How does one perform a "range query"? - google-cloud-dataflow

Google cloud dataflow supports what I would call a "full outer join" SQL like statement through their "CoGroupByKey"method. However, is there any way to implement in dataflow what would be in SQL a "range join"? For example, if I had a table called "people" in which there was a floating point field called "age". And let's say I wanted all the pairs of people in which their ages were within say five years from each other. I could write the following statement:
select, p1.age,, p2.age
from people p1, people p2
where p1.age between (p2.age - 5.0) and (p2.age + 5.0);
I couldn't determine if there was a way to accomplish this in dataflow. (Again, if I wanted a strict equality, that I could use a CoGroupByKey, but in this case it's not a strict equality condition).
For my particular use case, the "people" table is not too large – maybe 500,000 rows and approximately 50 megs of RAM required. So, I could, I think, simply run a asList() method to create a single object that sits in a single computer's RAM and then just sort the people object by age and then write some sort of routine that "walks through the list from the low stage to the highest age" and while walking through the list outputs those people whose ages are less than 10 years from each other. This would work, but it would be single threaded etc. I was wondering if there was a "better" way of doing it using the dataflow architecture. (And other developers may need to find a "dataflow" way of doing this operation if the object that they were dealing with dies not fit nicely into memory of one single computer, e.g. a people table of maybe 1 billion rows etc.)

The trick to making this work efficiently at scale is to partition your data into sets of potential matches. In your case, you could assign each person to two different keys, age rounded up to multiple of 5, and age rounded down to multiple of 5. Then, do a GroupByKey on these buckets, and emit all the pairs within each bucket that are actually close enough in age. You'll need to eliminate duplicates, since it's possible for two records to both end up in the same two buckets.
With this solution, the entire data does not need to fit in memory, just each subset of the data.


(neo4j) Best practice for the number of properties in relationships and nodes

I've just started using neo4j and, having done a few experiments, am ready to start organizing the database in itself. Therefore, I've started by designing a basic diagram (on paper) and came across the following doubt:
Most examples in the material I'm using (cypher and neo4j tutorials) present only a few properties per relationship/node. But I have to wonder what the cost of having a heavy string of properties is.
Q: Is it more efficient to favor a wide variety of relationship types (GOODFRIENDS_WITH, FRIENDS_WITH, ACQUAINTANCE, RIVAL, ENEMIES, etc) or fewer types with varying properties (SEES_AS type:good friend, friend, acquaintance, rival, enemy, etc)?
The same holds for nodes. The first draft of my diagram has a staggering amount of properties (title, first name, second name, first surname, second surname, suffix, nickname, and then there's physical characteristics, personality, age, jobs...) and I'm thinking it may lower the performance of the db. Of course some nodes won't need all of the properties, but the basic properties will still be quite a few.
Q: What is the actual, and the advisable, limit for the number of properties, in both nodes and relationships?
FYI, I am going to remake my draft in such a way as to diminish the properties by using nodes instead (create a node :family names, another for :job and so on), but I've only just started thinking it over as I'll need to carefully analyse which 'would-be properties' make sense to remain, even because the change will amplify the number of relationship types I'll be dealing with.
Background information:
1) I'm using neo4j to map out all relationships between the people living in a fictional small town. The queries I'll perform will mostly be as follow:
a. find all possible paths between 2 (or more) characters
b. find all locations which 2 (or more) characters frequent
c. find all characters which have certain types of relationship (friends, cousins, neighbors, etc) to character X
d. find all characters with the same age (or similar age) who studied in the same school
e. find all characters with the same age / first name / surname / hair color / height / hobby / job / temper (easy to anger) / ...
and variations of the above.
2) I'm not a programmer, but having self-learnt HTML and advanced excel, I feel confident I'll learn the intuitive Cypher quickly enough.
First off, for small data "sandbox" use, this is a moot point. Even with the most inefficient data layout, as long as you avoid Cartesian Products and its like, the only thing you will notice is how intuitive your data is to yourself. So if this is a "toy" scale project, just focus on what makes the most organizational sense to you. If you change your mind later, reformatting via cypher won't be too hard.
Now assuming this is a business project that needs to scale to some degree, remember that non-indexed properties are basically invisible to the Cypher planner. The more meaningful and diverse your relationships, the better the Cypher planner is going to be at finding your data quickly. Favor relationships for connections you want to be able to explore, and favor properties for data you just want to see. Index any properties or use labels that will be key for finding a particular (or set of) node(s) in your queries.

Does bucketing two *large* tables in Hive *in the same way* help perform much more efficient joins?

Imagine the following situation I am planning:
Have two rather large tables stored in Hive, both containing different types of customer related information (say, although this is not exactly the case, a record of customer transactions in one and customer owned data in the other). Let's call the tables A and B.
Tables are large in the sense that none of the tables fits completely in memory. (There are 10 million customers and theres is a few kilobytes of info associated to each of them in each of the two tables)
Be careful enough to bucket both tables in exactly the same way, by a field present in both tables (customer_id, which is a bigint), and using the same number of buckets 100.
I wonder whether this setup will, in any way, guarantee that a join (by customer_id) between both tables will be efficient, in the sense that very little shuffling of information between nodes will be required. I imagine this could the case, if for instance, there were a guarantee that the physical files corresponding to the same bucket in both tables are physically stored in the same (sets of nodes), i.e. if for every bucket i (in [0,99]) the file A/part_0_000i and the file B/part_0_000i were physically stored in the same nodes and the same held for their replicas.
I am aware that partitioning and bucketing are different and that the first essentially determines the structure of subdirectories, whereas the second on determines which file each record goes too. This question is about bucketing only
Also, by number 2, map-side joins are not an option here, since, as far as my understading goes, they require loading one of the tables completely within each mapper and doing the join completely there.
Bucketing is used when there are too many levels in your data in which you want to partition by, or there are no good candidate partitions.
A concrete example would be partitioning on customerID in sales data. You may have 20 thousand customers. Partitions would contain small amounts of data which is inefficient and have too many partitions also inefficient. However you can hash the customerID and partition into 50 buckets for example. Then when you are merging on customerID the job will only have to scan against what is in a bucket rather than the entire sum of all your data.
With ideal bucketing your buckets should contain some multiple of the file system block size. Remember also that too many buckets or buckets that are built over varialbes not used as keys can be detrimental for other queries.
I have used them when I need to execute large jobs repeatedly. My queries time has been reduced significantly. I tend to only use when my data is very big. And big is relative to cluster size and capacity.
One great thing about bucketing is that they help ensure the bucketed partitions are of similar size. If you partition over State for example, California will have huge partitions while other states are very small.
Bucketing is tactical and not an appropriate for all use cases. Happy bucketing!
Yes, it will definitely help.
Bucketed tables are partitioned and sorted the same way, so they will be mergesorted, which works in linear time (n), otherwise the tables have to be sorted the same way first, which is usually nlog(n)

Should the "count" measure be stored in the fact table?

I have a fact table that includes "wait times in hours" for certain services. I have a lot of dimensions that could describe the wait-times based on different slices; however, I am also interested in knowing how many people (counts) came for services through the filters of the same dimensions.
Given the dimensions for both the wait-times in hours and the number of people who got services are exactly the same, I think it's best practice to keep it in the same fact table. My question is:
Should there be a different fact table for the count measure mentioned?
How would I include this measure? Do I just put 1 in every single row? Because regardless of the wait-time, they've gotten the service only once (you cannot go above/below 1 in my scenario).
1) Think about the grain of your existing fact table. It sounds like it's probably "an occasion on which a person received a service." If that's the same thing you're trying to count, then yes - the waiting time and the count are the same grain.
However, while they may well be the same grain, there might be no need to add anything to the table. Read point 2 for an explanation.
2) You could put a 1 in a column on every row, but I'm not sure what you'd gain from it. You've not said what tools will be consuming this data, but you should be able to do a count/distinct count of some kind.
Working on the basis that you've tagged SSIS so are likely using Microsoft's BI stack:
TSQL has count(), and you can do count(distinct [column]).
SSAS has both counts and distinct counts as aggregation types.
MDX offers several different types of count.
SSRS has Count, CountDistinct, and CountRows.
Whether you do a normal count or a distinct count will depend on whether you're trying to ask "How many people used this service?" or "How many different people used this service?"

Riak MapReduce: Group items by field + sum another field

Everywhere I read, people say you shouldn't use Riak's MapReduce over an entire bucket and that there are other ways of achieving your goals. I'm not sure how, though. I'm also not clear on why using an entire bucket is slow, if you only have one bucket in the entire system, so either way, you need to go over all the entries.
I have a list of 500K+ documents that represent sales data. I need to view this data in different ways: for example, how much revenue was made in each month the business was operating? How much revenue did each product raise? How many of each product were sold in a given month? I always thought MapReduce was supposed to be good at solving these types of aggregate problems, so I'm confused what use MapReduce is if you already have all the keys (you have to have searched for them, somehow, right?).
My documents are all in a bucket named 'sales' and they are records with the following fields: {"id":1, "product_key": "cyber-pet-toy", "price": "10.00", "tax": "1.00", "created_at": 1365931758}.
Let's take the example where I need to report the total revenue for each product in each month over the past 4 years (that's basically the entire bucket), how does one use Riak's MapReduce to do that efficiently? Even just trying to use an identity map operation on the data I get a timeout after ~30 seconds, which MySQL handles in milliseconds.
I'm doing this in Erlang (using the protocol buffers client), but any language is fine for an explanation.
The equivalent SQL (MySQL) would be:
SELECT SUM(price) AS revenue,
FROM_UNIXTIME(created_at, '%Y-%m') AS month,
FROM sales
GROUP BY month, product_key
(Ordering not important right now).
You are correct, MapReduce in any KV store will not make it behave like a SQL database. There are several things that may help your use case. Use more than one bucket. Instead of just a Sales bucket you could break them down by product, region, or month so the data is already split by one of your common reporting criteria. Consider adding a secondary index to each document for each field. Your month query could then be a range query of the created_at index. If your id field is sequentially increasing and you need to pull monthly data, store the beginning and ending id for each month in a separate key (not easy to do once the data is written, I know). You may also consider breaking each document a series of keys. Instead of just storing an id key with a json document for a value, store a key for each field like id-productid, id-createdat, id-price. This will minimize the amount of data that must be read from the disk and stored in RAM in order to process your MapReduce.
To put this in perspective, consider the following (very sarcastic) hypothetical: I have 500K documents in a MySQL database, each document consists of a json string. My database consists of a single table named Sales, with a single column named Data which stores my documents as binary blobs. How can I write a fast, efficient SQL statement that will select only the documents that contain a date and group them by month?
The point I am making is that you must design the structure of your data objects according to the strengths of the data store you choose to use. Riak is not particularly efficient at handling JSON unless you are using their solr-like search, but there are probably ways to restructure your data that it might be able to handle. Or perhaps this means that another data store would better fit your needs.
Currently, I create secondary indexes for document attributes that I need to search frequently, and use this much smaller subset of keys as the input to a MapReduce job.
I do agree that it seems very expensive to run a big MapReduce job like this, compared to other systems I've used.

Can 2 Cubes in a Data Warehouse be directly compared against each other?

Is there a way to compare all information (aggregates, down to the detail level) between two OLAP cubes? For example, say I wanted to compare one cube created to work with sql server 2000 to that same cube, but migrated to run on sql server 2005/2008 - technically they should both return the same information for all dimension / measure combinations but I need a way to verify.
I am definitely NOT a developer, but I do have access to enterprise manager, and potentially SAS tools etc. and I know a bit of SQL but not much else. I know that you can compare two dimensional (i.e. tables) data sets with sql queries, and also with SAS - but I have never heard of a way to compare three dimensional cubes.
Am I out of luck on this one? The last thing that I want to have to do is view both cubes and compare all possible results side by side via excel or something, I hope that it can be automated somehow.
Comparing cubes means doing enough "slice-and-dice" queries to prove that you've queried all of the facts.
You can, simply, get a sum and count of the various fact and dimension tables. If those are the same, odds are good that any particular query will be the same between the two.
Without details on the dimensions and facts in question, it's hard to make a more specific recommendation.
However, consider that you can easily compute a set of subtotals for each dimension of the cube. If the dimensions are the same number of rows, the results will be the same number of rows. If the grand total is the same, then all that's left is row-by-row comparison of the subtotals.
If you do this once for each dimension, you should have some confidence that they're the same. Or, you'll find a difference that you can explore with more detailed queries.
The best approach is to compare the cube data by interchanging the rows and columns and verifying if all the counts and totals match properly.
For example, if you are having year-wise totals for a particular location, it would be a good approach to interchange the values between locations and the months and verifying whether they match properly.
