Lua - get table hex identifier - lua

I want to know how to get the table hex id. I know that doing:
local some_var = {}
print (some_var)
the result is (for instance):
table: 0x21581c0
I want the hex without the table: string. I know that maybe some of you suggest me to make a regular expression (or something similar) to remove those chars, but I want to avoid that, and just get the 0x21581c0

This is simpler and works for all types that are associated with pointers:
local function getId(t)
return string.format("%p", t)
print("string:", getId("hi"))
print("table:", getId({}))
print("userdata:", getId(io.stdin))
print("function:", getId(print))
print("number:", getId(1))
print("boolean:", getId(false))
print("nil:", getId(nil))
string: 0x0109f04638
table: 0x0109f0a270
userdata: 0x01098076c8
function: 0x0109806018
number: NULL
boolean: NULL
nil: NULL

In the standard implementation, there is the global 'print' variable that refers to a standard function that calls, through the global variable 'tostring', a standard function described here. The stanard 'tostring' function is the only way to retrieve the hexadecimal number it shows for a table.
Unfortunately, there is no configuration for either of the functions to do anything differently for all tables.
Nonetheless, there are several points for modification. You can create you own function and call that every time instead, or point either of the the global variables print or tostring to you own functions. Or, set a __tostring metamethod on each table you need tostring to return a different answer for. The advantage to this is it gets you the format you want with only one setup step. The disadvantage is that you have to set up each table.
local function simplifyTableToString(t)
local answer = tostring(t):gsub("table: ", "", 1)
local mt = getmetatable(t)
if not mt then
mt = {}
setmetatable(t, mt)
mt.__tostring = function() return answer end
local a = {}
local b = {}
print(a, b)
print(a, b)

Without complex patterns, you can just search for the first space, and grab the substring of what follows.
function get_mem_addr (object)
local str = tostring(object)
return str:sub(str:find(' ') + 1)
print(get_mem_addr({})) -- 0x109638
print(get_mem_addr(function () end)) -- 0x108cf8
This function will work with tables and functions, but expect errors if you pass it anything else.
Or you can use a little type checking:
function get_mem_addr (o)
return tostring(o):sub(type(o):len() + 3)

The table id stated by the OP is invalid in the version of Lua I am using (5.1 in Roblox). A valid ID is length 8, not 9 as in your example. Either way, just use string.sub to get the sub-string you are after.
string.sub(tostring({}), 8)
The reason is, 'table: ' is 7 characters long, so we take from index 8 through the end of the string which returns the hex value.


How to create a tables with variable length with string-like keys in lua

I have a file database. Inside that file I have something like:
DB_A = ...
DB_B = ...
DB_N = ...
I would like to parse the data and group them in lua code like this:
-- the result after parsing a file
["DB_A"] = {...},
["DB_B"] = {...},
["DB_N"] = {...}
In other words, is it possible to create a table inside a table dynamically and assign the key to each table without previously knowing what will be the names of the key (that is something I can figure out after parsing the data from a database).
(Just as a note, I am using Lua 5.3.5; also, I apologize that my code resembles C more than Lua!)
Iterating through your input file line-by-line--which can be done with the Lua FILE*'s lines method--you can use string.match to grab the information you are looking for from each line.
local PATTERN = "(%S+)%s?=%s?(%S+)"
local function eprintf(fmt, ...)
io.stderr:write(string.format(fmt, ...))
local function printf(fmt, ...)
io.stdout:write(string.format(fmt, ...))
local function make_table_from_file(filename)
local input = assert(, "r"))
local data = {}
for line in input:lines() do
local key, value = string.match(line, PATTERN)
data[key] = value
return data
local function main(argc, argv)
if (argc < 1) then
eprintf("Filename expected from command line\n")
local data = make_table_from_file(argv[1])
for k, v in pairs(data) do
printf("data[%s] = %s\n", k, data[k])
return 0
main(#arg, arg)
The variable declared at the top of the file, PATTERN, is your capture pattern to be used by string.match. If you are unfamiliar with how Lua's pattern matching works, this pattern looks for a series of non-space characters with zero or one spaces to its right, an equal sign, another space, and then another series of non-space characters. The two series of non-space characters are the two matches--key and value--returned by string.match in the function make_table_from_file.
The functions eprintf and printf are my Lua versions of C-style formatted output functions. The former writes to standard error, io.stderr in Lua; and the latter writes to standard output, io.stdout in Lua.
In your question, you give a sample of what your expected output is. Within your table data, you want it to contain keys that correspond to tables as values. Based on the sample input text you provided, I assume the data contained within these tables are whatever comes to the right of the equal signs in the input file--which you represent with .... As I do not know what exactly those ...s represent, I cannot give you a solid example for how to separate that right-hand data into a table. Depending on what you are looking to do, you could take the second variable returned by string.match, which I called value, and further separate it using Lua's string pattern matching. It could look something like this:
local function make_table_from_value(val)
// Split `val` into distinct elements to form a table with `some_pattern`
return {string.match(val, some_pattern)}
local function make_table_from_file(filename)
local input = assert(, "r"))
local data = {}
for line in input:lines() do
local key, value = string.match(line, PATTERN)
data[key] = make_table_from_value(value)
return data
In make_table_from_value, string.match will return some number of elements, based on whatever string pattern you provide as its second argument, which you can then use to create a table by enclosing the function call in curly braces. It will be a table that uses numerical indices as keys--rather than strings or some other data type--starting from 1.

Dumping lua func with arguments

Is it possibly to dump the Lua table including function arguments?
If so, how can I do it?
I have managed to dump tables and function with addresses, but I haven't been able to figure out a way to get function args, i have tried different methods, but no luck.
So I want to receive them truth dumping tables and function plus args of the function.
Output should be something like this: Function JumpHigh(Player, height)
I don't know if it is even possible, but would be very handy.
Table only stores values.
If there's function stored in a table, then it's just a function body, there's no arguments. If arguments were applied, table would store only final result of that call.
Maybe you're talking about closure - function returned from other function, capturing some arguments from a top level function in a lexical closure? Then see debug.getupvalue() function to check closure's content.
Is this something what you're asking?
local function do_some_action(x,y)
return function()
local t = {
func = do_some_action(123,478)
-- only function value printed
print "Table content:"
for k,v in pairs(t) do
-- list function's upvalues, where captured arguments may be stored
print "Function's upvalues"
local i = 0
i = i + 1
local name, val = debug.getupvalue(t.func, i)
if name then
print(name, val)
until not name
Note that upvalues stored is not necessary an argument to a toplevel function. It might be some local variable, storing precomputed value for the inner function.
Also note that if script was precompiled into Lua bytecode with stripping debug info, then you won't get upvalues' names, those will be empty.

lua - how to initialize a table using a string

I have the following string:
mystring = "a=test;b=12345"
I would like to know how to initialize a table in one shot, assign it the value of the string. The string originates from another external application, and if possible I want to avoid having to split it up. Something like this:
mytable = {mystring:gsub(";",",")}
Is it possible to do something like this? I know how to do it in multiple steps... but just wondering if it's possible to do it all at once.
Here's what I've tried and the respective output:
> mystring = "a=123;b=2345"
> myarray = {mystring:gsub(";",",")}
> for key,value in pairs(myarray) do print(key,value) end
1 a=123,b=2345
2 1
whereas I was hoping to end up with an array / table where like this:
key value
a 123
b 2345
-- Lua 5.2+ required
function string_to_table (str)
local result = {}
load(str, '', 't', setmetatable({}, {
__index = function(t,k) return k end,
__newindex = result
return result
mytable = string_to_table("a=test;b=12345;c=a") -- {a="test", b=12345, c="a"}
Try this, which lets Lua do the hard work:
function parse(s)
local t={}
return t
for k,v in pairs(mytable) do print(k,v) end
Note that this executes the code in the given string, which may be dangerous if it comes from an untrusted source. On the other hand, the damage is limited because the code is executed in an empty environment and so cannot affect existing variables. Malicious code may contain infinite loops or consume all memory, though.
mytable = {}
for key, value in string.gmatch("a=123;b=456", "(%w+)=(%w+)") do
mytable[key] = value
print(mytable.a, mytable.b)
as expected. This only works, of course, with alphanumeric and no punctuation.

Create Lua function from string

I am creating functions (of x) from a string in Lua. The code I am using is
function fcreate(fs)
return assert(loadstring("return function (x) return " .. fs.." end"))()
This works for globals, e.g.
does the right thing.
However, it does not seem to like local variables. So
local c=1
will not work because c is local.
Is this fixable?
"loadstring does not compile with lexical scoping", so no, it can't see locals outside the loadstring call.
Is this fixable?
That depends. Why are you using loadstring in the first place? Lua supports closures as first class values, so I can't see from your example why you'd need loadstring.
Your example:
u = fcreate("math.sin(x)+c")
Can be rewritten without the need for loadstring or your fcreate function:
u = function(x) return math.sin(x)+c end
Which of course is the same as:
function u(x) return math.sin(x) + c end
I can see a case for loadstring if you have user-configurable expressions that you wanted to compile into some other function, but your case with the local c suggests that's not the case. Are you trying to make some kinda of home-rolled lamda syntax?
Can't be done in any reasonable way. For an example of why, look at this:
function makefunction(name)
local a = 1
local b = 2
local c = 3
-- ...
return assert(loadstring("return " .. name))
local a = 4
local func = makefunction("a")
If this worked, what is printed? 1 or 4? Does it capture the variable from the place where the function was loaded, even though that function doesn't exist anymore? Or does it look it up from the place where it was called?
The first would mean that the function is lexically scoped wherever it's created. Being able to access the variable after the function has exited means that the variable would need to be promoted into an upvalue dynamically, which is not something that Lua can do at the moment. As it is now, Lua can see every access to a local variable during compilation, so it knows which variables to turn into upvalues (at a performance hit) and which to keep as locals.
The second would mean that variable accesses inside a loadstring'd function would work completely different than every other access in Lua: Lua uses lexical scoping, not dynamic scoping. It'd be a huge implementation change in Lua, and an extremely inconsistent one.
So, neither is supported. You can control the environment of a dynamically loaded function, using setfenv in Lua 5.1 or the env parameter of load(...) in Lua 5.2, but neither of those let you access local variables automatically.
Something you could do if you don't need to mutate the local variables is to pass those values as arguments to the generated function. You would still need to manually specify the variables to close over but its better then nothing.
For example, you can build up your closure to look like
return (function(a,b,c)
return function(x) return print(a, x) end
We might do that by changing your function to look like
function fcreate(variables, fs)
local varnames = {}
local varvalues = {}
local nvars = 0
for n,v in pairs(variables) do
nvars = nvars + 1
table.insert(varnames, n)
table.insert(varvalues, v)
local chunk_str = (
'return (function(' .. table.concat(varnames, ',') .. ') ' ..
'return function(x) return ' .. fs .. ' end ' ..
return assert( loadstring(chunk_str) )( unpack(varvalues, 1, nvars) )
local a = 1;
local f = fcreate({a=a}, 'x+a')
print(f(1), f(2))

In Lua, is there a function that given a function, it returns its name as a string?

Sorry if this is too obvious, but I am a total newcomer to lua, and I can't find it in the reference.
Is there a NAME_OF_FUNCTION function in Lua, that given a function gives me its name so that I can index a table with it? Reason I want this is that I want to do something like this:
local M = {}
local function export(...)
for x in ...
local function fun1(...)
local function fun2(...)
export(fun1, fun2, ...)
return M
There simply is no such function. I guess there is no such function, as functions are first class citizens. So a function is just a value like any other, referenced to by variable. Hence the NAME_OF_FUNCTION function wouldn't be very useful, as the same function can have many variable pointing to it, or none.
You could emulate one for global functions, or functions in a table by looping through the table (arbitrary or _G), checking if the value equals x. If so you have found the function name.
a=function() print"fun a" end
b=function() print"fun b" end
function NameOfFunctionIn(fun,t) --returns the name of a function pointed to by fun in table t
for k,v in pairs(t) do
if v==fun then return k end
print(NameOfFunctionIn(a,t)) -- prints a, in t
print(NameOfFunctionIn(b,t)) -- prints c
print(NameOfFunctionIn(b,_G)) -- prints b, because b in the global table is b. Kind of a NOOP here really.
Another approach would be to wrap functions in a table, and have a metatable set up that calls the function, like this:
print("Hello from "
print("Arguments received:")
for k,v in pairs{...} do print(k,v) end
print(fun1) -- or print(tostring(fun1))
This will be a bit slower than using bare functions because of the metatable lookup. And it will not prevent anyone from changing the name of the function in the state, changing the name of the function in the table containing it, changing the function, etc etc, so it's not tamper proof. You could also strip the tables of just by indexing like which might be good if you export it as a module, but you loose the naming and other tricks you could put into the metatable.
Technically this is possible, here's an implementation of the export() function:
function export(...)
local env = getfenv(2);
local funcs = {...};
for i=1, select("#", ...) do
local func = funcs[i];
for local_index = 1, math.huge do
local local_name, local_value = debug.getlocal(2, local_index);
if not local_name then
if local_value == func then
env[local_name] = local_value;
return env;
It uses the debug API, would require some changes for Lua 5.2, and finally I don't necessarily endorse it as a good way to write modules, I'm just answering the question quite literally.
Try this:
tostring( x ) should hopefully be what you are looking for
If I am not wrong (and I probably will, because I actually never programmed in Lua, just read a bunch of papers and articles), internally there is already a table with function names (like locals and globals in Python), so you should be able to perform a reverse-lookup to see what key matches a function reference.
Anyway, just speculating.
But the fact is that looking at your code, you already know the name of the functions, so you are free to construct the table. If you want to be less error prone, it would be easier to use the name of the function to get the function reference (with eval or something like that) than the other way around.
