Appboy SDK iOS, the unreadCardCountForCategories delegate doesn't gives count for an updated card - ios

I have integrated the Appboy News feed in my iOS application. I fetch the badge count for the unread number of cards through the unreadCardCountForCategories delegate provided by the SDK. But the count returned by the delegate doesn't refresh if I update an already existing (read/unread) card from the Appboy dashboard. Here is the code I use:
[[Appboy sharedInstance] requestFeedRefresh];
[[AppBoyHandler appboySharedInstance].feedController unreadCardCountForCategories:ABKCardCategoryAll]];
Any help is appreciated !!

Appboy marks unread feed cards as read when a user views the card in the application's News Feed. If you aren't interacting with the News Feed and viewing previously unread cards in between calls to requestFeedRefresh, the count returned from unreadCardCountForCategories is expected to return the same value.
Please let us know if the above isn't the case, and you're seeing unreadCardCountForCategories returning the same value, even after viewing previously unread cards on the News Feed.


How to avoid collection_size_error: TOO_MANY error while makin google ads api call to upload user data

I want to upload user details(hashed email, mobiles) to audiences that I have created in google ads.
But I am getting collection_size_error: TOO_MANY when the userList size is greater than or equal to 10. How to fix this?

iOS: How to track firebase dynamic link

i have added UTM parameter using FIRDynamicLinkGoogleAnalyticsParameters
FIRDynamicLinkGoogleAnalyticsParameters *analyticsParams =
[FIRDynamicLinkGoogleAnalyticsParameters parametersWithSource:Source
analyticsParams.term = Term;
analyticsParams.content = Content;
components.analyticsParameters = analyticsParams;
Now i want to track the dynamic link like this,
if i have shared on Facebook, any one tap on that link then it will go to application if there else it will go to App Store.
After i need to show message based upon it’s source i.e welcome from Facebook like message.
So can we track dynamic link and check from where the link has been tapped and show relevant message based upon i’t source.
Can anyone explain how to implement this:
By adding these tracking parameters to your Dynamic Links, Google
Analytics and iTunes Connect can treat them like any other campaign
it's measuring attribution reporting for, and you can view conversion
events not just by the ad campaigns responsible for bringing in those
users, but also by which Dynamic Links might have brought them in.
The following parameters are passed to Google Analytics: utm_source,
utm_medium, utm_campaign, utm_term, utm_content, gclid
The following parameters are passed to the App Store: at, ct, mt, pt
The same question was asked in this thread:
App link tracking with Firebase
Also I had posted this question on Firebase GitHub and got the reply:
You can't track where the link was tapped from unless you create a
custom link (or add custom parameters) for each source, but even then
this will result in mismatches if a user ever copies a link and shares
it to a different source.

Parse SDK iOS Analytics

I am working with Parse SDK in my iOS Application. I have integrated Parse Facebook SDK with my Application. I just want to do an analytics based on Users not overall count like we can give read count or something. (e.g) I want to do know the current user's access count of modules which I am having in my application and overall How many users have visited the particular module in certian period of time.Please help me out on this.Thanks in advance
What you are looking for is the [PFAnalytics trackEvent: dimensions:] call. This allows you to track an event with a particular name as an NSString and provide dimensions as an NSDictionary.
Here's an example of what you could put in the loading code for each module:
NSDictionary *dimensions = #{
// Define the user via whatever unique ID you use
#"user": userId,
// Define the name of the module that is being loaded
#"module": #"moduleName",
// Send the dimensions to Parse along with the 'search' event
[PFAnalytics trackEvent:#"moduleLoad" dimensions:dimensions];
To get a total number of events, you will need to use the dashboard. You may also need to download the events log and sum it via Excel.
Also, if you are looking for analytics tracking that is more robust at the user-level, I recommend

Android In-App Billing list of available products

Is it somehow possible to get a list of all available products from the Play Store?
What I want to do is to get all available items and then show them in a ListView. Whenever someone taps the ListView the right item is opened in Google Play Store.
Is that possible? And if yes, how?
As mentioned in this post, this is now possible using the Google Play Developer API (a.k.a. android-publisher):
In particular, the Inappproducts: list API:
List all the in-app products for an Android app, both subscriptions and managed in-app products.
Third-paty apis and services are not reliable. There is no reliable and convenient way for production yet. You have to store it on your server in encrypted json data file for example, without any php/java/something, just static file.
OR you can guess item skus in your code and check even non-existing items: myitem_00-myitem_99 for example.
You can try this Google Play Store Api, or you can also look into this Android Market API.
But both of these are unofficial.
This url will show you what to do:
You have to do below things.
establish the connection between your app and google play app.
Get the list of products which is register in your google console.
prapare arraylist that contains product's id name and put into Bundle
code to get purchase
ArrayList<String> skuList = new ArrayList<String> ();
Bundle querySkus = new Bundle();
querySkus.putStringArrayList(“ITEM_ID_LIST”, skuList);
finaly one methode is reday in google_play_app that we need to call
Bundle skuDetails = mService.getSkuDetails(3,
getPackageName(), "inapp", querySkus);
call the getSkuDetails method on the In-app Billing Version 3 API, and pass the method the In-app Billing API version (“3”), the package name of your calling app, the purchase type (“inapp”), and the Bundle is our response
extract the bundle and get the product names and display it in ativity.

How can I get the next page of friends using the Twitter API?

I am using the api twitterizer2 downloaded from
but when I try to get the friends of a user I get 100 friends but
I can't get the next 100 friends through the NextPage function.
How can I handle this...?
Twitterizer.TwitterUserCollection userFollowing =
Twitterizer.TwitterUserCollection page2=userFollowing.NextPage;
When I get the next page it returns the same 100 users.
Paging is still being worked out in the beta. I'm planning on having it worked out before I release Beta 2.
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