Loading Rails project's app paths in Rspec - ruby-on-rails

I'm writing an application in Rails 5 and using Rspec for tests. I'm having a lot of trouble with require 'some_model' or require 'some_controller' in my spec files. Every time I run a spec, it acts lost and doesn't seem to understand that it's in a Rails app. The suggestions I've seen range from
config.autolad_paths += %W( #{config.root}/app )
$LOAD_PATH << '~/my_app/app/models' which sort of works, except that my tests throw an unitialized constant for ApplicationRecord
So for all the digging around I've done, I still haven't found a good way require my MVC files while keeping my specs and spec_helper clean. There doesn't seem to be any defacto way to do so, so how do you all suggest doing it?

can you not take on the entire stress of RSpec configuration. Use the rspec-rails gem and look through the documentation to use it within your app. I guess you can get a base config with rails generate rspec:install after including the gem in your project.


Are Rails engines supposed to come with an environment.rb?

I recently created my first Rails engine. The only thing in /config is routes.rb - no environment.rb or application.rb or anything like that.
When I installed the rspec-rails gem and tried to run my specs, I got an error saying it couldn't find environment.rb, which is not surprising, since environment.rb doesn't exist.
The confusing thing to me is that the evidence I have tells me one of two things must be the case:
1) Rails engines don't come with an environment.rb and you're expected to create environment.rb, application.rb, etc. by hand. This seems unlikely.
2) Rails engines do come with an environment.rb, but my engine happens to be missing it for whatever reason. This also seems unlikely. I am confused, though, by this answer that refers to environment.rb in an engine: Testing Rails 3.1 mountable engine with Rspec
So my question is: Are Rails engines supposed to come with an environment.rb, and if not, how are you supposed to create one if you want/need one?
Use the dummy app's environment.rb file.
To setup RSpec:
Add the below to your spec_helper.rb file.
ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= 'test'
require File.expand_path("../../test/dummy/config/environment", __FILE__)
It's also helpful to add the engine root.
ENGINE_RAILS_ROOT = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../')
If you want access to the engine's routing helpers, add the below in the RSpec.configure block.
# This will include the routing helpers in the specs so that we can use
# <engine>_path, etc., to get to the routes.
config.include <RailsEngine>::Engine.routes.url_helpers
Hope that helps.
Rails engines may have environment files, but they don't need them. I would recommend against them, because your application is probably going to get mounted (as a gem) inside of another application, making it very difficult to configure your engine from within the main rails application.
It's more advisable that you use a yml file that can be configured from within the primary rails app, and allow that rails app to implement environment specific configurations. That doesn't mean you can't have some defaults that are based on environment environment files inside of your rails engine, but rather, that it usually makes life easier to allow external configuration.

How to get other Gem helpers into my Engine Gem's tests?

I'm trying to write tests for an engine gem I'm writing. I'm using Rspec and the tests seem to be running fine. But whenever a view uses a helper from another gem, such as "will_paginate" or "ransack", I get an "undefined method" error.
I've tried including the other gems in my gem's Gemfile (in addition to the engine.gemspec file) as well as the dummy app's Gemfile, but I get the same error. I've also tried including the gems in the spec/spec_helper.rb file.
So I've tried most of the things mentioned here:
Setup RSpec to test a gem (not Rails)
Usually, for Rspec tests for a regular Rails app, these helpers seem to be just included some how since I don't have this issue running tests for a regular Rails app.
I also have been needing to namespace my url helpers in the views with something like:
I'm not sure if that's a symptom of some configuration I've messed up on.
Everything in the engine runs fine when mounted to another app and viewed on the browser.
Any ideas?
Turns out a better approach is to stub out methods from gems since the gem should be testing their own methods anyways. Please let me know if I'm misunderstanding anything. Thanks!

Test Unit fails to load xsd file

I have a ruby file that requires a file which has require 'xsd/qname'
and all my files work fine, but when I go to test them with test unit I keep getting these errors
LoadError: no such file to load -- xsd/qname
I've been scouring google for a while and fail to see a solution. (I'm new to test unit so it might be incredibly simple).
I believe my problem is related to the fact that the code is in a gem and not the rails environment, therefore the code using it loads rails while these tests do not.
The odd part is if I go in the gem with irb, I can require 'xsd/qname', but I can't require 'soap/rpc/driver' which is another error I was getting
It's probably path related. It's difficult to advise a best solution without seeing how your project is laid out, but try replacing the require statement with:
require File.dirname(Rails.root + '/xsd/qname')
You may need to adjust that depending on where that file exists within your project.
I think the problem was using files built in ruby 1.8 with 1.9. Using soap4r solved my problem.
Fyi if you just want to just rescue the error do this:
require 'xsd/qname'
rescue LoadError
puts "xsd/qname not found...."

RSpec/Gem development: Stubbing rails templates

I'm currently working on a couple of different gems both of which mainly consist of rails view helpers.
My problem is that some of these helpers require rendered rails templates to test the output - but I am unsure of the best way to stub a template, without a rails application. I presume that I should be able to leverage rspec-rails in some capacity, but i've been having trouble getting that to work without a rails app present.
Am I approaching this the wrong way? What's the current best-practice to test rails-specific features (in particular - things that happen only in the view) during gem development?
I use the excellent enginex gem, which helps you in setting up a gem skeleton with an embedded rails application for testing. This way you can easily test any rails dependency inside that application. To generate rspec tests run it as follows (default is test-unit):
enginex -t rspec your-gem-name
What I did to incorporate this into my gem, was run this inside some test folder, and copied the necessary files over to my gem. As an example, you could check it out inside my cocoon gem.
Hope this helps.

ActiveRecord dependency with Ruby, Rails, Cucumber, & RSpec

We are writing a Rails application that is using CouchDB as its data store. We're BDD/TDD'ing with RSpec and Cucumber, which is using WebRat for webpage testing
I'm trying to remove ActiveRecord as one of the resources that is being loaded by rails but its causing the cucumber tests to fail. I've removed all references that I can find (fixtures, environment files, etc...) but it still fails without it.
Has anyone seen this? The application runs fine without, but the test don't.
I did remove the framework in env file, I also removed all the transactional fixture code. We're using the latest version of rspec and rspec-rails.
First stab at the problem.
Really I need a little more information, but...
Assuming you have done this in config/environment.rb:
# Skip frameworks you're not going to use. To use Rails without a database
# you must remove the Active Record framework.
config.frameworks -= [ :active_record ]
and are using rspec-rails 1.2.6, you would be getting an error like uninitialized constant Spec::Matchers::Change::ActiveRecord
which was brought up in ticket #810. It was fixed for 1.2.7, which was released only two weeks ago.
If that turns out not to be your problem, could you post the errors you've been getting and maybe some more information about your test environment?
