Add view under text view - ios

I have a fullsceen textView including much strings, so height of this view automatically changes. Its works nice, but i need to create some newView under this textView.
If I just make constraints like bottom of screen = bottom of newView, top of newView = bottom of textView, so newView will overlap textView.

try add height constraints to your textView with priority is 750.
Now you can build your app and run it again!

Just add your text view to the new view.
Here you are adding view with same size of textview. So it will over lapping. But if you add your text view subview of view so your main view will go back and text view will come front.

I think the problem is your views are trying to fulfil their constraints on fixed screen size.
If you want to keep it on one page (no scrolling) you can either add height constraints to your text view such that its height won't go over certain value or set the bottom view's constraint priority higher so that even when the textview expand it won't overrule bottom view's constraint.
Otherwise you might want to add ScrollView underneath your views. This way when your textview expands the bottom view will get pushed to the bottom outside the screen and you can scroll down the page


UIScrollView with Content View

I've been trying to create a UIScrollView for user registry but with no success. I'm using auto layout and all of the fields that go inside the scroll view are static. Because of the usual ambiguous height issue, I've added a UIView inside the scroll view, set the constraints to the margins of the scroll view and centered aligned it. After that I added all of the fields inside that Content View, in the storyboard.
The content fields have their constraints setup as you would expect, but when I get to the lowest field and set the bottom constraint to the bottom of the Content View then everything breaks.
I'm asked by Xcode to set the priority of some views, and when I do as is says, the Content View size stays the same and the views are shrunken.
I tried not to put the last bottom constraint and resize the Content View by code but the height is not resized as is should.
I'm looking for a good solution to do this in storyboards and auto layout.
Update: I added a bottom constraint with a low priority, but the content scroll view is not expanding to show all of the fields.
Add&Set ScrollView(UIScrollView)
Add&Set ContentView(UIView) with subviews
! Set ContentView Width equal to View Width
Set all subviews constraints
View1 should be tied to the top of the ContentView
View4 should be tied to the bottom of the ContentView
All SubView (View1, View2, View3, View4 ...) must have a height and distance between each other
P.s. In your case, if iOS > 9.0 you can replace ContentView with UIStackView
You are using auto layout so the size of the content view is determined by constraints. Follow the below steps to provide proper constraints:
Drag the Scroll View inside main view and provide constraints Top, Bottom, Leading and Trailing in align with Super View (Main View) as
per screenshot.
Take View which will contain your content and drag inside Scroll View. and provide the constraints Center X, Center Y, Top, Bottom,
Leading and Trailing in align with Scroll View as per screenshot
Put all the element inside content view which is a subview of scroll view and provide Top constraint relative to the element above
it, to make equal space between the elements (eg. label, button etc.)
(Make sure you provide required constraint for X-position)
Last element is "Register Account" button make sure you provide the Top Constraint relative to country and Bottom constraint relative to
superview (content view) and change the priority for Top or Bottom
constraint as per screenshot, otherwise it gives error.

iOS - weird constraints using scrollview

I have a weird behavior when I use scrollView.
As you can see in the picture bellow the button called "Back" has a bottom space constraint with value 0. But we can see is not even near to the bottom of the scroll view.
I already set the scrollview to have equals width and height of the superView and top,bottom,trailing and leading space with 0 value.
How can I fix this? I want the Back button still inside of the scrollview and put it at the bottom of the view.
I have the code here and the xib is called PageB.xib
Ricardo: you've added two constraint regarding manage y position of Validate Code button where your top constraint stop to move Validate Code button towards the bottom. So please remove top constraint of Validate Code only add bottom constraint.
you need to manage all constraint like your scrollview content view height will be equal to height. Please increase some top constraint from top.
So, if I understand correctly, the problem you are running into is that your back button is unable to be positioned based on the bottom of the scroll view.
A scroll has two sets of constraints in a storyboard, one that defines the size of the scroll view, and the other that defines the content size. The top, left, bottom, right to superview constraints on the scroll view will define the size.
The part that is causing your problem is that the content size is defined by the subviews inside the scroll view. So the button cannot be placed relative to the bottom of the scroll view since the scroll view doesn't know how large its content size is. All of the subviews of a scroll view must be placed in relation to each other.
So, create constraints for your logo, text fields, and all the buttons in relation to each other. Then create constraints from the outer most subviews to the scroll view.
In your example, you would constraints from the logo to the text field, 1st text field to 2nd text field, then 2nd text flied to the label, label to the "Send email..." button, and finally "Send email..." to the "Validate Code". For the "Back" button, it would need a left align with the text fields and then a center align with the "Validate Code" button. Create a top constraint from the logo to the scroll view. Then have leading and trailing constraints from one of the text fields to the scroll view. Finally, create a bottom constraint from either the "Back" or "Validate Code" buttons to the scroll view. You will also need some alignment constraints (logo center to the text field is an example of one). After that is all setup, your view will be fully defined for the content size of the scroll view.
If I understand you, my new question is: how can I make the subviews
make the height of scroll fit 100% screen device height? Is there a
way to define weights like Android? I don't know how achieve this
since the canvas is 600*600 which is different to every device.
Response would be too long for a comment:
So you wouldn't use a scroll view for that. A scroll view is specifically for containing content that will not fit on the screen (so the user can scroll to reach the new content).
The simplest solution is to add a regular view that has TopLeftBottomRight 0 distance constraints (so it is the max height and width of the screen) and setup the view like you have here to position the bottom in the bottom left all the time.
There is also a weight system, I can explain that if you want, but it wouldn't be required thus far.
I feel like your next response will be something like "what if I want it to scroll when its too small for the current screen?". The only way I know of doing that in encapsulating all your interface into a single UIView, and changing its sized in the viewDidLoad/viewDidAppear based on the size of the scroll view. Something like this:
func viewDidLoad() {
containerViewHeightConstraint.constant = scrollView.frame.size.height
containerViewWidthConstraint.constant = scrollView.frame.size.width

Setting UIScrollView Width

I have a UIScrollView added to my ViewController. And a View on top of that Scrollview. I have done the following:
Placed scroll view inside my original View and set top, left, right, and bottom constraints. Unchecking Constrain to margins.
Added a UIView within the scrollView (to hold my labels and such) and added the top, left, right, and bottom constraints, constrain to margins unchecked. And set equal widths to the original View
I then add an image view and three labels inside the view placed within the scroll view. And add top, left, right, bottom, and height constraints for them.
The scroll view works and my view does scroll and my labels and image view are centered but everything is very wide.
I am wondering how I make it so the View is not wide and I cannot scroll horizontally, only vertically.
Add an equal-widths constraint between the view inside the scroll view, and the root-level view of the view controller.
I just recently figured this out. Try doing this:
Make a scroll view
Put all of your labels and buttons into a stack view (If you don't know about stack views, check this out:
Constrain the stack view's width and make sure the Allignment and Distribution are set to fill
Put the Stack View inside of the scroll view
Constrain the Scroll view to your hearts desire
Putting the labels and what you want in the scroll view should help with the width boundaries. Here's a picture of my successful scroll view. Hope this helps :)
In short, the contentsize is no effect while you use autolayout.
if you want you scrollview can scroll, uou should add a container inside scrollview and add origin subviews to the container.
For example, use snapkit (maybe some typos here):
you have a scrollview.set it's equal self.view's frame by autolayout
[import]then you add a containerView as scrollview's subview. set contraints:
make.edges.equalTo(scrollview) // mean its frame equal to scrollview
make.width.equalTo(self.view) // set width equal to self.view
make.height.equalTo(yourheight).priorityLow() // the actual height,if no changes,you can ingore .priorityLow()
add your sunviews to containerView,add the contraints must set to containerView,can't set to scrollview's.forexample,:
myview.snp_makeConstraints { (make) -> Void in
Read this official doc -
Technical Note TN2154 UIScrollView And Autolayout.

How do I add UIView on UIScrollView

I wanted to add some labels and textfields on my view and that view should scroll, so I am thinking of putting view on scrollview.
I wanted to add some labels and textfields on my view
And that view should scroll
So I am thinking of putting scrollView
And then I wanted to put my view having labels and Textfields
Is it possible?
Please check scrollview property Bounces Vertically is checked or not if not check it
May be, your content is less, than ScrollView, that's why scrolling is disabled
Put view with labels in scrollview. Scrollview should be less in height than view. View should have height considering all ui cvontrols in it. should work like this
Make sure your scroll view height is not greater than view its content size has to be greater as all people says. You get confused between content size and scroll view height.
Meas using nib suppose your scroll view height is 300 and when you use the code content size should be greater than 480 so it will be scroll-able on iPhone 4 size device who's height is 480
To make sure your constraints are well defined, first check these steps:
Make sure your base view is a UIView
Put into a UIScrollView and add constraints to the edges of UIView
Put into the scrollview a UIView and add constraints to the edges of the scrollview. I call this "content view".
You should assign a width to the content view. I usually set the width of the content view equal to the width of the scrollview.
Put your labels/views/images/whatever into the content view and use autolayout constraints to resize them automatically to fit the target screen.
Please consider that:
Your scrollview must always have a height, fixed or dynamic. In order to avoid errors with autolayout, consider that:
the last element on the bottom of the content view must always have a constraint to the bottom edge of the scrollview, or
the content view must have a fixed height
If the height of your content view is less than the height of the scrollview, the view will not scroll. You should add more views or more margin to the bottom constraint of the content view.

How to make ScrollView width = to device screen width?

I am making an app that has a (child) View inside a Scroll View. I understand I have to explicitly set the child View's width since the Scroll View won't provide that information to the child, but how can I make this child View's width auto-adjust based on the width of the device?
For example, in the below I've set the width to 380 which centers the "Quotes" in iPhone 6, but makes them slightly right of center in iPhone 5.
You can use auto layout to set the width of your subView equal to your main View by performing a control drag from your subView to your main View like this:
Then select "Equal Widths" from the popup
Select viewController
Stretch the view you want full screen size to the size of the screen
Click the central icon from the three choices along the bottom of the window
You will an icon pop up
The top 4 values will have a dotted red line joining them
click them all
at the bottom of the pop up you will see 'add 4 constraints'
click this
You can delete the constraint for width. The view will place it self horizontally becuase of the leading and trailing space to superview. No need for a specific width.
I think your scrollview will be scrolling vertically so in that case you probably need to provide a constraint for the height or your view, and update scrollview contentsize accordingly to this.
Since your child view is located in the view hierarchy of your view controller's view you can assign constraints between your child view and your view controller's view.
Ctrl drag from your child view to your view controller's view. You will see option to set them to have equal widths. Select it. Then adjust the constant if you want the width of your child view to be lower.
You can then add leading and trailing constraints between your child view and your scroll view.
Doing it in this way will also ensure that you set the content width of you scroll view dynamically and correctly.
Let me know if it works for you
