SurveyMonkey API multiple choice with "other" option - surveymonkey

So I've been looking into the surveymonkey v3 api documentation for formatting questions types. What I want to do is create a multiple choice question that has an "other" option, which if selected has a text field that a user can fill in to be more specific. Is there a way to accomplish this with the api?

You should be able to do that when creating/updating a question.
POST /v3/surveys/<id>/pages/<id>/questions
"family": "single_choice",
"subtype": "vertical",
"answers": {
"other": [{
"text": "Other (please specify)",
"is_answer_choice": true,
"num_lines": 1,
"num_chars": 50
"choices": [
"text": "Apples"
"text": "Oranges"
"text": "Bananas"
"headings": [
"heading": "What is your favourite fruit?"
This is_answer_choice field seems to not be accepted currently. That is a bug, you can watch the docs to potentially get notified on updates, or try it again later.
Edit: This method should work now, give it a try and let me know if it solves your problem!


Does TypeORM have a way to search for all documents with an array containing a value?

My goal is to use an input array of strings (fake emails) as a search query for documents in my MongoDB database, which I am powering using TypeORM. This way if I want to search for documents using more than one email at a time, I can do that. Meaning I want to be able to feed in:
query = ["", "", ""] and get 3 different documents where document one has as the attendee, is another document's attendee field, and is the third document's attendee (or is among them).
I want to use an email as a query to search for and return all documents where the array field has the email in the array.
So as an example here is the results for the "get all documents" endpoint right now:
"_id": "6283d7ad706445dc33319bcb",
"hostUsername": "jack",
"hostEmail": "",
"meetingName": "nervous-fish-hautily-vetting",
"startTime": "2022-12-12T08:00:00.000Z",
"attendees": [
"_id": "6284235e662f7dfb073e2cbc",
"hostUsername": "jacob",
"hostEmail": "",
"meetingName": "eager-fish-hautily-vetting",
"startTime": "2022-12-12T08:00:00.000Z",
"attendees": [
"_id": "6283d7c3706445dc33319bcc",
"hostUsername": "richard",
"hostEmail": "",
"meetingName": "eager-cat-hautily-subtracting",
"startTime": "2022-12-12T08:00:00.000Z",
"attendees": [
"_id": "6283d82b706445dc33319bcd",
"hostUsername": null,
"hostEmail": "",
"meetingName": "nervous-cat-hautily-jumping",
"startTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"attendees": null
"_id": "6283d8af706445dc33319bce",
"hostUsername": null,
"hostEmail": "",
"meetingName": "eager-plant-ignorantly-jumping",
"startTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"attendees": null
I want to query the database with [""] and get back the two results that have "" in the attendees field.
The closest solution (that doesn't work) is the one I found in this GitHub issue and also another close solution (that doesn't work) in this StackOverflow question
Here is me implementing those two suggestions:
import { In } from "typeorm";
async searchMeetingsByDetails(
attendees?: string[]
): Promise<IMeeting[]> {
console.log(attendees, 39);
const meetingsByAttendees = attendees
? await this.meetingRepository.find({
where: {
attendees: In([...attendees]),
: [];
return [
This gives me an empty array [] when the input is [""] so if the In() thing worked, it would give results.
const meetings = await this.meetingRepository
.where("meeting.attendees IN (:attendees)", {
attendees: [...attendees],
This one gives ERROR [ExceptionsHandler] Query Builder is not supported by MongoDB. TypeORMError: Query Builder is not supported by MongoDB.

Filtering chloropleth data using a slider for annual data in vega-lite

I have some geojson grids that map through to some annualised sales data over a period of 25 years. I am really struggling to filter this sales data by year to show the trends in a chloropleth map.
d3 = require('d3-dsv');
map_json = FileAttachment("Time_line#2.geojson").json()
sales_data = FileAttachment("Timeline_test#1.csv").csv()
vegalite = require('#observablehq/vega-lite')
vegalite ({
"$schema": "",
"width": 600,
"height": 350,
"data": {
"name": "mapdata",
"values": map_json,
"format": {"property": "features"},
"params": [{
"name" : "AnnualPeriod",
"value": 1995,
"bind" : {"input": "range", "min":1995, "max":2020,"step":1 }
"transform" : [{
"lookup": "",
"from": {
"data": { "values": sales_data,},
"key": "derived_boundary_id",
"fields": ["sales_volume"],
"layer": [
"mark": "geoshape",
"encoding": {
"color": {
"field": "sales_volume",
"type": "quantitative",
"scale": {"scheme": "Oranges"},
"stroke": { "value": "#ff75"},
I have tried to add transform.filter and cannot get it to work. At the moment it appears to be taking the first sales_data record for each of the boundary_ids.
I would like the data to be filtered according to the setting of the AnnualPeriod slider.
I think I need to include something like
"transform" :[{"filter": "datum.year == AnnualPeriod"}]
I have tried it in the transform section, with the lookup between the sales_data and the geojosn objects.
I have also tried to filter in and around the geoshape mark but neither work.
Does anyone have any ideas?
The is a sample of the sales_data:
where the last column maps to an "id" in the geojson data.
and this is the 'map' that I get. Always the same, irrespective of the slider setting.
I have eventually worked out how to get this to work.
Create the main data source as the sales data and attach the maps/geojson to this via a transform/lookup.
It seems so simple now, but I thought I would post the result so others can see how it can be achieved.
These observations may help others:
The transform can take the "year" filter as well as the map_json lookup.
The map/json lookup is referenced as "geo" to make it easier to understand
The geoshape mark then references, via the encoding, this geojson "geo" object.
Thanks to Mike Bostock and the Observable and Vega-Lite team for their excellent work.
vegalite ({
"$schema": "",
"width": 600,
"height": 600,
"data": {
"values": sales_data,
"params": [{
"name" : "AnnualPeriod",
"value": 1995,
"bind" : {"input": "range", "min":1995, "max":2020,"step":1 }
"transform" : [
{"filter" : "year(datum.year) === AnnualPeriod"},
"lookup": "derived_boundary_id",
"from" : {
"data": {
"values": map_json,
"format": {"property": "features"},
"encoding": {
"shape": {
"scale": {
"domain": [0,15],
How's your progress? I am not familiar with Choropleths, but by comparing with the Vega Examples, I spot 2 differences you may wanna take a look:
Choropleth needs a projection
Map data should be placed in lookup transform, and sale data in normal data. Ref 1 Ref 2
Do feel free to correct me if I am wrong. If you need more help, please share an editor with dummy data because I found it hard to make good use of the sale data you provided :'(

Create OnlineMeeting in MS Graph with Call-in Info

I am building some utilities to automate aspects of Microsoft Teams at my company. One thing we are trying is automating scheduling/creation of Online Meetings under various circumstances. Overall this is working fine, but I can't figure out how to get / attach telephone call-in information for the calls we're creating.
Here's an example POST /app/onlineMeetings:
"meetingType": "meetNow",
"participants": {
"organizer": {
"identity": {
"user": {
"id": "<user-id>"
"subject": "Personal Room"
And here's what a typical response looks like:
"#odata.context": "$metadata#app/onlineMeetings/$entity",
"joinUrl": "<join-url>",
"subject": "Personal Room",
"isCancelled": false,
"meetingType": "MeetNow",
"accessLevel": "SameEnterprise",
"id": "<meeting-id>",
"audioConferencing": null,
"meetingInfo": null,
"participants": {
"organizer": {
"upn": "<user-name>",
"sipProxyAddress": "<user-name>",
"identity": {
"attendees": []
"chatInfo": {}
As you can see, the audioConferencing key is null. If a user accesses the joinUrl, they can join the call and audio conferencing information is displayed at that time -- but I can't figure out how to get it out in advance (e.g. to send in an email).
Also note that since this is not a VTC-enabled meeting, the id can't be used to issue a new GET request for additional information, as discussed here

Google assistant service, how to filter multiple audio responses

It's hard to explain but in fact I m trying to code my own library with The Google Assistant Service.
me > "set a timer"
GA > "sure, how long"
me > "10 mn"
GA > "ok, timer is set" (1st response)
GA > "Sorry I can't help you" (2nd response)
The reaction is normal, because service don't support timer. I want to code my own timer, but no way to keep the first response and block the second. dialog_state_out.supplemental_display_text contain only the first one, but the audio core play all the data we have in audio_out.audio_data.
How to separe the 2 responses, I don't see disconnection on the data flow and only 1 request done.
The right way to do it is using custom device actions. You can create your own action that will trigger on a query like "set a timer", allowing you to handle custom logic and even support parameters within the query itself.
This page in the documentation explains how to set them up. You define an action package with your actions. Here's an action for "blinking":
"actions": [
"name": "com.example.actions.BlinkLight",
"availability": {
"deviceClasses": [
"assistantSdkDevice": {}
"intent": {
"name": "com.example.intents.BlinkLight",
"parameters": [
"name": "number",
"type": "SchemaOrg_Number"
"name": "speed",
"type": "Speed"
"trigger": {
"queryPatterns": [
"blink ($Speed:speed)? $SchemaOrg_Number:number times",
"blink $SchemaOrg_Number:number times ($Speed:speed)?"
"fulfillment": {
"staticFulfillment": {
"templatedResponse": {
"items": [
"simpleResponse": {
"textToSpeech": "Blinking $number times"
"deviceExecution": {
"command": "com.example.commands.BlinkLight",
"params": {
"speed": "$speed",
"number": "$number"

Updating multiple documents on nested object change

I am using the elasticsearch-rails and elasticsearch-model gems for my Ruby on Rails app, which is like a question-and-answer site.
My main question is: how do you tell Elasticsearch which documents to update when there was a change to a nested object that's nested in multiple documents?
I have one index my_index and mappings for question, and answer. In particular, question has a nested object with a user:
"question": {
"properties": {
"user": {
"type": "nested",
"properties": {
"created_at": {
"type": "date",
"format": "dateOptionalTime"
"name": {
"type": "string"
"id": {
"type": "long"
"email": {
"type": "string"
It's possible for a user to change his name, and I have hooks to update the user in Elasticsearch:
after_commit lambda { __elasticsearch__.index_document}, on: :update
But this isn't updating the appropriate question objects correctly, and I don't know what to pass to the index_document call to make sure it updates all the corresponding questions with the new user name. Does anyone know? It might even help me to see what a RESTful/curl request should look like?
Any help would be appreciated!
There are a couple of different ways you can go about this. They are all probably going to require some code changes, though. I don't think there is a way to do what you are asking directly, with your current setup.
You can read about the various options here. If you can set things up as a one-to-many relationship, then the parent/child relationship is probably the way to go. Then you could set up something like this:
PUT my_index
"mappings": {
"user": {
"properties": {...}
"question": {
"_parent": {
"type": "user"
"properties": {...}
And in that case you would be able to update users independently of questions. But it makes querying more complicated, which may or may not be a problem in your application code.
Given that you already have nested documents set up, you could simply query for all the documents that have that particular user as a nested document, with something like:
POST /test_index/question/_search
"filter": {
"nested": {
"path": "user",
"filter": {
"term": {
"": 2
and once you have all the affected question documents you can modify the user name in each one and update all the documents with a bulk index request.
Here is some code I used to play around with that last bit:
