I was subclassing UITextField to make my custom text field.
I used self.textAlignment = NSTextAlignmentCenter; to set the text alignment, but when I began editing, the cursor's initial position was left rather than exactly the center. Hoever, when I entered something, the text was in the center position.
textRectForBounds: and editingRectForBounds: all return the same CGRect value.
Here is the code:
#interface MyTextfield () <UITextFieldDelegate>
- (instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame {
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
if (self) {
self.delegate = self;
self.textAlignment = NSTextAlignmentCenter;
return self;
- (CGRect)textRectForBounds:(CGRect)bounds {
return CGRectInset(bounds, 20.5, 4.5);
- (CGRect)editingRectForBounds:(CGRect)bounds {
return CGRectInset(bounds, 20.5, 4.5);
- (void)textFieldDidBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField {
// Do some animation
- (void)textFieldDidEndEditing:(UITextField *)textField {
// Do some animation
What's the problem? How can I fix it?
first of all create one UITextField class.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#interface CustomTextfield : UITextField
#import "CustomTextfield.h"
#interface CustomTextfield () <UITextFieldDelegate>
#implementation CustomTextfield
- (instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame {
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
if (self) {
self.textAlignment = NSTextAlignmentCenter;
self.font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:15];
self.placeholder = #"Test";
self.autocorrectionType = UITextAutocorrectionTypeNo;
self.keyboardType = UIKeyboardTypeDefault;
self.returnKeyType = UIReturnKeyDone;
self.textAlignment = NSTextAlignmentCenter;
self.clearButtonMode = UITextFieldViewModeWhileEditing;
self.contentVerticalAlignment = UIControlContentVerticalAlignmentCenter;
return self;
- (CGRect)textRectForBounds:(CGRect)bounds {
return CGRectInset(bounds, 20.5, 4.5);
- (CGRect)editingRectForBounds:(CGRect)bounds {
return CGRectInset(bounds, 20.5, 4.5);
Now use CustomTextfield class to your view controller like this.
UITextField *txtEmailfield = [[CustomTextfield alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(10, 200, 300, 40)];
txtEmailfield.delegate = self;
[self.view addSubview:txtEmailfield];
Note : In this view controller please add this in #interface yourviewcontroller name () <UITextFieldDelegate>
I am attempting to create a view to show a list of items and prices using two UILabels in a UIView.
In my UIViewController I call my subview LineItemView and pass data, and return the UIView to the main view that will hold the subviews.
Though my view is returning empty. The strings are null.
#import "LineItemView.h"
#property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIView *viewCharges;
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
[self loadData];
- (void) loadData {
//Here we will fill in the viewCharges view
LineItemView * view = [[LineItemView alloc]init];
view.linePrice = #"1.00";
view.lineItem = #"Something";
[self.viewCharges addSubview:view];
#interface LineItemView : UIView {
UILabel * lblLineItem, *lblLinePrice;
#property (nonatomic,strong) NSString* lineItem;
#property (nonatomic,strong) NSString* linePrice;
#implementation LineItemView
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
if (self) {
// Initialization code
[self createUI];
[self updateData];
NSLog(#"\n\n\n Line Item: %# Price: %# \n\n\n", self.lineItem, self.linePrice);
return self;
-(void) createUI {
lblLineItem = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero];
lblLineItem.backgroundColor = [UIColor greenColor];
[self addSubview:lblLineItem];
lblLinePrice = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero];
lblLinePrice.backgroundColor = [UIColor yellowColor];
[self addSubview:lblLinePrice];
- (void) updateLayout {
lblLineItem.frame = CGRectMake(HORIZONTAL_MARGIN, VERTICAL_MARGIN, 300, 35);
lblLinePrice.frame = CGRectMake(lblLineItem.frame.origin.x + lblLineItem.frame.size.width + HORIZONTAL_MARGIN, VERTICAL_MARGIN, 80, 35);
- (void) updateData {
lblLineItem.text = self.lineItem;
lblLinePrice.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%0.2f", [self.linePrice floatValue]];
- (void) layoutSubviews {
[super layoutSubviews];
[self updateLayout];
What am I doing wrong?
If I want to continue calling LineItemView, how do I ensure that it is added below the previous one and ensure the viewCharges size is readjusted to fit all the subviews?
Solution using setters:
#implementation LineItemView
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
if (self) {
// Initialization code
[self createUI];
return self;
-(void) createUI {
lblLineItem = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero];
lblLineItem.backgroundColor = [UIColor greenColor];
[self addSubview:lblLineItem];
lblLinePrice = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero];
lblLinePrice.backgroundColor = [UIColor yellowColor];
[self addSubview:lblLinePrice];
- (void) updateLayout {
lblLineItem.frame = CGRectMake(HORIZONTAL_MARGIN, VERTICAL_MARGIN, 300, 35);
lblLinePrice.frame = CGRectMake(lblLineItem.frame.origin.x + lblLineItem.frame.size.width + HORIZONTAL_MARGIN, VERTICAL_MARGIN, 80, 35);
- (void) layoutSubviews {
[super layoutSubviews];
[self updateLayout];
- (void)setLineItem:(NSSTring *)lineItem {
_lineItem = lineItem;
lblLineItem.text = self.lineItem;
- (void)setLinePrice:(NSNumber *)linePrice {
_linePrice = linePrice;
lblLinePrice.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%0.2f", [self.linePrice floatValue]];
I seem to be having trouble adding a subview to a view within my UICollectionViewCell subclass.
I have an abstract UICollectionViewCell subclass titled MessageItem, which looks like this:
I've created a few classes that inherit from this (since they all use the same logic for the header and footer). However I can't seem to add any subviews into MessageItem's blue view from within the child subclasses.
For example one of the child views is called TextItem. I'm trying to add a label to it's parent messageView (the blue view) but it only works if I do it in my UIViewController's cellForItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath method, and not in my custom subclass.
This is how I'm trying to add it in my child subclass:
- (instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame {
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
if (self) {
//Setup Message Label
[self setupMessageLabel];
return self;
#pragma mark - Setup Methods
- (void)setupMessageLabel {
NSLog(#"Setting up label");
//Setup Message Label
self.messageLabel = [TTTAttributedLabel new];
self.messageLabel.verticalAlignment = TTTAttributedLabelVerticalAlignmentCenter;
self.messageLabel.textInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(8, 8, 8, 8);
self.messageLabel.numberOfLines = 0;
[self.messageContentView addSubview:self.messageLabel];
[self.messageContentView autoPinEdgesToSuperviewEdges];
//Update Label Color
self.messageLabel.backgroundColor = FlatRed;
Note: I'm not using storyboard or xibs. Could that be the problem?
This is what my MessageItem class is implemented:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#class Message;
#interface MessageItem : UICollectionViewCell
#property (nonatomic, strong) Message *message;
#property (nonatomic, strong) UIView *messageContentView;
#interface MessageItem ()
#property (nonatomic, strong) TTTAttributedLabel *headerLabel;
#property (nonatomic, strong) TTTAttributedLabel *footerLabel;
#implementation MessageItem
#synthesize message = _message;
- (instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame {
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
if (self) {
//Setup Main View
[self setupMainView];
return self;
#pragma mark - Setup Methods
- (void)setupMainView {
//Setup Header
[self setupHeaderLabel];
//Setup Message
[self setupMessageView];
//Setup Footer View
[self setupFooterLabel];
- (void)setupHeaderLabel {
//Setup Header Label
self.headerLabel = [[TTTAttributedLabel alloc] initForAutoLayout];
self.headerLabel.font = [UIFont fontWithName:#"Lato-Bold" size:12.0];
self.headerLabel.textColor = FlatGray;
self.headerLabel.textAlignment = NSTextAlignmentCenter;
self.headerLabel.verticalAlignment = TTTAttributedLabelVerticalAlignmentCenter;
self.headerLabel.textInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 8, 0, 8);
self.headerLabel.backgroundColor = FlatPurple;
[self.contentView addSubview:self.headerLabel];
[self.headerLabel autoSetDimension:ALDimensionHeight toSize:20.0];
[self.headerLabel autoPinEdgesToSuperviewEdgesWithInsets:UIEdgeInsetsZero excludingEdge:ALEdgeBottom];
- (void)setupMessageView {
//Setup Message View
self.messageContentView = [UIView new];
self.messageContentView.backgroundColor = [UIColor blueColor];
[self.contentView addSubview:self.messageContentView];
[self.messageContentView autoSetDimension:ALDimensionHeight toSize:30 relation:NSLayoutRelationGreaterThanOrEqual];
[self.messageContentView autoPinEdgeToSuperviewEdge:ALEdgeLeading];
[self.messageContentView autoPinEdgeToSuperviewEdge:ALEdgeTrailing];
[self.messageContentView autoPinEdge:ALEdgeTop toEdge:ALEdgeBottom ofView:self.headerLabel];
- (void)setupFooterLabel {
//Setup Footer Label
self.footerLabel = [[TTTAttributedLabel alloc] initForAutoLayout];
self.footerLabel.font = [UIFont fontWithName:#"Lato-Bold" size:10.0];
self.footerLabel.textColor = FlatGray;
self.footerLabel.backgroundColor = FlatGreen;
self.footerLabel.textAlignment = NSTextAlignmentLeft;
self.footerLabel.textInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 8, 0, 8);
[self.contentView addSubview:self.footerLabel];
[self.footerLabel autoSetDimension:ALDimensionHeight toSize:10.0];
[self.footerLabel autoPinEdgeToSuperviewEdge:ALEdgeLeading];
[self.footerLabel autoPinEdgeToSuperviewEdge:ALEdgeTrailing];
[self.footerLabel autoPinEdgeToSuperviewEdge:ALEdgeBottom];
[self.footerLabel autoPinEdge:ALEdgeTop toEdge:ALEdgeBottom ofView:self.messageContentView];
- (instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame {
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
if (self) {
//Setup Message Label
[self setupMessageLabel];
return self;
#pragma mark - Setup Methods
- (void)setupMessageLabel {
//Setup Message Label
self.messageLabel = [[TTTAttributedLabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 100)];
self.messageLabel.verticalAlignment = TTTAttributedLabelVerticalAlignmentCenter;
self.messageLabel.textInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(8, 8, 8, 8);
self.messageLabel.numberOfLines = 0;
[self.messageContentView addSubview:self.messageLabel];
//Update Label Color
self.messageLabel.backgroundColor = FlatRed;
#pragma mark - Setter Methods
- (void)setMessageText:(NSString *)text {
//Incoming Text Message
NSMutableAttributedString *textString = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:text];
[textString addAttribute:NSForegroundColorAttributeName value:[UIColor darkGrayColor] range:NSMakeRange(0, textString.length)];
[textString addAttribute:NSFontAttributeName value:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:16 weight:UIFontWeightLight] range:NSMakeRange(0, textString.length)];
//Set Paragraph Style
NSMutableParagraphStyle *paragraphStyle = [NSMutableParagraphStyle new];
paragraphStyle.minimumLineHeight = 20;
paragraphStyle.maximumLineHeight = 20;
[textString addAttribute:NSParagraphStyleAttributeName value:paragraphStyle range:NSMakeRange(0, textString.length)];
//Update Message Label
[self.messageLabel setText:textString];
NSLog(#"Set Message Label Text");
- (void)setMessage:(Message *)message {
[super setMessage:message];
//Update Message Text
[self setMessageText:message.text];
This is what my collectionView looks like:
I would at least expect the color of the messageLabel to reflect the change in TextItem, but it doesn't.
Have you implement initWithCoder?
- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder*)aDecoder
if(self = [super initWithCoder:aDecoder]) {
// Do something
return self;
I don't have all your code, but you code looks good to me. Maybe the problem was how you init the TextItem.
Here is a demo using your code, it works fine to me. https://www.dropbox.com/s/7qp9ayqnyacf57j/CustomCellView.zip?dl=0
I'm just beginner in Objective C.
I want to create multiple textfield with only bottom line border.
for this i crete a new class customTextField
look at my code;-
- (id)init {
CALayer *border = [CALayer layer];
CGFloat borderWidth = 2;
border.borderColor = [UIColor grayColor].CGColor;
border.frame = CGRectMake(0, self.frame.size.height - borderWidth, self.frame.size.width, self.frame.size.height);
border.borderWidth = borderWidth;
[self.layer addSublayer:border];
self.layer.masksToBounds = YES;
return self;
in my loginViewController.h
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "CustomTextField.h"
#interface LoginViewController : UIViewController
#property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet CustomTextField *txtFirstName;
#property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet CustomTextField *txtLastName;
#property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet CustomTextField *txtEmail;
#property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet CustomTextField *txtPassword;
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
_txtFirstName = [[CustomTextField alloc]init];
_txtLastName = [[CustomTextField alloc]init];
_txtEmail = [[CustomTextField alloc]init];
_txtPassword = [[CustomTextField alloc]init];
I don't know where I do mistakes. this code is doing nothing. Can any one tell me where I do wrong ?
any help or any suggestion.
Try with this:
self.layer.masksToBounds = YES;
self.layer.borderColor = [UIColor grayColor].CGColor;
self.layer.borderWidth = borderWidth;
But you're using IBOulet, which means your objects are initialised from the storyboard, so then you should move your code to awakeFromNib
- (void)awakeFromNib
self.layer.masksToBounds = YES;
self.layer.borderColor = [UIColor grayColor].CGColor;
self.layer.borderWidth = borderWidth;
Add a private border layer property in your .m file
#property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet CALayer *borderLayer;
Override layoutSubviews to set up the border.
- (void)layoutSubViews {
[super layoutSubViews];
if (self.borderLayer) {
self.borderLayer = [CALayer layer];
[self.layer addSublayer:border];
CGFloat borderWidth = 5.0f;
self.borderLayer.backgroundColor = color.CGColor;
self.borderLayer.frame = CGRectMake(0, self.frame.size.height - borderWidth, self.frame.size.width, borderWidth);
Don't initialize the CustomTextField IBOutlets in viewDidLoad. Simply set their class to CustomTextField in the storyboard!
you are using subclass with storyboard your code will fine if you create all button programatically but if you want that your code will work fine with story board and programatically then you have to use this code in your CustomTextField.m
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame
if ((self = [super initWithFrame:frame])) {
[self initialize];
return self;
- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder
if ((self = [super initWithCoder:aDecoder])) {
// Initialization code
return self;
- (void) awakeFromNib
[super awakeFromNib];
- (void) layoutSubviews
for (UIView *view in self.subviews) {
[view removeFromSuperview];
[self initialize];
- (instancetype)init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
self = [self initWithFrame:self.frame];
return self;
CALayer *border = [CALayer layer];
CGFloat borderWidth = 2;
border.borderColor = [UIColor grayColor].CGColor;
border.frame = CGRectMake(0, self.frame.size.height - borderWidth, self.frame.size.width, self.frame.size.height);
border.borderWidth = borderWidth;
[self.layer addSublayer:border];
self.layer.masksToBounds = YES;
I need add all colors of my views to NSMuttableArray. A try do it, but adding only one color of last view. My Array named colorArray. Please help me.
I think it should be done in a loop, but I do not know exactly where its cause and how to describe it
It's my ViewController
#import "ViewController.h"
#import "RandomView.h"
#interface ViewController ()
#implementation ViewController
#synthesize kol;
#synthesize sdvig1;
#synthesize sdvig2;
#synthesize myTextField;
#synthesize randView;
#synthesize redButton, greenButton, blueButton;
#synthesize colorArray;
- (id)initWithNibName:(NSString *)nibNameOrNil bundle:(NSBundle *)nibBundleOrNil
self = [super initWithNibName:nibNameOrNil bundle:nibBundleOrNil];
if (self) {
return self;
-(void) viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated
myTextField.delegate = self;
kol=[[myTextField text] intValue];
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
myTextField = [[UITextField alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 20, self.view.frame.size.width/4, 30)];
myTextField.backgroundColor=[UIColor yellowColor];
[myTextField setKeyboardType:UIKeyboardTypeNumberPad];
[self.view addSubview:myTextField];
redButton = [[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(self.view.frame.size.width/4, 20, self.view.frame.size.width/4, 30)];
redButton.backgroundColor=[UIColor redColor];
[redButton addTarget: self
action: #selector(redSort:) forControlEvents: UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
greenButton = [[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(self.view.frame.size.width/4*2, 20, self.view.frame.size.width/4, 30)];
greenButton.backgroundColor=[UIColor greenColor];
[greenButton addTarget: self
action: #selector(greenSort:) forControlEvents: UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
blueButton = [[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(self.view.frame.size.width/4*3, 20, self.view.frame.size.width/4, 30)];
blueButton.backgroundColor=[UIColor blueColor];
[blueButton addTarget: self
action: #selector(blueSort:) forControlEvents: UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
[self.view addSubview:redButton];
[self.view addSubview:greenButton];
[self.view addSubview:blueButton];
[self createView];
- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning
[super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
#pragma mark- Создание и удаление View's
- (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
[myTextField resignFirstResponder];
[self textFieldShouldReturn:myTextField];
myTextField.text = #"";
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField
if ([self.myTextField.text isEqualToString:#""]) {
} else
[self.myTextField resignFirstResponder];
kol=[[self.myTextField text] intValue];
[self removeView];
[self createView];
return YES;
colorArray= [[NSMuttableArray alloc] init];
randView = [[RandomView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,self.myTextField.frame.origin.y+self.myTextField.frame.size.height, self.view.frame.size.width, self.view.frame.size.height-(self.myTextField.frame.origin.y+self.myTextField.frame.size.height)) count:kol sdvig:CGPointMake(sdvig1, sdvig2) vc:self];
[colorArray addObject:randView.backgroundColor]; //IT'S MY ARRAY
NSLog(#"colorArray= %#", colorArray);
[self.view addSubview:randView];
-(void) removeView{
[randView removeFromSuperview];
#pragma mark- Цвета
-(UIColor *) randomColor
CGFloat red = (CGFloat)arc4random() / (CGFloat)RAND_MAX;
CGFloat blue = (CGFloat)arc4random() / (CGFloat)RAND_MAX;
CGFloat green = (CGFloat)arc4random() / (CGFloat)RAND_MAX;
return [UIColor colorWithRed:red green:green blue:blue alpha:1.0];
And my View Class
// RandomView.m
// FewView
// Created by admin on 3/11/14.
// Copyright (c) 2014 admin. All rights reserved.
#import "RandomView.h"
#import "ViewController.h"
//#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
#implementation RandomView
#synthesize randView;
//#synthesize myArray;
//#synthesize colorArrayRed, colorArrayBlue, colorArrayGreen, colorArray;
//#synthesize colorArray;
//CGFloat redBack, greenBack, blueBack, alphaBack;
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame count:(NSInteger)kol sdvig:(CGPoint)sdvig vc:(ViewController*) delegat
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
if (self)
// myArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
if (kol>0) {
[self setBackgroundColor:[delegat randomColor]];
randView = [[RandomView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(sdvig.x, sdvig.y, self. frame.size.width-2*sdvig.x, self.frame.size.height-2*sdvig.y) count:--kol sdvig:CGPointMake(sdvig.x, sdvig.y) vc:delegat];
self.layer.cornerRadius = 25;
self.layer.masksToBounds = YES;
[self addSubview:randView];
return self;
Every time you call createView you're creating a new array. Try moving the colorArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; line into your viewDidLoad method.
I'm trying to create a text field with a persistent "placeholder" of sorts by adding a UILabel as a subview of the text field. However, my label keeps being truncated, and I can't figure out why. Any advice is much appreciated!
Here's what I'm currently getting (it's supposed to say "first name":
Here's the code I have:
#import "LabeledTextField.h"
#interface PlaceholderLabel : UILabel
#implementation PlaceholderLabel
UIEdgeInsets insets = {0, 10, 0, 0};
return [super drawTextInRect:UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect(rect, insets)];
#interface LabeledTextField ()
#property (nonatomic) PlaceholderLabel *placeholderLabel;
#implementation LabeledTextField
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
if (self)
_placeholderLabel = [[PlaceholderLabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(10, [self frame].size.height/2, 0, 0)];
[_placeholderLabel setBackgroundColor:UIColorFromRGB(0xdedede)];
[_placeholderLabel setTextColor:UIColorFromRGB(0x787878)];
[_placeholderLabel setFont:[UIFont fontWithName:#"HelveticaNeue" size:kTextFieldPlaceholderFontSize]];
[_placeholderLabel setLineBreakMode:NSLineBreakByTruncatingTail];
[_placeholderLabel setNumberOfLines:1];
return self;
[super layoutSubviews];
[self setLeftView:_placeholderLabel];
-(void)setPlaceholder:(NSString *)placeholder
[_placeholderLabel setText:placeholder];
[_placeholderLabel sizeToFit];
CGRect frame = [_placeholderLabel frame];
frame.origin.y = (self.frame.size.height - frame.size.height)/2;
frame.size = [[_placeholderLabel text] sizeWithFont:[UIFont fontWithName:#"HelveticaNeue" size:kTextFieldPlaceholderFontSize]];
return frame;