Perfino threshold for specific POJO methods - perfino

My business case: I want to receive an alert if too many login attempts occurs. Or too many failed tasks in the task queue of my application.
So I have multiple defined business transactions to track app performance and for the case above I have one more business transaction based on Pojo invocation method. It looks like it is not possible to assign threshold on this specific business transaction "Login attempt". The only one suitable value here is "Completed Transactions" but in this case an alert will be generated for all transactions I have, not only for "Login attempts"
Is that correct?

You can add a "policy trigger" instead of a "threshold violation trigger".


Camunda: how to cancel a human task via interrupting boundary event?

I have a simple BPMN flow where on instantiation a human task gets created. I need the ability to cancel / delete the human task whilst the process instance is active and the workflow moves to the next logical step. See attached proccess
I am considering using an interrupting boundary event with a dynamic message name so that I am sure of only cancelling the specific task. I am trying to have a general pattern for cancelling only the specific task (identified by the task ID, for example). Hence, I would like use the ID of the task in the message name of boundary event. Is that possible?
Otherwise, what would be the best approach for achieving the desired outcome of being able to cancel / delete a specific task?
I have also looked at this post but it doesnt address the specific query I have around dynamic naming
Have you tried to use "Process Instance Modification"? ->
IMHO you could cancel the specific task by ID and instantiate a new one after the transaction point of the User Task. When instantiating, you can pass to the new process the variables needed from the old process
You don't need to make the message name unique. Instead include a correlation criteria when you send the message, so the process engine can identify a unique receiver. The correlation criteria could be
the unique business key of the process instance
a unique (combination of) process data / correlation keys
the process instance id

Save global attribute value when new session starts

I have two fields in SAP Fiori App: Template_ID and Offer_ID.
I want to choose value in Offer_ID depending on Template_ID field value.
For solving this problem I've tried to do this steps:
When the user click on Template_ID field in Back-End runs the method:
This method has returning paramater et_result. In et_result I have the necessary field temp_id.
For saving temp_id value I created a global attribute in class ZCL_CUAN_CLASS.
ZCL_CUAN_CLASS=>GV_CONTENT = VALUE #( et_result[ 1 ]-temp_ID OPTIONAL ).
I'll use this global attribute as an input parameter for my second method:
This method returns to me the internal table with the offer_id, which belongs to my choosen temp_id.
But when the user click on Offer_ID field on Web UI, in debugging I see that my global attribute is blank.
May be it's because of session or something else, but it's blank.
OData is a stateless protocol, meaning the server responds your query, then forgets you were ever there. By definition, this does not allow you to transport main memory content from one request to the next.
User interfaces on the other hand usually require state. It can be gained through one of the following options:
Stateful user interface
As Haojie points out, one solution is to store the data that was selected in the user interface and submit it as a filter criterion back to the server with the next request. Having a stateful user interface is the standard solution for stateless server apps.
Stateful persistence
Another option is to store the data permanently in the server's database, in ABAP preferredly in a business object. This object has a unique identifier, probably a GUID, that you can reference in your requests to identify the process you are working on.
Draft persistence
If not all information is available in one step, such as in a multi-step wizard, should not become "active" right away, or you want to be able to switch devices while working on a multi-step process, drafts are an option. Drafts are regular business objects, with the one specialty that they remain inert until the user triggers a final activation step.
Soft state
For performance optimizations, you can have a look at SAP Gateway's soft state mode, which allows you to buffer some data to be able to respond to related requests more quickly. This is generally discouraged though, as it contradicts the stateless paradigm of OData.
Stateful protocol
In some cases, stateless protocols like OData are not the right way to go. For example, banking apps still prefer to pertain state to avoid that users remain logged in infinitely, and thus becoming vulnerable to attacks like CSRF. If this is the case for you, you should have a look at ABAP WebDynpro for your user interface. Generally, stateful server protocols are considered inferior because they bind lots of server resources for long times and thus cannot handle larger user numbers.
When ther user click on OfferId field, it will start a NEW session and of course what you store as GV_CONTENT in class ZCL_CUAN_CLASS is lost.
What you should do is that for the second request you should send to backend with filter Template_ID so in your CL_CUAN_CAMPAIGN_DPC->GET_OFFER_BY_TEMPLATE() method, you can further process the result by Template_ID.
Or SET/GET Parameter.

Jbpm : ended TaskInstance transitions

I don't understand something in JBPM API. I have two users on a task at the same time. The first one chooses a transition and completes the task, so the TaskInstance is now ended. The second user does the same but gets a nullPointerException : getAvalaibleTransition() returns null.
Why would getAvailableTransition() (of class TaskInstance) return null ? It's the same node, transitions should be the same ?
I am a total newbie with JBPM. Just testing the behaviour of an application in response to competitive actions and ran into this error...
I suppose that you are using jBPM 3.x right?
If you have one single instance of a business process, why do you have two users in one task? You are probably missing the idea of Process Instance, so can you describe your business situation? Because if one user complete a task, then that task can not be worked by another user.

SpecFlow Dependent Features

I have 2 Features 1. User Creation 2. User Enrollment both are separate and have multiple scenarios. 2nd Feature is dependent on 1st one, so when I run the 2nd Feature directly then how this feature checks the 1st Feature is already run and user created. I am using database in which creation status column (True/False) tells if user has been created or not. So, I want if i run the 2nd feature before that it runs the 1st feature for user creation.
In general, it is considered a very bad practice to have dependencies between tests and a specially features. Each test/scenario should have its own independent setup.
If your second feature depends on user creation, you could just add another step to you scenarios, e.g. "When such and such user is created."
If all scenarios under one feature share common content, you could move it up under a Background tag. For example:
Feature: User Enrollment
Given such and such user
When ...
And ...
When ...
And ...
I used reflection
Find all Types with a DescriptionAttribute (aka Features)
Find their MethodInfos with a TestAttribute and DescriptionAttribute (aka Scenarios)
Store them to a Dictionary
Call them by "Title of the Feature/Title of the Scenario" with Activator.CreateInstance and Invoke
You have to set the (private) field "testRunner" according to your needs of course. mvc database interaction validation

Does anybody have any links or advice on how to hook up validation that requires interacting with the database before updating or adding to the database? Every example I see shows how to validate properties e.g. "Is Required", "Is Email", "Is Numeric", etc, but how do you hook up validation for "Can't order out of stock item"? This xVal blog post touches on it but doesn't provide an example.
I've been following the NerdDinner tutorial which uses a Repository, but this is the bit I don't quite get... Say we had an OrderController with a Create method, and before creating an order we had to first check that the item is in stock. In the NerdDinner style the Controller uses the Repository to talk to the database, so how would our Order object (Model) be able to enforce this validation along with the property validation, as it can't talk to the database?
Thanks for any help
In the NerdDinner tutorial, you can checkout the IsVaild and then the GetRuleViolation methods. Based on your business and database rules, you could use these to check the data you have before you insert it. You could even create an IsValidForInsert Method to check any insert specific rules you need to enforce.
In NerdDinner, the GetRuleViolation allows you to retrieve the violated rules and bubble them up to the interface as you choose.
public bool IsValid
get { return (GetRuleViolations().Count() == 0); }
public IEnumerable<RuleViolation> GetRuleViolations()
if (CheckDbForViolation)
yield return new RuleViolation("Database Violation", "SomeField");
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Title))
yield return new RuleViolation("Title is required", "Title");
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Description))
yield return new RuleViolation("Description is required", "Description");
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(HostedBy))
yield return new RuleViolation("HostedBy is required", "HostedBy");
... etc ...
yield break;
public bool CheckDbForViolation()
/// Do your database work here...
You could take this further and split database code into the repository. The CheckDbForViolation would call the repo for the info and then determine if there was a violation or not. In fact if you are using a repository, I think that would be the preferable way of doing it.
You do not really need any guidance from examples on how to do this. Ultimately you will have to be able to create such applications on your own which means being creative.
I've decided from the beginning do not use either built-in validation or membership API in order not to run into its limitations at some point of time.
For your situation: it's pretty much standard.
Imagine the execution flow as follows:
Post form
Validate input data format without talking to the database
If (2) is pass, then you validate the input from the point of business rules/data integrity. Here you talk to the database
If (3) passed then perform your operation whatever it is. If it somehow fails (maybe data integrity rules in the database prohibit the operation, say, you deleted a related object from the other browser window) then cancel it and notify the user of an operation error.
Try to keep controller methods as empty as possible. The validation and operation logic should reside in your models and business logic. The controller should basically attempt the one intended operation and based on the status returned just return one view or the other. Maybe a few more options, but not the whole load of checks for user roles, access rights, calling some web services etc. Keep it simple.
P.S. I sometimes get the impression that the built-in features intended to simplify simple things for majority of developers tend to create new barriers over the removed ones.
I would create an OrderService with a method PlaceOrder(Order order). The OrderService use the Repository to perform CRUD ops and to enforce business rules (stock check) and eventually thrown exception on rules violation you can catch and report to the user.
