Transparent modal backdrop - angular-ui-bootstrap

I'm trying to make a modal backdrop completely transparent (specifically for one modal) and I'm having a difficult time achieving this. From the docs it says I can apply a custom class with backdropClass. When I open my modal, I call:
backdropClass: 'transparent-backdrop'
But no matter what styling I put in this class (whether to achieve transparency or just change the backdrop color), the backdrop does not change. My CSS looks like this:
.transparent-backdrop {
opacity: 0;
I can modify the backdrop color using windowClass (and the 'in' class):
windowClass: 'my-window-class' {
background-color: #000;
However, if I try to set the opacity in a similar way: {
opacity: 0;
my backdrop is still present, but now my modal disappears. Can anyone tell me the correct way to modify the opacity of the backdrop?

This works for me: {
opacity: 0;
Here's a screenshot showing the transparent backdrop in Chrome


Add class/id to path in TinyMCE4

Quick question:
Is there a way to add class and/or ID of the elements in the path of TinyMCE status bar under content?
TinyMCE has no such capability built into its status bar. If you wanted to add that you could do so by modifying the code. I would note that with any type of longer ID or Class labels that status bar will get filled up quickly which is why it does not do so by default.
The Elements in the Statusbar have a bunch of classes from Tiny Editor, you can examine it in the browser (chrome or firefox) with f12.
From there, it is no problem to override the current styling with some code like
.mce-statusbar.mce-container {
position : relative;
height : 0;
margin-top : -20px;
opacity : 0.5;
background-color :#fff;
border : 1px solid #333;
Beside, you can manipulate the code, where content is written in the Statusbar. See Plugin Wordcount for example. They are using some code like this to update the statusbar and enter a class name:
if (statusbar) {
Delay.setEditorTimeout(editor, function () {
type: 'label',
name: 'wordcount',
text: ['Words: {0}', getCount()],
classes: 'wordcount',
disabled: editor.settings.readonly
}, 0);
editor.on('setcontent beforeaddundo undo redo keyup', debouncedUpdate);
}, 0);

How to customize overlay of intro.js

I would like to customize the tooltip in intro.js .(Change the background color of tooltip to blue) Is it possible to achieve in intro.js
overlayOpacity property Adjust the overlay opacity of backdrop created by intojs. The range is 0 to 1
Add overlayOpacity:0 in introJs options to completely remove the backdrop.
introJs().setOption("overlayOpacity", 0);
override .introjs-tooltip class to change background of tooltip.
All you need to do is adding a new CSS rule to override the background-color of .introjs-overlay:
.introjs-overlay {
background-color: blue;
Also you can add background gradient, opacity, whatever you want.

iOS - On "click" have background blink like this example. How do I achieve that effect? [duplicate]

Is there any way to disable that?
I only mean in the browser... When you click a link or a button or a div that has a click function on it, it flickers a grey box where you clicked quickly. How do i prevent this?
You could set a transparent color to the -webkit-tap-highlight-color property of that element.
a {
-webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent;
Using mobile Safari in Phonegap, only this worked:
* { -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
-webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent;
Source: iPhone WebKit CSS animations cause flicker
Also, on the main panel, enable rendering:
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0)
Source: Prevent flicker on webkit-transition of webkit-transform

How to fully style UISearchbar using Pixate?

Pixate seems to be unable to style UISearchBar's UITextField. Neither the text, corner radius etc. is styled, no matter how broadly I select text-field.
Also, there is an annoying dark hairline at the top and bottom of the UISearchBar as soon as I try to style it (e.g. give it a background color) using Pixate.
Furthermore, the cancel button label suddenly has white text and I found no way to overwrite it to any other color.
So the question is: Am I missing something or does Pixate in fact not support this (yet)?
What I want it to look like:
What it looks like using Pixate.
The stylesheet:
table-view {
separator-style: single-line;
separator-color: #eeeeee;
background-color: #eeeeee;
table-view-cell {
background-color: white;
search-bar {
background-color: #eeeeee;
Treat it like you would a normal CSS selector.
search-bar button {
color: white;

Animate background color change with toggleClass?

Is it possible to animate a background color change with toggleClass?
Here is the page working currently. - this has been updated since first post
Is it possible to animate this? I have to use toggleClass instead of the JQuery UI extended animate because there are background-images in the original CSS and animate will change the background-color, but not remove the background-image. Plus, I want to toggle it, not change the background-color permanently.
Here is the current javascript:
function ToggleClass() {
Secondly, as you see, I have to change the CSS files twice. I can't understand why this class for the
.errorpanel{ color: #ffffff !important; background: red !important;}
does not endtend down to the tag. It will change the accordion header to white when it is not selected, but when it is selected, it leaves the background as red, but changes the color to the original shade of blue. I can override that and get it to stay white all the time by adding this class:
.errortext{color: #ffffff !important;}
Anyway, I would like to animate those both forward and back.
I am thinking something like this:
function ToggleClass() {
var color = $("#Section2").css("background-color");
if (color == 'rgb(255, 0, 0)') {
$("#Section2").animate({ backgroundColor: "#507CD1" }, 2500);
else {
$("#Section2").animate({ backgroundColor: "red" }, 2500);
That looks to see if the background is red. If it is, it changes the background color back to the original value, with the background image (and the panel still changes to a lighter color when selected, so all original functionality is returned), it just doesn't animate back to blue. The only thing the toggle does now is remove the background image because that can't be animated. This page shows the current functionality.
You could try using delay
$("#Section2").animate({ backgroundColor: "red" }, 2500).delay(800).animate({ backgroundColor: "#507CD1" }, 2500);
Not 100% sure but I think this may work.
