Why not optimize hyperparameters on train dataset? - machine-learning

When developing a neural net one typically partitions training data into Train, Test, and Holdout datasets (many people call these Train, Validation, and Test respectively. Same things, different names). Many people advise selecting hyperparameters based on performance in the Test dataset. My question is: why? Why not maximize performance of hyperparameters in the Train dataset, and stop training the hyperparameters when we detect overfitting via a drop in performance in the Test dataset? Since Train is typically larger than Test, would this not produce better results compared to training hyperparameters on the Test dataset?
UPDATE July 6 2016
Terminology change, to match comment below. Datasets are now termed Train, Validation, and Test in this post. I do not use the Test dataset for training. I am using a GA to optimize hyperparameters. At each iteration of the outer GA training process, the GA chooses a new hyperparameter set, trains on the Train dataset, and evaluates on the Validation and Test datasets. The GA adjusts the hyperparameters to maximize accuracy in the Train dataset. Network training within an iteration stops when network overfitting is detected (in the Validation dataset), and the outer GA training process stops when overfitting of the hyperparameters is detected (again in Validation). The result is hyperparameters psuedo-optimized for the Train dataset. The question is: why do many sources (e.g. https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~hinton/absps/JMLRdropout.pdf, Section B.1) recommend optimizing the hyperparameters on the Validation set, rather than the Train set? Quoting from Srivasta, Hinton, et al (link above): "Hyperparameters were tuned on the validation set such that the best validation error was produced..."

The reason is that developing a model always involves tuning its configuration: for example, choosing the number of layers or the size of the layers (called the hyper-parameters of the model, to distinguish them from the parameters, which are the network’s weights). You do this tuning by using as a feedback signal the performance of the model on the validation data. In essence, this tuning is a form of learning: a search for a good configuration in some parameter space. As a result, tuning the configuration of the model based on its performance on the validation set can quickly result in overfitting to the validation set, even though your model is never directly trained on it.
Central to this phenomenon is the notion of information leaks. Every time you tune a hyperparameter of your model based on the model’s performance on the validation set, some information about the validation data leaks into the model. If you do this only once, for one parameter, then very few bits of information will leak, and your validation set will remain reliable to evaluate the model. But if you repeat this many times—running one experiment, evaluating on the validation set, and modifying your model as a result—then you’ll leak an increasingly significant amount of information about the validation set into the model.
At the end of the day, you’ll end up with a model that performs artificially well on the validation data, because that’s what you optimized it for. You care about performance on completely new data, not the validation data, so you need to use a completely different, never-before-seen dataset to evaluate the model: the test dataset. Your model shouldn’t have had access to any information about the test set, even indirectly. If anything about the model has been tuned based on test set performance, then your measure of generalization will be flawed.

There are two things you are missing here. First, minor, is that test set is never used to do any training. This is a purpose of validation (test is just to asses your final, testing performance). The major missunderstanding is what it means "to use validation set to fit hyperparameters". This means exactly what you describe - to train a model with a given hyperparameters on the training set, and use validation to simply check if you are overfitting (you use it to estimate generalization) , but you do not really "train" on them, you simply check your scores on this subset (which, as you noticed - is way smaller).
You cannot "stop training hyperparamters" because this is not a continuous process, usually hyperparameters are just "possible sets of values", and you have to simply test lots of them, there is no valid way of defining a direct trainingn procedure between actual metric you are interested in (like accuracy) and hyperparameters (like size of the hidden layer in NN or even C parameter in SVM), as the functional link between these two is not differentiable, is highly non convex and in general "ugly" to optimize. If you can define a nice optimization procedure in terms of a hyperparameter than it is usually not called a hyperparameter but a parameter, the crucial distinction in this naming convention is what makes it hard to optimize directly - we call hyperparameter a parameter, than cannot be directly optimized against thus you need a "meta method" (like simply testing on validation set) to select it.
However, you can define a "nice" meta optimization protocol for hyperparameters, but this will still use validation set as an estimator, for example Bayesian optimization of hyperparameters does exactly this - it tries to fit a function saying how well is you model behaving in the space of hyperparameters, but in order to have any "training data" for this meta-method, you need validation set to estimate it for any given set of hyperparameters (input to your meta method)

simple answer: we do
In the case of a simple feedforward neural network you do have to select e.g. layer and unit count per layer, regularization (and non-continuous parameters like topology if not feedforward and loss function) in the beginning and you would optimize on those.
So, in summary you optimize:
ordinary parameters only during training but not during validation
hyperparameters during training and during validation
It is very important not to touch the many ordinary parameters (weights and biases) during validation. That's because there are thousands of degrees of freedom in them which means they can learn the data you train them on. But then the model doesn't generalize to new data as well (even when that new data originated from the same distribution). You usually only have very few degrees of freedom in the hyperparameters which usually control the rigidity of the model (regularization).
This holds true for other machine learning algorithms like decision trees, forests, etc as well.


Should deterministic models be trained splitting into train, test datasets?

I'm studying the difference between GLM models (OLS, Logistic Regression, Zero Inflated, etc.), which are deterministic, since we can infer the parameters exactly, and some CART models (Random Forest, LightGBM, CatBoost, etc.) that are based on stochastic prediction.
What I've heard is that for stochastic models we should split into train and test to avoid over-fitting, fact that does not happen in deterministic models, because they use Linear Programming for finding the best parameters.
I've like to start some discussion about it.
My opinion is that it's true. Deterministic models are just equations solved, and it should not over-fit the data at all, and it differs from stochastic models based on randomness to make predictions.
But what I found was every course saying to split every datasets, independent if its deterministic or not.
There is confusion over multiple concepts in your question.
Should one use train/test set splits for deterministic models? If you are training a model for prediction, absolutely! The important thing to remember is that a prediction model needs to generalize to data other than the one used for training. This is evaluated using the test set. Even if a model is being learned simply as a means to explore the data, this is still recommended as a way to verify that one isn't just overfitting to the noise.
The second point of confusion is that splitting into train and test sets avoid overfitting. This is not true per se. The separation is so that one can use the test set to verify if the model is overfitting. If the performance on the train and test sets differ "dramatically" then a model is likely overfitting and needs to be simplified, regularized, or otherwise constrained somehow.
The other point pertains to what constitutes a stochastic model. All of the CART models that you mention are actually deterministic in the sense that, once you train then, they always yield exactly the same output for the same input. The stochasticity that you may have been referring is that the training uses random initializations which may result in quite different final models. If this is a concern (because of local optima for example), then use multiple initializations (a.k.a., multiple restarts, or Monte Carlo runs) to resolve them.
Finally, you mentioned that deterministic models don't need this split because they cannot overfit. This is not true. Consider an SVM classifier with a Gaussian kernel of sufficiently small bandwidth. If solved to optimality, the training is deterministic and will most assuredly overfit the training data.

How do neural networks learn functions instead of memorize them?

For a class project, I designed a neural network to approximate sin(x), but ended up with a NN that just memorized my function over the data points I gave it. My NN took in x-values with a batch size of 200. Each x-value was multiplied by 200 different weights, mapping to 200 different neurons in my first layer. My first hidden layer contained 200 neurons, each one a linear combination of the x-values in the batch. My second hidden layer also contained 200 neurons, and my loss function was computed between the 200 neurons in my second layer and the 200 values of sin(x) that the input mapped to.
The problem is, my NN perfectly "approximated" sin(x) with 0 loss, but I know it wouldn't generalize to other data points.
What did I do wrong in designing this neural network, and how can I avoid memorization and instead design my NN's to "learn" about the patterns in my data?
It is same with any machine learning algorithm. You have a dataset based on which you try to learn "the" function f(x), which actually generated the data. In real life datasets, it is impossible to get the original function from the data, and therefore we approximate it using something g(x).
The main goal of any machine learning algorithm is to predict unseen data as best as possible using the function g(x).
Given a dataset D you can always train a model, which will perfectly classify all the datapoints (you can use a hashmap to get 0 error on the train set), but which is overfitting or memorization.
To avoid such things, you yourself have to make sure that the model does not memorise and learns the function. There are a few things which can be done. I am trying to write them down in an informal way (with links).
Train, Validation, Test
If you have large enough dataset, use Train, Validation, Test splits. Split the dataset in three parts. Typically 60%, 20% and 20% for Training, Validation and Test, respectively. (These numbers can vary based on need, also in case of imbalanced data, check how to get stratified partitions which preserve the class ratios in every split). Next, forget about the Test partition, keep it somewhere safe, don't touch it. Your model, will be trained using the Training partition. Once you have trained the model, evaluate the performance of the model using the Validation set. Then select another set of hyper-parameter configuration for your model (eg. number of hidden layer, learaning algorithm, other parameters etc.) and then train the model again, and evaluate based on Validation set. Keep on doing this for several such models. Then select the model, which got you the best validation score.
The role of validation set here is to check what the model has learned. If the model has overfit, then the validation scores will be very bad, and therefore in the above process you will discard those overfit models. But keep in mind, although you did not use the Validation set to train the model, directly, but the Validation set was used indirectly to select the model.
Once you have selected a final model based on Validation set. Now take out your Test set, as if you just got new dataset from real life, which no one has ever seen. The prediction of the model on this Test set will be an indication how well your model has "learned" as it is now trying to predict datapoints which it has never seen (directly or indirectly).
It is key to not go back and tune your model based on the Test score. This is because once you do this, the Test set will start contributing to your mode.
Crossvalidation and bootstrap sampling
On the other hand, if your dataset is small. You can use bootstrap sampling, or k-fold cross-validation. These ideas are similar. For example, for k-fold cross-validation, if k=5, then you split the dataset in 5 parts (also be carefull about stratified sampling). Let's name the parts a,b,c,d,e. Use the partitions [a,b,c,d] to train and get the prediction scores on [e] only. Next, use the partitions [a,b,c,e] and use the prediction scores on [d] only, and continue 5 times, where each time, you keep one partition alone and train the model with the other 4. After this, take an average of these scores. This is indicative of that your model might perform if it sees new data. It is also a good practice to do this multiple times and perform an average. For example, for smaller datasets, perform a 10 time 10-folds cross-validation, which will give a pretty stable score (depending on the dataset) which will be indicative of the prediction performance.
Bootstrap sampling is similar, but you need to sample the same number of datapoints (depends) with replacement from the dataset and use this sample to train. This set will have some datapoints repeated (as it was a sample with replacement). Then use the missing datapoins from the training dataset to evaluate the model. Perform this multiple times and average the performance.
Other ways are to incorporate regularisation techniques in the classifier cost function itself. For example in Support Vector Machines, the cost function enforces conditions such that the decision boundary maintains a "margin" or a gap between two class regions. In neural networks one can also do similar things (although it is not same as in SVM).
In neural network you can use early stopping to stop the training. What this does, is train on the Train dataset, but at each epoch, it evaluates the performance on the Validation dataset. If the model starts to overfit from a specific epoch, then the error for Training dataset will keep on decreasing, but the error of the Validation dataset will start increasing, indicating that your model is overfitting. Based on this one can stop training.
A large dataset from real world tends not to overfit too much (citation needed). Also, if you have too many parameters in your model (to many hidden units and layers), and if the model is unnecessarily complex, it will tend to overfit. A model with lesser pameter will never overfit (though can underfit, if parameters are too low).
In the case of you sin function task, the neural net has to overfit, as it is ... the sin function. These tests can really help debug and experiment with your code.
Another important note, if you try to do a Train, Validation, Test, or k-fold crossvalidation on the data generated by the sin function dataset, then splitting it in the "usual" way will not work as in this case we are dealing with a time-series, and for those cases, one can use techniques mentioned here
First of all, I think it's a great project to approximate sin(x). It would be great if you could share the snippet or some additional details so that we could pin point the exact problem.
However, I think that the problem is that you are overfitting the data hence you are not able to generalize well to other data points.
Few tricks that might work,
Get more training points
Go for regularization
Add a test set so that you know whether you are overfitting or not.
Keep in mind that 0 loss or 100% accuracy is mostly not good on training set.

Should a neural network be able to have a perfect train accuracy?

The title says it all: Should a neural network be able to have a perfect train accuracy? Mine saturates at ~0.9 accuracy and I am wondering if that indicates a problem with my network or the training data.
Training instances: ~4500 sequences with an average length of 10 elements.
Network: Bi-directional vanilla RNN with a softmax layer on top.
Perfect accuracy on training data is usually a sign of a phenomenon called overfitting (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overfitting) and the model may generalize poorly to unseen data. So, no, probably this alone is not an indication that there is something wrong (you could still be overfitting but it is not possible to tell from the information in your question).
You should check the accuracy of the NN on the validation set (data your network has not seen during training) and judge its generalizability. usually it's an iterative process where you train many networks with different configurations in parallel and see which one performs best on the validation set. Also see cross validation (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-validation_(statistics))
If you have low measurement noise, a model may still not get zero training error. This could be for many reasons including that the model is not flexible enough to capture the true underlying function (which can be a complicated, high-dimensional, non-linear function). You can try increasing the number of hidden layers and nodes but you have to be careful about the same things like overfitting and only judge based on evaluation through cross validation.
You can definitely get a 100% accuracy on training datasets by increasing model complexity but I would be wary of that.
You cannot expect your model to be better on your test set than on your training set. This means if your training accuracy is lower than the desired accuracy, you have to change something. Most likely you have to increase the number of parameters of your model.
The reason why you might be ok with not having a perfect training accuracy is (1) the problem of overfitting (2) training time. The more complex your model is, the more likely is overfitting.
You might want to have a look at Structural Risc Minimization:
(source: svms.org)

Model selection with dropout training neural network

I've been studying neural networks for a bit and recently learned about the dropout training algorithm. There are excellent papers out there to understand how it works, including the ones from the authors.
So I built a neural network with dropout training (it was fairly easy) but I'm a bit confused about how to perform model selection. From what I understand, looks like dropout is a method to be used when training the final model obtained through model selection.
As for the test part, papers always talk about using the complete network with halved weights, but they do not mention how to use it in the training/validation part (at least the ones I read).
I was thinking about using the network without dropout for the model selection part. Say that makes me find that the net performs well with N neurons. Then, for the final training (the one I use to train the network for the test part) I use 2N neurons with dropout probability p=0.5. That assures me to have exactly N neurons active on average, thus using the network at the right capacity most of the time.
Is this a correct approach?
By the way, I'm aware of the fact that dropout might not be the best choice with small datasets. The project I'm working on has academic purposes, so it's not really needed that I use the best model for the data, as long as I stick with machine learning good practices.
First of all, model selection and the training of a particular model are completely different issues. For model selection, you would usually need a data set that is completely independent of both training set used to build the model and test set used to estimate its performance. So if you're doing for example a cross-validation, you would need an inner cross-validation (to train the models and estimate the performance in general) and an outer cross-validation to do the model selection.
To see why, consider the following thought experiment (shamelessly stolen from this paper). You have a model that makes a completely random prediction. It has a number of parameters that you can set, but have no effect. If you're trying different parameter settings long enough, you'll eventually get a model that has a better performance than all the others simply because you're sampling from a random distribution. If you're using the same data for all of these models, this is the model you will choose. If you have a separate test set, it will quickly tell you that there is no real effect because the performance of this parameter setting that achieves good results during the model-building phase is not better on the separate set.
Now, back to neural networks with dropout. You didn't refer to any particular paper; I'm assuming that you mean Srivastava et. al. "Dropout: A Simple Way to Prevent Neural Networks from Overfitting". I'm not an expert on the subject, but the method to me seems to be similar to what's used in random forests or bagging to mitigate the flaws an individual learner may exhibit by applying it repeatedly in slightly different contexts. If I understood the method correctly, essentially what you end up with is an average over several possible models, very similar to random forests.
This is a way to make an individual model better, but not for model selection. The dropout is a way of adjusting the learned weights for a single neural network model.
To do model selection on this, you would need to train and test neural networks with different parameters and then evaluate those on completely different sets of data, as described in the paper I've referenced above.

What is the right way to measure if a machine learning model has overfit?

I understand the intuitive meaning of overfitting and underfitting. Now, given a particular machine learning model that is trained upon the training data, how can you tell if the training overfitted or underfitted the data? Is there a quantitative way to measure these factors?
Can we look at the error and say if it has overfit or underfit?
I believe the easiest approach is to have two sets of data. Training data and validation data. You train the model on the training data as long as the fitness of the model on the training data is close to the fitness of the model on the validation data. When the models fitness is increasing on the training data but not on the validation data then you're overfitting.
The usual way, I think, is known as cross-validation. The idea is to split the training set into several pieces, known as folds, then pick one at a time for evaluation and train on the remaining ones.
It does not, of course, measure the actual overfitting or underfitting, but if you can vary the complexity of the model, e.g. by changing the regularization term, you can find the optimal point. This is as far as one can go with just training and testing, I think.
You don't look at the error on the training data, but on the validation data only.
A common way of testing is to try different model complexities, and see how the error changes with model complexity. Usually these have a typical curve. In the beginning, the errors quickly improve. Then there is saturation (where the model is good), then they start decreasing again, but not because of being a better model, but because of overfitting. You want to be on the low complexity end of the plateau, the simplest model that provides a reasonable generalization.
The existing answers are not strictly speaking wrong, but they are not complete. Yes, you do need a validation set, but an important issue here is that you do not simply look at the model error on the validation set and try to minimize it. It will lead to overfitting all the same, because you will effectively be fitting on a validation set that way. The right approach is not minimizing the error on your sets, but making an error independent from which training and validation sets you use. If error on validation set is significantly different (doesn't matter if it is worse, or better), then the model is overfit. Also, certainly, this should be done in a cross-validation way when you train on some random set and then validate on another random set.
