PhoneGap ipa file install issue - ios

I am a web developer, my first time using phonegap to build an iOS app.
I have uploaded the required .p12 certificates and provisioning profile but the .ipa refuses to install on any iOS device except for my iPhone (jailbroken).
The certificate and profile are production and distribution level so they are not for specific UDID's.
The only issue I could think of could be related to the app id but I do not know where to specify the app id in phonegap.
Can anyone help?

Below is screenshot where id is specified which is suppose to be unique
But if you app is in production then it would have unique id.

Production and distribution? These are for .ipa files that you are uploading to the App Store, not for testing.
Use a Development profile and to make sure it works try it with and without specifying UDID.


IOSApp unable to install

I try to deploy an app for my company use. So I do Product->Archive, select the good distribution cert/profil. I upload the file on the web, make the link to the manifest.plist to .ipa and then I try to install it on my ipad but ... unable to intall:
UPDATE: I don't want to install it directly on a Ipad, but download it from an url with the ipad and I'm using entreprise developper program and it work if I directly build it for the ipad
Here the ios console Log :
I find strange that in the log after
INVALID >> { 642AFE.... this number is not the same there is in my
ipa filename.
I also find strange to get many plist file (distribution, export ...) .
Here the folder i drop to the server :
Does anyone have some idea ?
thanks by adavance
If you are using the normal developer account then to install the application in device(either directly or from any third party sites) you have to sign the archive file either with development profile of AdHoc distribution profile. Here if you have selected the Appstore distribution certificate and profile then the application will not be able to install in any device.
If the device's UDID is added to the profile(development or AdHoc distribution) then you can install the app directly using Xcode or via an URL.
If you are using the enterprise program and the application is signed with the distribution certificate and profile then the application can be install in any device regardless of the existence of UDID in the profile.
Please check the profile when you are archiving the ipa.
Hope this helps you in some way.

which certificate do i need to build an ios app that i created with phonegap?

I'm creating my application using Phonegap and when I'm trying to build the ipa file build Phonegap asks me to add a certificate file, and when I'm signing in ios developer I found a certificate for development and a certificate for production and I don't know the good one for me.
so please help
If you want to compile your app for testing purposes, you must select certificate to development, you must get UUID of your device where you're going to install your app and add to the list of devices before generate the certificate that way, you will be able to install the app just in these devices.
This tutorial can help you to generate the certificate

.ipa from phonegap build wont install on iphone

I have a Phonegap app build for iPhone and iPad. I followed below steps and was unsuccessful,
Downloaded .ipa file from
Drag and dropped on iTunes. Clicked install and it shows Installing.
Then I pressed sync button.
But the app never opened on the device.
I am able to install on iPad but not on iPhone. It is running successfully through Xcode on iPhone and iPad.
Please guide me to install on iPhone.
You have to check below points:
1. Check UDID of the iPhone added in your provisioning profile.
2. If added, then download the provisioning profile and make build with the refreshed provisioning profile.
I used the blog to generate the keys, .pem and .p12 files that are required to create a certificate.
The steps to download required certificates from are followed from another blog
After including the generated .p12 and .mobileProvision files in, I rebuild the app and installed it on my registered iPad device. Note: in my apple account, I registered the UDID of my iPad device.
Check that your ios certificate has not just expired. In that case you have to create a new one to enable your provisioning profile and update your phonegap build signing key.
This was happened with me once and problem was that I had not correct development certificate and provisioning profile so I used WildCard Provision Profile and and development certificate which look like below in keychain and in Member Centre . I downloaded this Development Certificate and made p12 file from it and added new key with this p12 file and my Wildcard Provisioning Profile and Thats it I solved it. I think this will be Helpful
I know this is old, but I had a similar issue. The difference was I don't think I saw an "Installing".
What corrected it for me was simply restarting the phone. After I restarted the search still did not pick up the application until about 30 secs in. Updates seemed to work fine after this

Can't install my app on IPAD (freeze at "installing")

I've created an AS3 app with Adobe Flash CC. I'm using AIR 3.9.
It works great on android devices but when I've created an .ipa file and transfer it to my Ipad (with IO7), my app is visible but freeze on "installing" (nothing's happening.)
Do you know what could be the problem ?
Thank you very much for your answers,
EDIT : I'm using the ALPACA Source engine (Infos Here)
This happens when an improper certificate and/or mobile provisioning file was used to compile the app (and is a known bug on iOS 7. It never gives an error message and just tries to keep installing the app).
You need to make sure the following are true:
The app was compiled with either a development or distribution certificate made using Apple's developer portal. It must come from that portal. I have never seen a working way to do it without a certificate generated there and I do not believe it is possible.
The mobile provisioning file used matches the certificate. A developer certificate is used for a development provisioning profile and a distribution certificate is used for an ad hoc or app store provisioning file.
Again, make sure the provisioning profile comes from Apple's developer portal. This one is a little more flexible and I believe it can be faked by other sources, but why bother?
The provisioning profile must include your device's UDID. This is the only way an app can be installed on your device without it coming from the app store
You must use either a development (if your device is set up for development) or ad hoc provisioning profile. An App Store provisioning profile will fail to install.
It only worked for me when i created ad-hoc provisioning profile and used in the intellij project settings

Test iOS on real device

I am already testing my iOS app on my iPhone and it works great. My client wants to test my app on his own device but the problem is that he is a resident of different country. Can I send him something like we have "apk" in Android?
Yes, this is possible using the "Ad-hoc".Steps:
Add Your partner's device to the iOS provisioning portal at
Generate a provisioning profile that includes it for your app.
Build the app using this profile.
Generate an .IPA file using Product->Archive
Send it to your partner that .IPA file.
Many more details available in Apple's guides under "Ad-Hoc" testing.
This is also a good option.
Yes, you can send him IPA file.
See here:creating ipa for distribution to client
you can refer to this link: How to make .ipa file in Xcode 4.5?
I'd look into services such as TestFlight to make the process of publishing and installing the app on your client's machine. Get your ad hoc provisional profile and archive your build. TestFlight will upload it to their servers and email your client that the build is ready. From there the installation is a snap.
Just send an .IPA File to him he cant see the code using that
