how to change TEMP environment variable of another account (windows 7)? - environment-variables

I have an issue. There is a user that was previously created to run IIS, as well as other things. The password for said user is unknown. It is not possible to change the password, as it will break various parts of the system.
I need to change the TEMP and TMP environment variables for this account, as it is pointing at C:\Windows\TEMP, which I am not allowing it to have read/write access to for security reasons. So, is it possible to change these environment variables from an admin account in Windows 7?

You can modify them using the registry editor.
Under HKEY_USERS\<user_sid> you will find TEMP and TMP keys, which you can modify to point to the folder you want for that user.


can a hacker aqquire access to a users env variables?

people say to put pwds in envariables instead of config files
can a hacker access env vars through a trojan?
if I put my pwds in a .php file, it will be interpreted and nothing goes to client
the file sys security is old and tested so I trust .php
but what about env vars?
Environment variables are even older, and more tested than PHP.
Putting passwords in PHP is a terrible idea because you probably have multiple copies of your PHP files around (e.g. in source control, or in backups etc) which become alternate attack vectors.
Putting a password in the environment is preferable, because it's a different kind of system that the attacker has to penetrate first.
Even better yet, would be to put your passwords in a config file that is read by your PHP application, but exists in a vault or configuration repository that is only accessible to your operations team (who presumably has a need-to-know).
Of course, this is all moot if you don't have a strong secrutiy posture on your server or development environments.
That depends on the security of the cloud service provider you are using (AWS, GCP, etc), most of whom are pretty secure. If you are talking about local development server, and pushing your code to an github, just make sure to add .env to your .gitignore, and you should be good.

How can I store an encryption key outside version control in Ruby

I need to use encryption on private/personal user data. I am going to use the following encryption library.
I need a way to store the KEY outside of version control so I can run the app locally. When pushing the code to our hosting company I can put the KEY in the server env variables. Just not sure how and the best way to do it locally.
I should note that all developers working on the project use the same database so we all need the same KEY for development and staging environment.
I think what you are asking is how to keep a .env out of version control while in the repository, people collaborating should know about the what are the enviroment variables. Normally .env-sample (which is a dumy in which all variables are kept without values) is tracked and while .env is ignored (by adding it in .gitignore in case of git)
Typically, secrets never get committed to repositories. Just put them in a config file (like config.yaml or secrets.xml or or similar); copy the file (to something like config.yaml.example or secrets-skel.xml or; put the first one into .gitignore (or equivalent, if you're a non-Git heretic), and replace all the secrets in the second one with placeholders. Commit the second one so that everyone who checks out the project will know the format that they should have; but the secret one never touches the repository. If you need to share keys between developers, do it in another way (from IRC/Slack/Email to encrypted USB storage device, depending on how confidential the stuff is).
If you go with YAML-ish kind of solution, in code you can try to find the file, if it is absent then use environment, or vice versa - look up environment, if no variable is there look for the config file to read from (and possibly even stuff it into ENV so you don't need another config object; you might do it in config/application.rb kind of thing. If you go with kind of approach, you can declare environment variables directly; when you need to start developing, you can source (or shorter . to set them up.
I should note that all developers working on the project use the same database so we all need the same KEY for development and staging environment.
Store the key, and any other shared secrets, in a secure shared vault. Many password managers provide shared vaults, such as 1Password or LastPass.
Then each developer can copy the key from the shared vault and set it in their development environment.

Jenkins configuration with active directory and "userWorkstations"

I am creating a build envirnoment and freshly installed jenkins with ActiveDirectory/LDAP auth.
We will have external users which should not be able to login to our domain computers but they should have access to jenkins/jira/... in order to develop with us (perhaps vpn for accessing some dev backends).
So for these users in active directory I set a dummy host they are able to logon (which means no computer at all). Jira/Confluence and dav_svn have no problem with this but it seems jenkins checks this property and refuses the access.
Can anybody tell me what "host" I have to put in there so that jenkins accepts a logon of these users? Or if I have to set a hidden config value in jenkins?
The users to accept are all in a special developer group. If I could simply pass the name of the group but even this does not help (matrix based): the user cannot login.
Thanks ver much!

How to make WiX install a service in the context of a newly created user

I am creating an msi-package of a Windows service using Wix. I want to run the service under a regular user account without administrative priviliges. For better security I want to put the files of the service in the personal user folders (such as AppData\Local\Programs\CompanyName... for binaries and AppData\Local\CompanyName... for config and data files) with the appropriate file access permissions for the user. I imagine the following scenario:
Start the msi in the per-machine context.
During the client stage of the installation ask for the user name and password.
During the server stage of the installation:
a) create the user
b) change to its context and install the program files to ProgramFilesFolder and the data files to LocalAppDataFolder
c) change back to the admin context and install and configure the service to be run under the user account
I am stuck at the step 3 b) as from what I've learned I can't change the installation context after switching to the server side of the installation. Please could you advice me on how I could achive my goal described in the first lines. In particular if I have to copy files to another user's personal folders, what would be the most reliable way to get their paths? Or maybe I am wrong and installing a service into a personal user folder is bad practice at all?
I am aware of the presence of the built-in Local Service account but would like to narrow the service context even more.
The local appdata folder is the problem. If you create a user account the user folders aren't created until the user does an interactive login, and even then in some environments it may be redirected via policy. I am unaware of any reason that local data is better (in a security sense) then the ProgramFiles folder, which is write-restricted to administrators. I'd just install the service binaries to ProgramFiles. In the UI you can collect credentials and use them when the service is installed. A problem with using external credentials is that things like Repair and sometimes patching will fail unless you have the credentials available, having saved them somewhere safe, because otherwise the property values you use will be empty on repair. If localservice works then use it.
It normally doesn't matter what privileges a service has because it usually knows what it's doing. It's only an issue if it calls unknown external code that may try to do something bad, or if it gets asked to do random things such as "run this program" or "copy this file" without doing any internal validation or having a whitelist of what it's allowed to do. So it might be useful to know if there's a specific problem you're trying to address or just following good practices.
I don't think you're being overcautious, service isolation is definitely a good goal. If you can require Win7/2008R2 or later, then you can run the service under a virtual account. There is no password required for virtual accounts, and they don't have the ability to completely wreck the machine like SYSTEM does. You should be able to use it like this:
<ServiceInstall Account="NT SERVICE\$(var.ServiceName)" Name="$(var.ServiceName)".../>
It's actually better for the service executables to be in Program Files, that way the service can't modify its own exe.

developing several projects locally: How to configure environment variables

let's say I am developing 2 applications for 2 different clients which are, using 2 different database-configurations.
When using Openshift and CakePHP it is considered good practise to not store the real connection-info in the configs, but instead to use environment-variables.
That way the GIT-Repo is also always clean of server-specific stuff.
That is all fine as long as I have ONE project but as soon as there is another one, I need to override my local env-vars according to the current project.
Is there any way to avoid this? Is it possible to set up env-vars on my local machine per directory or something like that?
I am running OSX with Mamp Pro.
This may not be the best solution, but It would work. Create a different user on your local machine and then change to that other user when you need to access those other environment variables.
I create a 'data' directory in my git repo and set it to ignore. This way anything in there will be saved in the repo and sent to openshift. I place a config.ini file with all the info that I don't want in my repo.
I then manually put that config.ini file in Openshift's persistent DATA directory by using winSCP. You only have to do this when you change your config.ini.
When my app runs it detects if it's local or on Openshift and loads the config.ini file from the correct directory.
I would be interested if somebody has a better idea.
