How to customize Apple CareKit? - ios

In CareKit there are Care Card and Symptom tracker. I'm not understanding how to customize Carecardviewcontroller and symptomtrackerviewcontroller. I don't want to use these view controllers but interested in using components of these view controllers. there is no clear documentation to explore this.

If you are coming at this from a Swift perspective, then it has to be admitted that CareKit is about as "un-Swifty" as anything you can imagine. The GitHub site is certainly a start, but there is a horrific gap between reading the programming guides there and actually implementing a solution. It certainly has been a long slog for me!
That said, you can add customization to CareKit's story-board-free approach by using the view controller delegate functions that CareKit provides.
For example, suppose you have an app that reminds your user to perform two intervention activities, (1) take aspirin and (2) go for a brisk walk. If the user opens the Care Card and taps an event icon (one of the circles) for "take aspirin" then that will fire a method in the OCKCareCardViewControllerDelegate called:
careCardViewController(_ viewController: OCKCareCardViewController,
didSelectButtonWithInterventionEvent: OCKCarePlanEvent)
In this method you can segue to whatever view controller you'd like. E.g. if the event is for taking aspirin then display a view controller that shows a photo of an aspirin table, a reminder that it should contain just an 81 mg dose, and a recommendation about taking it with water.
Of course, nothing is ever easy with CareKit. It turns out that you will probably also want to turn off CareKit's standard practice of calling an event completed if the circle icon is tapped. That is accomplished by returning "false" from another delegate method called:
careCardViewController( _ viewController: OCKCareCardViewController,
interventionActivity: OCKCarePlanActivity )
-> Bool
There is a book called Beginning CareKit Development that I can cautiously recommend. It was written for an earlier version of Swift and you have to do a lot of "translation" to get things to work with Swift 3. The last time I checked the GitHub repository for the code associated with the book was also entirely in this earlier version. APress will provide the code updated to Swift 3 if you ask. On the Kindle there are numerous little glitches with the book, including an index that has no page numbers nor hyperlinks to the associated text, very odd formatting choices that make the text sometimes hard to distinguish from code, and occasional errors in the solution code. All that said, I doubt that I'd have made any progress with CareKit without the book's help.

I've been looking for this answer myself.
As far as I researched, you can customize this screen visually with UIAppearance.
AND/OR you can create a new screen like this one from scratch using its behavior.
You can check the CareKit source code for hints on this:
There you'll notice some interesting classes/files:
CareKit draws each screen via code. You can see how they do it by reading the code.
The idea is to create your own ViewController with these pieces, or one from scratch.
Surely it's not as trivial as just using CareCardViewController, but this will get you there.


Bringing Wiki page up on IOS

I am trying to get a wiki page to display on IOS. This is the first assignment in my 8-week course and I am completely lost. I have only worked with Java, Swift is a completely new language and I cant seem to find a starting point. My professor has only showed us how to bring objects into the view controller such as segmented control bars and buttons, but has not showed us how to implement code into program to interact with the objects.
I know this is a long shot, and I have exhausted all other options (even bought an IOS 9 book) but if anyone can provide a starting amount of code for me to see and work with I would be extremely grateful. I am not asking for the whole project, I just need to be able to see an example of some starting code that I can hopefully follow and progress with.
Project Details /
Project Example Images
From reading the instructions, it seems like you'll need to have a multi-component UIPickerView (this is a basic tutorial, you can use it to get the delegate methods used to interact with the pickerView, here's a more in depth tutorial) and definitely will need to use multiple UIViewControllers in order to achieve the desired result. Add BarButton Items to the bottom of the view, and control+drag on those to connect them to additional ViewControllers which can be used to select Plant/Animal Name, and to change the textColor.
On the initial viewContoller, you'll need a WKWebView above your imageView, learn more about their implementation here (note that this shows a programmatic approach, your wkWebView will likely be connected to your code from Interface Builder using an IBOutlet).
Continue to ask questions as they arise.

How are apps with typical menu-bar-style navigation coded?

I’m a relatively new app developer working on a couple of individual projects. I’ve dumped at least one hundred hours into coding using Swift in Xcode, and, as embarrassing as it may be to admit, it seems I can’t fully grasp or find information pertaining to how popular apps such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or Tinder implement non-linear view navigation via a menu bar at the bottom of the screen.
I’ve seen one particular app tutorial series that exemplifies how to go about making this menu bar style possible using a collection view of horizontally-placed views each equivalent to the size of the screen. I understand this gets rid of the issue of loading new views on top of existing old ones that sit in the background (my primary worry, outside of unnecessarily reloading information), but is this the typical method of implementing non-linear menu navigation in an app? I suppose a more pressing question at this point is “How can I go about making something like this using SwiftUI?”
If anyone can offer information, explanations, and/or sources, they would all be much appreciated. Thank you for your time!
So, upon receiving TylerTheCompiler’s comment on my post, I started researching the UITabView. It appears that this is used for creating exactly what I was trying to explain in the initial post. I subsequently searched for a way to implement this in SwiftUI and found the “tabbed view.” The tabbed view seems very easy to implement and is exactly what I’ve been looking for. I still wonder if popular applications have been utilizing the UITabBar rather than something else more practical that I am still unaware of. If you happen to know, please comment on this post — I would love to know, myself. As always, thank you for your time, everyone!

The Correct Way to do Custom Keyboards in iOS?

I am looking to implement a custom toolbar that sits above my keyboard for a text field with some custom values. I've found a ton of tutorials online but this question is for asking what's the best way to do this.
This tutorial here provides the most common way I can see across many tutorials, with creating a new subclass of UIView and using delegates to get that information across.
That's the commonality. However, I came across this tutorial which in the view controller itself just creates the toolbar, assigns it to the textField inputAccessory and it's good to go. In fact, I tried out the code and without any effort, I have now a custom keyboard.
This just seems a bit too easy to me though and I'd think the proper, Apple recommended way would be to create that UIView subclass and use delegates so that the view controller with the text fields acts as that delegate.
I'm specifically targeting iOS 7 in my app.
What are people's thoughts on this? If the second easier link is supported and is likely to pass Apple's guidelines, it's a good starting point but if delegates are the way to go, I'd rather look into that from the start.
Your thoughts will be appreciated.
There is no 'Apple Approved' way to do this, and its hard to believe anything you do here would get your app rejected. The custom keyboard you reference in your post has the iOS6 look and will appear outdated in an iOS6 app. I'll mention some iOS7 suggestions shortly, but the constant danger of mimicking what the System looks like today is guaranteed to look outdated later. In Mac/Cocoa development, Apple use to say at the WWDC that if you did something custom, make it look custom, don't take a standard Apple widget and try to duplicate it. But that advice is mostly ignored.
For iOS 7, you can create buttons that appear just like the system ones do (not pressed), but of course when someone presses them, they won't act like system buttons (i.e. animate up and "balloon" out.
I'm currently using a fantastic add-on keyboard, my fork of KOKeyboard (which uses the buttons above). This is such a cool addition. While the buttons look like iPad buttons, each one has 5 keys in it. By dragging to a corner you select one of the four, and tapping in the middle gives you that key. This might be overkill for your app, but it really helped me with mine. It looks like this:
(the Key / Value is in the under laying view.) The center control lets you move the cursor - its like a joy stick - and can be used to both move and select text. Amazing class, I wish I'd invented it!
Also, for any solution, you want to use a UIToolbar as the view holding the keys, for the reason that it supports blur of the view it overlays, just like the keyboard does. You can use the UIToolbar with no bar button items in it (if you want), and just add subviews. This is a "trick" I learned here, as there is no other way to get blur!
David's KOKeyboard (er…, the one he used - see David's comment below) looks nice. I suspect that he is using the official Apple mechanism:
Typically, you'd set that value on a UITextView, but it can be any class that allows itself to become the first responder.
The provided view will be placed above the default apple keyboard.
It is correct that there is no official mechanism (and it is suggested against) to modify any system provided keyboard. You can add to it, as above. You can also entirely replace it for with your own mechanism. Apply will forgo the keyboard setting on your view and use a custom input mechanism if you set
set it to any view - Apple will still manage its appearance and dismissal as it does the custom keyboards.
Edit: Of course, iOS 8.x added significant access to keyboards. (not mentioned here)

UIPageViewController turn-to-page example

There are a couple of explanations on how UIPageViewControllers work, and I have read them. I have built an app based on the approach in Neil Smyth's excellent 'iPhone iOS 6 Development Essentials" in chapter 28. It is elegant and simple.
It seems a relatively simple thing to add a method to this class, and a button to the main app view, to cause the UIPageViewController to turn to a specific page. But I cannot quite see the beset way to do this.
If someone could point me to the solution -- or tell me how to add a method that would I think use the provided "viewControllerAtIndex:" method cause the page turn i want.
Seeing this done (exactly what code codes where) in that app would help me understand and point the way to a solution in my own app.
thanks everyone sorry i know this should be obvious from the ansers to the likes of this question link but i am not quite getting it.
As noted in my comment I can close this question as I've found a good solution. As I wanted both "skip ahead" and "skip back" as well as "jump to page", I used a solution that involved specifying the top level View Controller as a delegate to content view controller, keeping track of the current page, and then passing the clicks on contentViewController back up to the implementation of the top level controller (as delegate) to move to the new page(s).
I have posted the source code for this solution as part of the "A-B-C Picture Book" source code. This app is in the app store; see

Reusing Views ios

Trying to develop a test app wherethe look is like ebook. user can flip the pages. However, app will have 40-50 pages to go through. Is there anyway to just update one view and even after re using you can easily turn it over and back. or do I have to create more views to achieve objective.
Can someone pls provide suggestion on which technique to use to solve this issue and also what to use for flipping like ebook?
Since you have tagged your question with iOS5 you can use a UIPageViewController (see also this one) to handle this behavior for you (datasource handling, gesture handling etc.). The logic behind it is that you provide an array of view controllers where each one controls and provides content for a page in your book.
One way is, please look in to "page base application". Please create a new project as page base application and work on that. You will find good amount of documentation online for this.
