OSX scroll bars for TMemo and TListBox - delphi

Using Delphi XE7 Firemonkey
I've dropped a TMemo on a blank form and then added more lines of text to the TMemo than it can hold (so that scrolling is necessary).
On Windows everything works as expected. The vertical scroll bar appears when the TMemo has more lines than can be displayed.
On Mac, nothing visual appears where the scroll bar should be.
I can click on the TMemo and use the mouse wheel to scroll. I can also press the up and down arrow keys on the keyboard to scroll.
What would prevent the scrolling tools from appearing when the mouse is hovering over the TMemo?

You need to set the AutoHide property to False.
See http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Rio/en/FMX.Memo.TMemo.


tPanels shown on top of Panel that contains tchart is transparent (Delphi)

I have a frame with a panel.
on the panel is a tchart graph and custom panel that overlays the graph (so it's on top of the graph, with the user toggling which one is showing).
Additionally, I have 3 other panels that contain text, that user also toggles visible/not visible.
the problem: starting in Delph 10.4, the panel is showing sections of the chart. the problem didn't exist in Delphi Seattle (and untested in 10.2 and 10.3), but in 10.4, I can't show the 3 panels without showing sections of the chart.
To replicate, add a panel to a form, put a chart on the panel. add a second panel to the form, not visible, with some text. add a right click menu to set the panel visible. sections of the chart are 'bleeding through' the panel. This also happens with group boxes.
this is what it looks like:
question is: how can I get the panels to show correctly?
How I want it to look:
I can reproduce this in Delphi 10.3 Rio
This happens only if the panel is added as child control of the TChart component and has its ParentBackground property enabled (enabled by default).
I'm guessing that TChart background is drawn with transparency at some level. And when ParentBackground property of any child component is enabled backgroud of such components is also drawn using transparency.
Disabling the ParentBackground property of your Panels will solve your problem.

Scroll bars on a Delphi FMX tComboBox.ListBox not showing on a Mac

I’m using Delphi 10.4.2 and trying to make the vertical scroll bar on the listbox of an FMX tCombox show all the time. It works fine on a PC but on a Mac the scrollbar disappears unless you’re actively scrolling the mouse wheel. If I put a regular tListbox on the form, I can make the vertical scroll bar appear constantly with the line ListBox1.AniCalculations.AutoShowing:=false; but I can’t seem to do the same for a tComboBox.Listbox. Nothing I can think of to try has any affect on the tCombox.ListBox. There must be some way to make the scroll bar stay; what am I missing?

Delphi 10.3 IDE standard toolbar is missing Run with debugging, Run without, and both SAVE buttons

I have tried to customize the toolbar, and under Commands, it lists these missing items. It says to drag and drop to any toolbar. I dragged the "run" button, the green triangle and dropped it on the toolbar. Northing happens...no error message. The mouse cursor changes while it is being dragged as expected, but after dropping,
nothing happens except the cursor, which was a square changes back to the normal cursor, an arrow.
Anyone have any ideas?

In Delphi is there a way to bring back Snap to screen when drag and dock is enabled

When DragKind := dkDock on a form it no longer automatically snaps maximized when dragged to the top of the screen, or tiled left/right when dragged to the left or right of the screen respectively.
Is there a way of re-enabling this easily?
To reproduce on Win 7 or later. Create a blank VCL app, run it. Click the titlebar and drag it to the top of the screen - it should automatically maximize. Now set the DragKind to dkDock and try it again it will no longer automatically maximize.

TStringGrid doesn't draw scrollbars

I have a form with TStringGrid component on it. Property Scrollbars of TStringGrid is set to ssBoth. If i make the window smaller, scrollbars doesnt appear. Instead of this client area of TStringGrid is cropped. I would prefer if scrollbars were disabled if application window has enough size and automatically enabled if I shrink window size under critical value. Do you have any idea what I am doing wrong?
thruthseeker got it. If you haven't either anchored the grid, or otherwise auto-scale it to the size of the window, then it won't change size with the window, and thus won't have its own scroll bars.
