Angular UI bootstrap typeahead select when there is only one match - angular-ui-bootstrap

Is it possible to configure (built in or via a custom directive) the Angular UI bootstrap typeahead so it selects the value if there is only one match? There's the typeahead-select-on-exact option, but for this to work, the entered value must match the complete option of the typeahead
See plunker below. I've added the typeahead-select-on-exact, so when you type "Portugal" it selects the value.
The behaviour I would like to achieve is when you type "Portu", the typeahead selects Portugal as well (since this is the only possible match).
<input type="text" typeahead-select-on-exact="true">

For my use case I ended up adding the following to the getLocation() method (see the plunker sample in the question)
if( === 1) {
$scope.asyncSelected =[0].name


Reactive field using jquery plugins

I'm migrating an app from rails to volt which uses some jquery plugins.
As example, one of them is
I'm using opal-jquery inside action_ready to call the plugin, and visually it works. However internally it hides the original input and uses .val() to set the value for that input once the slider gets moved by the user. The problem is that even that the input is declared with a reactive field as its value, once jquery changes its value, the variable stays the same instead of syncing with the input value
this problem could be reproduced by creating a input like
<input type="text" value={{_value}} id="example"/> <p>{{_value}}</p>
and in the console do something like
$('#example').val('only the visual will change')
the same thing would apply for other plugins like jquery.ui sortable in which the callback would populate a field from the model with a index value.
is there a way to make legacy plugins that change values work with voltrb?

Select2 4.0.0 cascading dropdowns

I'm using select2.full.js
I'm not using any require.js to help me pull in modules, I'm basically using my know how from everything I learned in v3.5
I've been trying countless of hours, wrapping my head around this, but I have no idea how to make ajax cascading dropdowns.
Example: You load up the page, there is the first select2 dropdown that pulls data using ajax automatically (you don't enter anything.. data is there on the page load from the server), a default value is selected. Since that default value is selected, the second select2 drop down will use that value to make an ajax call to populate its own list. Now, when I select another value in the first select2 dropdown, the second select2 dropdown will reflect those changes with the new dataset.
What I've able to come up with was a 3 dropdowns that you can populate on a page load, but when you do any ajax request, the dropdown data doesn't change.
It's been two years since I used select2, and the library keeps changing, the documentation keeps changing, I'm at my wits end with this library. But I feel drawn to it by the bootstrap support, and the look and feel. The functionality, the way to implement things, the documentation is just so unbelievably awful.
I don't have any useful code at all, I've been pulling, plugging, modifying, etc.. and now I'm moving to my hair and teeth.
ANY useful example to do this would be awesome.
Just found my answer..
I was using the templating:
<select id="test">
<option value="1">1</option>
<option value="2">2</option>
data = [{id: "1", text: "1"}, {id: "2", text: "2"}];
<input id="test" type="hidden" />
and just kept my jquery on select2 the same. So it was really just a change in the templating from to that solved it.
However, the only downside to this is that when you are refreshing new data from these drop downs, the highlighted (selected value) is always the first item in the drop down list, even though that's not the selected value shown in the dropdown.
Here is a small code snippet to make Select2 (v4.x) cascading dropdown -
Using this module, options of a select2 list box will be loaded/refreshed by ajax based on selection of another select2 list box.
Example use -
new Select2Cascade($('#province'), $('#district'), 'path/to/geocode', {type:"district", parent_id: ''});
Selected value of parent select2 listbox will be set to the parent_id of the data object before ajax call.

My dropdown is not showing the data

I am having a html dropdown
<select id="ExternalIp" onchange="externalIpchange()"></select>
I bind the data to dropdown through jquery and a I am passing data from controller which is working properly. I want to change the look and feel of the dropdown so I called a function
Now the look and feel of drop down is changed but it is not showing the data which I bind to dropdown. I am not getting what is the problem. Plz help
It appears as if the jQuery plugin you are using resets the values bound to the select list.
Look for a method provided within your jQuery plugin to rebind the data which you earlier attached with jQuery or style your element first and then try binding the values.

grails form optional controls

I have a form with two selects, but the second select is optional depending on the value selected from the first. For instance:
<select name="country" from="['US', 'CA']">
<select name="language" from="['FR', 'EN']" disabled=true>
Only if CA was selected from country do I want language combobox active.
Grails doesn't provide a way to do this by default. Since GSP tags allow you to use normal HTML events you would need to write JavaScript to enable and disable the second select based on the value of the first. You will want to look at the onchange event to do this. If you need to do a lot of custom UI type stuff you may want to look at using a JavaScript plugin for Grails. Prototype is included with Grails by default. Several other java script libraries are available as Grails plugins including jQuery and YUI
I agree, javascript is what you want. I'd recommend writing this in JQuery, since Grails is going to making that the default (over Prototype) in, I believe, v1.4. To do this in JQuery it would be something like this:
$("[name=country").change(function() {
$("[name=language]").attr("disabled", ($(this).val() == "CA"));

Why does jQuery UI's datepicker break with a dynamic DOM?

I'm working with a dynamic DOM here, and have called the jQuery UI datepicker to all inputs with a specific class name, in this case .date
It works great with the first, static, construct but when I clone it the event handlers don't seem to want to move over. I get the Firebug error:
inst is undefined
I tried looking into jQuery's new live() function but couldn't combine the two. Any ideas?
Ah, got it. Right after I append the HTML to the DOM I run this on all the inputs I'd like to have a datepicker pop up with. Datepicker adds a class to elements it has been attached to, so we can filter out existing inputs and only apply it to new ones.
I hope this helps people as I was Googling for days and didn't find anything!
You should also note that it would be faster to check for in the new generated HTML by setting that as a context, rather than the whole page, as it will save time, due to this being a more efficient operation.
I had a similar Issue, I had multiple tables on a page and each had multiple datepickers, also on click of button "AddLine" it added a table row with dynamic HTML and datepicker.
I realized after a lot of search that my input date fields had no "id" defined they looked like this
<input type="text" class="datepicker" name="mDate1" value="" size=8 >
jquery was pointing all the date fields values to the very first date field defined on page, the calendar would popup on all the date fields but the value of 1st date field would change, I made a change to the html like this
<input type="text" class="datepicker" id="Date1" name="mDate1" value="" size=8 >
by adding a "id" and it started working, for the dynamic date fields I change the Id like this
var allColumns = $("#"+$tableId+" tr:last td");
$(allColumns).each(function (i,val) {
You need to use the 'live' event to make it work with dynamic DOM. So, if the class for your datepicker inputs is 'date-input', following code will make it work:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.date-input').live('click', function() {
This might be a little late, but all the suggestions above didn't work for me, I came up with an easy solution for this.
First, what is causing the problem:
JQuery assign datepicker to element id. if you are cloning element, then same id might be cloned as well. which jQuery doesn't like. You might end up with either receiving null reference error or the date being assigned to first input field regardless which input field you click on.
1) destroy datepicker
2) assign new unique ids to all input field
3) assign datepicker for each input
Make sure your input is something like this
<input type="text" name="ndate[]" id="date1" class="n1datepicker">
Before you clone, destroy datepicker
After you clone, add these lines as well
var i = 0;
$('.n1datepicker').each(function () {
$(this).attr("id",'date' + i).datepicker();
and the magic happens
$j(id or class).removeClass('hasDatepicker').datepicker();
It is working
Use jQuery selectors:
Multiple instances of the jquery-ui library on the page will cause this error too. Removing redundant instances work for my case
I experienced the same symptom, in this caused by having a td containing element with the same id attribute as the input,
<td id="fld_xyz"><input id="fld_xyz" class="date" /></td>
I know this isn't ideal anyway, but it's worth knowing that the datepicker component seems to be relying on the uniqueness of the id.
I had this problem. My situation ended up being I had another element with the same ID as the input with the datepicker.
Today I faced the same issue... I am using datetimepicker plugin in my application.
Also using jquery's default datepicker too. When ever I am invoking them both on document ready I am getting the error inst is undefined.
So I changed the code to invoke before document ready like below:
Now every thing is working fine. No problems.
I had a similar problem with data picker not working after a first call. I found an answer to my issue here:
I was cloning sections dynamically from template and inadvertently including the class that datepicker adds once its called:
I placed my first datepicker call after I clone the template and that did it. I then added a datepicker call after each instance of clone:
After trying many of the answers here, this is what worked for me and is showing on the first click/focus
function vincularDatePickers() {
$('.mostrar_calendario').live('click', function () {
$(this).datepicker({ showButtonPanel: true, changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, showOn: 'focus' }).focus();
this needs that your input have the class 'mostrar_calendario'
live is for JQuery 1.3+ for newer versions you need to adapt this to "on"
See more about the difference here
If it still doesn't work, it is because of the cloned id. You can completely remove datepicker like this:
