Using MKLocalSearchRequest - ios

MKLocalSearchRequest requires a natural language query to get local places (e.g. "Coffee").
Is there a way to get it to return a list of all places within the specified region?
Alternatively is there an API that does this?
Or will I need to make multiple requests ("coffee", "bar", etc.) and include a search function the user can use if we haven't retrieved the place they're looking for?

Try using MKLocalSearchCompleter its better and it reacts to user input rather than plain queries like coffee / bar plus it will take region to limit your search area as well.
Here is the link to documentation -


How to handle sitemaps for pages with path parameters?

I noticed that some website are capable of providing a URL like:
and get Google to display something like
320 cars found in NewYork
Get cars here at EXAMPLE.COM
in the search results (note that there's also the number of cars displayed).
I'd like to optimize my website in the same way thus I am currently working on a sitemap. However, I don't see how search engines would be able to "guess" all the possible parameters to this.
I was thinking that I could e.g. generate a sitemap with all possible parameters (e.g. all cities):
and put them in my sitemaps.xml
That's a semi-optimal solution imho because in theory on can have
So - is there another way to achieve what this or will it be necessary to create this (rather huge) list of urls and host it?

How can I search the channel in a specific country using the YouTube API 3.0?

I use the url to search channels in a specific country like this
But when i changed the regionCode parameter to IT(italy) or any other one,the search result is always identical.So the search result is not changed with the regionCode.
How can I search the channel by country using the YouTube API 3.0,thanks.
I also try to search channel with the optional parameter regionCode, and it seems that this parameter is not to filter the results base on the country code of a Country. I found in this related SO question that the region parameter only applies to movie charts, and is not something that works as a parameter for general searches.
So the only possible parameter that I think you can use to filter the results of YouTube API in a specific country or place is by using the parameter location.
The location parameter, in conjunction with the locationRadius parameter, defines a circular geographic area and also restricts a search to videos that specify, in their metadata, a geographic location that falls within that area. The parameter value is a string that specifies latitude/longitude coordinates e.g. (37.42307,-122.08427).
Hope it helps you.
There is no way to solve this problem. I tried location with locationRadius, but second parameter is limited to 1000km, so, I cant find all videos from Russian Federation or USA using that option and 1 api request.
Also, that api request performs slow for understandable reason.

Get specific category around city in Google Maps

I am using the Google Maps API and AutoComplete to make it easy for people to find restaurants around them. I have gotten this far but reading the documentation for it can be confusing. Is it possible to get a list of all the eating spots around Cupertino and if so how can it be achieved? Will I have to use SwiftyJson and or Alamofire in order to achieve this or does Google provides all the tools necessary to complete it?
Use Google Places API to get a list of all eating spots around the area. Achieve it by including the parameter types values to filter place searches.
Below is a sample code snippet how to use Place types:
Search specific place in city by given type: [Search place Name]+in+[City Name]&type=[Place Type]&sensor=true&key= [API Key]
You can use type food and restaurant like type=food|restaurant
for more information how to use Place Types, here's the link:

How to track type-ahead internal search in SiteCatalyst

I'm planning out how to track internal search data in Omniture/SiteCatalyst.
It's a fairly straight-forward plan for a standard "enter a term and get a page of results" model: set sProps and eVars with the terms, the count of results, and the page searched from, then fire a success event for searching and another for clicking a search result.
For a type-ahead search--where the user is given search results as they type in a search bar--what's a good strategy for handling the timing of event submissions so that you don't end up with different events/entries for letters 4, 5, 6, and 7 of a search term's entry?
Our solution was to leverage a delay on the autocomplete to reduce the number of calls. From a tracking standpoint, if someone pauses for 1 second (or 500 ms, whatever), then they're probably actually waiting for the autocomplete results, and that constitutes a valid search.
From a technical standpoint, we leveraged the delay option on the jQuery UI widget.
Strategy I've always used is to not track the "auto-complete" search features..put the tracking on the search results page same as normal. Or are you saying the whole search results page is being output as the user types? If that is the thing you could do is write some code to pop the Omniture code when the search field loses focus.
Another thing you can do is as the visitor is typing in the search bar, on each keypress, write the current value to a cookie. Then have some code that runs on page load to look for that cookie and if it exists, pop the Omniture search variables and erase the cookie. Alternatively you can keep track of current value w/ a server-side session variable since I assume this thing is ajax driven, and output the omn code w/ server-side code if session var exists. These methods would mean that the search events and vars would not pop on the search results page...this probably isn't that big a deal, unless you have supporting variables you pop, like an "internal search referrer" prop/eVar that keeps track of the previous page the visitor was on (or the page the visitor was on when they performed the search). So you'll have to keep that in mind and carry that over as well.
Whenever you do a search you might be aware of the concept that query string parameter get added at the end of URL.
Suppose is website and when are you performing a search on it then it will be like , yourname is the searchkeyword.This keyword we can capture in sitecatalyst.
you can see while searching on internet for sitecatalyst is ---
In the same way we can use query string parameter as q = something.
after doing all this thing we can use the plugin getQueryParam in plugin section of the s_code library file to fetch that variable and store that in sitecatalyst variable...
function s_doPlugins(s) {
var one = s.getQueryParam("q");
insert this below code outside plugin section
* Returns the value of a specified query string parameter, if found in the current page URL.
s.getQueryParam=new Function("p","d","u",""
+"var s=this,v='',i,t;d=d?d:'';u=u?u:(s.pageURL?s.pageURL:s.wd.locati"
+"=p.length?i:i+1)}return v");
s.p_gpv=new Function("k","u",""
+"var s=this,v='',i=u.indexOf('?'),q;if(k&&i>-1){q=u.substring(i+1);v"
+",'&','p_gvf',k)}return v");
s.p_gvf=new Function("t","k",""
+"if(t){var s=this,i=t.indexOf('='),p=i<0?t:t.substring(0,i),v=i<0?'T"
+"rue':t.substring(i+1);if(p.toLowerCase()==k.toLowerCase())return s."
+"epa(v)}return ''");
you will find that it will capture your search results
please let me know in case of more clarifications

twitter search api no place returned

I am having a bit of trouble sifting through the twitter API. I am trying to search for tweets near a certain location and then see their exact (or approximate) geo coordinates. I understand the geo field is deprecated and now we are supposed to use the "place" field. Unfortunately when I use the following url:,-97.832,10mi I get a bunch of responses with a location that matches the city of the geo coordinates, but geo: is null and there is no place field. Am I stuck with only having an accuracy up to city coordinates, or am I using the wrong search call?
Thanks in advance!
Remember, tweeting with a geo location is an opt-in process. Twitter will supply a feed from the area for all tweeters in that area, but only those who have opted to tweet their coordinates will show up with "geo" info.
Using q=here with your url it did return 1 tweet for me with "geo" info in this form (though likely it will have moved on down the timeline by the time you try...):
Every user has a user defined location set in their profile settings. Use this when users don't use geo-encoding.
You can obtain a list of all countries / states by country and do a simple clean-up operation on the dataset.
This gave me what I needed for location data and greatly enriched my output.
