Is it possible to draw a path around the visible part of a UIBezierPath?
Here's an example of my problem
Here's what I'd like to accomplish
Here's what I got so far:
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect {
CGFloat side = MIN(rect.size.width, rect.size.height);
CGPoint center = CGPointMake(rect.size.width / 2.0f, rect.size.height / 2.0f);
UIColor *yinYangColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
UIBezierPath *yinYangPath = [UIBezierPath bezierPath];
// Draw Yin&Yang part
[yinYangPath addArcWithCenter:CGPointMake(center.x, center.y - side / 4.0f) radius:side / 4.0f startAngle:M_PI_2 endAngle:-M_PI_2 clockwise:YES];
[yinYangPath addArcWithCenter:CGPointMake(center.x, center.y + side / 4.0f) radius:side / 4.0f startAngle:M_PI_2 endAngle:-M_PI_2 clockwise:NO];
[yinYangPath addArcWithCenter:CGPointMake(center.x, center.y) radius:side / 2.0f startAngle:-M_PI_2 endAngle:M_PI_2 clockwise:YES];
[yinYangPath closePath];
[yinYangColor setFill];
[yinYangPath fill];
// Add border
CAShapeLayer *borderLayer = [[CAShapeLayer alloc] init];
borderLayer.path = yinYangPath.CGPath;
borderLayer.fillColor = [UIColor clearColor].CGColor;
borderLayer.strokeColor = [UIColor blackColor].CGColor;
borderLayer.lineWidth = 5.0f;
[self.layer addSublayer:borderLayer];
The angle π/2 radians is along the positive y axis.
In standard UIKit geometry, the positive y axis points down toward the bottom of the screen. Therefore the top arc (at center.y - side/4) needs to start at angle -π/2 and end at angle π/2. Since you got these backward, your second arc doesn't start where your first arc ended, so your path contains a straight line connecting those points. Ditto for your second and third arcs. The single straight line visible in your image is actually the combination of those two lines.
Also, incidentally, the rect passed to drawRect: is in theory not necessarily the bounds of the view. It's better not to treat it as such.
Also also, you shouldn't add sublayers in drawRect:. You should do that in init or layoutSubviews and you should make sure you don't duplicate layers. I guess maybe you're using a CAShapeLayer because you don't want the border cut off. I would solve that by insetting the view bounds by the border width:
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)dirtyRect {
CGFloat lineWidth = 4;
CGRect rect = CGRectInset(self.bounds, lineWidth / 2, lineWidth / 2);
CGFloat side = MIN(rect.size.width, rect.size.height);
CGPoint center = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(rect), CGRectGetMidY(rect));
UIBezierPath *path = [UIBezierPath bezierPath];
CGFloat smallRadius = side / 4;
[path addArcWithCenter:CGPointMake(center.x, center.y - smallRadius) radius:smallRadius startAngle:-M_PI_2 endAngle:M_PI_2 clockwise:NO];
[path addArcWithCenter:CGPointMake(center.x, center.y + smallRadius) radius:smallRadius startAngle:-M_PI_2 endAngle:M_PI_2 clockwise:YES];
[path addArcWithCenter:center radius:side / 2 startAngle:M_PI_2 endAngle:-M_PI_2 clockwise:NO];
[path closePath];
[path setLineJoinStyle:kCGLineJoinRound];
[path setLineWidth:lineWidth];
[[UIColor whiteColor] setFill];
[path fill];
[[UIColor blackColor] setStroke];
[path stroke];
If you want the bottom tip to be more pointy, I would do that by clipping all drawing to the path, then drawing the border twice as thick. Half the border will be drawn outside the path and clipped away, leaving a sharp point. In this case, you don't have to inset the bounds.
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)dirtyRect {
CGFloat lineWidth = 4 * 2;
CGRect rect = self.bounds;
CGFloat side = MIN(rect.size.width, rect.size.height);
CGPoint center = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(rect), CGRectGetMidY(rect));
UIBezierPath *path = [UIBezierPath bezierPath];
CGFloat smallRadius = side / 4;
[path addArcWithCenter:CGPointMake(center.x, center.y - smallRadius) radius:smallRadius startAngle:-M_PI_2 endAngle:M_PI_2 clockwise:NO];
[path addArcWithCenter:CGPointMake(center.x, center.y + smallRadius) radius:smallRadius startAngle:-M_PI_2 endAngle:M_PI_2 clockwise:YES];
[path addArcWithCenter:center radius:side / 2 startAngle:M_PI_2 endAngle:-M_PI_2 clockwise:NO];
[path closePath];
[path setLineJoinStyle:kCGLineJoinRound];
[path addClip];
[path setLineWidth:lineWidth];
[[UIColor whiteColor] setFill];
[path fill];
[[UIColor blackColor] setStroke];
[path stroke];
Is it possible create an UIImage or an UIImageView with hexagonal corners? Because I want take an UIImage and show it inside an UIImageView but inside and hexagon. Thanks
After a while I found a simple implementation. I created an hexagonal view:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#interface HexagonView : UIView
#import "HexagonView.h"
#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
#implementation HexagonView
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect {
CAShapeLayer *maskLayer = [CAShapeLayer layer];
maskLayer.fillRule = kCAFillRuleEvenOdd;
maskLayer.frame = self.bounds;
CGFloat width = self.frame.size.width;
CGFloat height = self.frame.size.height;
CGFloat hPadding = width * 1 / 8 / 2;
UIBezierPath *path = [UIBezierPath bezierPath];
[path moveToPoint:CGPointMake(width/2, 0)];
[path addLineToPoint:CGPointMake(width - hPadding, height / 4)];
[path addLineToPoint:CGPointMake(width - hPadding, height * 3 / 4)];
[path addLineToPoint:CGPointMake(width / 2, height)];
[path addLineToPoint:CGPointMake(hPadding, height * 3 / 4)];
[path addLineToPoint:CGPointMake(hPadding, height / 4)];
[path closePath];
[path closePath];
[path fill];
[path stroke];
maskLayer.path = path.CGPath;
self.layer.mask = maskLayer;
Then I add as subview my ImageView on HexagonView:
[hexagonView addSubview:scaledImageView];
And the result is this:
The code below is drawing me a circle, how can I modify the existing code to draw a triangle instead?
_colorDotLayer = [CALayer layer];
CGFloat width = self.bounds.size.width-6;
_colorDotLayer.bounds = CGRectMake(0, 0, width, width);
_colorDotLayer.allowsGroupOpacity = YES;
_colorDotLayer.backgroundColor = self.annotationColor.CGColor;
_colorDotLayer.cornerRadius = width/2;
_colorDotLayer.position = CGPointMake(self.bounds.size.width/2, self.bounds.size.height/2);
While there are shown several Core Graphics solution, I want to add a Core Animation based solution.
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
UIBezierPath* trianglePath = [UIBezierPath bezierPath];
[trianglePath moveToPoint:CGPointMake(0, view3.frame.size.height-100)];
[trianglePath addLineToPoint:CGPointMake(view3.frame.size.width/2,100)];
[trianglePath addLineToPoint:CGPointMake(view3.frame.size.width, view2.frame.size.height)];
[trianglePath closePath];
CAShapeLayer *triangleMaskLayer = [CAShapeLayer layer];
[triangleMaskLayer setPath:trianglePath.CGPath];
UIView *view = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0, size.width, size.height)];
view.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithWhite:.75 alpha:1];
view.layer.mask = triangleMaskLayer;
[self.view addSubview:view];
code based on my blog post.
#implementation TriangleView {
CAShapeLayer *_colorDotLayer;
- (void)layoutSubviews {
[super layoutSubviews];
if (_colorDotLayer == nil) {
_colorDotLayer = [CAShapeLayer layer];
_colorDotLayer.fillColor = self.annotationColor.CGColor;
[self.layer addSublayer:_colorDotLayer];
CGRect bounds = self.bounds;
CGFloat radius = (bounds.size.width - 6) / 2;
CGFloat a = radius * sqrt((CGFloat)3.0) / 2;
CGFloat b = radius / 2;
UIBezierPath *path = [UIBezierPath bezierPath];
[path moveToPoint:CGPointMake(0, -radius)];
[path addLineToPoint:CGPointMake(a, b)];
[path addLineToPoint:CGPointMake(-a, b)];
[path closePath];
[path applyTransform:CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(CGRectGetMidX(bounds), CGRectGetMidY(bounds))];
_colorDotLayer.path = path.CGPath;
- (void)awakeFromNib {
[super awakeFromNib];
self.annotationColor = [UIColor redColor];
I think is more easy than this solutions:
UIBezierPath *path = [UIBezierPath new];
[path moveToPoint:(CGPoint){20, 0}];
[path addLineToPoint:(CGPoint){40, 40}];
[path addLineToPoint:(CGPoint){0, 40}];
[path addLineToPoint:(CGPoint){20, 0}];
// Create a CAShapeLayer with this triangular path
// Same size as the original imageView
CAShapeLayer *mask = [CAShapeLayer new];
mask.frame = self.viewTriangleCallout.bounds;
mask.path = path.CGPath;
This is my white triangle:
You can change points or rotate if you want:
UIBezierPath *path = [UIBezierPath new];
[path moveToPoint:(CGPoint){0, 0}];
[path addLineToPoint:(CGPoint){40, 0}];
[path addLineToPoint:(CGPoint){20, 20}];
[path addLineToPoint:(CGPoint){0, 0}];
// Create a CAShapeLayer with this triangular path
// Same size as the original imageView
CAShapeLayer *mask = [CAShapeLayer new];
mask.frame = self.viewTriangleCallout.bounds;
mask.path = path.CGPath;
Example code, it is based on this SO Answer which draws stars:
#implementation TriangleView
-(void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect {
CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
int sides = 3;
double size = 100.0;
CGPoint center = CGPointMake(160.0, 100.0);
double radius = size / 2.0;
double theta = 2.0 * M_PI / sides;
CGContextMoveToPoint(context, center.x, center.y-radius);
for (NSUInteger k=1; k<sides; k++) {
float x = radius * sin(k * theta);
float y = radius * cos(k * theta);
CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, center.x+x, center.y-y);
CGContextFillPath(context); // Choose for a filled triangle
// CGContextSetLineWidth(context, 2); // Choose for a unfilled triangle
// CGContextStrokePath(context); // Choose for a unfilled triangle
Use UIBezeierPaths
CGFloat radius = 20;
CGMutablePathRef path = CGPathCreateMutable();
CGPathMoveToPoint(path, NULL, (center.x + bottomLeft.x) / 2, (center.y + bottomLeft.y) / 2);
CGPathAddArcToPoint(path, NULL, bottomLeft.x, bottomLeft.y, bottomRight.x, bottomRight.y, radius);
CGPathAddArcToPoint(path, NULL, bottomRight.x, bottomRight.y, center.x, center.y, radius);
CGPathAddArcToPoint(path, NULL, center.x, center.y, bottomLeft.x, bottomLeft.y, radius);
UIBezierPath *bezierPath = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithCGPath:path];
i try to draw a circle for a given percent value (like if i have 25% i just draw a quarter of the circle). At the moment im just able to draw a full circle within my view. Any ideas to my problem?
Code atm:
- (UIBezierPath *)makeCircleAtLocation:(CGPoint)location radius:(CGFloat)radius
self.circleCenter = location;
self.circleRadius = radius;
UIBezierPath *path = [UIBezierPath bezierPath];
[path addArcWithCenter:self.circleCenter
endAngle:M_PI * 2.0
return path;
- (void)drawCircleForLocation{
CGPoint location = CGPointZero;
location.x = self.frame.size.width/2;
location.y = self.frame.size.height/2;
CAShapeLayer *shapeLayer = [CAShapeLayer layer];
shapeLayer.path = [[self makeCircleAtLocation:location radius:9] CGPath];
shapeLayer.strokeColor = [[UIColor whiteColor] CGColor];
shapeLayer.fillColor = nil;
shapeLayer.lineWidth = 1.5;
[self.layer addSublayer:shapeLayer];
2 Pi RAD = 360° = full circle.
25% of circle = 2 PI * 25%
- (UIBezierPath *)makeCircleAtLocation:(CGPoint)location radius:(CGFloat)radius percent:(CGFloat)percent
self.circleCenter = location; //????
self.circleRadius = radius; //????
UIBezierPath *path = [UIBezierPath bezierPath];
[path addArcWithCenter:location
endAngle:((M_PI * 2.0) * percent)
[path addLineToPoint:location];
[path closePath];
return path;
Now I m developing an project in that I need to show the image with border like below shape.
How can I do this? I have no idea to do this. Please any idea to solve.
May be this code will help you...
UIBezierPath *maskPath;
maskPath = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect:YourImageVIew.bounds byRoundingCorners:(UIRectCornerTopRight | UIRectCornerBottomRight) cornerRadii:CGSizeMake(50.0, 50.0)];
CAShapeLayer *maskLayer = [[CAShapeLayer alloc] init];
maskLayer.frame = YourImageVIew.bounds;
maskLayer.path = maskPath.CGPath;
YourImageVIew.layer.mask = maskLayer;
Here is how you can create the path for masking:
- (UIBezierPath *)curvedRectWithFrame:(CGRect)frame radius:(CGFloat)radius
double halfFrameHeight = ((double)frame.size.height / 2);
// Check if the radius is too small.
if (radius < halfFrameHeight) {
radius = halfFrameHeight;
CGFloat arcAngle = asin(halfFrameHeight/radius);
CGFloat centerX = frame.origin.x + (frame.size.width - radius);
CGFloat centerY = frame.origin.y + halfFrameHeight;
UIBezierPath *path = [UIBezierPath bezierPath];
[path moveToPoint:frame.origin];
[path addLineToPoint:CGPointMake(centerX + radius * cos(arcAngle), frame.origin.y)];
[path addArcWithCenter:CGPointMake(centerX, centerY) radius:radius startAngle:-arcAngle endAngle:arcAngle clockwise:YES];
[path addLineToPoint:CGPointMake(frame.origin.x, path.currentPoint.y)];
[path closePath];
return path;
Then you can apply the shape mask to your image:
const CGFloat kCurveRadius = 500.;
CAShapeLayer *maskLayer = [[CAShapeLayer alloc] init];
maskLayer.frame = yourImageView.bounds;
maskLayer.path = [self curvedRectWithFrame:maskLayer.bounds radius:kCurveRadius].CGPath;
yourImageView.layer.mask = maskLayer;