typemock threw InvalidCast exception - dependency-injection

I have following code snipped and I tried to test it using typemock but got InvalidCast exception. ISomeClass is just an interface and SomeClass implements that interface. UseOfSomeClass is another class which uses SomeClass and its constructor takes SomeClass as parameter. I need to test UseOfSomeClass. How do I inject a typemock fake object into a class constructor?
public interface ISomeClass
void DoSomething();
public class SomeClass : ISomeClass
public void DoSomething()
Console.WriteLine("Do something!");
public class UseOfSomeClass
public SomeClass SomeClassProperty { get; set; }
public bool IsChecked { get; set; }
public UseOfSomeClass(SomeClass someClass)
SomeClassProperty = someClass;
public void MyMethod()
IsChecked = true;
Then test:
public class UseOfSomeClassTest
public void TestMethod1()
var fakeSomeClass = Isolate.Fake.Instance<ISomeClass>();
var use = new UseOfSomeClass((SomeClass)fakeSomeClass);

Typemock Isolator allows you to mock concrete classes, so there's no need to fake ISomeClass in your test case. You can just fake SomeClass and send it as a parameter to the ctor.
[TestMethod, Isolated]
public void TestMethod1()
var fakeSomeClass = Isolate.Fake.Instance<SomeClass>();
var use = new UseOfSomeClass(fakeSomeClass);


Autofac. How to get caller class Type?

Suppose we have two classes with same constructor Injectable dependency:
public class FirstClass
public FirstClass(ISomeDependency someDependency)
{ }
public class SecondClass
public SecondClass(ISomeDependency someDependency)
{ }
Now we have a registration for ISomeDependency:
builder.Register(x =>
string key = GetKeyFromCurrentHttpRequest();
// if "Caller" is "FirstClass" return new Dependency(key);
// else return new Dependency("defaultKey");
Note: This is a simplified use case. The real scenario is much more complicated.
1. How to get "Caller" type which tryies to resolve ISomeDependency?
2. Is there a better way design for such situations?
You can use delegate factories do achieve your goal. The only drawback is the FirstClass and SecondClass cannot use ISomeDependency as parameter.
You can try this code in a console application (just add Autofac dependency).
using System;
using Autofac;
namespace test
class MainClass
public static void Main(string[] args)
ContainerBuilder builder = new ContainerBuilder ();
var container = builder.Build();
var dummy = container.Resolve<FirstClass>();
var dummy2 = container.Resolve<SecondClass>();
public interface ISomeDependency
public class SomeDependency : ISomeDependency
public delegate ISomeDependency Factory(string value);
private readonly string _value;
public SomeDependency(string value)
_value = value;
Console.WriteLine("Value = " + _value);
public class FirstClass
private ISomeDependency _dependency;
public FirstClass(SomeDependency.Factory factory)
_dependency = factory.Invoke("my value");
public class SecondClass
private ISomeDependency _dependency;
public SecondClass(SomeDependency.Factory factory)
_dependency = factory.Invoke("my value 2");

Register singleton that implements two interfaces

What is the correct way to configure an object in structuremap that implements two interface but is a singleton.
For example class Main implements both iMainFrmService and iActiveJobService.
Here is what I've tried, but I'm not sure if it's correct.
As mentioned in the answer linked to from the comment above, x.Forward< , >() does give the singleton for both the interfaces.
Please check out this dotnetfiddle for a working sample. Here is snippet that is posted there:
using System;
using StructureMap;
namespace StructureMapSingleton {
public class Program {
public static void Main(string [] args) {
var mainService = Bootstrapper.GetInstance<IMainService>();
var secondaryService = Bootstrapper.GetInstance<ISecondaryService>();
public interface IMainService {
void MainMethod();
public interface ISecondaryService {
void SecondMethod();
public class MainService : IMainService, ISecondaryService {
private int _invokeCount;
public void MainMethod() {
Console.WriteLine("In MainService: MainMethod ({0})", this._invokeCount);
public void SecondMethod() {
Console.WriteLine("In MainService: SecondMethod ({0})", this._invokeCount);
public class Bootstrapper {
private static Container _container;
public static void Initialize() {
_container = new Container(x => {
x.Forward<IMainService, ISecondaryService>();
public static T GetInstance<T>() {
return _container.GetInstance<T>();

Implementation-less typed factory issues

Take this simple example:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var windsorContainer = new WindsorContainer();
windsorContainer.Install(new WindsorInstaller());
var editor = windsorContainer.Resolve<IEditor>();
public class WindsorInstaller : IWindsorInstaller
public void Install(IWindsorContainer container, IConfigurationStore store)
public interface IEditor
void DoSomething();
public class Editor : IEditor
private readonly Func<IReviewingServiceFactory> _reviewingService;
public Editor(Func<IReviewingServiceFactory> reviewingService)
_reviewingService = reviewingService;
public void DoSomething()
var rs = _reviewingService();
var reviews = new List<string> {"Review #1", "Review #2"};
var reviewingService = rs.Create(reviews);
public interface IReviewingServiceFactory
IReviewingService Create(IList<string> reviews);
public interface IReviewingService
void Review();
public class ReviewingService : IReviewingService
private readonly IList<string> _reviews;
private readonly ISomeOtherDependency _someOtherDependency;
public ReviewingService(IList<string> reviews, ISomeOtherDependency someOtherDependency)
_reviews = reviews;
_someOtherDependency = someOtherDependency;
public void Review()
public interface ISomeOtherDependency
public class SomeOtherDependency : ISomeOtherDependency
With this example I would expect the console to output "Reviewing...". However, Windsor throws exceptions:
No component for supporting the service CastleWindsorTypedFactor.IReviewingServiceFactory was found
What is wrong with my Windsor installer?
You registered Func<IReviewingServiceFactory> instead of IReviewingServiceFactory... try replacing
and adapt the code accordingly - then it should work.
Oh, and another thing - you registered your IReviewingService without specifying a lifestyle, which will default to SINGLETON. That is most likely not what you want, because then your reviews argument will only be passed to the instance when is gets created, which only happens the first time the factory is called...! Additional calls to the factory will return the singleton instance.
Therefore: Change the lifestyle of IReviewingService to transient, AND create an appropriate release method signature on the factory interface (e.g. void Destroy(IReviewingService service)).

How to avoid repositories that duplicate code

I have successfully setup a simple mvc application that lists teams. I'm using Ninject to inject the appropriate repository depending on the controller (thanks to stack overflow ;). All looks good, except that the repository code looks exactly the same. And I know that's wrong. So my TeamRepository has two classes (for now).
public class SwimTeamRepository : ITeamRepository<SwimTeam>
private readonly Table<SwimTeam> _teamTable;
public SwimTeamRepository(string connectionString)
_teamTable = (new DataContext(connectionString).GetTable<SwimTeam>());
public IQueryable<SwimTeam> Team
get { return _teamTable; }
public class SoccerTeamRepository : ITeamRepository<SoccerTeam>
private readonly Table<SoccerTeam> _teamTable;
public SoccerTeamRepository(string connectionString)
_teamTable = (new DataContext(connectionString).GetTable<SoccerTeam>());
public IQueryable<SoccerTeam> Team
get { return _teamTable; }
They look exactly the same except for the Class and Table name, so clearly I need to re-factor this. What would be the best approach here? Singleton? Factory Method?
Thanks in advance!
You could use generics:
public interface ITeamRepository<T>
public class TeamRepository<TTeam> : ITeamRepository<TTeam>
where TTeam : Team
private readonly Table<TTeam> _teamTable;
public TeamRepository(string connectionString)
_teamTable = (new DataContext(connectionString).GetTable<TTeam>());
public IQueryable<TTeam> Team
get { return _teamTable; }
public class Team
public class SwimTeam : Team
Then use it like so...
public void MyMethod()
var repository = new TeamRepository<SwimTeam>();
...and set up your IoC container w/ Ninject like so...
public class MyModule : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
public void MyMethod()
var repository = kernel.Get<ITeamRepository<SwimTeam>>();
If you want to get REAL generic and have a single repository for ALL of your mapped classes, you can do something like this:
public interface IRepository
IQueryable<T> Get<T>() where T : class, new();
public class Repository : IRepository, IDisposable
private DataContext _dataContext;
public Repository(string connectionString)
_dataContext = new DataContext(connectionString);
public IQueryable<T> Get<T>()
where T : class, new()
return _dataContext.GetTable<T>().AsQueryable();
public void Dispose()
if (_dataContext != null)
_dataContext = null;
...which you could call like so (after setting up your Ninject container)...
using (var repository = kernel.Get<IRepository>())
var swimTeam = repository.Get<SwimTeam>();
Since Ninject takes care of the life-cycle management of your objects, you don't HAVE to wrap the repository in a using statement. In fact, you don't want to use a using statement there at all if you plan to use the repository more than once within the scope of its lifetime. Ninject will automatically dispose of it when it's life-cycle ends.
Here's a good article by Rob Conery on using this kind of technique to reduce the friction of using different ORMs.
EDIT by keeg:
I Think
public class TeamRepository<TTeam> : ITeamRepository<TTeam> where TTeam : Team {}
Should be
public class TeamRepository<TTeam> : ITeamRepository<TTeam> where TTeam : class {}
Please correct if I'm wrong.
Is this what you want?
public class TeamRepository : ITeamRepository<T>
private readonly Table<T> _teamTable;
public TeamRepository(string connectionString)
_teamTable = (new DataContext(connectionString).GetTable<T>());
public IQueryable<T> Team
get { return _teamTable; }

StructureMap Question

This is the equivalent of what I'm trying to create with StructureMap:
new ChangePasswordWithNotificationAndLoggingService(
new ChangePasswordService(
new ActiveDirectoryRepository(new ActiveDirectoryCredentials()),
new TokenRepository("")),
new EmailNotificationService(new PasswordChangedNotification(new UserAccount())),
new LoggingService());
This is what I have right now:
.TheDefault.Is.ConstructedBy(() =>
new ChangePasswordService(DependencyRegistrar.Resolve<IActiveDirectoryRepository>(),
.EnrichWith<IChangePasswordService>(x =>
new ChangePasswordWithNotificationAndLoggingService(x,
I need to pass the UserAccount to the INotificationService...can't figure it out.
I've tried this:
DependencyRegistrar.With(new UserAccount { Username = "test" });
No luck...UserAccount always turns out null. I don't have to do it all with StructureMap, I'm open to any suggestions.
This is what I currently have working:
public static IChangePasswordService ChangePasswordService(UserAccount userAccount)
return new ChangePasswordWithNotificationService(
new ChangePasswordService(ActiveDirectoryRepository(), TokenRepository()),
new EmailNotificationService(new PasswordChangedNotification(userAccount)));
Have you tried just using AutoWiring? These are all concrete classes with simple construction so StructureMap can figure out what you need.
Looking at your construction I think that this simple configuration might just work.
Regarding the comments.
You should use the With(T instance) method to have the container construct your IChangePasswordService using the given userAccount.
var userAccount = new UserAccount("derans");
var changePasswordService = container.With(userAccount).GetInstance<IChangePasswordService>();
Why not encapsulate the creation of the change password service into a factory - the factory is then an implemented as StructureMap factory that use a UserAccount passed in and the 'ObjectFactory' to create instances of the IIChangePasswordService as required?
I have demo'ed it below:
namespace SMTest
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// bootstrapper...
ObjectFactory.Configure(x => x.AddRegistry(new TestRegistry()));
// create factory for use later (IoC manages this)...
var changePasswordServiceFactory = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IChangePasswordServiceFactory>();
var daveAccount = new UserAccount("Dave Cox");
var steveAccount = new UserAccount("Steve Jones");
var passwordService1 = changePasswordServiceFactory.CreateForUserAccount(daveAccount);
var passwordService2 = changePasswordServiceFactory.CreateForUserAccount(steveAccount);
public class TestRegistry : Registry
public TestRegistry()
Scan(x =>
public interface ILoggingService
public class MyLogger : ILoggingService
public class UserAccount
public string Name { get; private set; }
public UserAccount(string name)
Name = name;
public interface INotification
public class MyPasswordChangedNotification : INotification
private readonly UserAccount _account;
private readonly ILoggingService _logger;
public MyPasswordChangedNotification(UserAccount account, ILoggingService logger)
_account = account;
_logger = logger;
public interface INotificationService
public class MyEmailNotificationService : INotificationService
private readonly INotification _notification;
private readonly ILoggingService _logger;
public MyEmailNotificationService(INotification notification, ILoggingService logger)
_notification = notification;
_logger = logger;
public interface ITokenRepository
public class MyTokenRepository : ITokenRepository
public interface IActiveDirectoryRepository
public interface IActiveDirectoryCredentials
public class MyAdCredentials : IActiveDirectoryCredentials
public class MyAdRepository : IActiveDirectoryRepository
private readonly IActiveDirectoryCredentials _credentials;
public MyAdRepository(IActiveDirectoryCredentials credentials)
_credentials = credentials;
public interface IChangePasswordService
public class ChangePasswordService : IChangePasswordService
private readonly IActiveDirectoryRepository _adRepository;
private readonly ITokenRepository _tokenRepository;
private readonly INotificationService _notificationService;
public ChangePasswordService(IActiveDirectoryRepository adRepository, ITokenRepository tokenRepository, INotificationService notificationService)
_adRepository = adRepository;
_tokenRepository = tokenRepository;
_notificationService = notificationService;
public interface IChangePasswordServiceFactory
IChangePasswordService CreateForUserAccount(UserAccount account);
public class StructureMapChangePasswordServiceFactory : IChangePasswordServiceFactory
public IChangePasswordService CreateForUserAccount(UserAccount account)
return ObjectFactory.With(account).GetInstance < IChangePasswordService>();
