I am doing a computer vision based project in open cv.I want to plot the histograms each channel of a BGR image in the same window.I did it by splitting the image in 3 channels and then applying calcHist to each. Is there any way to do it by using the function only once and changing the parameters .Also I did not properly understand the const int* channels parameter in calcHist function.
take a look at the offical tutorial about plotting histogram of the image. here is the link for calcHist_Demo.cpp
I'm trying to do image recognition / tracking inside of video file play from unity. Is it possible to do image recognition of a video file (not augmented reality) using Vuforia API?
If not, does anyone else have any suggestions on how to accomplish this?
If you want to recognize a particular frame in your video stream, most simple but effective solution is matching histograms of your sample frame and frames in your video stream, i don't know whether it can be done using Vuforia API, but if you are interested in implementation of some image processing algorithm the process is quite simple:
1) Convert your sample image in gray (if its a color image).
2) Calculate image histogram for certain number of bin.
3) Store this histogram in a variable.
4) Now run your video file in a loop and extract frames from it, apply above 3 steps and get histogram of same size as of sample image.
5) Find out distance between two histogram using simple some of square, put a similarity threshold there, if distance is less than your threshold frame is quite similar to sample image.
Another approach may be:
1) Find out color co-variance matrix from the input sample(if its a color image):
2) to find out it convert your color channel (R,G,B) into column vector and put them column wise in a single variable e.g. [R,G,B].
3) get column wise mean and subtract it with each value of the respected column (Centralize your data around the mean).
4) now transpose your 3 column matrix and multiply it like:
Cov = [R,G,B]^T * [R,G,B];
5) above will give you a 3 by 3 matrix.
6) do above for each frame and find distance between cov matrix of sample image and query frame. put threshold to find similarity.
Further extension in above may be finding eigen values of cov matrix and then use them as features for similarity caculation.
you can also try extraction of color histogram rather than a gray scale histogram.
For more complex situation you can go with key-point detection and matching approaches.
Thank You
I have a problem with normalization.
Let me what the problem is and how I attempt to solve it.
I take a three-channel color image, convert it to grayscale and apply uniform or non-uniform quantization and the same thing.
To this image, I should apply the normalization, but I have a problem even if the image and grayscale and always has three channels.
How can I apply normalization having a three-channel image?
Should the min and the max all be in the three channels?
Could someone give me a hand?
The language I am using is processing 2.
Can you do the same thing with a color image instead use a grayscale image?
You can convert between the 1-channel and 3-channel representations easily. I'd recommend scikit-image (http://scikit-image.org/).
from skimage.io import imread
from skimage.color import rgb2gray, gray2rgb
rgb_img = imread('path/to/my/image')
gray_img = rgb2gray(rgb_image)
# Now normalize gray image
gray_norm = gray_img / max(gray_img)
# Now convert back
rgb_norm = gray2rgb(gray_norm)
I worked with a similar problem sometime back. One of the good solutions to this was to:
Convert the image from RGB to HSI
Leaving the Hue and Saturation channels unchanged, simply normalize across the Intensity channel
Convert back to RGB
This logic can be applied accross several other image processing tasks, like for example, applying histogram equalization to RGB images.
Is there any easy way of finding the median value of a RGB image in OpenCV using C?
In MATLAB we can just extract the arrays corresponding to the three channels and compute median values for each of the arrays by median(median(array)). Finally, the median value of these three medians (for three channels) can be calculated for the final median value.
You can convert the matrix to a histogram via the calcHist function (once for each channel), then calculate the median for a given channel by using the function available here.
Note: I have not tested that linked code, but it should at least give you an idea of how to get started.
I am using SURF features in OpenCV where the input images are converted to GRAY image.
cvtColor(object, object, CV_RGB2GRAY);
When I went through the documentation of OpenSURF I realised that its not in grayscale.
My confusion is that can we apply SURF to any image formats (YUV, HSV, RGB) or we have to change and modify the program to achieve that?
Most feature detectors work on greyscale because they analyse the patterns of edges in the image patch. You can run SURF on any single colour channel from the colour formats you mention i.e. You can run it on Y, U or V from YUV images, or on H, S or V from HSV images. Not sure how OpenSURF treats this, but they must be using the greyscale image internally.
Like OpenCV if you given an image to OpenSURF that is not single channel, it calls cvtColor(src, dst, CV_BGR2GRAY). If you pass either a 3 channel image in a YUV, HSV, Lab etc, things will go horribly wrong because the image will have an inappropriate color conversion applied..
I'm using OpenCv. For the purpose of comparison, I have to fetch data about the color histogram of an image.
In detail, I have a large amount of images which I organize into many sub sets, each sub sets consists of a group of similar images. My destination is to be able to get a new image and determine the sub set it belongs to, based on color similarity.
Now, I know how to build the histogram of an image, but my problem is how to decrease as much as possible the affect of the image's lightness on the color histogram. I have thought about using cvEqualizeHist() before calculating the histogram, but since I'm pretty new in OpenCv I'm not sure what the best way is.
Any advise is very appreciated,
Transform your image from RGB to HSV color space using cvtColor() with CV_BGR2HSV or CV_RGB2HSV option. H, S and V stands for Hue, Saturation and Intensity respectively. Use color histograms in this HSV space and use only a couple of bins for V channel.