set of WideChar: Sets may have at most 256 elements - delphi

I have this line:
MY_SET: set of WideChar = [WideChar('A')..WideChar('Z')];
The above does not compile, with error:
[Error] Sets may have at most 256 elements
But this line does compile ok:
var WS: WideString;
if WS[1] in [WideChar('A')..WideChar('Z')] then...
And this also compiles ok:
MY_SET = [WideChar('A')..WideChar('Z'), WideChar('a')..WideChar('z')];
if WS[1] in MY_SET then...
Why is that?
EDIT: My question is why if WS[1] in [WideChar('A')..WideChar('Z')] compiles? and why MY_SET = [WideChar('A')..WideChar('Z'), WideChar('a')..WideChar('z')]; compiles? aren't they also need to apply to the set rules?

A valid set has to obey two rules:
Each element in a set must have an ordinal value less than 256.
The set must not have more than 256 elements.
MY_SET: set of WideChar = [WideChar('A')..WideChar('Z')];
Here you declare a set type (Set of WideChar) which has more than 256 elements -> Compiler error.
if WS[1] in [WideChar('A')..WideChar('Z')]
Here, the compiler sees WideChar('A') as an ordinal value. This value and all other values in the set are below 256. This is ok with rule 1.
The number of unique elements are also within limits (Ord('Z')-Ord('A')+1), so the 2nd rules passes.
MY_SET = [WideChar('A')..WideChar('Z'), WideChar('a')..WideChar('z')];
Here you declare a set that also fulfills the requirements as above. Note that the compiler sees this as a set of ordinal values, not as a set of WideChar.

A set can have no more than 256 elements.
Even with so few elements the set already uses 32 bytes.
From the documentation:
A set is a bit array where each bit indicates whether an element is in the set or not. The maximum number of elements in a set is 256, so a set never occupies more than 32 bytes. The number of bytes occupied by a particular set is equal to
(Max div 8) - (Min div 8) + 1
For this reason only sets of byte, (ansi)char, boolean and enumerations with fewer than 257 elements are possible.
Because widechar uses 2 bytes it can have 65536 possible values.
A set of widechar would take up 8Kb, too large to be practical.
Capitals = 'A'..'Z';
MY_SET: set of Capitals = [WideChar('A')..WideChar('Z')];
Will compile and work the same.
It does seem a bit silly to use widechar if your code ignores unicode.
As written only the English capitals are recognized, you do not take into account different locales.
In this case it would be better to use code like
if (AWideChar >= 'A') and (AWideChar <= 'Z') ....
That will work no matter how many chars fall in between.
Obviously you can encapsulate this in a function to save on typing.
If you insist on having large sets, see this answer:


Dafny: types with contraints

I am trying some things in Dafny. I want to code a simple datastructure that holds an uncompressed image in memory:
datatype image' = image(width: int, height: int, data: array<byte>)
newtype byte = b: int | 0 <= b <= 255
Actually using it:
method Main() {
var dat := [1,2,3];
var im := image(1, 3, dat);
datatype image' = image(width: int, height: int, data: array<byte>)
newtype byte = b: int | 0 <= b <= 255
leads Dafny to complain:
stdin.dfy(3,24): Error: incorrect type of datatype constructor argument (found seq, expected array)
1 resolution/type errors detected in stdin.dfy
I might also want to demand that the byte array is not null, and the size of the byte array is equal to width * height * 3 (to store three bytes representing the RGB value of that pixel).
What way should I enforce this? I looked into newtype, which lets you put some constraints on variables with a certain type, but this works only for numeric types.
Dafny supports both immutable sequences (which are like mathematical sequences of elements) and mutable arrays (which are, like in C and Java, pointers to elements). The error you're getting is telling you that you're calling the image constructor with a seq<byte> value where an array<byte> value is expected.
You can fix the problem by replacing your definition of dat with:
var dat := new byte[3];
dat[0], dat[1], dat[2] := 1, 2, 3;
However, the more typical thing, if you're using a datatype (which is immutable), would be to use a sequence. So, you probably want to instead change your definition of image to:
datatype image = image(width: int, height: int, data: seq<byte>)
Btw, note that Dafny allows you to name a type and one of its constructors the same, so there's no reason to name one of them with a prime (unless you want to, of course).
Another matter of style is to use a half-open interval in your definition of byte:
newtype byte = b: int | 0 <= b < 256
Since half-open intervals are prevalent in computer science, Dafny's syntax favors them. For example, for a sequence s, the expression s[52..57] denotes a subsequence of s of length 5 (that is, 57 minus 52) starting in s at index 52. One more thing, you can also leave out the type int of b if you want, since Dafny will infer it:
newtype byte = b | 0 <= b < 256
You also asked about the possibility of adding a type constraint, so that the sequence in your datatype will always be of length 3. As you discovered, you cannot do this with a newtype, because newtype (at least for now) only works with numeric types. You can (almost) use a subset type, however. This would be done as follows:
type triple = s: seq<byte> | |s| == 3
(In this example, the first vertical bar is like the one in the newtype declaration and says "such that", whereas the next two denote the length operator on sequences.) The trouble with this declaration is that types must be nonempty and Dafny isn't convinced that there are any values that satisfy the constraint of triple. Well, Dafny is not trying very hard. The plan is to add a witness clause to the type (and newtype) declaration, so that a programmer can show Dafny a value that belongs to the triple type. However, this support is waiting for some implementation changes that will allow customized initial values, so you cannot use this constraint at this time.
Not that you want it here, but Dafny would let you give a weaker constraint that admits the empty sequence:
type triple = s: seq<byte> | |s| <= 3
So, instead, if you want to talk about that an image value has a data component of length 3, then introduce a predicate:
predicate GoodImage(img: image)
|| == 3
and use this predicate in specifications like pre- and postconditions.
Program safely,

What is the correct constant to use when comparing with the Minimal Single Number in Delphi?

In a loop like this:
cur := -999999; // represent a minimal possible value hold by a Single type
while ... do
if some_value > cur then
cur := some_value;
There is MaxSingle/NegInfinitydefined in System.Math
MaxSingle = 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.0;
NegInfinity = -1.0 / 0.0;
So should I use -MaxSingle or NegInfinity in this case?
I assume you are trying to find the largest value in a list.
If your values are in an array, just use the library function MaxValue(). (If you look at the implementation of MaxValue, you'll see that it takes the first value in the array as the starting point.)
If you must implement it yourself, use -MaxSingle as the starting value, which is approximately -3.40e38. This is the most negative value that can be represented in a Single.
Special values like Infinity and NaN have special rules in comparisons, so I would avoid these unless you are sure about what those rules are. (See also How do arbitrary floating point values compare to infinity?. In fact, it seems NegInfinity would work OK.)
It might help to understand the range of values that can be represented by a Single. In order, most negative to most positive, they are:
-MaxSingle .. -MinSingle
MinSingle .. MaxSingle

Postgres setting bit size dynamically

The goal is to fast extract bit at position N;
So far i've found only this way to do that:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test(x int, size int)
y int;
y = get_bit(x::bit(size)>>size-1,size-1);
return y;
COST 100;
But this says because of bit(size)
invalid input syntax for integer: "size"
So i'm forsed to write size as a constant, for example bit(3)
Is there any way to set bit size dynamically? Alternatively, maybe there are some other ways to extract specific bit of int/text?
You don't need bitfield types for this. To test bit 6 of the value 200:
SELECT 200 & (1<<6) != 0
you binary-AND a value with the 6th bit set, by upshifting 1 by 6 base-2 places, then test to see if the result is nonzero.
Alternately, cast to a suitable bit size based on the integer and use position, though I think there's no reason whatsoever to do that when you can use extremely fast bitwise AND and shifts like above. Because get_bit numbers from the left, and uses a 1-offset instead of 0-offset, you have to take the compliment of 31 (for a 32-bit int) to get the position from the right:
SELECT get_bit(200::bit(32), 31 - 6);
so it's way simpler to just use bitwise operations like the first example.

E2099 Overflow in conversion or arithmetic operation

I want to compare an int64 with a variable like this:
const GB=1073741824;
if DiskFile.Size< 1*GB then
It works with 1 but not with 3:
if DiskFile.Size< 3*GB then
This post (Strange Delphi integer multiplication behavior) explains why. I agree with that explanation. The result of 2*GB cannot fit in 'integer'. What I don't understand is why the compiler chooses integer instead the int64? As in the case of:
if DiskFile.Size< 3073741824 then <--------- almost 3GB
that works.
There is any way to write the last line of code in the 3*GB style (using constants) BUT without defining a new constant for 1GB, 2GB, 3GB, 4GB, etc ?
The first thing to be clear of here is that the integer overflow occurs in the compiler. The compiler has to evaluate your expression because it is a constant expression and they are evaluated by the compiler.
The documentation is a little sparse (and I am being kind here) on how the compiler treats your expression. We can infer, at least empirically, that the compiler attempts to perform 3*GB in a signed integer context. That is clear from the error message.
You need to force the compiler to evaluate the expression in an Int64 context. A cast will force that:
if DiskFile.Size< Int64(3)*GB then
Another option is to make the constant have type Int64:
GB = Int64(1073741824);
Although I think I'd write it like this:
KB = Int64(1024);
MB = 1024*KB;
GB = 1024*MB;
So long as GB is a 64 bit type then you can revert to:
if DiskFile.Size < 3*GB then
I'd like to elaborate on my second paragraph above. How can we tell that the compiler performs the arithmetic in 32 bit signed integer context? The following program suggests that this is so:
C1 = 715827882; // MaxInt div 3
C2 = C1+1;
The first expression, 3*C1 compiles, the second fails with E2099. The first expression does not overflow a signed 32 bit integer, the second does.
When looking at the documentation, it is unclear whether the true constant 1073741824 should be of type Integer or Cardinal. The compiler could choose either. It seems that the compiler, when presented with a choice between signed and unsigned types, chooses signed types.
But then one might imagine that the following program would behave in the same way, but with Smallint and Word taking the place of Integer and Cardinal:
C1 = 10922; // high(Smallint) div 3
C2 = C1+1;
But no, this program compiles. So, at this point I am giving up on the documentation which appears to bear little relationship to the actual behaviour of the compiler.
My best guess is that a integral true constant is handled as follows:
If it is within the range of Integer, it is of type Integer.
Otherwise, if it is within the range of Cardinal, it is of type Cardinal.
Otherwise, if it is within the range of Int64, it is of type Int64.
Otherwise, if it is within the range of UInt64, it is of type UInt64.
Otherwise it is a compiler error.
Of course, all of this assumes that the compilers rules for evaluating constant expressions follow the same rules as the rest of the language. I'm not certain that is the case.

How to define -1 as a uint64 in a match clause?

let myuint64 = 10uL
match myuint64 with
| -1 -> ()
| _ -> ()
How do I define the given -1 as a uint64 value?
> match 0UL-1UL with
- |System.UInt64.MaxValue -> "-1"
- |_ -> "???"
- ;;
val it : string = "-1"
Let me leave alone the fact that you can't really represent a negative value with a data type that can only store positive values (and zero of course).
If, on the other hand, you were storing it in a signed value, -1 would be stored as all bits set.
So basically, I will assume you want to find a way to represent -1 as a bit-wise value that will be compatible with -1 as a signed value.
The value would then be, in C# and C/C++ syntax, 0xffffffffffffffff. Exactly how to specify that in F# I don't know.
I don't know F# at all, but if it's anything like any other languages, a UInt64 can't be -1. Ever. UInt means unsigned integer, which means it can only represent positive values.
To expand on other answers:
When a type starts with a u it means unsigned. What signed/unsigned means is this:
Numbers are stored using a certain number of bits. In the case of int64 and uint64, 64 bits are used. If the number is signed, the 1st bit is not used as part of the number itself, only the other 63 are. That bit is used to say whether the number is negative. If the number is unsigned, then all bits including the 1st bit are used as part of the number and the number is always non-negative (ie: is positive or 0).
Well you could assign it -1 and on most architectures store the 2's complement in there. The signed and unsigned stuff are really only for the type checking. There is no negative sign in hardware.
I have no idea if f# type checker is smart enough to know that a lexical constant -1 is a negative number and should not be put in a uint64.
C definitely does not care.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
uint64_t x = -1;
printf("0x%x\n", x); // 0xffffffff
if F# will convert it for you then -1UL would work. If not then you can specify it as 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUL and add a comment to remember that it's -1.
Don't have the F# tools installed at the moment so I cannot verify this.
If you want to go with a signed int:
-1: int64
but you can't match a negative number to a uint, as others have stated.
