Making app for Offline Browsing - ios

I am new to objective c and still learning. I am making an app for my project in which user can download the whole website or webpage for later i need some guidance, so if any one can give some suggestion that would be great

There are many ways to achieve what you asked for. Either by saving the websites data in temporary folder or you may save the whole site as pdf.


how to create a flutter app like wikipedia

I'm trying to create a Flutter app like wikipedia where a user can search and display the information but I'm don't have a lot of backend knowledge so it'll be appreciated if someone can guide me what I should do or learn in order to start this project.
The reason I'm trying to build this app is for my ethnic group. I want to have an app where we can read articles/information in our own language.
My goals is basically get all the article or documents about our cultures from other people and store in one database and display it in my app.
I'm not really sure where will be the best place to store all the article and retrieve that in Flutter. I've been looking Firebase but I'm not really sure if I can store the whole articles and display it.
Just to give you an idea, this is minipedia app and I'm thinking about creating an app just like this.
Any suggestion will be really helpful. thanks
You can use Firebase Firestore for this project. I've used FB before and to the best of my knowledge, there shouldn't be any problem with doing what you mentioned above.
I've been looking Firebase but I'm not really sure if I can store the whole articles and display it.
Yes, you can store whole articles on Firestore and retrieve them whenever you need them. Each document has a maximum limit of 1MB, which is approximately 1 million characters but should you need more space(which I highly doubt), you can always separate your articles into chunks.

Best option for storing external database for iOS app

I am working on an app that will access an external database that needs to be able to load quickly. This is our own database, and the issue is where to store it for the fastest loading time. Currently, the database resides on a wpengine website, but it loads very slowly. One option is uploading a .plist file sporadically to the user's app when new data is available; it seems like that might not be very secure - although it would probably make accessing the data lightning fast. I was thinking that possibly CloudKit shared storage would be the best place to store the data if I wanted to keep it fast and also keep users from viewing it directly. I would appreciate any thoughts or suggestions.
As far as I understand, CloudKit will be OK for you. You can have a look at NSHipster's excellent summary here.
You also have a link to a tutorial in the comments above. If you want to discuss it further, don't hesitate to contact me through chat.

Rails - Dynamic vs static application for an e-learning platform

I am about to start developing an e-learning platform where users will be able to watch educational videos for school curriculums and take quizes and so on. The part im not sure about is how exactly should i go about creating each course on the website. Should I create it as a static page where all the content is added manually through code for each course and each video, or should i make it as a CMS whereby each video for each course is uploaded through an upload form and then displayed (using paperclip for example)? Can someone explain to me which is the best approach and why? Baring in mind that video uploading will not be on the user's part, only I will be uploading and adding content to the website.
You should go the CMS way, because it will make your life easier. By generating a lot of static pages, you will see that there are things you want to reuse at another point and then you have to code them another time. With a CMS you can predefine objects like a survey or video content, so that the admin or course leader can use these things in a more efficient way. Mostly, admins aren't techies, so they would be thankful for such a CMS.
This is also important for the following development. Let me give you an example:
You created hundrets of surveys, but then somebody discovers a bug. You need to change your code in too much places. While generating only one model of a survey means also only one fix.

Making an RSS news article page look "native" in ios app

I am creating an RSS Reader ios app for work and I have everything that I need except that when the article is loaded it just loads the mobile view just as it would load when viewing on safari. They want it to look more "native" to the app, meaning just the title, photo and then then the articles text in plain underneath.
This is my first attempt at an app and I am using a project that was open free source code. This project uses MWFeedParser integrated into it which, from what i've read, can accomplish what I need to (I think). Can anyone who has done this before or knows how to do it be kind enough to take me through it? I've asked a similar question before but the answers were vague and still left me stuck.
If it helps, I have uploaded the full project on github here:
Please download it if you wish and run it yourself on xcode if that will help out. If you're able to do it and help me learn how, even better.

Google Drive as a video hosting/streaming platform?

I'm developing an iOS app that generate video files and have a social gallery for users to display their clips. After a lot of research I found that Google Drive would be perfect to fit my needs so I did some testing and sucessfully made the app upload the file to GDrive and everything.
Now I need to stream the uploaded file in a MPMoviePlayerViewController, for that I would need some kind of direct link, I'm right? After my initial tests I used the variable WebContentLink as a source URL and it worked flawlessly, I was really happy with the result, however now it doesn't work anymore, I don't know what happened and I think the method that I used is not realiable? I tried all the other possible links and none of them seems to work.
Can someone give a guidance about if this is really supported by Google Drive and how it's the best way to archive that in a reliable way?
Thank you very much !
I too encounter the same error when I try to download 28 times (testing) the same 24mb file.
However I realise if I am to download using the content owner ID, it does allow downloading after the 28th time
Sorry, you can't view or download this file at this time.
Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later. If the file you are trying to access is particularly large or is shared with many people, it may take up to 24 hours to be able to view or download the file. If you still can't access a file after 24 hours, contact your domain administrator.
The experience for streaming files natively is not ideal right now, sorry. It is something Google are working on.
You are doing this correctly though. The webContentLink should use the user's quota, and that should be enough for most cases. If you can give some specific numbers, we can look at it.
The embed link is the best way to show it on a mobile device, but as you say won't work everywhere.
yes, google drive can be used for hosting and stream videos as you like. It can also be used as demo server for web projects. Here is how to host a website on Google drive.
