How can a Dafny predicate be neither true nor false?
predicate sorted(s: seq<int>)
forall j, k :: 0 <= j < k < |s| ==> s[j] <= s[k]
lemma SortedTest()
assert sorted([1, 3, 2]);
assert !sorted([1, 3, 2]);
Produces double assertion violations:
Dafny program verifier version, Copyright (c) 2003-2016, Microsoft.
Sort.dfy(8,10): Error: assertion violation
Sort.dfy(3,2): Related location
Sort.dfy(3,43): Related location
Execution trace:
(0,0): anon0
Sort.dfy(9,9): Error: assertion violation
Execution trace:
(0,0): anon0
Dafny program verifier finished with 2 verified, 2 errors
Dafny is not saying that the assertions are false, it is saying that it can't prove that they hold. If you give it a bit more help then it will prove the one that is true:
predicate sorted(s: seq<int>)
forall j, k :: 0 <= j < k < |s| ==> s[j] <= s[k]
lemma SortedTest()
var a := [1, 3, 2];
assert a[0] == 1 && a[1] == 3 && a[2] == 2;
assert sorted(a);
assert !sorted(a);
I'm trying to prove a little lemma for a larger proof, the lemma definition is below:
lemma LoopLemma(a: seq<int>, b: seq<int>, c: seq<int>, k:int, i:int, j:int)
requires 0 <= i < |a| && 0<= j < |b| && 0 <= k < |c| && i +j ==k && |a| + |b| == |c|
requires Sorted(c[..k]) && Sorted(b) && Sorted(a)
requires multiset(c[..k]) == multiset(a[..i]+b[..j])
ensures Sorted(c[..k]+[b[j]]) && Sorted(c[..k]+[a[i]])
assert multiset(c[..k]) == multiset(a[..i]+b[..j]);
var q:=a[..i]+b[..j];
var c1 := c[..k];
assert Sorted(c1);
assert multiset(c1) == multiset(q);
assert |q| == i + j;
assert |c1| == k == i + j;
calc {
multiset(c1) == multiset(q);
forall l :: l in multiset(c1) ==> l in multiset(q);
== {assert forall l :: l in multiset(q) ==> exists r :: 0 <= r <|q| && l == q[r]; assert forall l :: l in multiset(c1) ==> exists r :: 0 <= r <|c1| && l == c1[r];}
forall l :: 0<=l <|c1| ==> exists r :: 0 <= r < |q| && q[r] == c1[l];
I get "the calculation step between the previous line and this line might not hold" for the last step, and I don't understand why.
All I'm saying there is that if the multisets of two sequences are equal, for any entry in the first sequence exists an entry in the second sequence with the same value.
I tried some simpler examples (where I define the sequences explicitly) and it worked. Maybe I don't understand something about multisets?
Any suggestions will help.
Additional hint that needed here is every element in sequence is in multiset i.e forall i :: 0 <= i < |c[..k]| ==> c[..k][i] in multiset(c[..k]) (hint in forward direction of reasoning). Following snippet verifies.
predicate Sorted(a: seq<int>)
if |a| <= 1 then true else (a[0] <= a[1]) && Sorted(a[1..])
lemma LoopLemma(a: seq<int>, b: seq<int>, c: seq<int>, k: int, i: int, j: int)
requires 0 <= i < |a| && 0 <= j < |b| && 0 <= k < |c| && i + j == k && |a| + |b| == |c|
requires Sorted(c[..k]) && Sorted(a) && Sorted(b)
requires multiset(c[..k]) == multiset(a[..i] + b[..j])
var s := a[..i] + b[..j];
calc {
multiset(c[..k]) == multiset(s);
forall e :: e in multiset(c[..k]) ==> e in multiset(s);
assert forall e :: e in multiset(c[..k]) ==>
exists r :: 0 <= r < |s| && s[r] == e;
// assert forall e :: e in multiset(c[..k]) ==>
// exists r :: 0 <= r < |c[..k]| && c[..k][r] == e;
assert forall i :: 0 <= i < |c[..k]| ==> c[..k][i] in multiset(c[..k]);
forall i :: 0 <= i < |c[..k]| ==> exists r :: 0 <= r < |s| && s[r] == c[..k][i];
I'm following the tutorials here and the code seems correct but when I test using assertions I get an error!
Running the program prints the correct answer, but the assertions seem to be paradoxical. When a show the counter examples it seems that -1 is considered even though it shouldn't be.
method binarySearch(a:array<int>, key:int) returns (r:int)
requires forall i,j :: 0 <= i <= j < a.Length ==> a[i] <= a[j]
ensures 0 <= r ==> r < a.Length && a[r] == key
ensures r < 0 ==> forall i :: 0 <= i < a.Length ==> a[i] != key
var lo, hi := 0, a.Length;
while (lo < hi)
invariant 0 <= lo <= hi <= a.Length
invariant forall i :: 0 <= i < lo ==> a[i] < key
invariant forall i :: hi <= i < a.Length ==> a[i] > key
decreases hi - lo;
var mid := (lo + hi) / 2;
if key < a[mid]
hi := mid;
else if key > a[mid]
lo := mid + 1;
return mid;
return -1;
// tests
method Main()
var a := new int[6][1,2,3,4,5,6];
var r := binarySearch(a, 5);
assert r == 4; // fails
assert r != 4; // also fails
Is this a bug or am I missing something?
Dafny uses post-condition of method to reason about result of method call.
Here post-condition is
If r is between 0 to array length, element at r is equal to key
If r is less than 0, it is not in array.
Dafny doesn't know which of these is vacuous, but you can hint it.
Guarding assert r == 4 with if r >= 0 && r < a.Length will make it verify.
Alternatively after adding assert a[4] == 5 before assert r == 4, verification will go through.
Reason for strange error is after call to binary search, these are facts known to dafny
assert (r < 0) || (0 <= r < 6)
assert (r < 0) ==> forall i :: 0 <= i < a.Length ==> a[i] != 5
assert (0 <= r < 6) ==> a[r] == 5
Using these it can neither prove r == 4 nor r != 4. Dafny doesn't seem to propagate information like assert a[0] == 1 etc by default to prover, you have to explicitly ask for it.
Is there a way to say that a higher-order function permits preconditions on the function it takes as an argument?
Here's the concrete situation I'm trying to solve. I wrote this function for filtering items in a seq based on a predicate:
function method filterSeq<T>(s: seq<T>, fn: T -> bool): seq<T>
ensures forall i | 0 <= i < |filterSeq(s, fn)| :: fn(filterSeq(s, fn)[i]) == true
ensures forall i | 0 <= i < |filterSeq(s, fn)| :: filterSeq(s, fn)[i] in s
ensures forall i | 0 <= i < |s| :: fn(s[i]) ==> s[i] in filterSeq(s, fn)
if |s| == 0 then [] else (
if fn(s[0]) then [s[0]] + filterSeq(s[1..], fn) else filterSeq(s[1..], fn)
This covers the postconditions I care about, but doesn't say anything about the argument to fn. I want to say that for any property which holds for all T in s, this property is permitted as a precondition on fn.
The problem that lead me to this was an attempt to filter a sequence containing other sequences:
var sequences := [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]];
assert forall i | 0 <= i < |sequences| :: |sequences[i]| == 3;
var result := filterSeq(sequences, sequence => sequence[0] == 4);
When I attempt this, I get an error on sequence[0], which says index out of range. Fair enough, I try to add a precondition to the lambda:
var sequences := [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]];
assert forall i | 0 <= i < |sequences| :: |sequences[i]| == 3;
var result := filterSeq(sequences,
sequence requires |sequence| == 3 => sequence[0] == 4);
Now I get the error value does not satisfy the subset constraints of 'seq<int> -> bool' (possible cause: it may be partial or have read effects) on the lambda argument. This also makes sense, I'm passing a partial function where I wrote the type signature for a non-partial one.
My question is: How do I change filterSeq to allow this? Can I somehow write it so that it will work with arbitrary preconditions, or will I have to write a separate filterSeqOfSequences method to cover this specific use-case?
Great question. The answer is yes. You need to use Dafny's notion of partial functions, which are written with a doubly-dashed arrow like T --> bool. If f has this type, then f.requires is its precondition. (In fact, you can think of the total function type T -> bool as a special case of T --> bool where f.requires is true for all values of type T.)
Here is one way to rewrite your higher-order function to accept a partial function as an argument:
function method filterSeq<T>(s: seq<T>, fn: T --> bool): seq<T>
requires forall x | x in s :: fn.requires(x) // ***
ensures forall x | x in filterSeq(s, fn) :: x in s // ***
ensures forall i | 0 <= i < |filterSeq(s, fn)| :: fn(filterSeq(s, fn)[i]) == true
ensures forall i | 0 <= i < |filterSeq(s, fn)| :: filterSeq(s, fn)[i] in s
ensures forall i | 0 <= i < |s| :: fn(s[i]) ==> s[i] in filterSeq(s, fn)
if |s| == 0
then []
else if fn(s[0])
then [s[0]] + filterSeq(s[1..], fn)
else filterSeq(s[1..], fn)
method Test()
var sequences := [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]];
assert forall i | 0 <= i < |sequences| :: |sequences[i]| == 3;
var result := filterSeq(sequences,
sequence requires |sequence| == 3 => sequence[0] == 4);
I just made two changes to your code, marked by ***.
First is the new precondition on filterSeq that you already mentioned in your question that requires that fn.requires holds on all elements of s. Second, we also need one new technical postcondition that guarantees the output of filterSeq is a subset of its input. This is needed to ensure the well formedness of the other postconditions, which try to call fn on elements of the output.
The Test method does not change at all. It just works with the new version of filterSeq.
I have written the program below to verify that an array is 'clean' of any particular element or not. I am having trouble asserting the result of the method. I keep getting an assertion violation when trying to assert the result of the method.
method Main (){
var a:= new int[3];
a[0], a[1], a[2] := 1,2,3;
var v := isClean (a, 1);
assert v == false;
method isClean (a : array <int>, key : int) returns (clean : bool)
requires a.Length > 0
var i := 0;
while (i < a.Length)
invariant 0 <= i <= a.Length
invariant forall k :: 0 <= k < i ==> a[k] != key
if (a[i] == key) {
clean := false;
i := i + 1;
clean := true;
stdin.dfy(8,11): Error: assertion violation
Dafny program verifier finished with 2 verified, 1 error
You need to give an ensures clause on isClean. When Dafny verifies a program, it only looks at one method at a time. So when Dafny verifies Main, it does not look at the definition of isClean at all. Instead, it only looks at the requires and ensures clauses.
You already have the hard part of the proof done in the loop invariant. Basically you just need to modify a copy of that invariant so that it makes sense in the context of the caller, as an ensures clause, like this:
ensures clean <==> (forall k :: 0 <= k < a.Length ==> a[k] != key)
(Add that right below the requires clause on isClean.) In this ensures clause, clean refers to the named return value of the isClean method. If you add this clause, Dafny will still complain, because you are asking it to prove that a forall quantifier is false. That is equivalent to trying to prove an exists quantifier true, and requires an explicit "witness", which is a value of k that makes the body of the formula turn out true/false.
In this case, the intuitive reason why isClean returns false is because a[0] has the value 1, so a is not "clean" of 1. We can demonstrate this "witness" to Dafny by adding the assertion
assert a[0] == 1;
to the body of Main, right after the call to isClean.
For clarity, here is a complete version of the program that verifies:
method Main() {
var a := new int[3];
a[0], a[1], a[2] := 1,2,3;
var v := isClean (a, 1);
assert a[0] == 1;
assert v == false;
method isClean(a: array <int>, key: int) returns (clean: bool)
requires a.Length > 0
ensures clean <==> (forall k :: 0 <= k < a.Length ==> a[k] != key)
var i := 0;
while (i < a.Length)
invariant 0 <= i <= a.Length
invariant forall k :: 0 <= k < i ==> a[k] != key
if (a[i] == key) {
clean := false;
i := i + 1;
clean := true;
Given the following axioms:
forall n :: n>=0 && n<N1 ==> n < A
N1 >= A
We want to prove that N1==A using Dafny.
I have tried following Dafny program:
function N1(n: int,A: int):bool
requires A>=0 && n>=0
if n==0 && A<=n
then true else
if n>0
&& A<=n
&& forall k::
(if 0<=k && k<n
then A>k else true)
then true
else false
lemma Theorem(n: int,A: int)
requires A>=0 && n>=0 && N1(n,A)
ensures n==A;
{ }
But Dafny fails to prove that. Is there a way to N1==A from the given axioms?
Dafny can prove it just fine, but it needs a bit more help:
predicate P(n:int, N1:int)
n >= 0 && n < N1
lemma Lem(A:int, N1:int)
requires A>=0
requires forall n :: P(n, N1) ==> n < A
requires N1 >= A
ensures N1 == A
if(N1 > A)
assert A >= 0 && A < N1;
assert P(A, N1);
assert A < A;
assert false;
assert N1 <= A;
The proof proceeds by contradiction, and is quite standard. The only Dafny specific bit of the proof is that we have to give a name to the property that n >= 0 && n < N1. We give the property the name P by introducing it as a predicate. The requirement to introduce P comes from the interaction of Dafny with some details of how quantifier instantiation (trigger matching) works in the underlying SMT solver (Z3).
You may alternatively prefer to write the lemma this way:
lemma Lem(A:int, N1:int)
requires A>=0
requires forall n :: P(n, N1) ==> n < A
requires N1 >= A
ensures N1 == A
calc ==>
N1 > A;
{assert P(A, N1);}
A < A;
assert N1 <= A;