weibo get status of other user? - ios

I want to get the timeline post of the other user using weibo api but not API. I am using few API Call like user_timeline,trends but not getting any proper data. please, let me know if I missing any API or any settings in App. I have appKey, secret key and redirect url.

As far as I can tell, the API calls that would get you this info have all been restricted. The English documentation is not updated, but the chinese documentation specifies for example that you can only use User_timeline to get your own timeline, not others.


How to get followers list from Twitter?

I am trying to call following Twitter's API to get a list of followers for a user.
And I am getting this error message in response.
code = 215;
message = "Bad Authentication data";
I can't seem to find the documentation related to this error code. Anyone has any idea about this error?
Your request lacks authentication data. I got that error when I simply clicked on This is not the way to access twitter API.
Create a Twitter app from Then, try using a Twitter API Library to access REST API. If you are comfortable with using ruby apps on command line interface check out Set it up and then try t followers [USER] for listing all followers of USER.
You will have to use OAuth. More info can be found on Twitter website. Here:
This error is coming because your Twitter developers account is not approved. Now-a-days you can't make app without getting your developers account approved from Twitter.
To make an app, you need to contact Twitter and apply for developers account. If you are lucky engough, you will get approval although this process may take months.
If you just need the data, go for third party services like followersanalysis[dot]com, birdsonganalytics[dot]com

YouTube REST API to get playlist not working for my channel?

I am trying to get all the playlist feed URLs from the YouTube channel in my iOS application.
Below is the URL to get the XML data consists of the required contents.
This is working fine, which results in the response of an XML with data.
But when I change this to my username nothing is retrieved. I have couple of playlists in my channel.
My Attempts:
Attempt 1:
I have googled and cross checked my channel's privacy settings which is Public in default.
Am I making any wrong? Please let me know your comments.
Attempt 2:
When I try like this in browser,
getting "This channel is not available at the moment. Please try again later.".
The same url is working fine for thenewboston.
Try this
This will fetch all the user videos.
I have found the solution:
Below is the format that I have tried.
But it seems there is some change in the API.
To request a feed of another user's playlists, send a GET request to the following URL. This request does not require authentication.In the URL above, you should replace the text userId with the user's YouTube user ID. For backward compatibility purposes, the API also supports having the user's YouTube username specified instead.
To find the userId in YouTube : (Follow the steps below)
Click the arrow on top right after login to your YouTube account.
Select YouTube settings.
Select the link Advanced and find the YouTube User Id there.
Reference : YouTube API v.2.0

How to use yammer's oauth2 from iOS?

I'm trying to get a iOS client to make use of Yammer's Oauth2 to validate a user. I first tried the GTM-OAuth2 code, but I cannot get it to understand the response from Yammer. It appears that the GTM code is expecting the access_code as a query parameter, where as Yammer is returning it as a uri fragment. I hack he GTM code to see the fragment, but now it appears to be thinking that there is an error because the code and message fields are not in the response from Yammer.
I've also tried to use OAuth2Client api but the problem there is that Yammer does not seem to want to use the redirect_uri I pass to it, so Safari never gets the custom url and therefore never calls back to the app.
Does anyone have a working example of using Yammer's OAuth2?
I would also be interested if anyone has got GTM-OAuth2 to work with Facebook?
Yeah Yammer has a shitty implementation of oAuth. Looks like each service has taken its own implementation of oauth. anyway yammer requires the user to copy a 4-digit code from its website, go back to your service paste that code in your website. Only then you can request for access code.
check this - (its in php but hope you can get the gist).
Nothing you can do about it but a fun read - Yammer API sucks

Can we grant access to an app to post something on a page in facebook?

The scenario is I want to post some details on a facebook page created by me from my other app. So want to know how can we give access to app through access token means how can we get the access token for this?
Thank You
Yes, take a look at the following URL and the "Page Access Tokens" section for information on how to do obtain a token.
API - Obtain Page Token
Note, however, that there is a known issue when trying to use the links api point, if you intend to define your own link in the post.
Bug report
You'll probably want to use the feed API point instead. I've not actually managed to get this working yet though, and I'm awaiting feedback from FB themselves. I'll update you if/when I hear something useful back.
Good luck.
You can get the access_token for you page by enabling the manage_pages permission, and then calling the API endpoint: /me/accounts to get the access_token for all the pages you manage.
You can then use this access token to post to your page using the Graph API call: /{page_id}/feed

How to calculate retweet of any URL, without login from Twitter API

I am new to twitter API. Is there any way that i can get number of retweet of any URL.
I want to calculate it without any login into twitter.
This will return a simple json with a count property of re-tweets for a specific URL
What do you want to calculate? How effective your marketing strategy is?
This is not possible via twitter.
Of course you can do: use the search API via link:yourlink or you could use and their statistics to see who tweeted about destinct urls. Another solution could be which is open source now
