Multiple site docker swarm with enforced topology - docker

I am building a proof of concept docker swarm based application stack which is intended to evolve a product which is currently deployed to many physical sites and backed by a distributed CDN. The docker compose system I've set up includes a number of different image types which I need to ensure are deployed to each physical location (three copies of each service A, two copies of each service B, at each site for example, each site being several collocated physical machines belonging to the docker swarm) and then others which are deployed only to a central origin location. I'd like to find a way to deploy this with constraints on where the image types end up on the swarm. Is this possible?

Short answer, yes.
Long answer:
use docker compose for managing your cluster, it will ease management.
after creating your swarm you can make docker-compose use that swarm by:
docker-compose -H <docker-swarm-ip:port> up -d
and if you want a container/service to run specifically on a host.
add the following entry in docker-compose.yml under the service you want to run on that host:
- "constraint:node==<host>"
This is the way i do it now.
i believe this is also available when you use the run command. Tough i never tried it.


docker-swarm vs.docker-compose on single host in production

Is there a reason to use docker-swarm instead of docker-compose for deploying a single host in production?
I'm currently rewriting an existing application. My predecessors set up the application using docker-swarm. But I do not understand why: the application will only consist of a single host running a couple of services. These services will only supply some local information on the customer network via a REST-Api to a kubernetes cluster (so no real load or reason to add additional hosts).
I looked through the Docker website and could not find a reason to use docker-swarm to deploy a single host, apart from testing a deployment on a single host dev environment.
Are there benefits of using docker-swarm compared to docker-compose regarding deployment, networking, etc...?
Docker Swarm and Docker Compose are fundamentally different animals. Compose is a build tool that lets you define and configure a group of related containers, whereas swarm is an orchestration tool that manages multiple docker engines in a way that lets you treat them (somewhat) as a single unit. Swarm exposes an API that is mostly compatible with the Docker Remote API, which allows existing applications to use Swarm to scale horizontally without having to completely overhaul the existing interface to the container engine.
That said, much of the functionality in Docker Compose that overlaps with Docker Swarm has been added incrementally. Compose has grown over time, and the distinction between the two has narrowed a bit. Swarm was eventually integrated into the Docker engine, and Docker Stack was introduced, allowing compose.yml files to be read directly by Docker, without using Compose.
So the real question might be: what is the difference between docker compose and docker stack? Not a whole lot. Compose is actually a separate project, written in Python that uses the Docker API under the hood. Stack does much of the same things as Compose, but is integrated into Docker. Stack also wants pre-built images, while compose will handle those image builds for you, which makes compose very handy for development.
What you are dealing with might be a product of a time when these 2 tools were a lot more distinct. Docker Swarm is part of Docker, and it allows for easy scaling if needed (even if you don't need it now, it might be good down the road). On the other hand, Compose (in my opinion anyway) is much more useful for development situations where you are making frequent tweaks to your images, and rebuilding.

When to use Docker-Compose and when to use Docker-Swarm

I'm trying to understand the differences or similarities between Docker-Compose and Docker-Swarm.
By reading the documentation I have understood that docker-compose provides a mechanism to bind different containers together and work in collaboration, as a single service (I'm guessing it's using the same functionality as --link command used to link two containers)
Also, my understanding of docker-swarm is that it allows you to manage a cluster of different docker-hosts, each of which is running several container instances of some docker-images. We could define connections as overlay-networks between different containers in the swarm (even if they across two docker-hosts in the swarm) to connect them as a unit.
What I'm trying to understand is has docker-swarm succeeded docker-compose and overlay networks is the new (recommended) way to connect containers?
Or is it that docker-compose is still an integral part of the entire docker family and it is expected and advisable to use it to connect containers to work in collaboration. If so does docker-compose work with containers across different nodes in the swarm??
Or is it that overlay networks is for connecting containers across different hosts in the swarm and docker-compose is for creating internal links??
Besides I also see that it is mentioned in the docker documentation that --links not recommended anymore and will be obsolete soon.
I'm a bit confused???
Thanks Alot!
It will probably help to start with a few definitions:
docker-compose: Command used to configure and manage a group of related containers. It is a frontend to the same api's used by the docker cli, so you can reproduce it's behavior with commands like docker run.
docker-compose.yml: Definition file for a group of containers, used by docker-compose and now also by swarm mode.
swarm mode: Used to manage a group of docker engines as a single entity and provide orchestration (constantly trying to correct any differences between the current state and the target state).
service: One or more containers for the same image and configuration within swarm, multiple containers provide scalability.
stack: One or more services within a swarm, these may be defined using a DAB or a docker-compose.yml file.
bridge network: Network managed by a single docker engine where multiple containers may communicate with each other. You may have multiple networks managed by an engine, and containers can be attached to zero or more networks.
overlay network: Similar to a bridge network but spanning multiple docker engines. These require a key/value store to maintain their state. Swarm mode provides this, but if swarm mode is disabled, you may also use etcd, consul, or zookeeper.
links: a method to connect containers together that predates the bridged network. Its usage is no longer recommended.
classic swarm: A predecessor to the integrated swarm mode that runs as a container, allows multiple engines to appear as one, but does not provide orchestration or include its own k/v store.
To answer the questions:
has docker-swarm succeeded docker-compose and overlay networks is the new (recommended) way to connect containers?
Or is it that docker-compose is still an integral part of the entire docker family and it is expected and advisable to use it to connect containers to work in collaboration. If so does docker-compose work with containers across different nodes in the swarm??
They provide different functionality and will continue to both serve a purpose. docker-compose cannot start containers inside swarm mode, but a newer version of the docker-compose.yml file (version 3) can be used to define a stack directly in swarm mode without using docker-compose itself. docker-compose is needed to manage containers outside of swarm mode, on a single docker engine or with classic swarm.
Or is it that overlay networks is for connecting containers across different hosts in the swarm and docker-compose is for creating internal links??
Besides I also see that it is mentioned in the docker documentation that --links not recommended anymore and will be obsolete soon.
docker-compose starting with version 2 of the yml file connects multiple containers together by default with a new bridged network per project (the project defaults to the directory name). With classic swarm, that would default to an overlay network using an external k/v store. And with a swarm mode stack, this would be an overlay network.
Using docker networks is the preferred way to have containers communicate with each other. You want a network per group of containers you wish to isolate from the rest of your docker environment. docker-compose automates this network creation, but you can also do it from the command line with docker networks create.
Linking have been largely replaced by docker networks with built-in DNS discovery. When you remove links from your docker-compose.yml, you may need to replace them with a depends_on section to enforce container startup order. Otherwise, there are very few scenarios where linking makes sense and all the usage I've seen is from someone following outdated documentation.
compose or swarm or swarm overlay networks
You would find that you need to use all of the above if you're doing anything other than a demo on your laptop etc.
I deliberately separated out swarm & swarm overlay networks, because you need not use both, but you cannot get an overlay network without having a swarm underneath it.
Compose is for bringing up multiple containers together. Now it makes sense that they are related to each other, although they may not be. But let's suppose a typical case when the containers are for services that are related to each other, then you would want them to talk to each other in some way, but yet control how they talk to each other using networks. For example, take a 3 tier app that has a webserver, appserver and db. Let's say all three components are dockerized and you are using compose to bring them up togetherm instead of running docker run.. three times with different parameters etc. All three would come up, but you would want to control how they connect to each other. You want the webserver to be able to talk to the appserver, but not to the db directly. And you would want the appserver to talk (ping) the db server container and also ping the web server. All connections are two way, but restricted to only those services that you want to be able to communicate with each other. For such an arrangement, you would typically setup 2 networks - say frontend and backend. The web and app containers are connected to the frontend network. The app and db containers are connected to the backend network. Because there is no common network between the db and web containers they cannot touch (ping) each other, which is your intent.
Now, if you want these 3 services to be able to run on your cluster of 100's of machines, and you also want to scale across them, you would need a network that spans multiple hosts. That is where overlay networking (in swarm) comes into picture. Overlay networking is nothing but multi-host networking build over VxLAN technology. You do not have to know about VxLAN, except that it is a standard network topology that is supported in almost all modern networking infrastructure.
I hope that clarifies.
Edit: I did not see that you got an answer already!
I think you have most of the understanding correct as to what each is, but some tweaking is required.
You're correct docker-compose is to bring up multi-container applications. Earlier you used to do docker run .. to start every container. Usually modern applications embracing the micro-services paradigm can be made up of dozens of services and using docker run .. will get very tiresome very soon. Hence docker-compose allows you to express all the containers and their properties and how they connect to each other as a yaml or json file so you can manage it in an easier fashion.
So, docker-compose is the container orchestration part in the docker ecosystem.
Links are different, they are just a part of docker-compose or docker run commands and are deprecated in favor of software defined networks of which overlay networks are just one of them.
Swarm is the scheduling component in docker. What is scheduling - it is nothing but figuring out where to "place" your containers in your cluster of docker hosts. You can have a cluster of hundreds of servers, and you may have hundreds of containers, each encapsulating a service for a dozen different applications. Now how should these containers be distributed across your cluster of hundreds of servers, should some containers be placed only on certain hosts because they satisfy a particular criteria or maybe they should be closer to (or not) other containers which are somehow related... all these are part of the scheduling component which is performed by docker Swarm.
I suggest you go through the getting started documentation on here:

Docker usage in compose/swarm mode

I am quite new to docker and I need some help about distributing my application.
Consider this:
I have a pool of physical machines, each of them running the latest version of docker.
My "Application A" has several containers. To be clear in this definition, an application would be a database running in a container, 4 messaging containers and a master container. All 6 containers need to communicate between each other. The database, the messaging and etc containers would be the "services".
I can also have "Application B", "Application C" and "Application N...", that are slightly different in size and configuration from "Application A". Applications do not communicate between each other and are completely independent.
All applications "A,B,C..N" must use the same pool of physical machines.
Each service of each application must run in a different physical machine, if needed.
You may want to restrict how each service is allocated to each physical machine
I need to create applications "on the fly"
My first thought would be to use a docker-compose to define an application and several dockerfiles to define the services inside it. But if I do that, each application would be running in the same docker engine and therefore, the same physical machine.
I have read that you could deploy a docker compose into a docker swarm. In this case, docker swarm would act as a docker engine. However, I could not find any examples on how to do that and I am not sure of the limitations.
My second thought would be to use swarm mode. I would create a swarm, and run services on it. However, I would lose the the concept of "application". There would be a bunch of services thrown into the swarm and I could not manage how each of them communicate with each other.
So, given this problem:
Is there any assumption or statement I got wrong?
What is the recommended docker tools usage in the scenario?
It is possible to use Docker Compose with Docker Swarm Mode (Docker 1.12), but it is currently not completely compatible with it. Have a look at Docker Stacks and Bundles.
In the next version of Docker (1.13) there will also be the new release of Docker Compose v3, which will be compatible with Docker without Docker Compose. This will make it possible to deploy your Docker Compose file like this:
docker deploy --compose-file docker-compose.yml AppA
This is currently experimental but works quite fine with Docker 1-13-rc5. (Docker Releases)
A more detailed explanation of this can be found in this article.
For your requirements to have them all run on different hosts, this is possible with defining constraints in the docker service create (or in the Docker Compose v3) (See Docker Service Create - Constraints). But why do you need to have them run on different hosts?
It is possible to limit the CPU and memory usage that each service is able to use with --limit-cpu and --limit-memory.
If you want to play with Docker Swarm Mode you can create a swarm with Docker Machine on your local host. (Attention do not use the old Docker Swarm)

Recommended way to run a Docker Compose stack in production?

I have a couple of compose files (docker-compose.yml) describing a simple Django application (five containers, three images).
I want to run this stack in production - to have the whole stack begin on boot, and for containers to restart or be recreated if they crash. There aren't any volumes I care about and the containers won't hold any important state and can be recycled at will.
I haven't found much information on using specifically docker-compose in production in such a way. The documentation is helpful but doesn't mention anything about starting on boot, and I am using Amazon Linux so don't (currently) have access to Docker Machine. I'm used to using supervisord to babysit processes and ensure they start on boot up, but I don't think this is the way to do it with Docker containers, as they end up being ultimately supervised by the Docker daemon?
As a simple start I am thinking to just put restart: always on all my services and make an init script to do docker-compose up -d on boot. Is there a recommended way to manage a docker-compose stack in production in a robust way?
EDIT: I'm looking for a 'simple' way to run the equivalent of docker-compose up for my container stack in a robust way. I know upfront that all the containers declared in the stack can reside on the same machine; in this case I don't have need to orchestrate containers from the same stack across multiple instances, but that would be helpful to know as well.
Compose is a client tool, but when you run docker-compose up -d all the container options are sent to the Engine and stored. If you specify restart as always (or preferably unless-stopped to give you more flexibility) then you don't need run docker-compose up every time your host boots.
When the host starts, provided you have configured the Docker daemon to start on boot, Docker will start all the containers that are flagged to be restarted. So you only need to run docker-compose up -d once and Docker takes care of the rest.
As to orchestrating containers across multiple nodes in a Swarm - the preferred approach will be to use Distributed Application Bundles, but that's currently (as of Docker 1.12) experimental. You'll basically create a bundle from a local Compose file which represents your distributed system, and then deploy that remotely to a Swarm. Docker moves fast, so I would expect that functionality to be available soon.
You can find in their documentation more information about using docker-compose in production. But, as they mention, compose is primarily aimed at development and testing environments.
If you want to use your containers in production, I would suggest you to use a suitable tool to orchestrate containers, as Kubernetes.
If you can organize your Django application as a swarmkit service (docker 1.11+), you can orchestrate the execution of your application with Task.
Swarmkit has a restart policy (see swarmctl flags)
Restart Policies: The orchestration layer monitors tasks and reacts to failures based on the specified policy.
The operator can define restart conditions, delays and limits (maximum number of attempts in a given time window). SwarmKit can decide to restart a task on a different machine. This means that faulty nodes will gradually be drained of their tasks.
Even if your "cluster" has only one node, the orchestration layer will make sure your containers are always up and running.
You say that you use AWS so why don't you use ECS which is built for what you ask. You create an application which is the pack of your 5 containers. You will configure which and how many instances EC2 you want in your cluster.
You just have to convert your docker-compose.yml to the specific which is not hard.
AWS will start your containers when you deploy and also restart them in case of crash

How to link Docker services across hosts?

Docker allows servers from multiple containers to connect to each other via links and service discovery. However, from what I can see this service discovery is host-local. I would like to implement a service that uses other services hosted on a different machine.
There have been several approaches to solving this problem in Docker, such as CoreOS's jumpers, host-local services that essentially proxy to the other machine, and a whole bunch of github projects for managing Docker deployments that appear to have attempted to support this use-case.
Given the pace of development it is hard to follow what current best practices are. Therefore my question is essentially:
What (if any) is the current predominant method for linking across hosts in Docker, and
Are there any plans for supporting this functionality directly in the Docker system?
Docker has recently announced a new tool called Swarm for Docker orchestration.
Swarm allows you do "join" multiple docker daemons: You first create a swarm, start a swarm manager on one machine, and have docker daemons "join" the swarm manager using the swarm's identifier. The docker client connects to the swarm manager as if it were a regular docker server.
When a container started with Swarm, it is automatically assigned to a free node that meets any constraints that have been defined. The following example is taken from the blog post:
$ docker run -d -P -e constraint:storage=ssd mysql
One of the supported constraints is "node" that allows you pin a container to a specific hostname. The swarm also resolves links across nodes.
In my testing I got the impression that Swarm doesn't yet work with volumes at a fixed location very well (or at least the process of linking them is not very intuitive), so this is something to keep in mind.
Swarm is now in beta phase.
Until recently, the Ambassador Pattern was the only Docker-native approach to remote-host service discovery. This pattern can still be used and doesn't require any magic beyond plain Docker in that the pattern consists of one or more additional containers that act as proxies.
Additionally, there are several third-party extensions to make Docker cluster-capable. Third-party solutions include:
Connecting the Docker network bridges on two hosts, lightweight and various solutions exist, but generally with some caveats
DNS-based discovery e.g. with skydock and SkyDNS
Docker management tools such as Shipyard, and Docker orchestration tools. See this question for an extensive list: How to scale Docker containers in production
Libswarm has been renamed as swarm and is now a separate application.
Here is the github page demo to use as a starting point:
# create a cluster
$ swarm create
# on each of your nodes, start the swarm agent
# <node_ip> doesn't have to be public (eg. 192.168.0.X),
# as long as the other nodes can reach it, it is fine.
$ swarm join --token=6856663cdefdec325839a4b7e1de38e8 --addr=<node_ip:2375>
# start the manager on any machine or your laptop
$ swarm manage --token=6856663cdefdec325839a4b7e1de38e8 --addr=<swarm_ip:swarm_port>
# use the regular docker cli
$ docker -H <swarm_ip:swarm_port> info
$ docker -H <swarm_ip:swarm_port> run ...
$ docker -H <swarm_ip:swarm_port> ps
$ docker -H <swarm_ip:swarm_port> logs ...
# list nodes in your cluster
$ swarm list --token=6856663cdefdec325839a4b7e1de38e8
The official approach is now to use libswarm see a demo here
There is a nice gist for openvswitch hosts communication in docker using the same approach.
To allow service discovery there is an interesting approach based on DNS called skydock.
There is also a screencast.
This is also a nice article using the same pieces of the puzzle but adding also vlans on top:
The patching has nothing to do with the robustness of the solution. Docker is actually only a sort of DSL upon Linux Containers and both solutions in these articles simply bypass some Docker automatic settings and fall back directly to Linux Containers.
So you can use the solutions safely and wait to be able to do it in a simpler way once Docker will implement it.
Weave is a new Docker virtual network technology that acts as a virtual ethernet switch over TCP/UDP - all you need is a Docker container running Weave on your host.
What's interesting here is
Instead of links, use static IPs/hostnames in your virtual network
Hosts don't need full connectivity, a mesh is formed based on what peers are available, and packets will be routed multi-hop to where they need to go
This leads to interesting scenarios like
Create a virtual network across the WAN, none of the Docker containers will know or care what actual network they sit in
Move your containers to different physical docker hosts, Weave will detect the peer accordingly
For example, there's an example guide on how to create a multi-node Cassandra cluster across your laptop and a few cloud (EC2) hosts with two commands per host. I launched a CoreOS cluster with AWS CloudFormation, installed weave on each in /home/core, plus my laptop vagrant docker VM, and got a cluster up in under an hour. My laptop is firewalled but Weave seemed to be okay with that, it just connects out to its EC2 peers.
Docker 1.12 contains the so called swarm mode and also adds a service abstraction. They probably aren't mature enough for every use case, but I suggest you to keep them under observation. The swarm mode at least helps in a multi-host setup, which doesn't necessarily make linking easier. The Docker-internal DNS server (since 1.11) should help you to access container names, if they are well-known - meaning that the generated names in a Swarm context won't be so easy to address.
With the Docker 1.9 release you'll get built in multi host networking. They also provide an example script to easily provision a working cluster.
You'll need a K/V store (e.g. Consul) which allows to share state across the different Docker engines on every host. Every Docker engine need to be configured with that K/V store and you can then use Swarm to connect your hosts.
Then you create a new overlay network like this:
$ docker network create --driver overlay my-network
Containers can now be run with the network name as run parameter:
$ docker run -itd --net=my-network busybox
They can also be connected to a network when already running:
$ docker network connect my-network my-container
More details are available in the documentation.
The following article describes nicely how to connect docker containers on multiple hosts:
It is possible to bridge several Docker subnets together using Open vSwitch or Tinc. I have prepared Gists to show how to do it:
Open vSwitch:
The advantage I see using this solution instead of the --link option and the ambassador pattern is that I find it more transparent: there is no need to have additional containers and more importantly, no need to expose ports on the host. Actually I think of the --link option to be a temporary hack before Docker get a nicer story about multi-host (or multi-daemon) setups.
Note: I know there is another answer pointing to my first Gist but I don't have enough karma to edit or comment on that answer.
As mentioned above, Weave is definitely a viable solution to link Docker containers across the hosts. Based on my own experience with it, it is fairly straightfoward to set it up. It is now also has DNS service which you can address container's by its DNS names.
On the other hand, there is CoreOS's Flannel and Juniper's Opencontrail for wiring the containers across the hosts.
Seems like docker swarm 1.14 allows you to:
assing hostname to container, using --hostname tag, but i haven't been able to make it work, containers are not able to ping each other by assigned hostnames.
assigning services to machine using --constraint 'node.hostname == <host>'
