UITableViewCell background spanning multiple cells - ios

This is end end result I want:
And this is the thing I tried initially.
This does not work, the cells below/above the cell with the background will overlap or underlap the background depending on when they are added into the tableview (like via dequeue/scrolling).
I am quite OK with this not working, and I believe I can achieve it by other means. For example by adding these backgrounds as views within the tableview itself and moving them based on the content offset or similar ways, maybe adding a background image that is tall with them embedded.
But. I am curious if there are some easier way, just adding the view into the XIB and applying a rotation would be very nice.
The background should be below the text in the other cells as well - this is where the complications comes in.
Anyway. Is this possible in some super-neat way?

What you should do is setting all cell's background to clear, and to set a background to your UITableView or your UIView.
Or, as you suggest, you can add a UIView with a rotation applied, and add it as a subview of your UIView/UITableView, and send it to back with [self.view sendSubviewToBack:backgroundView].


Change content of UICollectionViewCell during interactive transition

I'm playing around with UICollectionView interactive transitions.
The very basic implementation is here.
Now I'm a bit stuck with Cells transitioning.
The idea is to change content of cells simultaneously with interactive layout transition.
Here is how it looks now.
The first layout
And the second layout
When transitioning is finished, I want to change content of cells on second layout.
1) Text label "Some label" should disappear from every cells
2) Text label "Another label" should appear on the right corner of each cell.
Key issue is I want this changes fade in/out according to UICollectionViewTransitionLayout.transitionProgress value during transitioning.
Something very similar implemented in Facebook Paper App.
Take look how content of cells is changing below (click on it).
Is anybody know an elegant way to replicate this effect?
This library will help you achieve what you are trying. If you are interested in custom animations I would suggest you use FB pop library
The solution is to subclass UICollectionViewCell.
Subclass should contain two UIView. One for big layout & one for small.
Initially UICollectionViewCell shows only small one.
Once we starting to update UICollectionViewTransitionLayout.transitionProgress for example from small to big we should do following steps:
Make an UIImage from big UIView
Put this image above small UIView
Set alpha of the image to 0
Continuously change alpha of UIImage to UICollectionViewTransitionLayout.transitionProgress value
Once transition is done just switch this to UIView
When you transitioning back you should switch big with small.
Done :-)

Custom UICollectionViewLayout (Passbook UI replica) - disable fade animations for cells

I'm trying to recreate the passbook UI using a collection view with a custom layout.
So far so good, but there's this thing I can't seem to find a solution for.
Problem: When I click on a cell I want it to move up to the top of the screen (content offset of the cv). Most of the cells don't have a problem with this and they perform as such. However, when the selected cell is near the bottom of the screen, there's no moving at all... just a fade-out and fade-in.
To achieve this animation, I embedded the layout subclass' invalidateLayout in an animation block to be performed by UIView. No matter how high or low I set the time interval, the duration is still the same, and so no effect on the fade-in fade-out behaviour.
I'll paste here the methods that I believe to need to be modified and also a link to a video on youtube. Hopefully, someone can find a solution for this >_<".
YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xIL-fFUcJo
Code: http://pastebin.com/QKLKGwdN

Fixed Gradient Background for UICollectionView

How do you add a simple two color gradient as background to a UICollectionView. It should cover the whole background and stay fixed even when scrolling the collection view (horizontally).
All layer based solutions I tried so far had issues regarding not covering the whole screen and covering only the initially visible frame. Bonus points for being animatable and not using images ... ;)
What's the best way to do this?
An easy and fast solution is to set the background color of the UICollectionView to 'clear' and add another UIView with the gradient behind it.

IOS Prevent text from stacking on screen rotation

I have a custom table view cell with two labels in it. If I rotate the screen the two labels stack on top of each other and behave badly. If I back out and display the view again while still in landscape mode they appear correctly.
I have figured out how to prevent this between a label and a textfield or a webview by pinning them with horizontal spacing, but that doesn't seem to be possible with two labels. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
You may need to intercept the viewcontroller rotation delegate callbacks and handle them how you want by manually positioning labels on the screen.
I think all views should be re-positioned again in viewWillLaypitSubviews or viewDidLaypitSubviews methods. Otherwise, the resizing decision is put to iOS. If you don't want a resize, you can try playing with the autoResizingmask and autoResizeSubviews properties of the table view cell.

Transparent custom UITableViewCell

I've finally finished my first large application, the only problem is that I've focued a lot on design, and I'm using custom nibs as cells with transparent backgrounds. When I tried testing the application on my iPhone, the performance was terrible.
Is there any way to get better scrolling performance while using transparent cells with a ImageView behind the UITableView?
I've read two articles mostly:
Looks good, but what if I want to use transparent cells?
a) Uses solid color.
b) Uses imageview as background.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. I want to get this baby released as soon as possible, but the performance as it is now is terrible!
First off, stop using nibs. Every time a cell is created, you're now hitting the disk in order to unarchive the nib. 3.1 will actually make this better, but until then, please create your cell in code.
Secondly, remove transparency wherever you can. Anything that doesn't need to be transparent, shouldn't be. And anything that isn't transparent should have the opaque property set to YES.
A third suggestion is if you're using a lot of subviews, you will see a performance benefit by using a custom view to draw everything instead of a bunch of subviews. If you choose to go this route, you should consider how it behaves when rotating to landscape mode (e.g. how the stretch action occurs), or if you have any controls that need to handle touches separately from the cell itself.
