AVPlayer with Equalizer - ios

I am developing an iOS app which require to play audio from soundcloud. I can successfully play audio using AVPlayer with live audio stream.
Now, I want to set equalizer for AVPlayer so, user can manage output sound for this.
I search for this but all documents are so complicated.
So, can anyone please guide me regarding this? So, I can set equalizer effect for this. Thanks in advance.

i think AVPlayer is not support for Equalizer Effect, for this you need to apply bands for all audio units but by using STKAudioPlayer u can achieve it easily. refer following link it will help you.


How to sync custom audio with video in iOS?

I am trying to make a video player with custom audio effects. To perform an effect I've written an audio unit. To play video stream I use AVPlayer with muted sound. The problem is that audio and video are out of sync. And it gets awful when I pause and resume the playback.
Could you please suggest any ideas about how to sync the two things? Maybe use something else instead of AVPlayer?
Thanks in advance.
I shall answer my own question.
There is a thing called MTAudioProcessingTap. It allows for doing audio manipulation stuff just like an audio unit but inside AVPlayer.
There's a link for more details: https://chritto.wordpress.com/2013/01/07/processing-avplayers-audio-with-mtaudioprocessingtap/.=

Audio streaming library for iOS

I'm working on audio streaming from URLs, so currently I'm just playing audio via AVAudioPlayer but now I want to show it visually too.
I searched on CocoaControls but couldn't find any good library that can stream/play audios while showing the player controls as well as seek bar and stuff.
anything similar to this (I just need Play/Pause and Stop buttons though)
Can you please suggest any good library?

Playing live streaming video apart from using MPMoviePlayerController

I have an issue (audio issue) playing live streaming video using MPMoviePlayerController for different reason My existing query for that related to VideoCore
[MPMoviePlayerController alloc] initWithContentURL:url]
My question here is, Is there any other approach that we can use for playing live streaming video apart from using MPMoviePlayerController in iOS? Please suggest.
Thank you
Try playing with AVPlayer
Here is the documentation from apple to it.
Here is the example apple provided for it.
Is not as simple as MPMoviePlayerController but it give you more control over it.
Happy coding.

Play mp4/youtube movie while recording with camera

I'm developing my first iOS app, and I need to record a video with the camera while playing a youtube video embedded in a UIWebView. The problem is, the video stops playing when I start the capture.
Is there any workaround? I thought of playing the video in an openGL texture, then play the audio at the same time, but I don't know how to do. I don't need the player to have control buttons, etc.
I've tried to use the RosyWriter sample code and change the input source.
How can this be done?
I finnaly solved my problem in another way. I don't use RosyWriter anymore, but AVCamRecorder, and for playing video, I get the url of the .mp4 file with PSYoutubeExtractor, then i play it via MPMoviePlayer.
I had to set [[AVAudioSession sharedInstance] setCategory:AVAudioSessionSetCategoryPlayAndRecord error:nil]
Hope this will help someone.
I don't uderstand what you are trying to do. PSYoutubeExtractor doen't record anything, it's only designed to give you the direct MP4 url. To record a tune/movie, you should use an AVAsset, then export it to mp3/mp4.
I'm really sorry, but this project was for my internship in a company, and I havn't keep any piece of code anymore. But if you have a precise problem I already faced, I can try to help you.
Good luck.

How to add iPod EQ when playing audio with AVPlayer?

I am able to play songs from iPod library using AVPlayer class.
Now what I want to do is to insert equalizer to the audio produced.
Anybody has experienced in doing this?
There is no way to play MPMediaItem and adding sound equalizer with AVPlayer. We have to use Audio Unit processing.
I have done this leveraging a class provided in the Apple Samples:
Hope this helps.
