No such table Sqlite error iOS - ios

I am working with sqlite in iOS app. I have created login and register screens and tables successfully. Now, I am creating another table to save data. The table has been created but when I run the query to insert values, I get following error --- "no such table: proposalInfo". Can somebody help me in this ?

If you created database on terminal, then the problem is likely how you got the database you accessed from the terminal to your iOS device. Usually you would include it in the bundle (and make sure you have a checkmark against the appropriate target), and then you'd have code that looks for the database in “Application Support” directory, and if it does not find it, copy it from bundle to there. (Note, in the past, we would have recommended the “Documents” folder, but nowadays that is for user-facing files; we use “Application Support” directory nowadays for files used internally within the app.) The typical problem is simple bug in that logic (perhaps in previous iteration of development), which failed to copy it properly and then subsequently called sqlite3_open which created blank database.
Likely, somewhere in this process, there was insufficient error detection/reporting, so some error went undetected and blank database was created. So, I would recommend:
remove app from device (to get rid of any blank database in “Application Support” folder, if any);
double check error detection/reporting (e.g. check all NSFileManager method return codes and NSError objects);
do not use sqlite3_open, but rather use sqlite3_open_v2 so that it will never create blank database (namely, with SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE option, but not SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE); and
run app again and see if you can identify where in the process it went awry.
By the way, if you do not believe us that the table is really missing from the database, I would suggest you open the simulator’s database from macOS SQLite tool, and simply confirm. So
navigate to the simulator’s “Application Support” folder:
~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/[GUID]/data/Containers/Data/Application/[GUID]/Library/Application Support
Open that database in your SQLite terminal interface, and confirm existence or absence of the table in question.

Please create table using SQLite browser. Which is you can download from here.
Then follow below step
1) Open your project db by clicking.
2) Create table Query or using UI.
3) Execute query whatever you want.


Enhance Resilience of Local Storage in Hybrid App

I have developed a hybrid mobile app that has been running on IOS, Android and Chrome reasonably well for over 5 years. My app uses an indexedDB database to maintain the state of the app and save it between restarts, however there are some cases where IOS can clear the indexedDB particularly if the client device is running low on memory.
I would like some help on how to maintain a parallel copy of the indexedDB using the native SQL database on the IOS device, in order to increase the resilience of my app, based on the hopeful expectation that IOS will not arbitrarily decide to clear an internal SQL database belonging to the app.
I understand how to communicate in both directions between Objective C and Javascript but I have not the foggiest idea in Objective C how to:
Create a SQL database in the app file system
Choose where to place the SQL database in the app file system
How to write a new key value pair to the database
Overwrite an existing key value pair in the database
Read back all key value pairs from the database (I expect there could be up to 1000 of these in practice) and pass these efficiently back to the javascript code.
Clear the database and start again.
Any pointers to useful resources on how to achieve this or better still coded examples would be most appreciated.
I would just like to add that I am not using Cordova or any other similar app development environment, so please do not suggest a SQLite plugin that is part of a bigger environment. I have got to where I am with a bespoke coding approach and I would like to keep it that way.
I have explored the idea of paralleling up each indexedDB save with a write to a file in the IOS App Documents Folder with the hope that this is less likely to be wiped than the Caches Folder.
Following each indexedDB setItem with a key-value-pair I pass a request to the objective-C IOS app code to create a text file in a sub folder created with the App Documents Folder, with the name 'key'.txt and the contents set to value.
Following each indexedDB removeItem, I pass a request to the objective-C IOS app code to delete the corresponding text file 'key'.txt.
Following each indexedDB clearAll, I delete the entire sub folder created above.
Now when the app starts up and discovers an empty localForage database, I pass a request to the objective-C IOS app code to test if the sub-folder with key-items is there or not.
If it is not, then this is a fresh install of the app and continue as normal for such a case.
if it is, then this is a case of the indexedDB database having been deleted.
In such case, I request the objective-C IOS app code to return the set of keys, by examining the contents of the folder created above and stripping off the .txt bit and in the case of the IOS Simulator ignoring the DS_Store file.
One by one I then request the contents of each key file and load them back into the previously empty localForage database and when this has been done I can continue as if it had not been deleted.
I found that it is necessary to use a zero duration timeout in the javascript before requesting each value to prevent call stack exceeded errors when restoring large databases.
This approach seems to work and I can test this any time by using the Safari Developer Resources tab actions to clear the database and then manually restarting the app. Using the same tab you can watch the indexedDB database being repopulated.
Due to the size of my database, I actually created a set of sub folders of different types of key, so that I could choose the order in which the database items were restored, especially as my app is often brought back to life in the background following a significant location change and in such cases there is an imposed maximum time limit on how long the app is given to do such a recovery. This refinement is of course optional and only needed for large databases.
The following notes are for anyone who wants to try this approach and assumes using Objective C in XCode 10.1
Use NSHomeDirectory() and stringByAppendingPathComponent #"Documents" to get the Documents folder.
Use stringByAppendingPathComponent to create a sub folder path for the keys sub folder.
Use fileExistsAtPath to check whether the keys sub folder exists already
Use createDirectoryAtPath if it does not.
When saving or changing items in indexedDB use the stringByAppendingPathComponent to create the key file name path e.g. Base.txt for a key of 'Base'.
Use fileHandleforWritingAtPath to get the fileHandle for a file
if fileHandle does not exist then need to create it using writeToFile to create the 'key' file
if fileHandle does exist then truncateFileAtOffseyt:0 (important) to clear it and then use writeData to create a new version of the 'key' file.
In both of the above specify UTF8 encoding.
When removing items from indexedDB do the same to get the key file path and then use removeItemAtPath.
The device can be cleared by removing the entire sub folder using removeItemAtPath.
The restore process uses contentsOfDirectoryAtPath to read the set of keys in the sub folder.
The restore process for each item uses stringWithContentsOfFile to read data files and return the contents enclosed in quotes using a call to stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString
Hope this helps.

Keeping a bundled realm up to date using REST

I have an app that uses a database of about 5000 entries.
This database is bundled in the app as a realm file.
I want to be able to update/add entries to this database regulary using REST and I think I have done it correctly - I just want to make sure.
This is how I have done it:
When the app is installed I copy the bundled database from the mainBundle to the Documents directory for read/write access. I then delete the database from the mainBundle.
When I update/add new entries to the database, they are pushed to the user using REST and inserted into the database located in the Documents directory.
When an update is released of the app, I make a check to see if the database already exists in the Documents folder - if it does I automatically remove the database in the mainBundle as it is not needed.
Am I on the right track with this? Is there a better way of doing it?
Appreciate any input!
When I update/add new entries to the database, they are pushed to the user using REST and inserted into the database located in the Documents directory.
Technically, you can't push via REST. So I guess, you're either sending a background push notification to all installations or you're checking at application launch, whether there is a new version of the database available. That's at least what I would propose, but your requirements for getting new data out may vary.
When an update is released of the app, I make a check to see if the database already exists in the Documents folder - if it does I automatically remove the database in the mainBundle as it is not needed.
This doesn't work. The main bundle is the signed app bundle. If you would tamper the contents, that would prevent your app from launching. For that reason the access to it is limited by the OS to read-only. So this operation will always fail with an error. Instead you might properly just want to skip seeding the database from the main bundle.

iOS migrate SQLite when upgrade the app? [duplicate]

I have some general questions about iphone app updates that involves sqlite db.
With the new update does the existing sqlite db get overwritten with a copy of the new one?
If the update doesn't involve any schema changes then the user should be able to reuse the existing database with their saved data, right? (if the existing database doesn't get overwritten from 1 above )
If there are some schema changes, what's the best way to transfer data from the old database into the new one? Can some one please give me guidelines and sample code?
Only files inside the app bundle are replaced. If the database file is in your app's Documents directory, it will not be replaced. (Note that if you change files inside your app bundle, the code signature will no longer be valid, and the app will not launch. So unless you are using a read-only database, it would have to be in the Documents directory.)
What's best depends on the data. You're not going to find sample code for such a generic question. First, you need to detect that your app is running with an old DB version. Then you need to upgrade it.
To check versions:
You could use a different file name for the new schema. If Version2.db does not exist but Version1.db does, do an upgrade.
You could embed a schema version in your database. I have a table called metadata with a name and value column. I use that to store some general values, including a dataversion number. I check that number when I open the database, and if it is less than the current version, I do an upgrade.
Instead of creating a table, you could also use sqlite's built-in user_version pragma to check and store a version number.
You could check the table structure directly: look for the existence of a column or table.
To upgrade:
You could upgrade in place by using a series of SQL commands. You could even store a SQL file inside your app bundle as a resource and simply pass it along to sqlite3_exec to do all the work. (Do this inside a transaction, in case there is a problem!)
You could upgrade by copying data from one database file to a new one.
If your upgrade may run a long time (more than one second), you should display an upgrading screen, to explain to the user what is going on.
1) The database file isn't stored as part of the app bundle so no, it won't get automatically overwritten.
2) Yes - all their data will be saved. In fact, the database won't get touched at all by the update.
3) This is the tricky one - read this fantastically interesting document - especially the part on lightweight migration - if your schema changes are small and follow a certain set of rules, they will happen automatically and the user won't notice. however, if ther are major changes to the schema you will have to write your own migration code (that's in that links as well)
I've always managed to get away with running lightweight migrations myself - it's by far easier than doing it yourself.
What I do is that I create a working copy of the database in the Documents directory. The main copy comes with the bundle. When I update the app I then have the option to make a new copy over the working copy, or leave it.

How to fetch record from sqlite database that has been created automatically when implemented in coredata

I have app in that i am using coredata. And when i install the app three files are getting created in the document directory called “test.sqlite, test.sqlite-shm and test.sqlite-wal". And now in second app i copy the test.sqlite in the folder and i want to access the database and tables but i got error like this "no such table found". Is there any issue that i create the database with coredata? please help me.
You either need to:
send all of the sqlite* files that Core Data creates
export the content from the data store, format it and send that
Option 1 should work and be fast to implement, but it isn't very future proof. Option 2 will take longer but is a much better solution.

iOS App SQLite database structure change

I am updating an old iOS app which used sqlite database. I changed the database structure adding columns to existing tables. Now, I am testing it on my device. If I clear my old app from iPad and then run this new updated version on it, it is working fine. But if I have the old version installed on ipad already and test this updated version, it is somehow using the old database instead of the one updated. Can some one help me why it is doing this?
My guess and to try and make a simple answer for you is this. It's likely you updated the database in the project file - which means when you run it, your new db will exist in the bundle. files in the bundle cannot be updated, so its common practice to copy the database out of the bundle and store it somewhere in the ios sandbox. I usually use the documents directory to keep it simple.
Most likely what is happening is that when you run it over a pervious install, it see's that the file is already copied over to the device so it does not touch it, however on new installs, it probably sees the database is missing so it copies it there and that is why on new installs it works fine but existing ones it does not.
Look in the app delegate or your root view controller for code that checks for the existing database and copies the database over if needed on startup.
If you need to update the database on existing installs, you would need to force the copy.
Beware though if you have data in the existing database not to overwrite it if its important. If important data is stored there, you have to either do a little shell game of getting the data and importing into the new database, or maybe a simpler way, is to run the database schema modification commands on the existing database so it is the same.
again, beware and make a copy of the local database file before you run those commands, just in case.
best of luck
In iOS, a SQLLite database is really just a file. When you used the old app, it created the schema in the database file. When you load the new app, the data remains, untouched. If you want to use the new schema, you will have to detect the old schema and update the existing data. I believe that there are documented ways to deal with this. Bryanmac's question reference seems to be a good place to start.
When you install a new version of your app, iOS actually installs it in a new directory and then copies the contents of the documents folder from the older version to the one in the newer version. If you want to just use your new db, the best way is to have this db renamed or stored in a different directory inside your app's document store.
Here's a relevant article on updating An sqlite CoreData backing store on iOS:
