Error adding Firebase users Swift - ios

By following the information on this link, I am currently working on trying to create a user using Firebase, as shown in the code below. However, it appears no user is created when the app is run. Any input is greatly appreciated. The Firebase URL was taken from my test database.
let ref = Firebase(url: "")
ref.createUser("", password: "correcthorsebatterystaple",
withValueCompletionBlock: { error, result in
if error != nil {
// There was an error creating the account
print("error creating account")
} else {
let uid = result["uid"] as? String
print("Successfully created user account with uid: \(uid)")
The propagated error is:
Error Code: AUTHENTICATION_DISABLED) Projects created at must use the new Firebase Authentication
SDKs available from
However, as shown below, the email/password authentication is enabled in the Firebase console.

You have already authorized the email registration as I can see in your screenshot. So the problem doesnt realies on AUTHENTICATION_DISABLED.
From your error message and the snippet code I can see that you have created a new project but you are trying to use the legacy firebase SDK and so you will have compatibility issues. Also, you are looking into the old firebase documentation.
First of all you will need to make sure you have configured your project as documented in new firebase start guide.
After, you can take a look at the documentation for creating a new user with the new sdk. You can find the 3.x create user call bellow.
FIRAuth.auth()?.createUserWithEmail(email, password: password) { (user, error) in
// ...


How to validate fields server side during user creation with Firebase Auth?

I'm trying to use Firebase Auth to create a new user, but I want to validate some fields (pattern matching) using Firestore Security Rules before creating a new account. How can I do that?
In the completion handler for the createUser(withEmail: , password:) function, I am performing some writes to Firestore on successful account creation.
I am facing a problem where sometimes the writes to Firestore may not be successful due to Firestore Secuity Rules (Pattern matching). In this case the write fails but the new user account is still created (since writes are being attempted in completion handler).
// Create User Method - Firebase Auth & Swift
Auth.auth().createUser(withEmail: self.emailTextField.text!, password: self.passwordTextField.text!) { (result, error) in
if error != nil {
} else {
let userName = [
// Writing field Data to Firestore
Firestore.firestore().collection("users").document(self.userNameTextField.text!).setData(userName) {(err) in
if err != nil {
// Rather than throwing a fatalError, how can I ensure new account creation is cancelled so that feedback can be given on the issue with entered field data?
I want to ensure a user account is not created in case writes to Firestore are unsuccessful due to a conflict with Firestore Security Rules.
Firebase Authentication doesn't have any security rules. There's currently no way to check if incoming account properties are valid before a user gets created. Security rules only apply to data read and written directly to Cloud Firestore (or Realtime Database, or Cloud Storage) from a mobile or web client.
The only thing you could do is use a Cloud Functions auth trigger to check the account properties after it was created, then delete or deactivate the account if something is wrong.

Swift3 iOS -Firebase FIREmailPasswordAuthProvider Not Working

I just upgraded my Firebase Cocoapods from 3.15.0 to 4.0.4 and FirebaseAuth Cocoapods from 3.1.1 to 4.0.0.
I'm using email & password to authenticate users. When a user changes their email I was using this method below and everything was working fine:
FIREmailPasswordAuthProviderID.credential(withEmail: emailTextField.text!, password: passwordTextField.text!)
Now that I updated I get the error message
Value of type 'String' has no member 'credential'
I looked on the docs and it said to use the method below:
The problem is I get the same exact error:
FIREmailAuthProviderID.credential(withEmail: emailTextField.text!, password: passwordTextField.text!)
Value of type 'String' has no member 'credential'
My original code below
import Firebase
import FirebaseAuth
let user: User?
let credential = FIREmailPasswordAuthProviderID.credential(withEmail: emailTextField.text!, password: passwordTextField.text!)
if let user = user{
user.reauthenticate(with: credential, completion: {
(error) in
if error != nil{
// something
// something else
What am I doing wrong?
Hold up
FIREmailAuthProviderID is a constant that contains the auth providers id and is a string (which is EmailAuthProviderID in FB 4). There is no credential function which is why you are getting that error.
Here's a link to the Firebase 4 Migration Guide
The new format (and the correct function call) is
EmailAuthProvider.credential(withEmail email: String, password:
String) -> AuthCredential
20171014 Edit: updated link to latest migration guide.
I haven't used this feature of fireBase however it appears that this link may be helpful
I think you needs use EmailAuthProviderID instead of FIREmailAuthProviderID. In the Firebase 4.0 no longer uses the FIR suffix.
Hope it help you :)

AWS Cognito check and get users

I'm building an iOS App that is using Amazon MobileHub. Currently it's associated with Cognito and the sign up and sign in flow works great.
What I'm trying to achieve is for one user to be able to add another user as a friend so to speak. To make that possible, I need to check if a user with a specific username exists and if it does, get some attributes such as the name of that target user.
I've tried to use the get user > get details function but it gives me an error Authentication delegate not set.
Here's the code I used:
var pool: AWSCognitoIdentityUserPool?
let user = pool?.getUser(usernameField.text!)
self.pool = AWSCognitoIdentityUserPool.init(forKey: AWSCognitoUserPoolsSignInProviderKey)
user?.getDetails().continueWith { (task: AWSTask<AWSCognitoIdentityUserGetDetailsResponse>) -> Any? in
if let error = task.error as NSError? {
print("ERROR: " + error.localizedDescription)
return ""
return ""
An approach I thought of was to store the username and the attributes I want to access to DynamoDB and then access it there but that will just create double unnecessary entries.
The issue you'll run into is that user attributes aren't publicly visible. Only the user who has signed in can call GetUser. If it's a back end process, you could do this via the AdminGetUser operation, but this looks client side so I wouldn't recommend that. The only real way around this would be to do what you suggested at the bottom of your post, ultimately.

Create Firebase User on ios without auto-signin [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Firebase kicks out current user
(19 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
i'm writing an ios-app with firebase as backend.
In my app, there are some admins, who should be able to create new users. A new user should not be able to create an account on his own.
On web, i'm using the function
password: ctrl.user.password
}, function(error, userData) { // }
with a random password and reset the password afterwards. So the user will receive an email with a password reset link and can set a new password and log in after that. After creating the user, i'm storing all relevant userdata to the database.
On ios i'm trying to create a new user with:
FIRAuth.auth()?.createUser(withEmail: email, password: password) { (user, error) in }
But if I do it this way, I'm signed out with my admin-account and logged in with my fresh created account. Due to this, I'm not able, to store the userdata to the database, because this is restricted to admins....
Is there a way on ios to only create an user, without to auto-signin with this user?
Best wishes
I've written an AWS lambda function with the firebase admin sdk for node.js and create the user inside the function and trigger the function via a webservice-call from my ios-app.
Not perfect, but working....
Yes, calling createUser(withEmail:, password:) will log in a new user. To achieve what you are trying to do, I recommend a workaround by doing something like this (assume that currently an Admin is logged in):
// Create the values
var email = alreadySelectedUserEmail
var password = arc4random_uniform(1000000) // or another random number
// Send the information to the database
FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("user_data").child(email) .
setValue("lorem ipsum") // or another value
// THEN create the user, AFTER sending the data
// This will automatically log you in to the new account
FIRAuth.auth()?.createUser(withEmail: email,
password: password) { (user, error) in
// Check for any errors
if let error = error {
print error
} else {
// If there are none, LOG OUT…
try! FIRAuth.auth()!.signOut()
// …and log back into Admin (with whatever login info they have)
FIRAuth.auth()?.signIn(withEmail: adminEmail,
password: adminPassword) { (user, error) in
// Check for any errors
if let error = error {
print error
} else {
// All done, new account created!

Adding users to firebase

I'm having a bit of trouble adding users to Firebase. If anyone could help me out with this, it would be significantly appreciated.
Here is my code:
var myRootRef = Firebase(url:"")
myRootRef.createUser(emailSignUpEntered, password: passwordSignUpEntered,
withValueCompletionBlock: { error, result in
if error != nil {
// There was an error creating the account
} else {
let uid = result["uid"] as? String
println("Successfully created user account with uid: \(uid)")
It does display in the println statement within my debugger that a user has been created, but doesn't actually display within my firebase database.
Anything I may be doing wrong?
Firebase Authentication does not automatically create any information about the user in the associated database.
Most applications end up creating this information from their own code under a top-level users node. This is covered in the section called "Storing User Data" in the Firebase programming guide for iOS.
It is in general a good idea to read the Firebase documentation on the topic that you are working on. It will prevent a lot of grey/lost hair and wasted time.
