Tcl Tk to show images in Scilab - opencv

I want to show images and videos in Scilab using a GUI made in Tcl/Tk.
Scilab has support for Tcl/Tk :-
I have made a tcl script which displays an image when run from the terminal.
image create photo img -file <filepath>
pack [label .mylabel]
.mylabel configure -image img
However when I write the following .sci file in scilab, it executes successfully but no image window is shown.
function sampletry()
I do know that the code executed successfully because when I execute the same function again in scilab, I get an error saying that the label .mylabel already exists in the parent window.
Is there any way that I can show images/videos in Scilab using this method or any other method in Scilab? I'm using OpenCV to read the image and return it back to Scilab through the Scilab Api in a list.

The problem is that you're not servicing the event loop from your Scilab code, without which the flurry of messages from the OS to do with actually putting the window on the screen never get through and handled. Assuming you want your code to stop and wait for the viewing to be done, you can just change the Tcl/Tk code to be:
image create photo img -file <filepath>
if {![winfo exists .mylabel]} {
pack [label .mylabel]
.mylabel configure -image img
wm deiconify .
# Wait for the user to ask for the window to be closed
wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW {set done 1}
vwait done
# Process the close immediately
wm withdraw .
There's nothing very special about the done variable. We're just waiting for it to be set in the callback. I've added a bit of extra code to allow you to call this twice (i.e., conditionally creating the widget, ensuring that . is displayed and then hiding it at the end).
The simplest technique if you don't want to keep everything in the same process is to run your original script as a separate program, effectively doing:
wish <path_to_tcl_file>
I don't know what the easiest way to do that from Scilab is.


Moho, run script and get ScriptInterface instance

I need to run Moho lua script which created new document, import some files etc., by command line.
The problem is: to call this function requered ScriptInterface instance. It may called by mouse clicking, by menu selection in Moho ui (hand made calling) and sending ScriptingInterface instance as function parameter, like script:Run(moho). If I trying to call this function from commandline this instance not set as parameter.
So the question is - can I take ScriptInterface instance from some global vars or from somewhere else ??
You can prepare a special .moho file, which includes a layer with embed lua script. If you run command line opening Moho with this special file in it, it will execute the layer script (because it is executed on every new frame enter) and script will receive ScriptInterface instance as moho argument given to its LayerScript function.

how to run .fsx in fsi

Exploring F# with FSharp.Charting I thought I would start with a simple 'hello world' but it leaves me with more questions then lines of code.
#load #"..\packages\FSharp.Charting.0.90.14\FSharp.Charting.fsx"
open FSharp.Charting
let chart = Chart.Line([ for x in 0 .. 10 -> x, x*x ])
This works in interactive window in VS, but what I want to do is execute this script from the cmd line (using fsi.exe). I made an association with fsx files to fsi, but when I execute it it opens fsi but no chart is created. What do I need to do?
Short answer: add the following line at the end of your program:
Long answer:
The chart does get created, but it immediately disappears, because your program immediately exits, right after creating the chart. This does not happen in the F# Interactive window in Visual Studio, because the F# interactive window doesn't close immediately after executing your program - it just hangs out there, waiting for you to submit more code for execution.
In order to make your program not exit immediately, you could implement some waiting mechanism, such as waiting for a set amount of time (see System.Threading.Thread.Sleep) or waiting for the user to press Enter (via stdin.ReadLine()), etc.
However, this won't actually help you, because there is the next problem: the chart is drawn via Windows Forms, which relies on the message loop running - otherwise the window can't receive messages, and so can't event paint itself.
FSI does have its own built-in event loop, and this is how your program works under VS. However, if you implement a "waiting" mechanism (e.g. stdin.ReadLine()), this event loop will be blocked - won't be able to pump messages. Therefore, the only sane way to keep your program from exiting, while not interfering with the functioning of the chart window, is to start your own event loop. And this is exactly what Application.Run() does.
Saving to disk without displaying:
(in response to comment)
From what I understand, the FSharp.Charting library was intended as a quick-and-dirty way to display charts on the screen, primary use case being exploring datasets live within F# Interactive. More specifically, some key properties of the Chart object, such as ChartAreas and Series are not initialized upon chart creation, but only when it is shown on the screen (see source code), and without these properties the chart remains empty.
Short of submitting a pull request to the library, I recommend dropping down to the underlying System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Chart:
open System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting
let ch = new Chart()
ch.ChartAreas.Add( new ChartArea() )
let s = new Series( ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line )
s.Points.DataBind( [for x in 1..10 -> x, x*x], "Item1", "Item2", "" )
ch.Series.Add s;
ch.SaveImage(#"C:\Temp\chart.png", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png)

How do I view the source code of a GW-BASIC .BAS file?

I have an old .BAS file that I'm trying to view and for which I'm running into some problems. Searching online seems to indicate that I should be able to just open it in NOTEPAD.EXE or similar, but doing so gives me gibberish, like this:
‰=É™2+df”c).vX»[šû'Û9¹8%ñx5m#8úV4ÊBº)Eª;Iú¹ó‹|àÆ„72#Ž§i§Ë #îÑ?
}+d&jQ *YòÎg)ʇŒ~Š¯DË?úŽ©Ž5\šm€S{ÔÍo—#ìôÔ”ÜÍѱ]ʵ¬0wêÂLª¡öm#Å„Ws雦 X
Ô¶æ¯÷¦É®jÛ ¼§
”n ŸëÆf¿´ó½4ÂäÌ3§Œ®
I know the file is sound, because I can open it in GW-BASIC. However, list does not seem to work to view the file, and trying to save the file in ASCII format from within GW-BASIC, didn't work either. Both just gave me an "Illegal function call" error:
(C) Copyright Microsoft 1983,1984,1986,1987
60300 Bytes free
Illegal function call
SAVE "Pwrharm2",A
Illegal function call
[Program runs successfully]
Then again, the run command works just fine. What am I doing wrong?
You're not doing anything wrong; the file was originally saved in GWBASIC with the ,P option. There is a 'hack' to unprotect it, described at!topic/comp.os.msdos.misc/PA9sve0eKAk - basically, you create a file (call it UNPROT.BAS) containing only the characters 0xff 0x1a, then load the protected file, then load UNPROT.BAS, and you should then be able to list and save the program.
If you can't LIST or EDIT a GW-BASIC .BAS file that you LOADed from disk, it means that the file was originally SAVEd in protected format via SAVE filespec, P.
The 1988 "Handbook of BASIC - third edition" by David I. Schneider describes it as follows:
A program that has been SAVEd in protected format can be unprotected with the following technique.
(a) Create a file called RECOVER.BAS with the following program.
20 PRINT #1, CHR$(255);
30 CLOSE #1
(b) LOAD the protected program into memory.
The formerly protected program will now be in memory and can be LISTed or EDITed, and reSAVEd in an unprotected format. This technique appears to work with most versions of BASIC. I have used it successfully with IBM PC BASIC, Compaq BASIC, and several versions of GW-BASIC. LOADing the file RECOVER.BAS will also restore a program after a NEW command has been executed.

Conditional OCR rotation on the image or Page in KOFAX

We have two source of inputs to create a Batch first is Folder Import and second is Email import.
I need to add condition where if the source of image is Email it should not allow to rotate the image and like wise if source if Folder import it should rotate the image.
I have added a script for this in KTM.
It is showing proper message of the source of image but it is not stopping the rotation of the image.
Below check the below script for reference.
Public Function setRotationRule(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument) As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim FullPath As String
Dim PathArry() As String
Dim xfolder As CscXFolder
Set xfolder = pXDoc.ParentFolder
While Not xfolder.IsRootFolder
Set xfolder = xfolder.ParentFolder
'Added for KTM script testing
FullPath= "F:\Emailmport\dilipnikam#gmail.com_09-01-2014_10-02-37\dfdsg.pdf"'
If xfolder.XValues.ItemExists("AC_FIELD_OriginalFileName") Then
FullPath= xfolder.XValues.ItemByName("AC_FIELD_OriginalFileName").Value
End If
PathArry() = Split(FullPath,"\")
If Not PathArry(1) = "EmailImport" Then
For i = 0 To pXDoc.CDoc.Pages.Count - 1
pXDoc.CDoc.Pages(i).Rotation = Csc_RT_NoRotation
Next i
End If
End Function
The KTM Scripting Help has a misleading topic named "Dynamically Suppress Orientation Detection for Full Page OCR" where it shows setting Csc_RT_NoRotation from the Document_AfterClassifyXDoc event.
The reason I think this is misleading is because rotation may already have occurred before that event and thus setting the property has no effect. This can happen if layout classification has run, or if OCR has run (which can be triggered by content classification, or if any project-level locators need OCR). The sample in that topic does suggest that it is only for use when classifiers are not used, but it could be explained better.
The code you've shown would be best called from the event Document_BeforeProcessXDoc. This will run before the entire classify phase (including project-level locators), ensuring that rotation could not have already occurred.
Of course, also make sure this isn't because of a typo or anything else preventing the code from actually executing, as mentioned in the comments.

Inserting delay after imshow function in opencv

I would like to show an image in opencv. I create a window using "namedWindow" and show the image using "imshow". at the end of the code I use "cin" so the program does not quit automatically. part of my code looks like this:
cin >> aaa;
return 0;
If I eliminate the waitKey statement, I cannot see the image. Why is it like that ? the next statement (cin >> aaa) is not executed after imshow is done ? why is a delay essential?
it's not so much the delay, that's essential, but more the hidden functionality inside waitkey.
imshow will just copy the image, but waitkey will finally blit it ( or , send out the messages to your os nessecary for doing so )
so you need to call waitkey in any case, if you use imshow. 1(millisecond) is the smallest value you can put here for continuous rendering, 0 or -1 will block until you press a key.
besides, waitkey listens to keypresses in that img-window, cin listens to input from the console window.
cv::WaitKEy(0) the image will stay there
