iOS Swift App SceneKit with UINavigationController - ios

I'm currently developing an app on iOS using mostly UIKit, it's an informations and health app, not a game. It's for a company that produces chairs, so we planned to add 3D models of each chair in a small view.
I managed to import the 3D-models as chair.dae and display them using a SCNView. The complete app is build with Storyboard and Segues, combined with a UINavigationController, so the user could get back and forth on the NavigationBar.
Now the problem is, the Navigationbar on every other ViewController is working as intended.
Only on the ViewController that has the SCNView added, there is no NavigationBar at all. I used a normal ViewController, added a SCNView and connected it to my navigation with a Show Detail Segue.
Another issue is, while most Views get pulled from the right side of the screen when i switch, this one is pulled from the bottom and replaces everything
Is there a way to force it to show a navigation bar?
I tried with following, but didn't change anything
navigationController?.navigationBar.hidden = false

That sounds like correct behavior for a Show Detail. Per Apple's View Controller Programming Guide for iOS:
This segue displays the new content using the showDetailViewController:sender: method of the target view controller. This segue is relevant only for view controllers embedded inside a UISplitViewController object. With this segue, a split view controller replaces its second child view controller (the detail controller) with the new content. Most other view controllers present the new content modally.
(emphasis added).
Why not a Show instead?


With a custom navigation controller push transition, how do I have the previous view controller behind like modal presentations?

When performing a custom modal view controller transition, the view controller you're coming from sits behind the new one nicely (think of Apple's "form sheet" style presentation on an iPad for instance), and when you rotate the device the previous view controller visible in the back rotates as well.
I'm unsure how to get this functionality with a UINavigationController custom push animation. It seems it isn't expected for the previous view controller to be visible from behind and it isn't.
I could take a screenshot, but it won't update on landscape rotation.
How is it done so easily with a modal transition and how do I replicate that for navigation controller custom transitions?
As far as I understand the UINavigationController class such functionality cannot be achieved through it.
UINavigationController is a container controller, which can show only one VC within it at a time. It keeps all the VCs in the stack, but not their views (views are kept by VCs themselves).
Unlike it, the modal presentation is a special type of VC-presentation, and it's not limited by the container-functionality.

Overlapping UIViewController with another UIViewController Using Swift Programmaticaly

I have this problem and I can't seem to find the answer so I asked here. I need to overlap 2 UIViewControllers. It is in a navigation controller. Each Controllers is using xib files as view since I am not using storyboard. It needs to be overlapped since the first controller is on live feed and I cannot afford to use a screenshot for background to make the live feed stay on while the user is navigating on the second controller. Any Ideas?
try content views doc tutorial
and the VC which you want to overlap, you will not keep it in you navigation stack, you will have to make overlapping VC, child of the VC on which you want to present it, after making child you will add child VC's view as a subview to parent's view. in that way both view controllers will appear to be overlapping

iPhone popover controller present view controller fullscreen

I am using a third party popover controller on the iphone and have ran across an issue. The one I'm using is WYPopoverController but have tried using FPPopover and it has the same "issue" since they work in a similar way. Here is the deal:
I have a notifications button in my app which pops up a popover controller which contains the notifications feed. It's like the Facebook app. You can see it on the below image.
Now what I want to do it so present a view controller on top of everything and in full screen. The way that popover controller works is that it ads its view directly to the applications main window and its not nested in the view hierarchy so I get a warning saying presenting view controllers on detached view controllers is discouraged and it does not present full screen as well (I know thats logical). If I present it on the parent view controller (the red one in the background) it gets presented below the popover view.
How to fix this?
I was thinking about using a new UIWindow instance and using a root view controller there. Is this an OK solution or is it a hack? If it's ok then how do I accomplish this? I want the presentation and dismissal to be animated :)
I want it to look like Facebok Paper app when you tap an item in the notifications feed.

UITabBar tab pushes new ViewController

Let's say I have 4 items in my UITabBar: A B C D.
Via the delegate methods, D pushes a new viewController from the UITabBar's navigationController, (removing the tabBar for that one view).
This works fine, but how can I keep the UITabBar from showing a blank view for D when going back from the new view?
I tried setting the selectedIndex to the previous index on push, but that just hangs the app (seems to work fine for modals, just not when pushing.)
If I interpret this correctly, when you're pushing a view as a result of selecting a tab, you're simultaneously changing the tab that's selected. This is probably trying to then change the view hierarchy that you're currently pushing a view on (that would be the result of selecting the other tab that you're trying to set it to). So it's probably crashing because it's replacing a view that's in the process of being displayed.
Also, from the sound of it you're using a UITabBarController inside of a UINavigationController. Apple says that you're not supposed to place a UITabBarController inside another view controller. The following is taken from Apple's docs on UITabBarController:
When deploying a tab bar interface, you must install this view as the root of your window. Unlike other view controllers, a tab bar interface should never be installed as a child of another view controller.
If this is the case, you should redesign your app so that you're not containing the tab bar controller in any other view controllers, or your app may behave oddly or stop working at some point.
If you wanted to make things behave exactly how you want them to, you could use a UITabBar directly, and implement your own UITabBarDelegate.

Objective-C - Understanding view controllers

I understand that view controllers help control multiple views in an application, but I have trouble understanding when to use them.
If I have an application with a main page, several views with a "hierarchy" structure, and an about page not connected with the hierarchy, what files should my application have? An appdelegate, navigation controller and view controller? More than one view controller? Just a navigation controller?
Also, should they all be contained in one .xib file, or multiple .xib files?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
A good habit is to have a UIViewController for each page you want to show. If I get the structure of your app you should have a main page (with many other UIViews inside it) and another page (about page). If that's true I suggest two UIViewControllers.
The UINavigationController is a subclass of UIViewController that lets you "navigate" among the pages. It's not strictly necessary but suggested (you can also implement your self a custom navigation system, but it's easier to exploit the one Apple offers you). Another navigation system is the one based on UITabBarController, if you want to take a look.
Assuming I get the structure of your app you should need two .xib file, one for each page you have.
The app delegate is conceptually different from a view controller, you'll have just a single app delegate, automatically created by Xcode (you can, of course, modify it to fit your needs).
Each "screenful of content" (Apple uses this term) should be handled by it's UIViewController or more likely a subclass of it. The point of view controller is to handle view appearing or disappearing (going on/offscreen), device rotation, memory management, navigating to other view controllers and so on. If you are creating your UI with IB, then each of those view controllers would most likely have it's own .xib file.
Each view controller has one view (it's view property) that acts as main view for each "screenful of content" to which you then add your subviews.
UINavigationController and UITabBarcontroller are there to help you control the hierarchy of your app. They only act as containers for other view controllers and don't contain any UI except navigation bar or tab bar. Using tab bar controller you can have multiple view controllers which act exactly like browser tabs. Using navigation controller you can have a stack-like navigation where new view controllers are pushed from right to left and are popped from left to right when user goes back to previous view controller. You can even have a view controller inside navigation controller inside a tab bar controller.
If you don't want to use tab bar or navigation controller, you can navigate through your view controllers by presenting them modally using presentModalViewController:animated: and dismissing by dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:. If you send YES for animated parameter of these methods, you will get an animation specified by the modalTransitionStyle property of view controller being presented or dismissed. Possible animations are slide in from bottom (default), horizontal flip of entire screen, fade in/out and half-page curl.
There are also some Apple-provided subclasses of UIViewController that help you setup your UI quicker like UITableViewController which is basically a view controller that contains a table as it's main view and conforms to 'UITableViewdataSourceanddelegate` protocols which are required to define how each cell looks and what it contains.
On iPad there is one additional container controller UISplitViewController and one additional way to present new view controllers using UIPopover.
