Why application's driver not working in windows 10? - driver

An application's minifilter driver is working fine in windows earlier than windows 10. I want to make it work in windows 10 as well. Need help!!
I'm unable to figure out the causes in Windows 10 as the driver is perfectly working fine earlier to Windows 10 versions.

Driver requirements (superuser) including driver signing requirements (ms blog) have changed in Windows 10. You will most likely need a new driver as I think there will be no work-around for most driver problems in Windows 10.
The issue I had was due to an old audio driver and I had to manually pull down a different driver with a newer date from the hardware suppliers site.
If you want more information on the actual problem, look to the windows event log, or driver debug logs. For example Microsoft's website says:
If a signing problem exists, SetupAPI will log information about the signing problem in the log file. The name of this log file is SetupAPI.dev.log, and it is located, by default, in the Windows INF file directory (%SystemRoot%\inf).


Can't use QBFC5 in Windows 7 64 bit

We are trying to move an old client application from one PC to a new windows 7 64 bit PC. At the time the software was developed we used QBFC version 5 to interact with quickbooks, however it appears now that we can no longer do so. I attempted to register the interop.qbfc5lib.dll after installing the QBFC5 installation package and we still receive an error message. I've also attempted installing the most recent version of the SDK to the system and upgraded the QBRPXML2 to the most recent version. The client is now running QB2013 on the server and has updated his data to this version.
The error we are receiving is: "Retrieving the COM class factory for component with cLSID {4877276c-486d-b201-f096035ca4df} failed due to the following error: 80040154.
Suggestions other than recompile the code?
I had this problem with a client who I had used QBFC 8 and he had switched to a new computer. I didn't do a lot of research, but it appears that the installers that Intuit has on their websites use different CLSID than I originally had built against. I just downloaded and installed QBFC 5, which I didn't have anything installed for, and it shows the following CLSID in the registry (I'm on Windows 7 64-bit):
QbFC5.QBOESessionManager {86AC2FAD-C987-4757-B591-02F9867A8BE5}
QbFC5.QBSessionManager {4877276C-A727-486D-B201-F096035CA4DF}
The only thing I can think of is that the COM files that were originally installed on your development machine have been changed in a later installation. For my client on QBFC8, I simply switched to using QBFC12 and recompiled the code.

Service installed on Windows 7 machine is not reading from its config file

I have a .Net 3.5 web service that installs perfectly on my old XP box. I recently got a beautiful new Windows 7 box and everything has been working wonderfully. Yesterday I remembered that I need to instal this service on my new box and attempted to perform the install.
After the install I did a quick test and it seemed to be working correctly. Later in the day, I went into the config file and made a small change. After restarting the service I was dismayed to discover that the change was NOT being picked up by the service and it continued to use the old values.
Can someone explain how this is possible? I am totally befuddled here.
You've most likely been a "victim" of Windows Backward Compatibility (aka UAC Data Redirection).
When a program running as non-admin tries to write to config files located in Program Files, Windows redirects the write to another (user local) directory. That means, a user can seemingly write the file, but another user will see the original, Program Files, version.

SmartCard Reader UMDF driver. Power down problems

Working on a UMDF card-reader driver which connects to a software based SmartCard simulator thus allowing any PC/SC compliant application to interface to the SmartCard simulator.
Implementation based on Fabio Ottavi's project here: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/system/BixVReader.aspx
Works well except that the Windows SmartCard Service puts the driver into power-down mode (IOCTL_SMARTCARD_POWER -> SCARD_POWER_DOWN) when it reports IOCTL_SMARTCARD_IS_PRESENT. This happens when the driver is not been currently accessed by another application. The power-down generally happends 10 to 15 seconds after the card is present and I would like to prevent it happening.
Fabio mentions an undocumented Windows7 registry entry (CardDisconnectPowerDownDelay), however, this did not seem to work and I need a solution for XP as well.

Foxpro 2.6 printing problem

In my school days, i developed a hotel management system in legacy programming language foxpro 2.6. Few months ago, i revived the application and its running pretty well on windows xp. But, i am stuck at printing. Right now i am printing the page to a text file. Afterward i manually open the file and call the print function on that.
I googled and found no effective tutorial or link or anything as to how can i get to print directly from foxpro 2.6. The printer is USB supported and i have tried the trick of adding another printer for virtual port LPT1 and then spooling. Nothing worked.
Later i downloaded an application which acts as a spooler and sends any file that is added to the specified directory to Printer. Still, no success.
Can anyone help me with a short example, a link or a tutorial which guides me to the printing settings in foxpro 2.6
Thanks !!
Install the printer and share it. You may need to set permissions to allow Authenticated Users to use the printer.
Add NET USE LPT1: \CRAIG\USBPRINTER to the logon script for the user's profile.
For help on logon scripts, look up "To assign a logon script to a profile" in XP Help.
Not true - it works perfectly well in Vista and Windows 7, as long as they are the 32-bit versions of those operating systems.
You might find the following useful. Disclaimer: I wrote it a long time ago.
Painless Legacy FoxPro Applications On Modern Networks

Delphi XE - Installation problem on W7/64 virtual machine

We bought Delphi XE to slowly upgrade from Delphi 6.
Delphi 6 is well working in Win7/X64.
I installed two virtual machines to test it (I planned three of them, but Virtual PC is not supports X64 guest OS).
1.) Sun VirtualBox 4.x
2.) VMWARE player latest
The guest OS is Win7/X64. Latest SP's, packs are installed.
I set local "area" settings to "english-usa".
I started the installer as admin.
The phenomenon is:
The InstallAware is starting, the progress bar is access the 100%.
After this a new InstallAware Window is starting, but later it disappeared.
Then nothing happens. Sometimes the Windows say (dialog) that setup is not working, will I reinstall it?
The event log is not containing information about the problem.
I tried to starting "setup.exe" directly with "as admin", but the result is same.
I tried to find the real setup files in "Local Settings/Temp", and starting it directly as admin, but I got same result.
So I'm very disappointment, and puzzled... We bought something that is not installable.
May I can install the XE into VPC/XP Mode; but I'm sure the somebody CAN install this software in Win7/X64... :-(
Can anybody help me, how to continue the installation?
How to "debug"?
Thanks for your help:
It might be a problem with your virtual machine, i have myself issues with VirtualBox.
You also should double check if you dont have a corrupted Iso. Try to download it again to see it works.
I work in a software house that have at least 30 people working with Delphi XE on their Windows 7 machines. None of them ever reported a installation crash.
Another good question: are you executing the setup.exe as administrator?
The solution was if I copy the zip file directly into VM (not download it), and I must set ALL AREA FLAGS to USA.
The language, the area, the format settings - all things!
Then the installer simply working...
Thank you for your help!
