal, can override Speak() to actually make a barking sound, which is more appropriate than the default mute case.
Your quote from your senior seems to me like it's mis-heard or -remembered. I'd bet it was "...it's okay to override a method in a category I was done..."
Using a category to "override" a method on the same class is a Bad Idea: the original method is clobbered and cannot be called. In addition, if the original method was itself implemented in a category, then which version is actually used is undefined. This is not the same as overriding an inherited method (thus my scare quotes).
Overriding an inherited method works as expected: a class defines a method which was already defined in one of its ancestors. When the method is called on an instance of the subclass, the redefined code is run. The class itself can invoke the non-overridden version by using the super keyword as the receiver of the appropriate message.

protected virtual methods in f#

F# does not support the definition of protected methods. Here it is explained why
F# replaces virtualmethods with abstractmethods defined in abstract classes (see here).
I was wondering if there is a way to prevent access to abstract methods from outside the derived classes at all.
Like Patryk Ćwiek, I also don't think it's possible, but here's one alternative:
From Design Patterns we know that we should favour Composition over Inheritance. In my experience, everything you can do with Inheritance, you can also do with Composition. As an example, you can always replace Template Method with a Strategy.
A Template Method is a typical use of an abstract method, but if you replace it with a Strategy, you can (sort of) hide it from clients:
type Foo(strategy : IBar) =
member this.CreateStuff() =
// 1. Do something concrete here
// 2. Use strategy for something here
// 3. Do something else concrete here
// 4. Return a result
No outside client of Foo can invoke strategy, so that accomplishes the same goal as making a member protected.
You may argue that the original creator of Foo may keep a reference to strategy, and will still be able to invoke it. That's true, but protected members aren't really completely hidden either, because you can often derive from the class in question, which enables you to invoke the protected member.
Another point is that if you separate the creator of Foo from the client of Foo, the strategy will be unavailable to the client.

Default implementations of Abstract methods

I am dealing with a large codebase that has a lot of classes and a lot of abstract methods on these classes. I am interested in peoples opinions about what I should do in the following situation.
If I have a class Parent-A with an abstract method. There will only be 2 children. If Child-B implements AbstractMethodA but Child-B does not as it doesnt apply.
Should I
Remove the abstract keyword from parent and use virtual or dynamic?
Provide a empty implementation of the method.
Provide an implementation that raises an error if called.
Ignore the warning.
Edit: Thanks for all the answers. It confirmed my suspicion that this shouldn't happen. After further investigation it turns out the methods weren't used at all so I have removed them entirely.
If AbstractMethodA does not apply to Child-B, then Child-B should not be inheriting from Parent-A.
Or to take the contrapositive, if Child-B inherits from Parent-A, and AbstractMethodA does not apply to the child, then it should not be in the parent either.
By putting a method in Parent-A, you are saying that the method applies to Parent-A and all its children. That's what inheritance means, and if you use it to mean something different, you will end up in a serious dispute with your compiler.
[Edit - that said, Mladen Prajdic's answer is fine if the method does apply, but should do nothing for one or more of the classes involved. A method which does nothing is IMO not the same thing as a method which is not applicable, but maybe we don't mean the same thing by "doesn't apply"]
Another technique is to implement the method in Child-B anyway, but have it do something drastic like always returning failure, or throw an exception, or something. It works, but should be regarded as a bit of a bodge rather than a clean design, since it means that callers need to know that the thing they have that they're treating as Parent-A is really a child-B and hence they shouldn't call AbstractMethodA. Basically you've discarded polymorphism, which is the main benefit of OO inheritance. Personally I prefer doing it this way over having an exception-throwing implementation in the base class, because then a child class can't "accidentally" behave badly by "forgetting" to implement the method at all. It has to implement it, and if it implements it to not work then it does so explicitly. A bad situation should be noisy.
If implementation in descendants is not mandatory then you should go for 1+2 (i.e. empty virtual method in ancestor)
I think that, generally speaking, you shouldn't inherit from the abstract class if you are unable to implement all of the abstract methods in the first place, but I understand that there are some situations where it still makes senseto do that, (see the Stream class and its implementations).
I think you should just create implementations of these abstract methods that throw a NotImplementedException.
You can also try using ObsoleteAttribute so that calling that particular method would be a compile time error (on top of throwing NotImplementedException of course). Note that ObsoleteAttribute is not quite meant to be used for this, but I guess if you use a meaningful error message with comments, it's alright.
Obligatory code example:
[Obsolete("This class does not implement this method", true)]
public override string MyReallyImportantMethod()
throw new NotImplementedException("This class does not implement this method.");
make it virtual empty in base class and override it in children.
You could use interfaces. Then Child-A and Child-B can both implement different methods and still inherit from Parent-A. Interfaces work like abstract methods in that they force the class to implement them.
If some subclasses (B1, B2, ...) of A are used for a different subset of its methods than others (C1, C2, ...), one might say that A can be split in B and C.
I don't know Delphi too well (not at all :) ), but I thought that just like e.g. in Java and COM, a class can 'implement' multiple interfaces. In C++ this can only be achieved by multiply inheriting abstract classes.
More concrete: I would create two abstract classes (with abstract methods), and change the inheritance tree.
If that's not possible, a workaround could be an "Adapter": an intermediate class A_nonB_ with all B methods implemented empty (and yielding a warning on calling them), and A_nonC_. Then change the inheritance tree to solve your problem: B1, B2, ... inherit from A_nonC_ and C1, C2,... inherit from A_NonB_.
