select browser in webview without android native code - webview

can I open(or select) another browser in my hybrid app(using webview)
without native android code(ex. intent)?
My web page have code like this
when click that link, i wanna browser select menu like chrome , internet, etc...
but when i click that link, it only open in my browser.
and i tried with javascript"", "_blank");
but it dosen't work too
how can i solve this problem?


How do I copy the protocol link Firefox is trying to open?

When clicking on a link in Firefox that's a protocol that Firefox can't open, a dialog box appears.
How do I view or copy the link that it is trying to open, in this case the zoommtg link?
I couldn't get it to work in Firefox, but opening Chrome's DevTools and going to Network shows the protocol link I was trying to open.

I used iframe in ios webview app to load a site, but the window is open

In ios webview app, iframe was used to load the site, but a window open occurred.
For example, I imported a google page as an iframe, but when I go to safari, a google page pops up, and within the app, it pops up except for the iframe.
Current development is swift, and when using javascript and html iframe I get the above error.

iOS: force open 'safari window' fromout htmlpage

I would like to to know how a link on our webpage could open 'safari' (complete new window). What command do we have to implement in our Html5 jquery mobile page, that an iOS user clicks on this link and than the Safari browset will open en a webpage?
The iOS hotspot log in window opens our guest log in page, from here we would like to open safari browser en redirect to a webpage.
Thanks in advance.
Take a look at JSBridgeWebView Library
Through this lib you can send message to an iOS app and then based on this message app will open Safari.

phonegap + facebook plugin: login opens browser instead of popup (iOS)

I'm building a phonegap app with facebook authentication ( I already have it working on android, but on iOS, I'm having this issue:
When I click 'login' (on the example index.html provided by the plugin), it opens a browser window and goes to facebook's mobile login page, instead of opening the facebook login dialog in a popup.
However, when I click 'wall post', it does open the expected popup (although it also seems buggy, login does not seem to work).
What can I do to make sure the popup opens for the login dialog, and not the browser?
This is now the default behaviour for FBConnect when the device supports multi-tasking but does not have the FB app installed. The popup is only used on devices that do not support multi-tasking.
If you really want the popup you will have to go in to the FBConnect code and change it so that it always uses FBDialog.
The behaviour is documented here

Links in remote JQueryMobile sites in a PhoneGap app open safari

I'm having quite a peculiar problem with PhoneGap and JQuery Mobile, using the latest versions of both frameworks as of this writing.
My phonegap app has some pages 'local' to the app, and other pages that are loaded directly from a remote site. Going between the local and remote pages is fine (there is no transition but that can't exactly be helped). However, once I'm on the remote pages, any link I click on the remote pages opens Safari with the page I requested. This is not desirable functionality, as I would like it all to be within the UIWebView, and none of my links are marked with anything special that would cause Safari to open.
It gets weirder. If I then switch from Safari back to the program, the remote page I requested appears in the UIWebView, however pressing the back button leads me not to the first remote page, but the first local page.
The phonegap app right now is quite bare, very close to the default except with JQM css + js loaded. This happens even if I create a simple test app that has one local JQM page, one remote JQM page and then a remote page that is linked to from a JQM remote page.
I'm stumped. What's going on here?
The default behavior for PhoneGap is to open external links in Safari unless they are added to the ExternalHosts property in PhoneGap.plist.
Try adding the external hosts and PhoneGap should behave correctly and load the external locations inside of the application.
Here also is a post about using iFrames and ExternalHosts that could be of some help as well.
