Using mocks to test controllers -

It is my second day of learning and doing unit testing. and my team uses NSubstitute.
Here is the action method I have written and now I have to write some unit tests for it. I don't know how to go about it? Do we mock the controller? then do we mock a GET method? How ? How do we test if it posted something and was POST ? etc...
public ActionResult ForgotPassword(string button, ForgotPasswordViewModel fpModel = null)
string method = HttpContext.Request.HttpMethod;
if (method == "GET")
ViewBag.Status = "CREATE_TASK";
ForgotPasswordViewModel model = _forgotPasswordManager.LoadForgotPasswordSettings();
if (model != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.ForgotPasswordMethod) && model.ForgotPasswordMethod.Trim().ToUpper() == "TASKS")
return View(model);
if (method == "POST")
// cancel button, go back to LoginPage
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(button) && button == "cancel")
return RedirectToAction("Login");
if (this.CreateTask(fpModel))
ViewBag.Status = "TASK_CREATED";
fpModel = new ForgotPasswordViewModel();
ViewBag.Status = "CREATE_TASK";
return View(fpModel);
return View(fpModel);


The bool value always is always taken as false but its true in database? MVC

I have defined user(admin) type as 'bit' data type in my database. So if value is true it should go to a specific page otherwise it should return the same view. But whenever I pass object (adminObj) with different values the if statement only returns 'false' from database. Can somebody help where is the problem ?
here is my logic
public ActionResult Login(tbl_Admin adminObj)
studentDBEntities db = new studentDBEntities();
var adminvar = db.tbl_Admin.Where(x => x.Email == adminObj.Email && x.Password == adminObj.Password).FirstOrDefault();
var type=adminObj.Type;
if (adminvar != null)
/*var isGlobal=*/
if (adminObj.Type == true)
return RedirectToAction("ListAdmin");
return View();
return View();
Values in Database-Table:
When Type=1
Alright, I found the logical error here. I was calling the login object instead of the object which was actually storing the fetched data. So I should call var type=adminvar.Type; instead of var type=adminObj.Type;
So The Corrected logic will be
public ActionResult Login(tbl_Admin adminObj)
studentDBEntities db = new studentDBEntities();
var adminvar = db.tbl_Admin.Where(x => x.Email == adminObj.Email && x.Password == adminObj.Password).FirstOrDefault();
if (adminvar != null)
if (adminvar.Type== true)
return RedirectToAction("ListAdmin");
return View();
return View();

How to deal with a non existing session variable?

I am trying to check if a booking record exists, then show its details. Otherwise return to Bookparking page but else part isn't working and shows Object reference not set to an instance of an object because there is no such field with the Session[""]
public ActionResult Viewparking()
if (IsUserLoggedIn(Session, Request) == false)
return RedirectToAction("login");
String id = Session["username"].ToString();
ViewBag.userid = id;
var checkbooking = db.tb_booking.Where(s => s.username == id).FirstOrDefault();
if (checkbooking != null)
var show = db.tb_booking.Where(e => e.username == id).FirstOrDefault();
{ //ViewBag.f = "You have no booking yet!!";
return RedirectToAction("Bookparking", "user");
return View();
As Gabriel noted, you have not null checked the value from the session. Code would be something like this:
public ActionResult Viewparking()
if (IsUserLoggedIn(Session, Request) == false)
return RedirectToAction("login");
String id = Session["username"]?.ToString();
if (id != null)
ViewBag.userid = id;
var checkbooking = db.tb_booking.FirstOrDefault(s => s.username == id);
if (checkbooking != null)
{ // TODO: checkbooking is currently unused, except to check if you can fetch it.
return View();
// If you reach this code, then either id is null, or the booking was not found
return RedirectToAction("Bookparking", "user");

ModelState validation on RedirectToAction in MVC

I want to implement ModelState.AddModelError on RedirectToAction in MVC. Currently, I am not getting error message. Can anyone please help me?
var HList = hDetails.HTrackerList().Where(x => x.AccId == user.AccountID && x.UserId == user.Id).Select(y=>y.HorseId).ToList();
var datainList = HList.Contains(model.HorseId);
ModelState.AddModelError("datainList", "Horse is already exist. Do you want to update it?");
return RedirectToAction("Home");
In the View:
In your ontroller class:
public class YourController : Controller
public ActionResult TestMethod()
var HList = hDetails.HTrackerList().Where(x => x.AccId == user.AccountID && x.UserId == user.Id).Select(y=>y.HorseId).ToList();
var datainList = HList.Contains(model.HorseId);
TempData["datainListError"] = "Horse is already exist. Do you want to update it?";
return RedirectToAction("Home");
Then in the Home Controller:
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
ViewBag.ErrorMessage = TempData["datainListError"].ToString();
return View();
Then in the Index View:
#if(ViewBag.ErrorMessage != null)
<div class="alert alert-danger">#ViewBag.ErrorMessage</div>

i have been trying to implement custom login where i'll be updating the password but db.savechanges isn't working with my code

public ActionResult ChangePassword(ChangePassword model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
UserDetail ud = db.UserDetails.FirstOrDefault(s => s.UserName == User.Identity.Name);
if (ud.Password == model.OldPassword)
ud.Password = model.NewPassword;
return RedirectToAction("ChangePasswordSuccess");
ViewBag.ErrorMsgForPassword = "old password is not correct";
return View();
while password change the complex types were not loaded so while updating he password db.savechanges() didn't work so if you load the complex types(addresses in this case) the problem is solved mvc related, mainly a refactor question

can anyone think of a better way to do this?
public ActionResult SaveAction()
NameValueDeserializer value = new NameValueDeserializer();
// selected messages
MemberMessageSaveAction[] messages = (MemberMessageSaveAction[])value.Deserialize(Request.Form, "value", typeof(MemberMessageSaveAction[]));
// selected action
MemberMessageAction action = (MemberMessageAction)Enum.Parse(typeof(MemberMessageAction), Request.Form["action"]);
// determine action
if (action != MemberMessageAction.MarkRead &&
action != MemberMessageAction.MarkUnRead &&
action != MemberMessageAction.Delete)
// selected action requires special processing
IList<MemberMessage> items = new List<MemberMessage>();
// add selected messages to list
for (int i = 0; i < messages.Length; i++)
foreach (int id in messages[i].Selected)
// determine action further
if (action == MemberMessageAction.MoveToFolder)
// folders
IList<MemberMessageFolder> folders = FolderRepository.FetchAll(new MemberMessageFolderCriteria
MemberID = Identity.ID,
ExcludedFolder = Request.Form["folder"]
if (folders.Total > 0)
ViewData["messages"] = items;
ViewData["folders"] = folders;
return View("move");
return Url<MessageController>(c => c.Index("inbox", 1)).Redirect();
else if (action == MemberMessageAction.ExportXml)
return new MemberMessageDownload(Identity.ID, items, MemberMessageDownloadType.Xml);
else if (action == MemberMessageAction.ExportCsv)
return new MemberMessageDownload(Identity.ID, items, MemberMessageDownloadType.Csv);
return new MemberMessageDownload(Identity.ID, items, MemberMessageDownloadType.Text);
else if (action == MemberMessageAction.Delete)
for (int i = 0; i < messages.Length; i++)
foreach (int id in messages[i].Selected)
MemberMessage message = MessageRepository.FetchByID(id);
if (message.Sender.ID == Identity.ID || message.Receiver.ID == Identity.ID)
if (message.Sender.ID == Identity.ID)
message.SenderActive = false;
message.ReceiverActive = false;
message.Updated = DateTime.Now;
if (message.SenderActive == false && message.ReceiverActive == false)
for (int i = 0; i < messages.Length; i++)
foreach (int id in messages[i].Selected)
MemberMessage message = MessageRepository.FetchByID(id);
if (message.Receiver.ID == Identity.ID)
if (action == MemberMessageAction.MarkRead)
message.ReceiverRead = true;
message.ReceiverRead = false;
message.Updated = DateTime.Now;
return Url<MessageController>(c => c.Index("inbox", 1)).Redirect();
I think you can also leverage the mvc framework for most of your code. Correct me if I'm wrong because I'm gonna make a few assumptions about your classes because I can't deduct it from your post.
My assumptions:
Request.Form["action"] is a single value selectbox
Request.Form["value"] is a multy value selectbox
action is the kind of action you want to be taken on all the messages
message is the list of values that should go with the action
I would try to leverage the framework's functionality where possible
public ActionResult SaveMemberAction(SelectList selectedMessages, MemberMessageAction actionType){
//Refactors mentioned by others
If you then give your inputs in your Html the correct name (in my example that would be selectedMessages and actionType) the first few rules become unnessecary.
If the default modelBinder cannot help you, you might want to consider putting the parsing logic in a custom modelbinder. You can search SO for posts about it.
As a side note: you might want to reconsider your variable namings. "action" might be confusing with MVC's action (like in ActionResult) and MemberMessageSaveAction might look like it's a value of MemberMessageAction enum. Just a thought.
The first step will be making different methods for each action.
Next is to remove the negative logic.
This results in something like this:
public ActionResult SaveAction() {
if (action == MemberMessageAction.Delete) {
return DoDeleteAction(...);
else if (action == MemberMessageAction.MoveToFolder) {
return DoMoveToFolderAction(...);
else if (action == MemberMessageAction.ExportXml) {
return DoExportXmlAction(...);
else if (action == MemberMessageAction.ExportCsv) {
return DoExportCsvAction(...);
else {
return HandleUnknownAction(...);
Turn MemberMessageAction into a class that has a Perform virtual function.
For your Special actions, group the common Perform code:
public ActionResult SaveAction()
NameValueDeserializer value = new NameValueDeserializer();
MemberMessageSaveAction[] messages = (MemberMessageSaveAction[])value.Deserialize(Request.Form, "value", typeof(MemberMessageSaveAction[]));
MemberMessageAction action = MemberMessageAction.FromName(
return action.Perform();
class MoveToFolder : SpecialAction { /*...*/ }
class ExportXml : SpecialAction { /*...*/ }
class ExportCsv : SpecialAction { /*...*/ }
class Delete : MemberMessageAction { /*...*/ }
class MarkRead : MemberMessageAction { /*...*/ }
class MarkUnRead : MemberMessageAction { /*...*/ }
abstract class MemberMessageAction {
protected MemberMessageSaveAction[] messages;
public MemberMessageAction(MemberMessageSaveAction[] ms) { messages = ms; }
public abstract ActionResult Perform();
public static MemberMessageAction FromName(MemberMessageSaveAction[] ms, string action) {
// stupid code
// return new Delete(ms);
abstract class SpecialAction : MemberMessageAction {
protected IList<MemberMessage> items;
public SpecialAction(MemberMessageSaveAction[] ms) : base(ms) {
// Build items
Now you can easily factor the code.
I don't like
this will make messages.Length (selected) queries to the database. I think you need to store your messages in ViewData, perform a filtering and pass them to Update() without the need to requery your database.
I came up with this.
public ActionResult Update(MemberMessageUpdate[] messages, MemberMessage.Action action)
var actions = new List<MemberMessage.Action>
if (actions.Contains(action))
IList<MemberMessage> items = new List<MemberMessage>();
for (var i = 0; i < messages.Length; i++)
if (messages[i].Selected == false)
if (action == MemberMessage.Action.MoveToFolder)
var data = new MessageMoveViewData
Messages = items
return View("move", data);
return new MessageDownloadResult(Identity.ID, items, action);
MessageRepository.Update(messages, action);
return Url<MessageController>(c => c.Index(null, null, null, null)).Redirect();
