Grails and Spring Security: license/usage agreement support - grails

I've got a webapp which is using Grails with Spring Security plugin for it's authentication and authorisation.
I have a new requirement from the business that they want to force all users upon login to the system, to be displayed our current license agreement or t&cs, the user needs to accept these before being allowed further into the system.
Clearly, once they accept the license/t&cs, then we don't ask them again on future logins.
Does Spring Security support this in any way? Or can you recommend another grails plugin?

One way of doing this would be to add a new field to your User class (e.g. hasAcceptedLicense), redirect the user to a defaultUrl at login ( where they need to read and accept a license, and then have a AccessDecisionVoter ( that makes sure they did so.


Keycloak and spring security usage

I have used spring security in the past and understand that most of the features of keycloak can be achieved by using spring security ( ldap integration etc ).
Apart from easy social media login validation, are there any other unique features in key cloak which cannot be done using spring security?
With spring-security you would have to create Spring authentication server and explicitly configure/code certain things for integration with LDAP, OAuth2/OIDC providers.
Keycloak is already OAuth2/OIDC/SAMPL compliant IAM provider. It provides features like User Federation with options like LDAP, integration with other OIDC provider etc.
Keycloak provides SPI integration points where you can customize the request flow, use OTP, perform two factor authentication, add google CAPTCHA, or even your CAPTCHA. It provides role based authorization too if you need.
It also provides event handling integration points for events like Login, logout, refresh token, etc.
Keycloak Community will keep adding new features or keep supporting it w.r.t. changes in OAuth2, OIDC, SAML. You don't need to worry about updating your code time to time. Along with this, security updates will be there.
There are many more features.
Most importantly, why reinvent the wheel, if you get these many features and good support.
Keycloak allows you:
to use multiple user storage and get users from multiple LDAP/AD or Kerberos or use without any LDAP.
to login once (SSO) and forget about to login from another application with GUI;
to use one authorization server for multiple application by separation them by realms. One thing should be noted: keycloak could be installed on multiple nodes for better reliability; This also could helpful when application become big and once you decide to separate it on multiple.
to add user additional attributes and fields during get user info without coding (trivial example - set phone number) or specific roles (on realm or even client level) or groups and use all this on the top of an AD attributes;
to configure password rules like password expiration, e-mail validation and so on;
to set up 2-factor authorization with SMS or Email.
These things I think could be implemented using Spring Security, but it takes more time than Keycloak installation and configuration. Personally, I am using Keycloak in multiple commercial projects and could claim that Keycloak is good.

Spring Security using OAM (Oracle Access Manager) SSO (Single Sign-On)

I am new to Spring world and with the help of lots of information available online, I have pretty much developed Spring MVC Application I am working on currently.
Last piece I have to implement is to integrate OAM SSO in my application to use as authentication.
I searched a lot on web but couldn't find single example of implementing third party Authentication provider.
I finally realized that I have to use PreAuthentication but I am not sure how I would implement it.
I am unable to share my code because any thing I tried until now is not working and I feel that I haven't got right path yet.
Any help would be much appreciated.
To give you brief idea about OAM, OAM authenticates user ID and Passwords and sends you authenticated requests with a cookied, OBSSOCookie. Using this cookies, you need to contact OAM and get User ID and password and also User Roles (Authorities). Any request coming to your application is already authenticated so you do not need to authenticate again. all you need to do is, using this cookie, need to retrieve user Authorities.
For Spring MVC, you could use the spring-webmvc-pac4j security library, instead of Spring Security. Use a CookieClient to deal with the OBSSOCookie and create your own Authenticator to check this cookie against OAM.

How do I customize the credentials check in the Grails Spring Security Core plugin?

I'm currently creating a new application that requires users to login. I want to use the Spring Security Core plugin for this, but the only problem is that the credentials of the users are stored in a centralized system, and not locally in the database. This system can only be accessed by an API, and will tell me whether the credentials are correct or not.
Is there any way to override the credentials check of the Spring Security Code plugin, so I can check the credentials myself? Or in case this is not possible, is there any other workaround?
It belongs on what your system looks like.
You can write your own Authentication Provider.
Here is answer.
You can create your own User class with datasource set on your centralized system database.
Or you can use Spring Security CAS Plugin

Grails spring security ui: create different users with different roles on Registration

I am using Spring security core & Spring security UI in my project. I have a requirement in which i need to create 2 different type of users: Sellers and Buyers. When user goto home page he can select what type of account he wants to create either buyer or seller.
What i have to do it make it work with spring security UI plugin. Do i have to create different Registration pages for different type of users. But then how i can assign roles at the time of registration.
I checked various questions posted before posting this question and could not find the right answer. I am new to Grails and will appreciate if Grails experts can help me with this issue.
I hope I have understood your question, I was a bit confused about mixing login with registration in your question.
Once you have created your user create UserRole based on the selected role, either ROLE_BUYER or ROLE_SELLER. This can be done in UserController create method.
As for login you don't need to have two different logins, you can always create a filter, interceptor, or any aspect oriented technique to intercept the request and redirect user to the proper section of your site. This way you're authorization is loosely coupled. Imho, there is no need to use Spring Security UI for authorization specific goals. Spring Security Core does much better job wrt url mapping/annotations.

grails spring security oauth still requires a local username/password?

I am using grails/spring security/oauth plugins. However, when using an oauth provider the system still requires the user to create a username and password in system to complete the registration process. Is there any way to make the username/password not required if the user is using an oauth provider? Maybe by making the email address the username (another thing I would like to do but can not find an easy solution)?
You need to bind the 3rd party authentication somewhere to your local security setup. This is what the SecUser class is for (see: spring-security-core plugin). You can generate this class and modify it to suit your needs. The OAuth bit I don't know much about but I assume there are some callback points where you can add the behaviour you want. (OAuth ID Class perhaps?)
