lxc-kill: failed to get the init pid - docker

I got a problem ,it seems that the container is already stopped. Cause I ping the container's ip, and got no answer.
lxc-info indicate that the process is STOP
[root#matrix-node04 mnt]# lxc-info -n f3a939113d6e12450829a2dc76be3c761b818e63fbd33df513772e6e4485565e
state: STOPPED
pid: -1
But docker ps indicate the process is still running
[root#matrix-node04 mnt]# docker ps | grep f3a939113d6e
f3a939113d6e c69436ea2169 /bin/sh -c '/usr/loc 4 weeks ago Up 2 weeks d-mcl-354_lisx_test_kr22-n-3
can I use lxc-start to manualy start the container ? I tried the following cmd
[root#matrix-node04 mnt]# lxc-start -n f3a939113d6e12450829a2dc76be3c761b818e63fbd33df513772e6e4485565e -f /srv/docker/containers/f3a939113d6e12450829a2dc76be3c761b818e63fbd33df513772e6e4485565e/config.lxc
lxc-start: No such file or directory - failed to get real path for '/srv/docker/devicemapper/mnt/f3a939113d6e12450829a2dc76be3c761b818e63fbd33df513772e6e4485565e/rootfs'
lxc-start: failed to pin the container's rootfs
lxc-start: failed to spawn 'f3a939113d6e12450829a2dc76be3c761b818e63fbd33df513772e6e4485565e'
Has someone met this ?


Aerospike Connect to kafka: docker: Error response from daemon: invalid mode: /etc/aerospike-kafka-outbound/aerospike-kafka-outbound.yml

I am trying Aerospike Connect to Kafka.
OS: Windows
I referred https://enterprise.aerospike.com/docs/connect/streaming-from-asdb/installing/from-asdb-to-kafka-installing.html.
I referred: '# With Aerospike 5.0 and later' for deploying on docker
I have these running in docker:
My Windows path for the file: C:/aerospike-kafka-outbound/aerospike-kafka-outbound.yml
C:\Users\Nupur>docker ps
1114b8a97406 aerospike/aerospike-kafka-outbound:4.0.0 "/bin/sh -c '/opt/${…" 37 seconds ago Up 29 seconds compassionate_hofstadter
93343be1d481 aerospike/aerospike-tools "wrapper aql -h 172.…" 4 hours ago Up 4 hours dreamy_mendeleev
5f00ee532c4e aerospike/amc "/opt/amc/amc ' -con…" 8 days ago Up 4 hours>8081/tcp aerospike-consoles
a81ff04dbd74 aerospike/aerospike-server-enterprise "/usr/bin/tini -r SI…" 8 days ago Up 4 hours>3000-3002/tcp aerospike
C:\Users\Nupur>docker run -p 8080:8080 -v /C:/aerospike-kafka-outbound/aerospike-kafka-outbound.yml:/etc/aerospike-kafka-outbound/aerospike-kafka-outbound.yml aerospike/aerospike-kafka-outbound:4.0.0
docker: Error response from daemon: invalid mode: /etc/aerospike-kafka-outbound/aerospike-kafka-outbound.yml.
See 'docker run --help'.
As for the front slash used in Windows path, on using backslash:
C:\Users\Nupur>docker run -p 8080:8080 -v C:\\aerospike-kafka-outbound\\aerospike-kafka-outbound.yml:/etc/aerospike-kafka-outbound/aerospike-kafka-outbound.yml aerospike/aerospike-kafka-outbound:4.0.0
docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:380: starting container process caused: process_linux.go:545: container init caused: rootfs_linux.go:76: mounting "/run/desktop/mnt/host/c/aerospike-kafka-outbound/aerospike-kafka-outbound.yml" to rootfs at "/etc/aerospike-kafka-outbound/aerospike-kafka-outbound.yml" caused: mount through procfd: not a directory: unknown: Are you trying to mount a directory onto a file (or vice-versa)? Check if the specified host path exists and is the expected type.
This is my docker directory:
C:\Users\Nupur>docker exec -it 1114b8a97406 bash
root#1114b8a97406:/# ls
bin boot dev etc home lib lib64 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var
root#1114b8a97406:/# cd /etc
root#1114b8a97406:/etc# ls
adduser.conf ca-certificates.conf environment host.conf ld.so.cache machine-id pam.conf rc1.d resolv.conf shells timezone
aerospike-kafka-outbound cron.daily fstab hostname ld.so.conf mke2fs.conf pam.d rc2.d rmt skel update-motd.d
alternatives debconf.conf gai.conf hosts ld.so.conf.d motd passwd rc3.d securetty ssl xattr.conf
apt debian_version group init.d libaudit.conf mtab passwd- rc4.d security subgid
bash.bashrc default group- issue localtime nsswitch.conf profile rc5.d selinux subuid
bindresvport.blacklist deluser.conf gshadow issue.net login.defs opt profile.d rc6.d shadow systemd
ca-certificates dpkg gshadow- kernel logrotate.d os-release rc0.d rcS.d shadow- terminfo
root#1114b8a97406:/etc# cd aerospike-kafka-outbound
root#1114b8a97406:/etc/aerospike-kafka-outbound# ls

SCADA LTS - HTTP Status 404

After starting a SCADA LTS Docker container as suggested on https://github.com/SCADA-LTS/Scada-LTS with the following command:
docker run -it -e DOCKER_HOST_IP=docker-machine ip-p 81:8080 scadalts/scadalts /root/start.sh
...The container works well for some time and then suddenly a "HTTP Status 404" error is shown, like the following:
HTTP Status 404 - /ScadaBR/
type Status report
message /ScadaBR/
description The requested resource is not available.
Apache Tomcat/7.0.85
Where [IP] is the default Docker IP address and port, most of the times is localhost:81.
Any idea how to solve it?
Thank you in advance!
After some time running the MySQLservice dies. Is necessary to restart it manually with this:
docker exec scada service mysql restart
docker exec scada killall tail
When the error is shown, you can check if all the services are running on the container (in this case named 'scada'):
>docker exec scada ps -A
1 ? 00:00:00 start.sh
790 ? 01:00:22 java
791 ? 00:01:27 tail
858 ? 00:00:00 ps
As can be seen, no MySQL service is running. This explains why Tomcat is running but SCADA-LTS don't.
You can restart MySQL service inside the container with:
docker exec scada service mysql restart
After that SCADA-LTS is still down and you have to restart tomcat which can be done in this way:
docker exec scada killall tail
After a minute or less, all the services are running:
>docker exec scada ps -A
1 ? 00:00:00 start.sh
43 ? 00:00:00 mysqld_safe
398 ? 00:00:00 mysqld
481 ? 00:00:31 java
482 ? 00:00:00 sleep
618 ? 00:00:00 ps
Now SCADA-LTS is running!

docker - start failed because /etc/fstab not found

I'm using Window Linux Subsystem (Debian stretch). Followed the instruction on Docker website, I installed docker-ce, but it cannot start. Here is the info:
$ sudo service docker start
grep: /etc/fstab: No such file or directory
[ ok ] Starting Docker: docker.
$ sudo service docker status
[FAIL] Docker is not running ... failed!
What should I do with /etc/fstab not found?
to fix fstab
touch /etc/fstab
if you run dockerd, it will give you the failed message:
INFO[2022-01-27T17:55:14.100489400+07:00] Loading containers: start.
WARN[2022-01-27T17:55:14.191666800+07:00] Running iptables --wait -t nat -L -n failed with message: `iptables v1.8.2 (nf_tables): CHAIN_ADD failed (No such file or directory): chain PREROUTING`, error: exit status 4
INFO[2022-01-27T17:55:14.493716300+07:00] stopping event stream following graceful shutdown error="<nil>" module=libcontainerd namespace=moby
INFO[2022-01-27T17:55:14.494906600+07:00] stopping event stream following graceful shutdown error="context canceled" module=libcontainerd namespace=plugins.moby
INFO[2022-01-27T17:55:14.495048400+07:00] stopping healthcheck following graceful shutdown module=libcontainerd
failed to start daemon: Error initializing network controller: error obtaining controller instance: failed to create NAT chain DOCKER: iptables failed: iptables --wait -t nat -N DOCKER: iptables v1.8.2 (nf_tables): CHAIN_ADD failed (No such file or directory): chain PREROUTING
(exit status 4)
that is Debian nat issue, fix it with:
sudo update-alternatives --set iptables /usr/sbin/iptables-legacy
sudo update-alternatives --set ip6tables /usr/sbin/ip6tables-legacy
now you can start the service again
you can follow this to make it start on startup https://askubuntu.com/a/1356147/138352
if the issue with IP table still persisted try to set WSL version to 2, run the command from Windows shell:
wsl --set-version <distribution name> 2
the distribution list can be found with command wsl -l
I was getting the same error. Apparently on my install of WSL with Debian, I didn't have an etc/fstab file. Surprisingly, just creating the file via 'touch' worked:
sudo touch /etc/fstab
Perhaps a good signal https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/release-notes#build-17093
WSL now processes the /etc/fstab file during instance start [GH 2636].
For anybody stumbling across this years later like me, Docker doesn't work inside WSL.
But you can use Docker for Windows and WSL2 to run native containers inside your Linux Distro and the install and config is quite painless https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/tutorials/wsl-containers

docker - driver "devicemapper" failed to remove root filesystem after process in container killed

I am using Docker version 17.06.0-ce on Redhat with devicemapper storage. I am launching a container running a long-running service. The master process inside the container sometimes dies for whatever reason. I get the following error message.
/bin/bash: line 1: 40 Killed python -u scripts/server.py start go
I would like the container to exit and to be restarted by docker. However docker never exits. If I do it manually I get the following error:
Error response from daemon: driver "devicemapper" failed to remove root filesystem.
After googling, I tried a bunch of things:
docker rm -f <container>
rm -f <pth to mount>
umount <pth to mount>
All result in device is busy. The only remedy right now is to reboot the host system which is obviously not a long-term solution.
Any ideas?
I had the same problem and the solution was a real surprise.
So here is the error om docker rm:
$ docker rm 08d51aad0e74
Error response from daemon: driver "devicemapper" failed to remove root filesystem for 08d51aad0e74060f54bba36268386fe991eff74570e7ee29b7c4d74047d809aa: remove /var/lib/docker/devicemapper/mnt/670cdbd30a3627ae4801044d32a423284b540c5057002dd010186c69b6cc7eea: device or resource busy
Then I did the following (basically go through all processes and look for docker in mountinfo):
$ grep docker /proc/*/mountinfo | grep 958722d105f8586978361409c9d70aff17c0af3a1970cb3c2fb7908fe5a310ac
/proc/20416/mountinfo:629 574 253:15 / /var/lib/docker/devicemapper/mnt/958722d105f8586978361409c9d70aff17c0af3a1970cb3c2fb7908fe5a310ac rw,relatime shared:288 - xfs /dev/mapper/docker-253:5-786536-958722d105f8586978361409c9d70aff17c0af3a1970cb3c2fb7908fe5a310ac rw,nouuid,attr2,inode64,logbsize=64k,sunit=128,swidth=128,noquota
This got be the PID of the offending process keeping it busy - 20416 (the item after /proc/)
So I did a ps -p and to my surprise find:
[devops#dp01app5030 SeGrid]$ ps -p 20416
20416 ? 00:00:19 ntpd
A true WTF moment. So I pair problem solved with Google and found this:
Then found this https://github.com/docker/for-linux/issues/124
Turns out I had to restart ntp daemon and that fixed the issue!!!

Error building a ManageIQ container from git

I am trying to build a ManageIQ container from its source code
and I am seeing errors doing so..
I am using the following:
sudo docker build -t darga-container-28072016 .
and receiving the following error:
Step 11 : RUN curl -sSLko /etc/yum.repos.d/rhscl-rh-postgresql94-epel-7.repo https://copr-fe.cloud.fedoraproject.org/coprs/rhscl/rh-postgresql94/repo/epel-7/rhscl-rh-postgresql94-epel-7.repo && curl -sSLko /etc/yum.repos.d/ncarboni-pglogical-SCL-epel-7.repo https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/ncarboni/pglogical-SCL/repo/epel-7/ncarboni-pglogical-SCL-epel-7.repo
---> Running in 9bca2fce10d7
Cannot start container 9bca2fce10d74375a70250a4ab4c6d3d38cdf510c943e90cab4235400f1b053a: [9] System error: exit status 1
What I am not 100% sure about is whether I should run it with sudo or without. I tried without and I got:
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?
Which is weird because I know that the service indeed runs:
$ sudo service docker status
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl status docker.service
● docker.service - Docker Application Container Engine
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Thu 2016-08-04 16:13:37 IDT; 12min ago
Docs: http://docs.docker.com
Main PID: 3460 (sh)
CGroup: /system.slice/docker.service
├─3460 /bin/sh -c /usr/bin/docker-current daemon --authorization-plugin=rhel-push-plugin --exec-opt native.cgro...
├─3462 /usr/bin/docker-current daemon --authorization-plugin=rhel-push-plugin --exec-opt native.cgroupdriver=systemd --selinux-enable...
└─3463 /usr/bin/forward-journald -tag docker
Any pointers to what should I do here?
You need to add your users to the docker group to be able to use docker from a user that is not root.
If you want to use the docker container with a socket under 1024 you will have to be in dockerroot too.
