How to locate the field that produces the “data type mismatch” exception? - oledb

I have a really long insert query with more than 40 fields (from an 'inherited' Foxpro database) processed using OleDb, that produces the exception 'Data type mismatch.' Is there any way to know which field of the query is producing this exception?
By now I'm using the force brute method of reducing the number of fields on the insert until I locate the buggy one, but I guess it must be a more straight way to found it...

There isn't really any shortcut beyond taking a guess at which 20 might be the problem, chopping out the other 20 and testing, and repeating that reductive process until you hit it.
Or alternatively looking at the table structure(s) in the DBF and making sure the field types match to the OleDB types you're using. The details of how .NET types are mapped to Visual FoxPro table field types is here.
If you have access to the Visual FoxPro IDE you could probably do that a lot quicker by knocking up a little program or even just doing it in the Command Window.

You are not telling us the language you use, so that we could possibly give a sample to handle it.
Basically what you would do is:
Get the structure,
Parse the insert statement and get values,
Compare data types.
It should be a short code to make this check.


COBOL - Microfocus - Generic I/O

I am responsible for converting an old UNIX based COBOL batch application that was developed by a consultant back in the 1990s to a Windows environment but still in COBOL using Microfocus (Eclipse, etc).
This is a pretty straight-forward task except for one little glitch.
The old application never did any explicit file handling within the COBOL. That is there are no FDs, OPENs, READs, WRITEs or CLOSE commands in the COBOL programs. Instead they wrote a C program that would do one of those different functions based on parameters passed to it (including, but not limited to file name, rec length, and the function desired.)
I would like to rewrite that subroutine in COBOL, which would require very little modifications to the COBOL main programs being converted. That is, it would still call that subroutine, but it would now be in COBOL instead of C.
But the challenge is how to write that subroutine so that it is able to act on most any file. I would think I have to go the route of variable length records because they could literally be any length up to to-be-determined maximum size, but seems like it would be vulnerable to error (as it tries to open different types of files).
Does anybody have any experience on this or ideas on a task like this? If not,l I may have to go the blunt force route of replacing each call statement to that subroutine with the specific COBOL command (Open, Read, etc) that needs to be performed and obviously FD and SELECT for every file would need to be added to the main program.
Thanks in advance.
You might be able to
CALL "subprogram" USING fd-name
where fd-name is
FD fd-name.
So, yes? maybe?, you might be able to pull off a subprogram that can take generic COBOL files. But, then you get into matching record layouts and other fun things, so, be wary. This might not work COBOL to COBOL, but it does work COBOL to C and back, as you end up passing a reference to the file control block.
You'll likely be better off looking into stock system libraries. Things like CBL_OPEN_FILE and CBL_READ_FILE if they are available. This will give you a much closer match to streaming IO that will be assumed in the current C subprogram.
Or, as Bill is suggesting in the comments, try and figure out why C was used and if you don't want the foreign functions, just dig in and write new COBOL procedures, as that will likely read better in the end.

File status 23 on READ after START

My question is pertaining to a file status 23, which according to MicroFocus means that upon my attempt to READ from a .DAT file:
"Indicates no record found."
"Indicates a duplicate key condition. Attempt has been made to store a
record that would create a duplicate key in the indexed or relative
file or a duplicate alternate record key that does not allow
I have eliminated the fact that the latter is my issue because I'm allowing duplicates in this case.
The reason I'm stumped is that I'm using a START to navigate to the record inside of my .DAT file, and when I execute a READ just after the START has positioned my file pointer, I get the file status 23.
Here is my code:
So when I am running this code my START successfully runs and goes into the NOT INVALID KEY block, and then the very next line executes and my read is null. How can this be if my alternate key (INST-NAME-REC) is actually found inside the .DAT?
I have ensured that my FD picture clauses match exactly in the ISAM Build program and in this program (the reading program).
The second reason you show is excluded not because you allow duplicate keys, but because that error message with that file-status is for a WRITE, and your failure is on a READ.
Here's your problem:
Here's how you fix it:
In COBOL 85, the READ statement has two formats. Format 1 is for a sequential read and Format 2 is for a keyed (random) read.
Unfortunately, the minimum READ syntax for both sequential and keyed reads is:
READ file-name
Which means if you use READ file-name the compiler will implicitly treat it as Format 1 or Format 2 depending on your SELECT statement.
READ file-name NEXT RECORD is identical to READ file-name NEXT.
Consult your actual documentation for a full explanation and discovery of possible Language Extensions from the vendor. If you consult closely, the behaviour of READ file-name with no further option depends on the type of file. With a keyed file, the default is a keyed READ. You key field (luckily) does not contain a key that exists, so you get the 23.
Even if it didn't work like that, what would be the point of not using the word NEXT? The compiler always knows what you tell it (which sometimes is not what you think you tell it), but in a situation like this, the human reader can be very unsure. The last thing you want to do when bug-hunting is break off to look at the manual to discover exactly how that behaves, and then try to work it if that behaviour was the one sought by the original coder. The bug? A bug? Intended, but sloppy, code? No-one wants to spend that time, and look, even now, it is you.
A couple of comments on your code.
Look up the FILE STATUS clause of the SELECT. Use it. One field per file. Check after each IO. It'll save you grief.
Once using the FILE STATUS, ditch the imperative parts of the IO statements (the something/NOT something) and replace by tests of the file-status field (using 88s).
It looks like you are OPENing and CLOSEing your look-up file all the time. Please don't. OPEN and CLOSE can be very heavy and time-consuming, so do them once per program per file. If you've done that because of a problem, find a correct resolution to that problem, don't use a hack.
Drop the full-stops/periods except where they are needed. This is COBOL 85, which means for 30 years the number of full-stops/periods required in the PROCEDURE DIVISION have been greatly reduced. Get modern, and take advantage of that, it'll save you Gotcha!s as you copy/paste code, leaving the one which shouldn't be there and changing the way the program behaves.

Delphi, using numbers in edits

I was wondering if there is a component like the 'edit', but just for numbers so I can use the .value function in my code.
My textbook says I must make a program, that when the user enters a number and clicks the execute button, the results of the functions must be determined.
The functions are: Trunc, round, frac, sqr and sqrt.
I have to enter the value into, what looks like an 'edit', but whenever I use the .value in my code, it gives me an error saying :Undeclared identifier: 'value'. Although it works when I use a 'SpinEdit'.
Forgive me for being really thick, I do have a severe chest and sinus infection with a fairly bad fever, so my mind is somewhere else at the moment.
Oh, and by the way, I have also used the 'MaskEdit' component but it still gives me the same error
For an edit control there is no property named Value, which is what the compiler is telling your. For an edit control the property you need is Text. That's a string containing the contents of the edit control. You'll need to use StrToFloat or TryStrToFloat to convert to a real type.
You can use a masked edit if you like, and validate the input on entry. The TMaskEdit control derives from TCustomEdit, and again the property used for accessing its content is Text and of type string.
Personally I don't like that because I don't think it gives the clearest feedback to users. It's also hard to write a mask for a general floating point value. Myself, I would validate at the point where the program needs to convert from string to real.
Well, since you asked if there is an edit like component for that, I use TMS AdvEdit. It does a very decent job handling integers and floats. If you can afford it, it's really useful.
It has .FloatValue and .IntValue properties for reading and writing the value, and an EditType that specifies what kind of input is accepted.

Sybase 12.5-BDE-ADO "where myColumn=null" failure

We have an old application that reads in SQL text files and sends them to Sybase ASE 12.51. Our legacy app was written in Delphi 5 and is using the BDE TQuery component for this process and accessing Sybase with the BDE SQLinks for Sybase.
Pseudo code:
Recently we moved our DB access layer to the Delphi XE ADO implementation - TADOQuery, using the Sybase supplied ADO provider, still using same model:
After migrating to ADO, we discovered that certain data was missing. We traced the failure to this SQL construct:
Select myColumn from myTable
Where tranID = null
Knowing that this construct is sematically questionable at best, I did a 'double take' when I saw this code, but Sybase 12.5 accepts it - however using ADO, this segment fails.
We decided to change:
Where tranID = null
Where tranID is null
Then the missing data was loaded - problem solved, for this segment and several others as well.
Does anyone have an explanation for this behavior? Where/why did ADO apparently intercept and reject this seqment whereas the BDE passed it thru?
"NULL" has a very special meaning, and SQL needs a special handling. You can't compare a value to "NULL", that's why there is the special operator IS (NOT) NULL to check for it. An exhaustive explanation would take some space, here a simple explanation.
From a "mathematical" point of view, NULL can be thought as "infinity". You can't compare two infinite values easily, for example think about the set of integer numbers and even numbers. Both are infinite, but it seems logical the former is larger than the latter. All you can say IS both sets are infinite.
That's also helps to explain for example why 1 + NULL returns NULL and so on (usually only aggregate functions like SUM() ecc. may ignore NULL values - ignore, not turn NULLs into zeroes).
This metaphor may not hold true in sorting, because some databases choose to consider NULL less than any value (some kind of -infinity and thereby returning them first in ascending order), other the other way round. Some have an option to set where to return NULLs.
Check your database documentation about NULL arithmetics and NULL comparisons. field = NULL should have never been used, don't know if Sybase accepts it, but most SQL implementations don't, and I guess it is not SQL standards compliant. It is far better to get used to the IS (NOT) NULL syntax.
Update: Sybase has a "set ansinull" option, from the documentation (always RTFM!), in 12.5.1 it was expanded to disallow the '= NULL' syntax (when set to ON to make it compliant with SQL standards). When set to OFF '= NULL' works as 'IS NULL'.
Maybe the SQL Links or the ADO provider set it to one value or the other.

TEXT Update versus TEXT insert on Informix Dynamic Server

I maintain a 3rd party Informix driver that's written with ESQL-style (Informix API) calls. I'm working on a bug where, for TEXT fields, INSERTs work fine and UPDATEs fail. Stepping through the code, what I've found is that we're checking our sqlda structure to tell us whether and how to bind, and after the call to sqli_describe_statement, the sqlda.sqld variable contains 2, the correct number of bound parameters for this insert call, and the parameters appear to be set up correctly whereas in the update case, the number returned is 0, with no parameter information (it should be 1, for the one param in: "UPDATE TESTTAB SET COLNAME = ? WHERE OTHERCOLNAME = 1 ").
Using the sqlda information, we correctly set up the required locator structure for the INSERT, but we can't for the update because the information isn't there. If I fake it out in the debugger and run the set-up-the-locator code for the update, it updates fine.
The statement certainly appears correct, and the same variable is being used for the INSERT as the UPDATE bind. Moreover sqli_prep has no problem with the update. For the describe, sqsla.code returns different non-negative numbers 4 and 6, representing the different types of statements being described, as documeneted (i.e., not an error code), so there's no obvious problem there.
Is there something else I should be checking in the code ahead of this that might cause this weird behavior (other than special case handling for the different queries -- nothing there)
Am I missing something fundamental here about how one does UPDATEs on TEXT fields, such as you have to create a locator object, find the row, and click your heels together three times and say "There's no place like IBM?"
So far Google Fu has turned up little in the documentation, but if you know of docs or samples that point the way, that's cool too.
This is one of the murky areas of Informix behaviour. The behaviour of DESCRIBE is supposed to describe output parameters (it is a shorthand for DESCRIBE OUTPUT stmt INTO ...); to describe the input parameters, you would use DESCRIBE INPUT stmt INTO ... instead.
However, for various reasons extending back to the dawn of time (well, 1985, anyway), the INSERT statement got a special case exemption and plain DESCRIBE described its input parameters - unlike UPDATE or DELETE (or, these days, MERGE).
So, your code was probably written before DESCRIBE INPUT and DESCRIBE OUTPUT became feasible (that was circa 2000±3 years). In principle, using the directed DESCRIBE statements should fix the issue. There may be an ONCONFIG parameter to be set to get this behaviour.
I remember being grateful that the feature arrived, but also I remember thinking "Damn, I'm not going to be able to use that for a while - until the old versions without it are all retired". I think that has basically happened now - IDS 7.31 in particular is now obsolete, and so indeed are the IDS 9.x versions, so all available versions of IDS support the feature. OnLine 5.20 - a minority interest - still doesn't and won't ever support it. So, I need to review how to update my programs such as SQLCMD to exploit this. The code there includes what I call 'vignettes'; they're complete little programs that illustrate how to work with BYTE and TEXT blobs. You might find UPDBLOB or APPBLOB, for example, of some use.
