TFS (VSTS) Stakeholder Work Item Creation Permission - tfs

I've allowed my Stakeholders to create Work Items but I would like to restrict them to only be able to create bugs and NOTHING else. Currently they can create ANY Work Item type including Epics... I'm thinking there has to be a way to stop this but I can't seem to find it.

There is no setting for this. And there is already a similar feature request submitted on VSTS User Voice: Hide Work Item Types (WITs) based on permission/security group.


How can we make a Work Item Creator automatically a Follower?

I am running Azure DevOps 2019 RC1 with an Inheritance Collection and a new Agile project.
I have a requirement that when a user creates a work item (task/issue), they must automatically be added as a follower of this work item. How can I achieve this? I have look in the rules for the work item under process customisation but it doesn't appear to be possible this way.
We are using the tickets to track issues. Whoever discovers the issue raises the ticket. The basic requirement is that anyone who raises a ticket should be automatically notified of its progress, even though they are not responsible for the development or testing.
Currently the work around is telling the user that when they create an issue they must click the Follow button, but it is easy for them to forget and then lose their updates. It seems like a very simple customisation so maybe I'm missing the obvious.
I think you can't auto follow things currently, but you can add notification setting that will send automatically emails when work item is updated. To do this, go to Project Settings > Notifications page and create new subscription. Select "Work/A work item is changed" and put "Members of ... team by role" in Deliver to selection. Set roles to "Created by" and untick the "Skip initiator".
Your problem would be addressed precisely with the feature requested in the official Azure DevOps' feedback platform here:
479189 - Automatically follow work items I interact with
(That page also mentions workarounds, including per-team one answered here, and a per-person alternative. See this comment. The shortcoming of both is that they don't allow to you to unsubscribe for selected tickets.)

Can TFS 2013 have email notications to multiple users that watch a work item

I'm looking to reproduce the Jira watch functionality in TFS 2013. In Jira, you can click a link to watch an item and thereafter you will be notified when anything on that item changes.
I know on TFS you can:
be emailed if anyone changes a bug you are assigned to
manually email a bug to anyone at any time
Create a custom report and pin it to your home page to notify yourself of things (like this maybe?)
I can imagine creating a new field that will accept multiple users and creating a custom email notification to notify everyone in that list if the work item changes. But that seem like a whole lot of work and I'm not sure were to start if that is the way do do this.
What's the easiest way to get functionality like watching a work item? If it's easy and similar to the Jira functionality that is better for me than exactly the same and hard to do.
Sure, you can setup email alerts based on many different criteria, including what you asked for.
You need to go to the Alerts section, and create a new custom alert, and you can put in the ID of whatever work item you want to "watch". By default it includes the clause AuthorizedAs <> [Me] which will make sure it doesn't email you for changes that you make, but you can remove that clause if you'd like.

Can i allow a user to modify a work item while denying him from create a new one

I am setting up a tfs 2013 environnement,
In a Scrum team project, we would like a few users to be able to create backlog items and tasks, but we would like that other users to only be able to change the task their are assigned. Or at least we would like that these users can modify existing tasks, while not being able to create new one, or move them to other sprints
at this time, with the security parameters i have found, i can only either allow a user to do everything (create and move a backlog items from a sprint to another, modify it, delete it...), or nothing (if you can't create or move, you also can't modify an existing one...)
any clue how i could proceed ?
We have custom work item types and we prevent users from creating certain work items by editing the WIT's xml and including this in the transition between nothing and the "New" state. [global]\TeamSystem-TaskCreation is a TFS security group with a limited set of members.
<TRANSITION from="" to="New" for="[global]\TeamSystem-TaskCreation">
There is no real way to do this I'm afraid. TFS does not have many fined grained access controls, the impression I get is that it is designed to empower people and not restrict them.
You should be able to ask people not to change tasks, if that is your way, and use the Work Item History and/or Alerting functionality to know when they have done something you don't want them to. For example, and task changes not by approved people sends and e-mail to the leads.

How to automatically assign a TFS work item to a particular person/role

I would like to customize a Work Item Type in TFS to automatically set the Assignee to a particular role. For example (to compare to another Issue Tracker), in JIRA the default Assignee is the Project Lead (so that any ticket not otherwise assigned, gets automatically assigned to whatever person is designated in the role of Project Lead). Can I do something similar in TFS?
So, I realize that one difference between JIRA and TFS is that TFS doesn't (to my knowledge) have the concept of "Roles". The closest thing to that is "Groups", but unlike Roles, Groups can have multiple people (which may be the restricting factor in this problem). I know how to configure a TFS Work Item so that only a certain Group gets listed in the "Assign To" field, but I would like to go a step farther, if possible, and create a custom Group with just one member (e.g., "Issue Guru") and then set up the work item to get automatically assigned to that person.
I'm trying to replicate the Jira functionality here, and maybe there is just no good way to do it in the TFS framework. Any suggestions?
There's a Step by Step Guide on Ivan Fioravanti's Blog for enabling it.
If you are unfamiliar with customising Work Item Types, have a look at the following links (stolen from Grant Holliday's blog).
I never tried this in production but here is something I tried quickly and it seems like it could work.
You can set the default value to a Group by editing work item template in template editor.
Just select Assigned to field and add a DEFAULT rule like shown in the image below.
This will also require you to create one or more groups (one global or maybe one per project). Once you set this up you won’t have to make any updates in the future but only manage people who are in the groups.

TFS 2010 Creating Work Items on behalf of others

Just starting to implement things on TFS 2010. Been hunting around with no success so have resorted to posting the question.
When we get emails from users detailing a bug, or even suggesting a new feature, how can we create a TFS workitem on their behalf? We'd like to report on where/who the work items are coming from.
Having them create the item is not ideal as many of the users do not have TFS access, and may even be external clients.
The fields that are used for tracking use the credentials of the user that created the work item. If you want to track the customer who created the work item, you need to add a new field where you can store this information.
The CreatedBy field is available for you, but it is - hardcoded - readonly.
Do you know that it is also possible to let your external customers create their own bugs by using "Work Item Only View"? You don't need a CAL for your customer if you use this. In this mode, the customer can create new work items and see their own created work items.
