esp8266 / arduino serial error 3,6 - esp8266

I am trying to get started with a ESP8266 using Arduino and Sparkfun thing, non dev board. I have cut a trace and an fitted uploading jumper. My FTDI device is one marked 'Deek Rodot'.
I can upload and run programs (blink etc), but if I connect to serial monitor, I have tried Arduino and putty, I get:
ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(1,6)
with the jumper on and
ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,6)
load 0x4010f000, len 1384, room 16
tail 8
chksum 0x2d
csum 0x2d
with the jumper off (after switch off / on)
I've been trying to find a solution for a few days and am wondering if anyone else has gotten through the same problem.
This happens with several different bootloaders I have tried.

I solve this problem by increasing the input power of my breadboard power supply which I use to power my ESP8266-12E with 3.3V. I guess the ESP8266 requires more current to operate properly. Hope this helps.

According to my GitHub Page
You can solve this problem by using timer instead of direct function call. The reason is ESP8266 need to run some commands every 1000 clock so if the function is a callback and it taking too long it needs to break into other function and called by a timer otherwise following error appears.
rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,6)
I suggest that change the title. This is NodeMCU bug (probably not ESP8266 or arduino) in my case at least.
Be aware that this is a workaround and absolutely not a solutiion.


ESP8266 flush program after power lost

I program my ESP8266 with a Arduino Uno and this guidance: Programming the ESP8266 With the Arduino IDE in 3 Simple Steps
Wifi connect, Mqtt connect (subscribe, publish, callback) everything works fine and totally like expected.
But after I disconnect the power from the Arduino Board and reconnect to a another V3.3 power source, the ESP8266 behavior is like a complete clean flushed device and nothing happens.
For programming I use this settings (Arduino IDE 1.8.12):
What I am doing wrong here?
1.) I try two different ESP8266, and 3 different scretches (1. proved working in the past, 2. simple blink sketch, 3. sketch with my code I need)
2.) the program stops immediately after disconnecting CH_PD from 3.3V
3.) I update the esp8266 board package to the newest version 2.6.3
The main issue here is my bad documentation. After a long time, I found the solution again here: Easiest ESP8266 Tutorial (Using arduino). Like the first time two years ago. In conclusion, I forgot to disconnect GPIO0 from GND after programming.
The correct way after programming is:
disconnect arduino
disconnect gpio0 from gnd
connect power to esp8266
Thanks to LiveSparks creating and uploading this great video.

Unable to burn program into NodeMCU when it's soldered to a board

I seem to have come across a strange issue. When my NodeMCU is connected onto a PCB circuit, I am unable to burn the program into it (even though the board is not powered up!). It says:
espcomm_open failed
espcomm_upload_mem failed
But the very same NodeMCU, when I pull it out of the circuit and try to upload the code works fine. Why is this?
P.S. Well, I can pull out the NodeMCU, burn the program and re-insert it, but I am trying to understand what's happening behind it.
I think your comm port is getting closed or used when you plug it into the pcb circuit. So the Arduino IDE cannot comunicate with the nodeMCU com port.
I had simmilar problems and after xxx attempts i uploaded it when the Nodemcu was unpluged from the PCB and worked perfectly.
I lately found out that the pcb used com port pin.

starting with nodemcu/esp8266 dev board

I have a esp dev board that I've been trying to get to work, but have faild miserably. after spending a few days trying I was able to 'flash' a firmware and up load code(to connect to my wifi) via arduino IDE. the problems are when I open the serial monitor the serial monitor window is nowhere to be seen(it refuses to show up on my desktop, but if I place my mouse over arduino IDE on the task bar I can see a tiny version of the window with what seems like the esp is supposed to tell me). I verified the wifi program was working with advanced ip scanner. The other problem is that when I try to use esplorer I am told the following:
Communication with MCU..Got answer! Communication with MCU established.
AutoDetect firmware...
Can't autodetect firmware, because proper answer not received (may be unknown firmware).
Please, reset module or continue.
I've tried reseting via hardware and software and also saving a init.lua to the esp ( which I am told: Waiting answer from ESP - Timeout reached. Command aborted.)
Is there an easy step by step tutorial or something where I can get this thing to work in such a way that it is possible to develop with it? I dont care what language I have to use as long as I dont have to spend more time on trying to get the hardware to work. For something that is Arduino-like hardware it is significantly harder to do the simplest thing, a pic mcu is
If you are doing serious IoT thing then, I guess its better to go by Espressif IDE. There's a Freetos version also available which makes programming experience better.
To get started step by step you can check lot of videos on youtube, that's my preferred way of getting started. I found these three helpful to get started : here

BeagleBone Black stops when external powered

I have a BeagleBone Black rev C with kernel 3.8.13-bone50 and Debian OS version 7.5. The problem that I have is that when I connect the external power supply (5 V) and the board is also connected to USB ( for communication with Cloud 9 IDE) it shuts down after almost 5 seconds.
I searched everywhere on Internet for an answer, but nothing. I also displayed the content of the TPS65217 PMIC but nothing. Nothing that could give me an answer why the board is simply shutting down.
Can someone help me?
Some poor quality power supplies might cause the same kind of problem.
Please see below.
Seems that the board didn't shutdown after changing a bit in TPS65217 PMIC INT register.
I changed the D5 bit from Interrupt Register from 0 to 1, meaning that no interrupt will be issued when power to AC input is applied or removed.
Command used:
i2cset -f -y 0 0x24 0x02 0x20

BeagleBone Black doesn't power on

I am working in a technology Laboratory. We have 15 BBB, an suddenly, 5 of them didn't power on any more.
They stay with the power on Led on, but nothing more happens.
What can i solve the problem?
Thank you
Prior to solve the problem, you probably have to investigate it first.
I would verify those beaglebones are still functional:
That is, checking if the beaglebone black is displaying any messages on the serial console,
The procedure for connecting a USB-to-TTL adapter is described here.
I would strongly suggest to buy the exact adapter featured in the article above on e-bay
if you don't have one.
If there were no messages displayed on the serial console, I would attempt to load u-boot from the serial port.
This can be done by connecting both P8.44/SYS_BOOT3/LCD_DATA3/GPIO2_9
and P8.43/SYS_BOOT2/LCD_DATA2/GPIO2_8 to the ground (two of P9.43/P9.44/P9.45/P9.46) using two 4.7 k
ohm resistors, powering the beaglebone with an external 5V power supply (not by USB),
and power-cycling the beaglebone - power-cycling IS required, performing a 'reset' is
not enough for the new SYSBOOT configuration to be taken into account.
You can then download u-boot from your PC using Teraterm: u-boot-spl-.bin should
be downloaded using x-modem, and u-boot.bin using y-modem, as described in the
'Boot over UART' section of this TI wiki article.
Once you have u-boot running, you should be able to reinstall your beaglebone using information available on the Internet.
If you cannot boot using the boot ROM and the serial port, this would probably be a bad sign.
I would suggest to try the procedure for loading u-boot from the serial port with a beaglebone you know is working, this is totally non-intrusive providing that you don't modify the eMMC from u-boot.
