Building composable objects in Swift with protocols - ios

I'm trying to create a way to build compassable objects in Swift. I feel like I'm almost there with what I have but it's still not 100% correct.
What I'm aiming for is to have a FlowController object that can create our UIViewControllers and then give them any of the dependencies that they need.
What I'd also like to do is make this work as loosely as possible.
I have a small example here that works but is not ideal. I'll explain...
Here are two objects that can be used as components... Wallet and User.
class Wallet {
func topUp(amount: Int) {
print("Top up wallet with £\(amount)")
class User {
func sayHello() {
Print("Hello, world!")
We then define a Component enum that has cases for each of these...
enum Component {
case Wallet
case User
... And a protocol that defines a method requiresComponents that returns an array of Components.
This is where the problem arises. In order for the "factory object" to put the components into a Composable object we need to define the user and wallet properties in the protocol also.
protocol Composable {
var user: User? {get set}
var wallet: Wallet? {get set}
func requiresComponents() -> [Component]
In an attempt to make these properties "optional" (not Optional) I have defined an extension to the Composable protocol that defines these vars as nil.
extension Composable {
var user: User? {
get {return nil}
set {}
var wallet: Wallet? {
get {return nil}
set {}
Now I declare the class that I want to make Composable. As you can see it requires the User component and declares the variable.
class SomeComposableClass: Composable {
var user: User?
func requiresComponents() -> [Component] {
return [.User]
Now the FlowController that will create these and add the components to them. You can see here that I have had to take the object, create a local var version of it and then return the updated object. I think this is because it doesn't know the type of objects that will be conforming to the protocol so the parameter can't be mutated.
class FlowController {
func addComponents<T: Composable>(toComposableObject object: T) -> T {
var localObject = object
for component in object.requiresComponents() {
switch component {
case .Wallet:
localObject.wallet = Wallet()
case .User:
localObject.user = User()
return localObject
Here I create the objects.
let flowController = FlowController()
let composable = SomeComposableClass()
And here I add the components. In production this would be done all inside the FlowController.
flowController.addComponents(toComposableObject: composable) // prints "User" when adding the user component
compassable.user?.sayHello() // prints "Hello, world!"
As you can see, it works here. The user object is added.
However, as you can also see. Because I have declared the vars in the protocol the composable object also has a reference to a wallet component (although it will always be nil).
composable.wallet // nil
I feel like I'm about 95% of the way there with this but what I'd like to be able to do is improve how the properties are declared. What I'd like is for that last line... composable.wallet to be a compile error.
I could do this by moving the declaration of the properties out of the protocol but then I have the problem of not being able to add the properties to any object that conforms to the Composable protocol.
What would be awesome is for the factory object to be able to add the properties without relying on the declaration. Or even have some sort of guard that says "if this object has a property call user then add the user component to it". Or something like that.
If anyone knows how I could get the other 5% of this working it would be awesome. Like I said, this works, just not in an ideal way.
Thanks :D
Hacky Edit
Hmm... As a quick tacky, horrible, "no-one-should-do-this" edit. I have changed my protocol extension to be like this...
extension Composable {
var user: User? {
get {fatalError("Access user")}
set {fatalError("Set user")}
var wallet: Wallet? {
get {fatalError("Access wallet")}
set {fatalError("Set waller")}
Now at least the program will crash if I try to access a variable I have not defined. But it's still not ideal.
Edit after reading Daniel's blog
OK, I think I've done what I wanted. Just not sure that it's exactly Swifty. Although, I also think it might be. Looking for a second opinion :)
So, my components and protocols have become this...
// these are unchanged
class Wallet {
func topUp(amount: Int) {
print("Top up wallet with £\(amount)")
// each component gets a protocol
protocol WalletComposing {
var wallet: Wallet? {get set}
class User {
func sayHello() {
print("Hello, world!")
protocol UserComposing {
var user: User? {get set}
Now the factory method has changed...
// this is the bit I'm unsure about.
// I now have to check for conformance to each protocol
// and add the components accordingly.
// does this look OK?
func addComponents(toComposableObject object: AnyObject) {
if var localObject = object as? UserComposing {
localObject.user = User()
if var localObject = object as? WalletComposing {
localObject.wallet = Wallet()
This allows me to do this...
class SomeComposableClass: UserComposing {
var user: User?
class OtherClass: UserComposing, WalletComposing {
var user: User?
var wallet: Wallet?
let flowController = FlowController()
let composable = SomeComposableClass()
flowController.addComponents(toComposableObject: composable)
composable.wallet?.topUp(amount: 20) // this is now a compile time error which is what I wanted :D
let other = OtherClass()
flowController.addComponents(toComposableObject: other)
other.wallet?.topUp(amount: 10)

This seems like a good case for applying the Interface Segregation Principle
Specifically, rather than having a master Composable protocol, have many smaller protocols like UserComposing and WalletComposing. Then your concrete types that wish to compose those various traits, would just list their "requiredComponents" as protocols they conform to, i.e:
class FlowController : UserComposing, WalletComposing
I actually wrote a blog post that talks about this more extensively and gives more detailed examples at
Looking at the updated question and sample code, I would only suggest the following refinement:
Going back to your original design, it might make sense to define a base Composing protocol that requires any conforming class to create storage for composed traits as a dictionary. Something like this:
protocol Composing : class {
var traitDictionary:[String:Any] { get, set }
Then, use protocol extensions to add the actual composable trait as a computed property, which reduces the boilerplate of having to create those properties in every conforming class. This way any class can conform to any number of trait protocols without having to declare a specific var for each. Here's a more complete example implementation:
class FlowController {
static func userFor(instance:UserComposing) -> User {
return User()
static func walletFor(instance:WalletComposing) -> Wallet {
return Wallet()
protocol Composing : class {
var traitDictionary:[String:Any] { get, set }
protocol UserComposing : Composing {}
extension UserComposing {
var user:User {
get {
if let user = traitDictionary["user"] as? User {
return user
else {
let user = FlowController.userFor(self)
traitDictionary["user"] = user
return user
protocol WalletComposing {}
extension WalletComposing {
var wallet:Wallet {
get {
if let wallet = traitDictionary["wallet"] as? Wallet {
return wallet
else {
let wallet = FlowController.walletFor(self)
traitDictionary["wallet"] = wallet
return wallet
class AbstractComposing {
var traitDictionary = [String:Any]()
Not only does this get rid of those pesky optionals you have to unwrap everywhere, but it makes the injection of user and wallet implicit and automatic. That means that your classes will already have the right values for those traits even inside their own initializers, no need to explicitly pass each new instance to an instance of FlowController every time.
For example, your last code snippet would now become simply:
class SomeComposableClass: AbstractComposing, UserComposing {} // no need to declare var anymore
class OtherClass: AbstractComposing, UserComposing, WalletComposing {} //no vars here either!
let composable = SomeComposableClass() // No need to instantiate FlowController and pass in this instance
composable.user.sayHello() // No unwrapping the optional, this is guaranteed
composable.wallet.topUp(amount: 20) // this is still a compile time error which is what you wanted :D
let other = OtherClass() // No need to instantiate FlowController and pass in this instance
other.wallet.topUp(amount: 10) // It all "just works" ;)


Creating mock instances of GIDGoogleUser

I'm writing some Unit Tests and I need to create a mock instance of GIDGoogleUser to make sure my API returns a correct instance of my model User class which is subset of the fields in GIDGoogleUser.
Since GIDGoogleUser does not expose an initializer, and all it's properties are read only, I can't create a mock instance and inject it in to my converter. Is there any way I can do this?
For simplicity, this is what I'm doing:
struct User {
let name: String
init(googleUser: GIDGoogleUser) {
name =
I'm not sure what you mean when you say you can't mock GIDGoogleUser. Here is a mock of GIDGoogleUser I made just now:
First, declare the protocols that GIDGoogleUser and GIDProfileData will conform to, as well as our mocks we'll make in a bit:
protocol GoogleUserProtocol {
associatedtype Profile: ProfileDataProtocol
var profile: Profile! { get }
protocol ProfileDataProtocol {
var name: String! { get }
Then, have GIDGoogleUser and GIDProfileData conform to these protocols:
extension GIDGoogleUser: GoogleUserProtocol {}
extension GIDProfileData: ProfileDataProtocol {}
Then, create our mock classes (or structs as I opted for in this case), and have them conform to the above protocols:
struct MockGoogleUser: GoogleUserProtocol {
let profile: MockProfileData!
struct MockProfileData: ProfileDataProtocol {
let name: String!
Finally, adjust User's initializer to take not a GIDGoogleUser, but instead anything that conforms to GoogleUserProtocol:
struct User {
let name: String
init<G>(googleUser: G) where G: GoogleUserProtocol {
name =
This will let you create mock Google User instances and inject them into your User, like so:
let mockProfileData = MockProfileData(name: "Mock User Name")
let mockGoogleUser = MockGoogleUser(profile: mockProfileData)
let mockUser = User(googleUser: mockGoogleUser)
print( // prints "Mock User Name"
And you can of course still init your User with "real" Google User objects too:
let realGoogleUser: GIDGoogleUser = ... // get a GIDGoogleUser after signing in
let realUser = User(googleUser: realGoogleUser)
print( // prints whatever the real GIDGoogleUser's name is

Binding Protocols with Associated Objects - Protocol Oriented Programming with Swift

i'm an iOS dev with a couple of years of experience with swift, but rarely i've used PAT's...
This time, I was trying to move some code from an app that i've developed to a shared library that I use in a couple of projects. The case is about a Factory that uses various Builders (that are decorators of my business resources) via an Abstract Builder protocol, to obtain Items (in the real case, ViewControllers).
The Builder relays upon some variables that the Factory passes to him, but those are at the application level, so, to extract this logic and put it into my library, i need to use a generic reference, and because I want to work in a Protocol Oriented Programming manner, it is an AssociatedType.
// The item that i want to receive from my factory
protocol Item {
var content: String { get }
// This is the Builder interface that the Factory consumes
protocol Builder {
// The Abstract Parameters that the Application should define
associatedtype Parameters
func build(_ parameters: Parameters) -> Item?
// The BusinessResource of my library
protocol BusinessResource { }
// The Factory that consumes the Builders
protocol Factory {
associatedtype FactoryBuilder: Builder
var parameters: FactoryBuilder.Parameters { get }
func make(from businessResource: BusinessResource) -> Item?
// The generic implementation of my Factory
extension Factory {
func make(from businessResource: BusinessResource) -> Item? {
guard let builder = businessResource as? FactoryBuilder else {
return nil
At this point everything looks good.
I have two protocols and those are binded together, sharing a common type who is generic (the Builder Parameters).
So, on the application layer, now i could introduce my concrete Parameters (i'll call them ConcreteParameters XD)
// The concrete parameters of the Application Factory
struct ConcreteParameters {
let string: String
// The Builder interface restricting Parameters to ConcreteParameters
protocol BindedBuilder: Builder where Parameters == ConcreteParameters {
// The Factory interface restricting Parameters to ConcreteParameters
protocol BindedFactory: AbstractFactory where FactoryParameters: ConcreteParameters {
So far, so good. Everything looks in place and I'm start thinking that this could work, so now i try to implement a concrete Factory on the application to try if this really works.
// The concrete output of my Builder
struct ConcreteItem: Item {
var content: String
// The concrete BusinessResource that i get from my library
struct ConcreteObject: BusinessResource {
let string: String
// The decoration extension that makes ConcreteObject compliant with Builder
extension ConcreteObject: Builder {
typealias Parameters = ConcreteParameters
func build(_ parameters: ConcreteParameters) -> Item? {
return ConcreteItem(content: parameters.string + self.string)
// The real Factory inside my app
class ConcreteFactory: BindedFactory {
typealias FactoryBuilder = BindedBuilder
var parameters: ConcreteParameters {
return ConcreteParameters(string: "Hello ")
let item = ConcreteFactory().make(from: ConcreteObject(string: "world!"))
print(item ?? "NOT WORKING")
At this point something breaks... I get this error:
[EDIT: Error came from a previous version of the snippet, AbstractFactori is current Factory]
It is a Bug??
I really don't know how to solve this...
I think in this case you need to use a concrete type to alias FactoryBuilder instead of BindedBuilder, as protocols do not conform to themselves.
This code effectively compiles, would something like that match your requirements?
class ConcreteFactory: BindedFactory {
typealias FactoryBuilder = ConcreteObject
var parameters: ConcreteParameters {
return ConcreteParameters(string: "Hello ")
Otherwise you can also try type erasing BindedBuilder and create AnyBindedBuilder, as suggested in the same link.

Add protocol to super class which will force other classes that inherit from it to implement protocol

So I'm new to iOS development and have been working on minor changes to an app at my internship that has a relatively large objective-c code base. I've been learning swift from Treehouse(Wow, love them!) and I just learned about protocols. Currently, they should be used in certain instances and the instructor used this example.
Say you have a company with two different types of employees: Salary and Hourly(Pretty common). Now, they both would inherit from a super class called Employee and both would have to call a function called "pay" which would pay the employee. How do you enforce these classes to implement that function? Sure, use a protocol but that would require you to remember to add that to the function declaration. Is there a way to just add the protocol to the super class "Employee" and then whatever inherits from that class would have to follow that protocol that's part of that superclass. Is there another way to do this? Thanks!
What you are looking for is an abstract class. The purpose of an abstract class is to behave as a base class for concrete classes to inherit from, but an abstract class cannot be instantiated directly.
If Employee was an an abstract class then any attempt to actually instantiate an instance of Employee would be reported as an error by the compiler. You would need to instantiate a concrete subclass of Employee, such as SalariedEmployee or HourlyEmployee.
The definition of the Employee class would include that the calculatePay method was required and again a compile time error would occur if a concrete subclass did not implement that method.
Now, the bad news. Neither Objective-C nor Swift supports abstract classes.
You can provide a similar kind of class by providing an implementation of a method that throws an exception if it isn't overridden by a subclass. This gives a runtime error rather than a compile time error.
class Employee {
var givenName: String
var surname: String
init(givenName: String, surname: String) {
self.givenName = givenName
self.surname = surname
func calculatePay() -> Float {
fatalError("Subclasses must override calculatePay")
class SalariedEmployee: Employee {
var salary: Float
init(givenName: String, surname: String, annualSalary: Float) {
salary = annualSalary
super.init(givenName: givenName, surname: surname)
override func calculatePay() -> Float {
return salary/12 // Note: No call to super.calculatePay
Whether the calculatePay is part of the base class or assigned to the base class through an extension that adds conformance to a protocol, the result is the same;
The Employee class will need a default implementation of the function that generates some sort of error
Failure of a subclass to implement the method will not cause a compile time error
You could assign a protocol, say, Payable to each subclass individually, but then as the protocol was not part of the base class, you couldn't say something like:
var employees[Employee]
for e in employees {
let pay = e.calculatePay()
You would have to use the slightly more complicated:
for e in employees {
if e is Payable {
let pay = e.calculatePay()
Unfortunately abstract functions are not yet supported. A possible workaround is to launch a fatalError when such function is not overridden by a subclass, doing so:
protocol YourProtocol {
func pay()
class Employee: YourProtocol {
func pay() {
fatalError("Must Override")
class SubEmployee: Employee {
func pay() {
print("stuff here")
My approach to this is to include the delegate as a parameter in the class initializer. See the code below:
protocol ProtocolExample {
func somethingNeedsToHappen()
// typical class example with delegate property for the required protocol
class ClassExampleA {
var delegate: ProtocolExample!
init() {
func aCriticalMethodWithUpdates() {
// use class example in a view controller. Can easily forget to invoke the delegate and protocol
class MySampleViewControllerA: UIViewController {
var classExampleA : ClassExampleA!
func loadMyData() {
classExampleA = ClassExampleA()
// an alternative approach for the class is to include the delegate parameter in the initializer.
class ClassExampleB {
var delegate: ProtocolExample!
init(delegateForUpdates: ProtocolExample) {
delegate = delegateForUpdates
func doSomething() {
// go to use it and you're reminded that the parameter is required...
class MySampleViewControllerB: UIViewController {
var classExampleB: ClassExampleB!
func loadMyData() {
classExampleB = ClassExampleB() // error: Missing argument for parameter 'delegateForUpdates' in call
// so to avoid error:
class MySampleViewControllerC: UIViewController {
var classExampleB: ClassExampleB!
func loadMyData() {
classExampleB = ClassExampleB(delegateForUpdates: <#ProtocolExample#>)

How to reference a class that follows a protocol in return type of function?

I have a protocol called Social Service, declared as follows:
protocol SocialService: class {
class func testFunc()
A class that follows the protocol may look like this:
class Twitter: SocialService {
class func testFunc() {
I want to have a method which returns a class that follows this protocol, so calling it would look like this:
let socialService = socialServiceForServiceType(serviceType: String)
I'm not sure what I need to put as the return value type of this function. For example, this:
func socialServiceForServiceType(serviceType: String) -> SocialService.Type
doesn't give an error right here, but trying to call it as above, gives an error:
Accessing members of protocol type value 'SocialService.Type' is
EDIT: I don't want an instance of that type, I want a class of that type. So I want a Twitter class, so I can call the class methods from the SocialService protocol on it.
Like the error says, this feature is unimplemented. However...
I don't want an instance of that type, I want a class of that type. So I want a Twitter class, so I can call the class methods from the SocialService protocol on it.
I'm not sure what you think you're getting from avoiding instances like this. Bear in mind classes don’t need to have member variables, and without them are essentially just collection of function pointers – which is what you seem to be looking for.
If you implement a Twitter class that has no properties and that conforms to a protocol, then calling methods on that protocol will dynamically dispatch to the implementations of that instance:
protocol SocialService: class {
func testFunc()
class Twitter: SocialService {
func testFunc() {
println("Testing Twitter!")
func socialServiceForServiceType(serviceType: String) -> SocialService {
return Twitter()
let service = socialServiceForServiceType("blah")
// prints "Testing Twitter!"
If your concern is that you want to put member variables in the Twitter class, but don’t want the overhead of that for some features, then this probably suggests you want to decompose this functionality into two different classes. Alternatively, if you want a singleton instance (to handle the connectivity for example) then there are other patterns to handle this.
Use simply
func socialServiceForServiceType(serviceType: String) -> SocialService
A protocol can be the return type of a function.
Totally agree with Airspeed Velocity, but I'd like to expand on one of his points:
I'm not sure what you think you're getting from avoiding instances like this. Bear in mind classes don’t need to have member variables, and without them are essentially just collection of function pointers – which is what you seem to be looking for.
I assume you're trying to do something like this:
func socialServiceForServiceType(serviceType: String) -> SocialService.Type
let cls = socialServiceForServiceType("twitter")
let conn = cls.connect(user)
Or something like that. You don't need classes to achieve that. You can just return functions.
typealias Connect = User -> Connection
func connectorForServiceType(serviceType: String) -> Connect {
switch serviceType {
case "twitter": return Twitter.Connect
let connect = connectorForServiceType("twitter")
let conn = connect(user)
If you have a whole bundle of functions that you want to package together, just use a struct.
struct ServiceHandlers {
let connect : User -> Connection
let ping : () -> Bool
let name: () -> String
func standardPinger(host: String) -> () -> Bool {
return { host in
// perform an ICMP ping and return Bool
func handlersForServiceType(serviceType: String) -> ServiceHandlers {
switch serviceType {
case "twitter":
return ServiceHandlers(connect: Twitter.connect,
ping: standardPinger(""),
name: { "Twitter" })
let service = handlersForServiceType("twitter")
let conn = service.connect(user)
In some ways this is duplicative with class methods, but (a) the features you need for class methods aren't implemented, and (b) this is much more flexible. You can return any collection of functions you want; they don't have to all be class methods. It's easier to have default behaviors (which are hard in Swift when you use inheritance). It's easier to extend because you don't necessarily have to extend all the classes (see my use of standardPinger, which is some function I've made up that returns another function; it doesn't have to be a class method).
Breaking free of class/inheritance thinking and just passing around functions can be a major benefit in Swift. Sometimes a struct is better than a protocol.
Use a Factory pattern to achieve the same.
class SocialFactory : NSObject
class func socialServiceForServiceType(serviceType: String) -> SocialService?
switch serviceType
case "Twitter":
return Twitter();
case "Facebook":
return Facebook()
return nil;

A static field inherited from the base class or protocol - how?

I want to be able to have the classes which have a static property (field) which is either inherited from the base class or "mixed" from a protocol. And every class should have it's own implementation of that property. Is it possible? Preferably, it to be immutable.
class C1 {
static let stProperty = "my prorepty1"
class C2 {
static let stProperty = "my prorepty2"
It's possible, but it's really hard to make this useful in Swift. How do you plan to refer to this property? Let's start with a super-simple implementation:
protocol SomeProtocol {
static var prop: String { get }
class C1: SomeProtocol {
static let prop = "This is One"
Great. So now I want a function that uses this:
func useProp(x: SomeProtocol) -> String {
return x.prop
// 'SomeProtocol' does not have a member named 'prop'
That doesn't work. x is an instance, but I want the type.
// Accessing members of protocol type value 'SomeProtocol.Type' is unimplemented
func useProp(x: SomeProtocol.Type) -> String {
return x.prop
This is probably how it will work some day given the word "unimplemented." But it doesn't work today.
func useProp(x: SomeProtocol) -> String {
// Accessing members of protocol type value 'SomeProtocol.Type' is unimplemented
return x.dynamicType.prop
Same thing.
Today, you really have to hang this on the object itself and not use static or class:
protocol SomeProtocol {
var prop: String { get }
class C1: SomeProtocol {
let prop = "This is One"
func useProp(x: SomeProtocol) -> String {
return x.prop
That's not so terrible in many cases, since the value for the class is probably also the value for any given instance of the class. And it's really all we can do today.
Of course your problem might be that you don't have an instance yet and you need this information to build an instance. That's really hard today and you should probably rethink your design. You'll generally have to use some other pattern like a Builder. See Generic Types Collection for more.
Now you also said:
or "mixed" from a protocol
I wouldn't say "mixed" here. If you really mean this like a Ruby "mixin", there is no such thing in Swift today. Swift folks often refer to this feature as "default implementation," and it's not currently possible (though I do expect it to come eventually). The only thing you can do in the protocol is say that the implementor has to provide this method somehow. You can't provide it for them.
Sure you can do that with a protocol:
protocol SomeProtocol {
static var foo: String { get }
class One: SomeProtocol {
class var foo: String {
get {
return "This is One"
Btw I agree with Rob Napier below that this is a bit off a oddball feature. I do think there are probably use-cases for it, but I also think those can be better implemented with other language features
protocol P {
class var stProperty: String { get }
class C1 {
class var stProperty: String {
return = "my property1"
class C2 {
class var stProperty: String {
return = "my property2"
C2.prop //"my property2"
If you try:
C2.prop = "new value" //"cannot assign to the result of this expression"
