Z3 invariant check - z3

I want a way to, given an invariant and one or more operation's effects, check if, after the operation's execution, the invariant still holds.
Any ideas on how to accomplish this?
Using Z3 I was thinking of doing something similar to
(declare-const a Int)
(declare-const b Int)
(declare-const c Int)
(declare-const d Int)
(define-fun invariant () Bool
(= a b c d 2)
(assert invariant)
(assert (= a 1)) ;operation1
(assert (= b 2)) ;operation2
(assert (not invariant))
If (check-sat) returns unsat then I conclude that the system's state is valid after the operations.
I obviously can't do the above since
(assert invariant)
(assert (not invariant))
always make the theorem unsat.
But I need to assert that the initial state is valid so that the parts of the system that aren't changed by the operations are valid when I run (assert (not invariant)).

I assume that your operations mutate some kind of state (local variables, a program heap, ...), and your invariant should therefore be a function of the state.
As a small example, consider this hypothetical imperative program with local variables:
var start: Int := 0
var end: Int := 0
var arr: Array[Int] := new Array(10) // Array of ints, size 10
fill(arr, 0) // Fill the array with zeros
def invariant() =
(0 < start <= end)
&& forall i in [start, end - 1) :: arr(i) < arr(i + 1) // Sorted
assert invariant() // holds
end := end + 1
assert invariant() // holds
end := end + 1
assert invariant() // fails
arr(start + 1) := arr(start + 1) + 1
assert invariant() // holds
It could be encoded as follows, where the mutated local variables are represented in static single assignment form:
(define-fun invariant ((start Int) (end Int) (arr (Array Int Int))) Bool
(<= 0 start)
(<= start end)
(forall ((i Int))
(and (<= start i) (< i (- end 1)))
(< (select arr i) (select arr (+ i 1)))))))
(declare-const start0 Int)
(declare-const end0 Int)
(declare-const arr0 (Array Int Int))
(assert (= start0 0))
(assert (= end0 0))
(assert (= arr0 ((as const (Array Int Int)) 0)))
(assert (not (invariant start0 end0 arr0)))
(check-sat) ;; UNSAT --> Invariant holds
;; Operation: end := end + 1
(declare-const end1 Int)
(assert (= end1 (+ end0 1)))
(assert (not (invariant start0 end1 arr0)))
(check-sat) ; UNSAT --> Invariant still holds
;; Operation: end := end + 1
(declare-const end2 Int)
(assert (= end2 (+ end1 1)))
(assert (not (invariant start0 end2 arr0)))
(check-sat) ; SAT --> Invariant has been broken!
;; Operation: arr[start + 1] := arr[start + 1] + 1
(declare-const arr1 (Array Int Int))
(assert (= arr1 (store arr0 (+ start0 1) (+ (select arr0 (+ start0 1)) 1))))
(assert (not (invariant start0 end2 arr1)))
(check-sat) ; UNSAT --> Invariant has been restored


Z3 Checking whether all values in array are unique

So I'm trying to check whether all values in an array is unique with the following Z3 code.
(declare-const A (Array Int Int))
(declare-const n Int)
(assert (forall ((i Int) (j Int)) (and (and (and (>= i 0) (< i n)) (and (>= j 0) (< j n)))
(implies (= (select A i) (select A j)) (= i j)))))
I'm quite new to Z3 so I don't quite understand the grammar and stuff, but can anyone tell me whether this code is right, and if not, where's the problem?
The problem as you wrote is unsat, because it says whenever 0 <= i < n and 0 <= j < n, if A[i] = A[j], then i = j. There is no array and a particular n you can pick to satisfy this constraint.
What you really want to write is the following instead:
(declare-const A (Array Int Int))
(declare-const n Int)
(assert (forall ((i Int) (j Int)) (implies (and (>= i 0) (< i n)
(>= j 0) (< j n)
(= (select A i) (select A j)))
(= i j))))
The above says If it's the case that i and j are within bounds, and array elements are the same, then i must equal j. And this variant would be satisifiable for any n; and indeed here's what z3 reports:
(define-fun n () Int
(define-fun A () (Array Int Int)
((as const (Array Int Int)) 0))
But note that z3 simply picked n = 0, which made it easy to satisfy the formula. Let's make sure we get a more interesting model, by adding:
(assert (> n 2))
Now we get:
(define-fun n () Int
(define-fun A () (Array Int Int)
(lambda ((x!1 Int))
(let ((a!1 (ite (and (<= 1 x!1) (not (<= 2 x!1))) 7 8)))
(ite (<= 1 x!1) (ite (and (<= 1 x!1) (<= 2 x!1)) 6 a!1) 5))))
and we see that z3 picked the array to have 3 elements with distinct values at positions we care about.
Note that this sort of reasoning with quantifiers is a soft-spot for SMT solvers; while z3 is able to find models for these cases, if you keep adding quantified axioms you'll likely get unknown as the answer, or z3 (or any other SMT solver for that matter) will take longer and longer time to respond.

Quantifier patterns in Z3

I am having trouble attempting to prove this fairly simple Z3 query.
(set-option :smt.auto-config false) ; disable automatic self configuration
(set-option :smt.mbqi false) ; disable model-based quantifier instantiation
(declare-fun sum (Int) Int)
(declare-fun list () (Array Int Int))
(declare-fun i0 () Int)
(declare-fun s0 () Int)
(declare-fun i1 () Int)
(declare-fun s1 () Int)
(assert (forall ((n Int))
(! (or (not (<= n 0)) (= (sum n) 0))
:pattern ((sum n)))))
(assert (forall ((n Int))
(! (let ((a1 (= (sum n)
(+ (select list (- n 1))
(sum (- n 1))))))
(or (<= n 0) a1))
:pattern ((sum n)))))
(assert (>= i0 0))
(assert (= s0 (sum i0)))
(assert (= i1 (+ 1 i0)))
(assert (= s1 (+ 1 s0 (select list i0))))
(assert (not (= s1 (sum i1))))
Seems to me that the final assertion should instantiate the second quantified statement for i1 while the assert involving s0 should instantiate the quantifiers for i0. These two should should easily lead to UNSAT.
However, Z3 returns unknown. What am I missing?
Never mind, there was an silly error in my query.
This code:
(assert (= s1 (+ 1 s0 (select list i0))))
should have been:
(assert (= s1 (+ s0 (select list i0))))

function with quantifier in Z3

I have a problem with quantifier.
Let a(0) = 0, and a(n+1) would be either a(n)+1 or a(n)+2 based on the value of x(n). We may expect that for any kind of x(.) and for all n, a(n) <= n*2.
Here is the code for Z3:
(declare-fun a (Int) Int)
(declare-fun x (Int) Int)
(declare-fun N () Int)
(assert (forall
((n Int))
(=> (>= n 0)
(= (a (+ n 1))
(ite (> (x n) 0)
(+ (a n) 1)
(+ (a n) 2)
(assert (= (a 0) 0))
(assert (> (a N) (+ N N)))
I hope Z3 could return "unsat", while it always "timeout".
I wonder if Z3 could handle this kind of quantifier, and if somebody could give some advice.
The formula is SAT, for N < 0, the graph of a is underspecified.
But the default quantifier instantiation engine can't determine this. You can take advantage of that you are defining a recursive function to enforce a different engine.
;(declare-fun a (Int) Int)
(declare-fun x (Int) Int)
(declare-fun y (Int) Int)
(declare-fun N () Int)
(define-fun-rec a ((n Int)) Int
(if (> n 0) (if (> (x (- n 1)) 0) (+ (a (- n 1)) 1) (+ (a (- n 1)) 2)) (y n)))
(assert (= (a 0) 0))
(assert (> (a N) (+ N N)))
As Malte writes, there is no support for induction on such formulas so don't expect Z3 to produce induction proofs. It does find inductive invariants on a class of Horn clause formulas, but it requires a transformation to cast arbitrary formulas into this format.
Thanks, Malte and Nikolaj.
The variable N should be bounded:
(assert (> N 0))
(assert (< N 10000))
I replace
(assert (> (a N) (+ N N)))
(assert (and
(not (> (a N) (+ N N)))
(> (a (+ N 1)) (+ (+ N 1) (+ N 1)))
and it works for both definition of a(n).
Does this a kind of inductive proof as you mentioned?
Here are the two blocks of code, and both of them return "unsat":
(declare-fun a (Int) Int)
(declare-fun x (Int) Int)
(declare-fun N () Int)
(assert (forall
((n Int))
(=> (>= n 0)
(= (a (+ n 1))
(ite (> (x n) 0)
(+ (a n) 1)
(+ (a n) 2)
(assert (= (a 0) 0))
(assert (> N 0))
(assert (< N 10000))
;(assert (> (a N) (+ N N)))
(assert (and
(not (> (a N) (+ N N)))
(> (a (+ N 1)) (+ (+ N 1) (+ N 1)))
(declare-fun x (Int) Int)
(declare-fun y (Int) Int)
(declare-fun N () Int)
(define-fun-rec a ((n Int)) Int
(if (> n 0)
(if (> (x (- n 1)) 0) (+ (a (- n 1)) 1) (+ (a (- n 1)) 2)) (y n)))
(assert (= (a 0) 0))
(assert (> N 0))
(assert (< N 10000))
;(assert (> (a N) (+ N N)))
(assert (and
(not (> (a N) (+ N N)))
(> (a (+ N 1)) (+ (+ N 1) (+ N 1)))

z3 times out in case of a formula with quantifiers

I am getting timeout on the following example.
Is there any trick to make this work (eg.by reformulating the problem or using triggers)?
For this example, the macro finder will be useful (I think often with forall quantifiers with implications), you can enable it with:
(set-option :macro-finder true)
Here's your updated example that gets sat quickly (rise4fun link: http://rise4fun.com/Z3/Ux7gN ):
(set-option :macro-finder true)
(declare-const a (Array Int Bool))
(declare-const sz Int)
(declare-const n Int)
(declare-const d Int)
(declare-const r Bool)
(declare-const x Int)
(declare-const y Int)
(declare-fun ttff (Int Int Int) Bool)
(forall ((x1 Int) (y1 Int) (n1 Int))
(= (ttff x1 y1 n1)
(forall ((i Int))
(=> (and (<= x1 i) (< i y1))
(= (select a i) true)))
(forall ((i Int))
(=> (and (<= y1 i) (< i n1))
(= (select a i) false)))))))
;; A1
(assert (and (<= 0 n) (<= n sz)))
;; A2
(assert (< 0 d))
;; A3
(assert (and (and (<= 0 x) (<= x y)) (<= y n)))
;; A4
(assert (ttff x y n))
;; A6
(=> (< 0 y)
(= (select a (- y 1)) true)))
;; A7
(=> (< 0 x)
(= (select a (- x 1)) false)))
(and (<= (* 2 d) (+ n 1)) (ttff (- (+ n 1) (* 2 d)) (- (+ n 1) d) (+ n 1)))
(and (= (- (+ n 1) y) d) (<= d (- y x))))))

max value in set z3

I'm a new guy to work with the Z3.
Would like to know how I can calculate the maximum value of a set and two different sets.
For example:
[1, 6, 5] - The greater is 6
[1, 6, 5] e [10, 7, 2] - The greater is 6
I use the following code to set:
(declare-sort Set 0)
(declare-fun contains (Set Int) bool)
( declare-const set Set )
( declare-const distinct_set Set )
( declare-const A Int )
( declare-const B Int )
( declare-const C Int )
( assert ( = A 0 ) )
( assert ( = B 1 ) )
( assert ( = C 2 ) )
( assert ( distinct A C) )
( assert ( distinct set distinct_set ) )
(forall ((x Int))
(= (contains set x) (or (= x A) (= x C)))))
And now would like to know how can I calculate the largest value in the set (set) and the largest value in sets (set and distinct_set).
If it was for all integers was only because it was easy to do:
(define-fun max ((x Int) (y Int)) Int
(ite (< x y) y x))
But I can not leave with sets by their integers, ie, get the values ​​that have set.
Can you help me?
Is the following encoding reasonable for your purposes? It is also available online here.
; We Enconde each set S of integers as a function S : Int -> Bool
(declare-fun S1 (Int) Bool)
; To assert that A and C are elements of S1, we just assert (S1 A) and (S1 C)
(declare-const A Int)
(declare-const C Int)
(assert (S1 A))
(assert (S1 C))
; To say that B is not an element of S1, we just assert (not (S1 B))
(declare-const B Int)
(assert (not (S1 B)))
; Now, let max_S1 be the max value in S1
(declare-const max_S1 Int)
; Then, we now that max_S1 is an element of S1, that is
(assert (S1 max_S1))
; All elements in S1 are smaller than or equal to max_S1
(assert (forall ((x Int)) (=> (S1 x) (not (>= x (+ max_S1 1))))))
; Now, let us define a set S2 and S3
(declare-fun S2 (Int) Bool)
(declare-fun S3 (Int) Bool)
; To assert that S3 is equal to the union of S1 and S2, we just assert
(assert (forall ((x Int)) (= (S3 x) (or (S1 x) (S2 x)))))
; To assert that S3 is not equal to S1 we assert
(assert (exists ((x Int)) (not (= (S3 x) (S1 x)))))
; Now let max_S3 be the maximal value of S3
(declare-const max_S3 Int)
(assert (S3 max_S3))
(assert (forall ((x Int)) (=> (S3 x) (not (>= x (+ max_S3 1))))))
; the set of constraints is still satisfiable
; Now, let us assert that max_S3 < max_S1.
; It should be unsat, since S3 is a super set of S1
(assert (< max_S3 max_S1))
