Is it ok to only use one epoch? - machine-learning

I'm training a neural network in TensorFlow (using tflearn) on data that I generate. From what I can tell, each epoch we use all of the training data. Since I can control how many examples I have, it seems like it would be best to just generate more training data until one epoch is enough to train the network.
So my question is: Is there any downside to only using one epoch, assuming I have enough training data? Am I correct in assuming that 1 epoch of a million examples is better than 10 epochs of 100,000?

Following a discussion with #Prune:
Suppose you have the possibility to generate an infinite number of labeled examples, sampled from a fixed underlying probability distribution, i.e. from the same manifold.
The more examples the network see, the better it will learn, and especially the better it will generalize. Ideally, if you train it long enough, it could reach 100% accuracy on this specific task.
The conclusion is that only running 1 epoch is fine, as long as the examples are sampled from the same distribution.
The limitations to this strategy could be:
if you need to store the generated examples, you might run out of memory
to handle unbalanced classes (cf. #jorgemf answer), you just need to sample the same number of examples for each class.
e.g. if you have two classes, with 10% chance of sampling the first one, you should create batches of examples with a 50% / 50% distribution
it's possible that running multiple epochs might make it learn some uncommon cases better.
I disagree, using multiple times the same example is always worse than generating new unknown examples. However, you might want to generate harder and harder examples with time to make your network better on uncommon cases.

You need training examples in order to make the network learn. Usually you don't have so many examples in order to make the network converge, so you need to run more than one epoch.
It is ok to use only one epoch if you have so many examples and they are similar. If you have 100 classes but some of them only have very few examples you are not going to learn those classes only with one epoch. So you need balanced classes.
Moreover, it is a good idea to have a variable learning rate which decreases with the number of examples, so the network can fine tune itself. It starts with a high learning rate and then decreases it over time, if you only run for one epoch you need to bear in mind this to tweak the graph.
My suggestion is to run more than one epoch, mostly because the more examples you have the more memory you need to store them. But if memory is fine and learning rate is adjusted based on number of examples and not epochs, then it is fine run one epoch.
Edit: I am assuming you are using a learning algorithm which updates the weights of the network every batch or similar.


TFF : test accuracy fluctuate

I train a ResNet50 model with TFF, I use test accuracy on test data for evaluation, but I find many fluctuations as shown in the figure below, So please how can I avoid this fluctuation ?
I would say behavior such as this is to be expected for stochastic optimization in general. The inherent variance causes you to oscillate somewhere around good solution. The magnitude of the variance and properties of the optimization objective control how much this oscillates when looking at a accuracy metric.
For plain SGD, decreasing learning rate decreases the variance and slows down convergence.
For optimization methods for federated learning, the story is a bit more complicated, but decreasing the client learning rate, or decreasing the number of local steps (while keeping other things the same) can have a similar effect, typically including slowing down convergence. More details can be found in mentioned also in the other answer. Potentially decreasing the client learning rate across rounds could also work. The details can differ also based on what exactly is the optimization method you are using.
How is the test accuracy calculated? How many local epochs are the clients training?
If the global model is tested on a held out set of examples, it is possible that clients are detrimentally overfitting during local training. As the global model approaches convergence, each client ends up training a model that works well for them individually, but may be diverging from the optimal global model (sometimes called client drift This is may occur when the client's local dataset has a distribution very different from the global distribution and more likely when the client learning rates are high (
Decreasing the client learning rate, reducing the number of steps/batches, and other methods that cause the clients to do less "work" per communication round may reduce the fluctuation.

Do Neuronal networks getting slow in adaption after a lot of training?

I am a beginner in the neuronal network field and I want to understand a certain statement. A friend said that a neuronal network gets slower after you fit a lot of data in.
Right now, I just did the coursera ML course from androw ng. There, I implemented backpropagation. I thought it just adaptes the model related to the expected output by using different types of calculations. Nevertheless, it was not like the history was used to adapt the model. Just the current state of the neurons were checked and their weight were adapted backwards in combination with regularisation.
Is my assumption correct or am I wrong? Are there some libraries that use history data that could result in a slowly adapting model after a certain amount of training?
I want to use a simple neuronal network for reinforcement learning and I want to get an idea if I need to reset my model if the target environment changes for some reason. Otherwise my model would be slower and slower in adaption after time.
Thanks for any links and explanations in advanced!
As you have said, neural networks adapt by modifying their weights during the backpropagation step. Modifying these weights will not be slower as the training goes on since the number of steps to modify these weights will always remain the same. The amount of steps needed to run an example through your model will also remain the same, therefore not slowing down your network according to the amount of examples you fed it during training.
However, you can decide to change your learning rate during your training (generally decreasing it as epochs go on). According to the way the learning rate of your model evolves, the weights will be modified in a different manner, generally resulting in a smaller difference each epoch.

Is there any technique to know in advance the amount of training examples you need to make deep learning get good performance?

Deep learning has been a revolution recently and its success is related with the huge amount of data that we can currently manage and the generalization of the GPUs.
So here is the problem I'm facing. I know that deep neural nets have the best performance, there is no doubt about it. However, they have a good performance when the number of training examples is huge. If the number of training examples is low it is better to use a SVM or decision trees.
But what is huge? what is low? In this paper of face recognition (FaceNet by Google) they show the performance vs the flops (which can be related with the number of training examples)
They used between 100M and 200M training examples, which is huge.
My question is:
Is there any method to predict in advance the number of training examples I need to have a good performance in deep learning??? The reason I ask this is because it is a waste of time to manually classify a dataset if the performance is not going to be good.
My question is: Is there any method to predict in advance the number of training examples I need to have a good performance in deep learning??? The reason I ask this is because it is a waste of time to manually classify a dataset if the performance is not going to be good.
The short answer is no. You do not have this kind of knowledge, furthermore you will never have. These kind of problems are impossible to solve, ever.
What you can have are just some general heuristics/empirical knowledge, which will say if it is probable that DL will not work well (as it is possible to predict fail of the method, while nearly impossible to predict the success), nothing more. In current research, DL rarely works well for datasets smaller than hundreads thousands/milions of samples (I do not count MNIST because everything works well on MNIST). Furthermore, DL is heavily studied actually in just two types of problems - NLP and image processing, thus you cannot really extraplate it to any other kind of problems (no free lunch theorem).
Just to make it a bit more clear. What you are asking about is to predit whether given estimator (or set of estimators) will yield a good results given a particular training set. In fact you even restrict just to the size.
The simpliest proof (based on your simplification) is as follows: for any N (sample size) I can construct N-mode (or N^2 to make it even more obvious) distribution which no estimator can reasonably estimate (including deep neural network) and I can construct trivial data with just one label (thus perfect model requires just one sample). End of proof (there are two different answers for the same N).
Now let us assume that we do have access to the training samples (without labels for now) and not just sample size. Now we are given X (training samples) of size N. Again I can construct N-mode labeling yielding impossible to estimate distribution (by anything) and trivial labeling (just a single label!). Again - two different answers for the exact same input.
Ok, so maybe given training samples and labels we can predict what will behave well? Now we cannot manipulate samples nor labels to show that there are no such function. So we have to get back to statistics and what we are trying to answer. We are asking about expected value of loss function over whole probability distribution which generated our training samples. So now again, the whole "clue" is to see, that I can manipulate the underlying distributions (construct many different ones, many of which impossible to model well by deep neural network) and still expect that my training samples come from them. This is what statisticians call the problem of having non-representible sample from a pdf. In particular, in ML, we often relate to this problem with curse of dimensionality. In simple words - in order to estimate the probability well we need enormous number of samples. Silverman shown that even if you know that your data is just a normal distribution and you ask "what is value in 0?" You need exponentialy many samples (as compared to space dimensionality). In practise our distributions are multi-modal, complex and unknown thus this amount is even higher. We are quite safe to say that given number of samples we could ever gather we cannot ever estimate reasonably well distributions with more than 10 dimensions. Consequently - whatever we do to minimize the expected error we are just using heuristics, which connect the empirical error (fitting to the data) with some kind of regularization (removing overfitting, usually by putting some prior assumptions on distributions families). To sum up we cannot construct a method able to distinguish if our model will behave good, because this would require deciding which "complexity" distribution generated our samples. There will be some simple cases when we can do it - and probably they will say something like "oh! this data is so simple even knn will work well!". You cannot have generic tool, for DNN or any other (complex) model though (to be strict - we can have such predictor for very simple models, because they simply are so limited that we can easily check if your data follows this extreme simplicity or not).
Consequently, this boils down nearly to the same question - to actually building a model... thus you will need to try and validate your approach (thus - train DNN to answer if DNN works well). You can use cross validation, bootstraping or anything else here, but all essentialy do the same - build multiple models of your desired type and validate it.
To sum up
I do not claim we will not have a good heuristics, heuristic drive many parts of ML quite well. I only answer if there is a method able to answer your question - and there is no such thing and cannot exist. There can be many rules of thumb, which for some problems (classes of problems) will work well. And we already do have such:
for NLP/2d images you should have ~100,000 samples at least to work with DNN
having lots of unlabeled instances can partially substitute the above number (thus you can have like 30,000 labeled ones + 70,000 unlabeled) with pretty reasonable results
Furthermore this does not mean that given this size of data DNN will be better than kernelized SVM or even linear model. This is exactly what I was refering to earlier - you can easily construct counterexamples of distributions where SVM will work the same or even better despite number of samples. The same applies for any other technique.
Yet still, even if you are just interested if DNN will work well (and not better than others) these are just empirical, trivial heuristics, which are based on at most 10 (!) types of problems. This could be very harmfull to treat these as rules or methods. This are just rough, first intuitions gained through extremely unstructured, random research that happened in last decade.
Ok, so I am lost now... when should I use DL? And the answer is exteremly simple:
Use deep learning only if:
You already tested "shallow" techniques and they do not work well
You have large amounts of data
You have huge computational resources
You have experience with neural networks (this are very tricky and ungreatful models, really)
You have great amount of time to spare, even if you will just get a few % better results as an effect.

How can I know training data is enough for machine learning

For example: If I want to train a classifier (maybe SVM), how many sample do I need to collect? Is there a measure method for this?
It is not easy to know how many samples you need to collect. However you can follow these steps:
For solving a typical ML problem:
Build a dataset a with a few samples, how many? it will depend on the kind of problem you have, don't spend a lot of time now.
Split your dataset into train, cross, test and build your model.
Now that you've built the ML model, you need to evaluate how good it is. Calculate your test error
If your test error is beneath your expectation, collect new data and repeat steps 1-3 until you hit a test error rate you are comfortable with.
This method will work if your model is not suffering "high bias".
This video from Coursera's Machine Learning course, explains it.
Unfortunately, there is no simple method for this.
The rule of thumb is the bigger, the better, but in practical use, you have to gather the sufficient amount of data. By sufficient I mean covering as big part of modeled space as you consider acceptable.
Also, amount is not everything. The quality of test samples is very important too, i.e. training samples should not contain duplicates.
Personally, when I don't have all possible training data at once, I gather some training data and then train a classifier. Then I classifier quality is not acceptable, I gather more data, etc.
Here is some piece of science about estimating training set quality.
This depends a lot on the nature of the data and the prediction you are trying to make, but as a simple rule to start with, your training data should be roughly 10X the number of your model parameters. For instance, while training a logistic regression with N features, try to start with 10N training instances.
For an empirical derivation of the "rule of 10", see

How easy/fast are support vector machines to create/update?

If I provided you with data sufficient to classify a bunch of objects as either apples, oranges or bananas, how long might it take you to build an SVM that could make that classification? I appreciate that it probably depends on the nature of the data, but are we more likely talking hours, days or weeks?
Ok. Now that you have that SVM, and you have an understanding of how the data behaves, how long would it likely take you to upgrade that SVM (or build a new one) to classify an extra class (tomatoes) as well? Seconds? Minutes? Hours?
The motivation for the question is trying to assess the practical suitability of SVMs to a situation in which not all data is available to be sampled at any time. Fruit are an obvious case - they change colour and availability with the season.
If you would expect SVMs to be too fiddly to be able to create inside 5 minutes on demand, despite experience with the problem domain, then suggestions of a more user-friendly form of classifier for such a situation would be appreciated.
Generally, adding a class to a 1 vs. many SVM classifier requires retraining all classes. In case of large data sets, this might turn out to be quite expensive. In the real world, when facing very large data sets, if performance and flexibility are more important than state-of-the-art accuracy, Naive Bayes is quite widely used (adding a class to a NB classifier requires training of the new class only).
However, according to your comment, which states the data has tens of dimensions and up to 1000s of samples, the problem is relatively small, so practically, SVM retrain can be performed very fast (probably, in the order of seconds to tens of seconds).
You need to give us more details about your problem, since there are too many different scenarios where SVM can be trained fairly quickly (I could train it in real time in a third person shooting game and not have any latency) or it could last several minutes (I have a case for a face detector that training took an hour long)
As a thumb rule, the training time is proportional to the number of samples and the dimension of each vector.
