I set up a Rails app on OpenShift and pulled the default code. When I tried running it, I got the following error:
C:/Development/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/activesupport-4.1.4/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:241:in `load': C:/HEATH3N/FirstApp/config/initializers/session_store.rb:1: syntax error, unexpected .. (SyntaxError)
I'm unclear as to what the problem is. I looked at the problematic file and don't see anything wrong. I found other questions on Stack Overflow asking about another problem with the file (the new hash style isn't supported on older Ruby versions) but I'm using Ruby 2.3 (Rails 4.1.4) and my error is different.
require File.join(Rails.root,'lib','openshift_secret_generator.rb')
# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file.
# Set token based on intialize_secret function (defined in initializers/secret_generator.rb)
Rails.application.config.session_store :cookie_store, :key => initialize_secret(
# Use the database for sessions instead of the cookie-based default,
# which shouldn't be used to store highly confidential information
# (create the session table with "rails generate session_migration")
# RailsApp::Application.config.session_store :active_record_store
Try something like so -
require File.expand_path(‘../lib/openshift_secret_generator.rb‘, __FILE__)
require Rails.root.join('lib', 'openshift_secret_generator.rb').to_s
Please do update if either or both work for you.
I need to do in rails 4 supply some ip address to set a constraint on certain routes.
Is there a way to get this data from a config file without harcoding it into the routes file?
Im using a yaml file and initializer for app variables like:
APP_CONFIG = YAML.load_file("#{Rails.root}/config/application.yml")[Rails.env]
so normally I could do:
constraints(:ip => %w[APP_CONFIG['app_url']]) do
.. my routes..
This fails in the routes.rb is there a way to fix this?
The routes.rb file is a ruby file which is instantiated once, and loaded into memory.
You can just add the ruby code inside it and it will be executed once:
Rails.application.routes.draw do
app_config = YAML.load_file("#{Rails.root}/config/application.yml")[Rails.env]
constraints(:ip => %w[app_config['app_url']]) do
.. my routes..
This will instantiate the routes.rb file with the variable loaded from the yml and available throughout your rails routes app. You don't even need to use a env variable. Local variable seems a better idea.
You can also put logic inside and make it environment dependant:
if Rails.env.production?
app_config = YAML.load_file("#{Rails.root}/config/application.yml")[Rails.env]
constraints(:ip => %w[app_config['app_url']]) do
.. my routes..
.. my routes ...
Taking a look at the initialization process of rails (http://guides.rubyonrails.org/initialization.html). You'll see that routing is actually loaded quite early (and earlier than application.rb or other initializers). It has therefore not yet loaded this file.
A way round this would be to place this into your boot.rb:
# Set up gems listed in the Gemfile.
ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] ||= File.expand_path('../../Gemfile', __FILE__)
require 'bundler/setup' if File.exist?(ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'])
#Now load app config:
require 'yaml'
APP_CONFIG = YAML.load_file(File.expand_path('../../config/application.yml', __FILE__))
I believe you are running into a load order issue. You could probably hack around this, but...
I would highly recommend using Figaro to solve this problem. It is a gem specifically designed for rails configuration and will work nicely with 12 factor app deployments (like Heroku): https://github.com/laserlemon/figaro
I am using Figaro in the app I am currently working on and was able to confirm access to the env variables within my routes file. I believe this gem will solve your current issue and other config issues you don't even know you have yet!
This is a tricky one to explain. I have a module in another module namespace like so:
# app/models/points/calculator.rb
module Points
module Calculator
def self.included(base)
base.send(:include, CommonMethods)
base.send(:include, "Points::Calculator::#{base}Methods".constantize)
So then in other classes all I need to do is:
class User
include Points::Calculator
I've specified this directory in application.rb to be autoloadable...(even though i think rails recurses through models...)
config.autoload_paths += Dir[ Rails.root.join('app', 'models', "points") ]
In development env, everything works fine. When running tests(and production env), I get the following error:
Unable to autoload constant Points::Calculator, expected /Users/pete/work/recognize/app/models/points/calculator.rb to define it (LoadError)
I actually followed the advice here to fix the problem: Stop Rails from unloading a module in development mode by explicitly requiring calculator.rb in application.rb.
However, why is this happening??
I stuck some debug output in ActiveSupport's dependencies.rb file and noticed that this file is being required twice. The first time its required I can see that the constant is indeed loaded.
But the 2nd time its required the constant has been unloaded as far as Rails can tell, but when the actual require is called, ruby returns false because ruby knows its already required it. Then Rails throws the "unable to autoload constant" error because the constant still isn't present and ruby didn't "re-require" the file.
Can anyone shed light on why this might be happening?
Rails augments the constant lookup mechanism of ruby.
Constant lookup in Ruby:
Similar to method missing, a Module#constant-missing is invoked when a reference to a constant fails to be resolved. When we refer to a constant in a given lexical scope, that constant is searched for in:
Each entry in Module.nesting
Each entry in Module.nesting.first.ancestors
Each entry in Object.ancestors if Module.nesting.first is nil or a module.
When we refer to a constant, Ruby first attempts to find it according to this built-in lookup rules.
When ruby fails to find... rails kicks in, and using its own lookup convention and its knowledge about which constants have already been loaded (by ruby), Rails overrides Module#const_missing to load missing constants without the need for explicit require calls by the programmer.
Its own lookup convention?
Contrasting Ruby’s autoload (which requires the location of each autoloaded constant to be specified in advance) rails following a convention that maps constants to file names.
Points::Calculator # =>points/calculator.rb
Now for the constant Points::Calculator, rails searches this file path (ie 'points/calculator.rb') within the autoload paths, defined by the autoload_paths configuration.
In this case, rails searched for file path points/calculator in its autoloaded paths, but fails to find file and hence this error/warning is shown.
This answer is an abstract from this Urbanautomation blog.
I wrote a blog about Zeitwerk, the new code reloader in Rails. Check it out at -> https://blog.bigbinary.com/2019/10/08/rails-6-introduces-new-code-loader-called-zeitwerk.html
If someone is having this issue in rails 6 which has zeitwerk autoloader,
Change ruby constant lookup back to classic in your application.rb
# config/application.rb
config.autoloader = :classic
Read more details here Rails Official Guides
Calculator should be a class to be autoloaded correctly
module Points
class Calculator
General problem. Working on a ROR app hosted on Heroku. However I am getting the error in local environment. For Articles I wish users to be able to "recommend" the article via Facebook and display number of "recommends" the Article has recieved.
I have a ROR application on Heroku and have set up a Facebook app with minimum info.
Where/how do I add in the Facebook info he ROR application.
I have tried a number of different things including
(1) adding some info to config/environment/development e.g.
# Facebook stuff
config.fb_app_id = 257669251071656
config.fb_app_secret = 7b53604575d5dc0259466cfd41808c93
which gives error
/Users/davidlee/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247/gems/activesupport-4.0.4/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:229:in `require': /Volumes/F Drive/drill_investor/config/environments/development.rb:49: syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expecting keyword_end (SyntaxError)
Should I be adding a config/initializers/facebook.rb file and/or changes in config/environments/development…production. If so what goes into the onfig/initializers/facebook.rb file ?
At the moment I have some stuff set up for devise and paperclip in these directories - however this was all copied and haven't figured out how it actually works.
any help appreciated
The new whole config/application.rb file, with comments removed, is below
require File.expand_path('../boot', __FILE__)
require 'rails/all'
Bundler.require(:default, Rails.env)
module DrillInvestor
class Application < Rails::Application
# pmlc
ActsAsTaggableOn.force_lowercase = true
ActsAsTaggableOn.remove_unused_tags = true
config.fb_app_id = ENV["FACEBOOK_APP"]
config.fb_app_secret = ENV["FACEBOOK_SECRET"]
# pmlc
The environment files of Rails are meant to give you a place to specific environment-specific settings -- such as different asset paths, Gem settings, etc to use
Your error basically says your development.rbfile is not formatted correctly (you should post the whole file). You'll need to be able to set it out correctly - I'd even recommend putting the details into application.rb:
config.fb_app_id = ENV["FACEBOOK_APP"]
config.fb_app_secret = ENV["FACEBOOK_SECRET"]
#config/application.yml -> from Figaro
FACEBOOK_APP: 257669251071656
FACEBOOK_SECRET: 7b53604575d5dc0259466cfd41808c93
I'd recommend using Figaro to keep your sensitive data behind closed doors. It allows you to create environment variables on both local & production environments
I think this should solve your issue, but it will definitely help to post your development.rb
I have the simple following code, which is working in a ruby (not rails) app:
require 'gmail'
Gmail.new('my_account', 'my_password') do |gmail|
I am able to get a connection to the Gmail account and do some stuff in there.
However, I want to use this Gem in a Rails app, and therefore I have tried adding the following into the Gemfile:
gem "ruby-gmail", "0.2.1"
gem "mime", "0.1"
However, when I try to use this in a rake task, like this:
task :scrap_receipts_gmail => :environment do
Gmail.new('my_account', 'my_password') do |gmail|
puts gmail.inspect
I get the following error:
uninitialized constant Object::Gmail
This is solved if I add require 'gmail'. My question is:
Why would I have to require gmail, if I have already specified that in the Gemfile?
The module/class namespace has to match the directory structure. For example, in lib/foo/bar.rb, if and only if the namespace is Foo::Bar can it be auto loaded by Rails, otherwise you have to require it explicitly.
In this case, Gmail is defined as a class, which doesn't match the directory structure. If Gmail was defined as a module (namespace ::Gmail matchs directory structure), then you'll never need to explicitly require "gmail".
I'm in the process of refactoring some logic built into a Rails application into middleware, and one annoyance I've run into is a seeming lack of convention for where to put them.
Currently I've settled on app/middleware but I could just as easily move it to vendor/middleware or maybe vendor/plugins/middleware...
The biggest problem is having to require the individual files at the top of config/environment.rb
require "app/middleware/system_message"
require "app/middleware/rack_backstage"
or else I get uninitialized constant errors on the config.middleware.use lines. That could get messy very quickly. I'd rather this was tucked away in an initializer somewhere.
Is there a conventional place to put this stuff?
The specific answer I'm looking for with this bounty is: where can I put the require lines so that they are not cluttering the environment.rb file but still get loaded before the config.middleware.use calls? Everything I have tried leads to uninitialized constant errors.
Update: Now that we're using Rails 3.0, I treat a Rails app like any other Rack app; code files for middleware go in lib (or a gem listed in Gemfile) and are required and loaded in config.ru.
As of Rails 3.2, Rack middleware belongs in the app/middleware directory.
It works "out-of-the-box" without any explicit require statements.
Quick example:
I'm using a middleware class called CanonicalHost which is implemented in app/middleware/canonical_host.rb. I've added the following line to production.rb (note that the middleware class is explicitly given, rather than as a quoted string, which works for any environment-specific config files):
config.middleware.use CanonicalHost, "example.com"
If you're adding middleware to application.rb, you'll need to include quotes, as per #mltsy's comment.
config.middleware.use "CanonicalHost", "example.com"
You can put it in lib/tableized/file_name.rb. As long as the class you're trying to load is discoverable by its filename, Rails will automatically load the file necessary. So, for example:
config.middleware.use "MyApp::TotallyAwesomeMiddleware"
You would keep in:
Rails catches const_missing and attemts to load files corresponding to the missing constants automatically. Just make sure your names match and you're gravy. Rails even provides nifty helpers that'll help you identify the path for a file easily:
>> ChrisHeald::StdLib.to_s.tableize.singularize
=> "chris_heald/std_lib"
So my stdlib lives in lib/chris_heald/std_lib.rb, and is autoloaded when I reference it in code.
In my Rails 3.2 app, I was able to get my middleware TrafficCop loading by putting it at app/middleware/traffic_cop.rb, just as #MikeJarema described. I then added this line to my config/application.rb, as instructed:
config.middleware.use TrafficCop
However, upon application start, I kept getting this error:
uninitialized constant MyApp::Application::TrafficCop
Explicitly specifying the root namespace didn't help either:
config.middleware.use ::TrafficCop
# uninitialized constant TrafficCop
For some reason (which I've yet to discover), at this point in the Rails lifecycle, app/middleware wasn't included in the load paths. If I removed the config.middleware.use line, and ran the console, I could access the TrafficCop constant without any issue. But it couldn't find it in app/middleware at config time.
I fixed this by enclosing the middleware class name in quotes, like so:
config.middleware.use "TrafficCop"
This way, I would avoid the uninitialized constant error, since Rails isn't trying to find the TrafficCop class just yet. But, when it starts to build the middleware stack, it will constantize the string. By this time, app/middleware is in the load paths, and so the class will load correctly.
For Rails 3:
require 'lib/rack/my_adapter.rb'
module MyApp
class Application < Rails::Application
config.middleware.use Rack::MyAdapter
I'm not aware of a convention, but why not put it in the /lib directory? Files in there get automatically loaded by Rails.
You could create an initializer which requires the necessary files and then leave the files wherever you want.
According to this the initializers are executed before the rack middleware is loaded.
The working solution I have so far is moving the middleware requires to config/middleware.rb and requiring that file in environment.rb, reducing it to a single require which I can live with.
I'd still like to hear how other people have solved this seemingly basic problem of adding middleware to Rails.