(Auto Fit All Columns) of ListGrid's Context Menu stretches the Row number in SmartGWT - smartgwt

I'm not sure whether this should be the expected behaviour or is a bug.
When the Row Number column is set to be shown, selection of (Auto Fit All Columns) from context menu stretches the column
to the end of the ListGrid.
I though there is an issue in our app but the ShowCase has (Grids > Appearance > Row Numbering)
the same problem.
final ListGrid countryGrid = new ListGrid();
If you change the width of a column before applying the Auto fit it behaves normally.
Has someone had the same issue ever?
Is there any workaround?

Without looking further at your code (for instance, other width and autofit related configurations applied to the list grid, field types and expected contents) it's difficult to know if this is expected behavior. Although I agree, by looking at the demo, that it is at least strange behavior.
But this is what I do in my ListGrids to keep the row numbers at the size I want:
// this field is created only as a way to define the row number field properties
ListGridField rowNumberFieldProps = new ListGridField();
Some notes:
Since I expect a lot of records to be displayed (and in consequence, large row numbers), I use a row number column width that fits properly my numbers (50 in my case).
Notice that setCanAutoFitWidth(false) will leave your row number field fixed in size, even when 'Auto Fit All Columns' is used. This is probably a good approach in your case. If you do that, you can simply remove the line with setAutoFitWidthApproach.
setCanAutoFitWidth(true) and setAutoFitWidthApproach help me control what happens when I use the 'Auto Fit All Columns' context menu. In my case I do want autofitting to apply to extend the column width when I have row numbers beyond 99.999 (not the most common case for me, but possible).


Kendo Chart Column Multi-Line Labels

I recently inherited a project that makes extensive use of Kendo charts, with a request to add some information to column labels. The labels currently contain an integer and a percentage, and the revision would add an additional percentage value. Since the labels are getting a little long, they need to be split across multiple lines.
So a column label that currently reads:
3, 0.00%
would now read
The code is arranged MVC style, so the code determining each label looks similar to the following:
.Labels(labels => labels.Visible(true).Position(ChartBarLabelsPosition.OutsideEnd)
.Template("#= value #, #= kendo.format('{0:P}', dataItem.GetPercent)#"))
.Tooltip(t => t.Template("#=series.name#: #= value #, #= kendo.format('{0:P}', dataItem.GetPercent)#").Visible(true));
It seems like this should be a simple thing, but I can't find the syntax for properly working line breaks into the labels. Kendo does seem to attempt to interpret <br /> entries, but these disrupt the flow of the chart and cause all following label values to be displayed below the entire chart rather than in place just above the column. Some forum posts I have searched assert that this is not currently possible in Kendo, but also mention that it 'will be possible in 2014' (most of these are older posts though, and since I don't know much about kendo, I could be misunderstanding which labels they are referring to).
Can anyone provide me with the proper syntax for inserting a line break into this type of label (from code) or a possible workaround if the functionality is not currently supported?
Thank you!
I have found the <tspan> workaround, which does help a little but still looks pretty bad since my charts are resized dynamically with the page (so, for a stacked bar chart, the widths and starting positions of each column are not static). The <tspan> tag respects the y coordinate of each label but not its x coordinate, so that has to be set individually for each column; if left unset, the labels for all columns will appear at the leftmost side of the chart where the y axis values are. Since the charts are dynamic, there is no "correct" static value to put there and I have been unable to find a way to fetch a column's starting position from within the template code. Is there any way to correct this such that the <tspan> workaround becomes a viable option?
(Workaround found here)
From 2014-Q2 versions, Telerik / KendoUI finaly implemented the \n
See the documentation:
The text can be split into multiple lines by using line feed characters ("\n").

Word Openxml: how to get a text box the right size?

I'm using PHP to generate docx documents from a database. The generated document contains column charts which have labels attached (i.e. user shapes containing textboxes). In an attempt to get the textboxes to accommodate and display all of the text (i.e. it shouldn't be necessary for the user to resize a textbox to see all the text) my code calculates how many characters will fit into 3cm, adds linefeeds to the string as required and tells me how many lines of text are needed. I have:
<a:xfrm xmlns:a="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main">
<a:off x="1638276" y="1676399"/>
<a:ext cx="1257325" cy="'.(252000 * $labelLeftLines).'"/>
which I believe should give me a text box around 3.5cm wide (extra .5 for the internal padding) and a height of .7cm multiplied by whatever is the value of $labelLeftLines. However, the text box always turns up as 3.cm wide by .86cm high, which only ever displays one line of text.
If I add in 'autofit':
<a:bodyPr xmlns:a="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main" vertOverflow="clip" wrap="square" rtlCol="0">
the generated file looks just the same, though, when I right click on the textbox to inspect the properties, 'autofit' is indeed applied. I have to uncheck it and recheck it to make it affect the textbox.
Any openXML gurus out there?
Hmm, some random floundering around revealed that the values I need to manipulate are here:
<cdr:relSizeAnchor xmlns:cdr="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/chartDrawing">
Changing those values does actually change the size of the texbox, though I haven't a clue what units are being used. From 0.75 to 1 produces a height of 1.43cm.
One day I'll maybe be able to find my way around the doucmentation.

When programatically creating a report, how can I scale it so that all data fits?

Description of Application:
I have an application that allows a user to output a report to a document. The data that is written to the document is in the form of a table. The number of columns in the table and the width of the strings contained in each cell in the table are unknown until runtime (it depends on what query the user runs, what they want to see in the report etc.).
I'm using Delphi XE and Gnostice's eDocEngine to create a PDF document, and then creating a table in the document and writing the report data into it.
The problem that I'm having is that you can only write a certain number of columns (6 or 7) into the document before they disappear off the right hand side of the document. It isn't unknown for a user to produce a report with 30 or 40 columns in the table (as they correspond to fields in a database, which they run a query over), so I need to be able to get the table to fit entirely into the document, no matter how many columns it contains.
As a PDF can be zoomed, I suppose I could shrink the font size and column widths down and fit everything in that way, as the user could then zoom in and scroll around the table using their PDF reader. What I need to know is:
Is there a better way of getting the entire table to fit onto a page?
If shrinking/zooming is the best/only way of doing this, what is the most efficient way of ensuring that everything fits without making the document look strange (i.e. the table should ideally stretch across the page, rather than be bunched up to the left hand side because of some random scaling algorithm).
I've just done some more digging around and I've found "inputXRes" and "inputYRes" properties that change the scale of the canvas in the document, which looks promising, but I can't get it to work properly at the moment. Can anyone shed any light on how those properties are used? The text itself is scaling, but the size of the table stays the same, meaning that I've now got a tiny piece of text in the middle of a huge table cell, and the table is still only displaying 7 columns in the report.
Don't mess with scaling and font size.
Your customers will use PDF Reader and there are some options that will help to read the informations e.g. 1:1. But when you change the scaling or font size you cannot read the information, because it is too small.
Get a font size that fits perfect the needs of your customers and extend the page size to fit the table size.
With PDF Reader your customers will have the choice to view and print (shrink to fit) as they like and which paper size their print can handle.
If you change the resolution and draw a line with a length of 2 inch on the canvas it will be 2 inch long, but a text with font size 12 (pixels) will grow or shrink.

How do I make a TCheckListBox scroll vertically?

I've got a TCheckListBox on a form. Its Columns property is set to 2, and if there are more items than can fit on-screen in two columns, it puts a horizontal scrollbar across the bottom of the control.
Thing is, the way this form it laid out, it would be much more convenient to scroll vertically. But I can't seem to figure out how to make the box do that. I thought setting Columns to 1 should work, but it doesn't.
Anyone know how to make a TCheckListBox scroll vertically instead of horizontally?
You need to set Columns to 0.
For all positive values the VCL sends a LB_SETCOLUMNWIDTH message to the underlying native list box control, with the width parameter set to the list box client width divided by the number of columns. Items that don't fit will start a new column with the same column width, so the horizontal scrollbar becomes visible.
If Columns is 0 then there is a single column that spans the entire client width of the list box, and items that don't fit will make the vertical scrollbar visible, and hide the horizontal scrollbar.
There seems to be genuine interest what happens when a negative value is used for the Columns property.
The method TCustomListBox.CreateParams() sets the LBS_MULTICOLUMN list box style depending on the Columns property being different from 0. For negative values the style flag is set, but the VCL doesn't send the LB_SETCOLUMNWIDTH message, so the native control uses the default column width. It is documented to be:
15 times the average character width for the font used by the list box.
(Search for "The LBS_MULTICOLUMN style specifies" to find the relevant passage of text.)

How to get rid of the empty space in the right part of DBGrid Delphi

Although the question seems simple, I couldn't find the answer to it.
I have a DBGrid component with lots of columns, and as a result they don't fit into the page and scrollbar appears. I also have column-autofix mechanism, which makes each column have width of the longest element in the table. When I scroll DBGrid to the right-end there is an empty space after the last column. How to get rid of this space?
One solution that I see is to stretch the last column to fit the empty space. But I don't know how to find the length of this empty space! DbGrid.Width and DbGrid.ClientWidth only give length of the component part, but not the real length of the table. Any hints??
It's not always easy to get DBGrid to behave the way you want it to behave. I decided to use alternative db grids after one project with the standard implementation and I never looked back.
If you can use an alternative grid, you have many options to choose from. There's even a topic here on SO with lots of pointers. Among the free-with-source options, I've always been quite fond of the JVCL project.
Just one last tip: there are grids that offer options and customizing possibilities beyond what you can dream of. Be aware that there's a cost attached to this degree of freedom, e.g. it can make the component slow, hard to integrate in your code, or both.
I think I have found a solution (although it seems a little strange). In order to find the difference between column widths and real width of the DBgrid (that means find the width of the empty space left after last column), we need to keep track of which column is shown on the left now (what is current column that is scrolled to). We can do that using OnDrawColumnCell event, since it will draw only columns which are scrolled on now. Then we need to calculate sum of widths of all visible columns, and subtract that from DBGrid's width. P.S. Sorry for bad english
Ex code:
For i:=0 to Last do
if Vis[i] then
if dgColLines in DBG.Options then
Sum := Sum + Cnt;
//add indicator column width
if dgIndicator in DBG.Options then
Sum := Sum + IndicatorWidth;
Dif:=DBG.ClientWidth - Sum;
The below answer is quite good, but not effective at all because it is placed in the OnDrawColumnCell event, so if there are a large number of rows and/or collumns, the performance might fall.
Instead of that, place the same code not in a painting event, but int the AfterOpen (and AfterRefresh) event of the source dataset in order to execute it only once for each resultset.
