iOS 10 App Not Showing in Settings - ios

I recently developed an iOS app using Xcode 8 beta. I ran it on my iPhone (which is currently operating on iOS 10 beta), and it worked fine.
However, my app uses the camera, and I have been attempting to have the user go to settings, and enable the camera.
But my app does not appear in the list of apps in settings. It does not show up in the developer section either.
How can I resolve this bug? Thanks.

Starting from iOS 10, it's mandatory to add "NSCameraUsageDescription" in info.plist which is just an informatory message to the user stating the reason for accessing camera. It will be presented to the user while trying to access the camera only for the first time after installing the application.
Though this key is existing since iOS 7, it has been made mandatory in iOS 10 beta. Please refer to below Apple reference link.

Sometimes the debug log is helpful! I ended up adding the following to my info.plist:
Then in the right side, I described how the app uses the camera.


App does not appear in iPad Settings list when iPad connected to Mac as external device

I am developing an iPhone/iPad photo processing app on a Mac using Swift in XCode 13.4. When I connect an iPhone running iOS 15.6 as an external device, the app appear in the Settings list and I can allow it to have access to Photos. When I connect to an iPad running iOS 15.5 as an external device the program runs but fails when trying to access photos using info[UIImagePickerController.InfoKey.phAsset.rawValue]. This is commonly because permission to access photos has not been given to the app. When I tried to set this I found that the app did not appear in the Settings list. The app does appear in the iPhone settings list even though it has never been installed from the App Store.
Okay, so it turns out that you mean you're running from Xcode on the device. Good! But that is irrelevant to the question, as it turns out.
The question is why it is that, on the iPad, there is no entry for your app in the Settings app, is that right? So that would be because on the iPad you've never done anything that causes the app to request permission (such as photos).
The point is, you cannot initiate the granting of permissions from Settings; the app itself must first request permission from the user (using the correct PHPhotoLibrary call). Only after that happens will the app acquire a place in Settings where the user can modify the initial permissions.
Adding a programmatic definition of photo access options as suggested by Matt in main form viewWillAppear solved the problem as per However, iOS 14 or newer is required.

iOS 11 beta - Replay Kit - not working properly

In iOS 11 beta, we have an option for screen recording in the control panel. While selecting it, it should show the app lists which has enabled with Broadcast extensions(ReplayKit).
But, in iOS 11 beta, it does not show any apps.
I have already installed the "MobCrush" app in my device. In WWDC 2017, Apple showed the ReplayKit demo with this app only.
I don't know if any fix in the next version updates. Please share anything you know guys.
You need to wait for App Developers (MobCrush in your example) to add support for ReplayKit2.
Specifically they need to write the "Upload Extension" which will do the job of uploading your screen-recording/broadcast to the MobCrush servers and from where it can be broadcasted.

iOS 9.2.1 Unable to see setting bundle in device settings

I have a project which uses Settings.bundle including root.plist containing a list of key value pairs I want to register with user defaults. Until recently, these values were visible and editable from the device's "Settings" App. Now I can't see anything when tapping on my app in settings - the details panel is empty.
Its working fine in iOS8 and works on iOS 9.2 simulator. But not on device which has iOS 9.2.1.
I google it and find same problem with no answer yet :(
Apple Forum
But seems not work for me.
So i think this is the bug in iOS 9.2.1. I perform the following steps and it showing my app settings in Device setting app.
Force quit the my app & settings app.
Relaunched the my app & settings app.
Now its showing the app settings in settings app.
Hope Apple fixed it in next iOS updates.

iOS Facebook SDK Not Redirecting After Authentication on Device

I recently followed a tutorial ( which outlines how to use the Facebook iOS SDK in Swift to create a login view.
Everything works fine when I test in the iOS Simulator, but when I load my application (and the sample app provided by the tutorial author) on an actual iOS device, the application attempts to open the Facebook app installed on my device and leaves me with a blank screen with a cancel button in the top left corner.
I know that this at least partially works on a device as if I remove my bundle identifier from the Facebook developer page, I get an error that states I must add it back in.
I get the feeling I'm missing some sort of redirect that's necessary to hand off the authorization process from the Facebook app back to my app, but any advice anyone has would be awesome.
Also, I'm running XCode 6.4 targeting iOS 8.3, but I'm testing on a device running iOS 9. Everything seems to be running fine, but maybe this is part of the problem?
The clue on your question is iOS 9, I highly recommend checking out this documentation: you're most likely missing many important steps as well as the latest Facebook iOS SDK.

iOS apps without developer license / app store

I'm new to iPhone development and was wondering if there is a good/easy guide I could follow to install an iOS app on a jailbroken phone without joining the developer program.
Basically, I don't know if I'm going to have the time to learn everything I need to learn, but would like to make a start and see where it leads. Once I have something decent put together I can make plans to go through official channels.
I followed a guide that I found in SO, but when launching the app it immediately dies/crashes back to the springboard. So I can only assume I did something wrong, or the guide is outdated.
I'm using iOS 4.3.3 and xCode 4.
here is the link to the guide I followed: iPhone App Minus App Store?
Just to get the warning away.
I just found a guide that worked for me: How can I deploy an iPhone application from Xcode to a real iPhone device?. all I had to do was change the 4.2 in one of the commands to 4.3
With Xcode 7 it's now free to run your apps on your iPhone, iPad or Apple Watch (beta):
Now everyone can get their app on their Apple device. Xcode 7 and
Swift now make it easier for everyone to build apps and run them
directly on their Apple devices. Simply sign in with your Apple ID,
and turn your idea into an app that you can touch on your iPad,
iPhone, or Apple Watch. Download Xcode 7 beta and try it yourself
today. Program membership is not required.
This isn't my own method, but I thought I'd help you out since I've just read this elsewhere:
Answer by WrightsCS
There's a way you can do this.
You will need ROOT access to edit the following file.
Navigation to /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS4.2.sdk and open the file SDKSettings.plist.
In that file, expand DefaultProperties and change CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED to NO, while you are there, you can also change ENTITLEMENTS_REQUIRED to NO also.
You will have to restart Xcode for the changes to take effect. Also, you must do this for every .sdk you want to be able to run on device.
Now, in your project settings, you can change Code Signing Identity to Don't Code Sign.
Your app should now build and install on your device successfully."
